Run With The Wolves

Chapter ☾ XXVII ☽

I was laying in the grass in the afternoon. It was a little hotter than usual since the sun was out and there were no clouds in the sky. I could feel the sun’s ray on my skin, the warmth soothing and reminding me of the beginning of summer.

It was the last Saturday of the school year.

In three days, I’ll technically be a senior.

I wasn’t particularly worried about the future. Considering everything that has happened this year, I was more excited to be alive. I have more than enough scars to prove that I’ve gone through quite a lot. I still have the cast on my arm. That’s definitely more than enough.

Ty was laying next to me.

Every time I look at his face, I’m surprised to see that he doesn’t seem as stressed out as he usually does. Sure he always has this nonchalant expression, but I didn’t get that constant stressed energy he gives off. It made me smile.

I poked his cheek.

Slowly he turned his head to look at me. His dark eyes actually shined in the sunlight. He had this glow to him.

I think it’s because I’m truly not in distress anymore.

I’m sleeping better. I can manage to take care of myself with one arm. Overall, I just I can move on past my traumatic experiences. I bet he could feel that from me. That’s why he looked like he was glowing.

“Want to stay over tonight?” I asked. I was planning a bit early, but still I wanted to know that he would spend the night with me.

“We’re so lucky we didn’t get in trouble last night.” There was a slight blush to his cheeks.

I wasn’t as embarrassed as he was. In fact, I wasn’t embarrassed at all. I couldn’t hide my smile and it made his blush darken. He brought his hand over his face to hide the emotion which made me laugh.

“I have to study for my final exam so tonight should be quiet.” I assured him. “I know you’re not in heat for me anymore-”

He choked. “Gabriel!-”

“What?” I don’t know why he’s shocked.

“Can you not say that?”

“I’m just saying that mating season’s over and...” He had turned over in the grass while I was talking. I didn’t want to laugh but I couldn’t help it. “Okay, I’ll stop.” I poked his shoulder again.

After a few seconds, he moved again, laying on his back so he could stare up at the sky. Once he figured I was staring, he glanced over to me, still with the faint blush on his cheeks.

“I’ll come over tonight.” he said.

“Great!” I smiled widely. “You can help me study.” I mostly said that so he doesn’t get stressed out. Also, he’s good at keeping me focused so I need that to be able to get through the next few days.

He agreed.

Plus, having him spend the night always makes me feel better. If my parents didn’t know about us being together, it would’ve been much easier to have him over more often.

We were staring at each other.

I could look into his eyes for the rest of my life and I would be perfectly fine because I could tell he had so much love for me. My heart was bursting.

I love him so much.

“Look at the two love birds!”

The abrupt yelling was what made me jolt and look up towards the sound of Brendan shouting. I hadn’t even realized the sound of multiple foot steps in the grass coming right over to us.

Next thing I know, someone is laying on the other side of me.

That strong cologne gave it away.

Before I could even complain about Cina laying next to me, I saw another brother walk over us and sit down in the grass. And then another.

All of them were

“Hey, Gabriel!” Leo said excitedly as he sat down.

I didn’t need to even look around to know they were all here. I had this feeling like they were and it was because Ty was back to radiating his constant stress vibe again. We always have alone time so I can’t be upset, but I really did want this day to be just us.

“Channing?” I asked nicely, hoping that he was nearby somewhere.

“Hm?” he was close.

“Why are you here?” I asked, though I was really asking all of the Martin brothers who were now surrounding me and Ty.

Cina answered the question though, “There’s not much to do-”

“But why are you at my house?”

“We’re bored.” Brendan said.

I moved up and looked around to see the rest of them already comfortable in the grass. I think Jackie actually passed out because he didn’t make any smart remarks. Leo was sitting right next to him, putting grass on his older brother’s forehead. That definitely let me know that the second Jackie laid down, he fell asleep.

Channing would be next.

This is the first time I’ve seen him not clenching his jaw. He was actually relaxing. I couldn’t help but stare. His gaze turned to me when he realized I was staring at him. I was expecting him to lead his brothers somewhere else but that’s not what I was going to get. “Candice is coming.”

That’s another person that’ll be laying on my front yard. I like Candice though so I wasn’t going to say anything.

Maybe she’ll bring treats this time.

“Monique said she can hang out today.” Lowe said.

“She’s bringing Elane and Laurence.” Lowell added.

Cina scoffed when he heard Lowe mention Monique. “What’s up with her holding both your hands?”

“We’re dating.” The twins said.

It was quiet for a second. I think we were all trying to wrap our head around the fact that the twins were actually sharing someone. Here I thought it wouldn’t happen.

I sat up to look towards them. I wasn’t the only one who moved in the grass either. Brendan, Cina, Leo, and Channing had blank expressions on their faces as they looked at the twins.

I was the one to ask the question on everyone’s mind. “Seriously?” I almost didn’t believe it. “You got her to go out with both of you.”

“It’s all or nothing.” Lowell said.


“That’s not how dating works.”

“She’ll get tired of you two after a month.” Brendan wasn’t hopeful of their relationship. Then again, he’s not that hopeful for anyone’s relationship. I would think he’d have a change of heart but he didn’t. “There’s no fucking way that will last.”

“Ask her yourself.” The twins said.

Well she is coming over.

I had a feeling like my house was going to be the hang out spot this summer.

Instead of stressing out about it -though there’s a stronger chance I’ll be able to go outside more if there’s random kids waiting in the driveway- I laid back down in the grass and looked at Ty. He had his eyes closed and he was breathing calmly. Having all his brothers surrounding him only stresses him out for a minute or so now.

It’s practically summer.

There really isn’t much to stress out about now.

This moment was well deserved. This year was tough for all of us. So during the silence, I knew that we were all taking the time to not take the peace for granted.

After a while, a few more guests showed up onto the front lawn, laying down in the grass with us. Candice wanted to tell everyone about her new apartment and no one stopped her. She was excited and we were all happy for her. And Channing. They’re going to be living together. That was good news for everyone to hear.

This was the time to think about everything that was going to happen. I wanted to say I was excited. At this time next year, I’ll be graduating.

“I can’t believe we’re going to be seniors.” Monique gave out a relief sigh.

“It’s not all that great.” Brendan was not excited, like usual.

“It would be if you actually put the effort in.” I didn’t exactly mutter my comment, but I didn’t think he heard me. Something flicked my forehead sharply, making me jolt from the pain.

The others laughed.

“We just have one more year until college.”

“I really don’t see why you’re excited.” Brendan wanted us to know that there wasn’t anything to be excited about. The girls laughed and teased him about him being lazy despite having “potential”.

As the others talked, I scooted a little closer to Ty so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He moved slightly, his fingers brushing against my left palm before intertwining with my fingers. I smiled as I looked up at the sky. There was nothing that could make me happier than being next to him.

Abruptly, all the talking stopped when we heard a car coming closer and pulling up in the driveway. My parents are home. One thing was for sure, my dad definitely has some comments about all of us on the front lawn. I probably shouldn’t mention that a few more friends are coming to hang out. When the car doors closed, I braced myself for my dad’s wrath.

“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace!” Leo was bright and polite for my parents.

I hoped that softened the blow. No one could ever be mean to Leo, not when he has such a kind face and a genuine excitement for all the people he meets.

Then again, he’s met my dad can cut through the niceness pretty easily.

But he just sighed, clearly annoyed because he had random kids in the grass. “Is my house the hang out spot this summer?” he asked, dreading the answer to that question.

“Yes, sir.” Everyone answered, not in unison. There was some mumbling, others hoped to not get kicked off the lawn.

“Hi, everyone.” My mom was happier about that than my dad was. She’s more for interacting with the neighborhood kids than my dad is.

“This is no different than having those wolves here, Anne.” He complained, both of them walking towards the front door. My dad was going to complain about this for a while.

A few of the Martin brothers chuckled at the comment. I even saw Ty smile, too.

“Let them be. It’s the summer.”

“Clearly since everyone’s kids are about to be on my lawn.”

“Oh!” Candice blurted out. “Mr. Wallace! I finally made crepes!” She’s back to her cooking habit, though it's not like she left it. Now that it’s summer and she’ll be around more, my dad will have a lot of sweets to eat.

By the silence, he was considering whether to focus on his health or let himself indulge in a bit of happiness.

“Everyone except Candice has to leave.” He said to everyone.

There was a quick uproar from the other girls. “Oh, come on!-”

“I know how to bake stuff, too!-”

“I’ll buy cookies, Mr. Wallace!”

“I already made my decision.” He didn’t budge.

My mom laughed. This isn’t the first time my dad has been bribed. She always found it funny when people tried to get on his good side. “I’ll actually make you guys some cookies.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Wallace.”

I sat up in the grass, watching my parents go inside with bags of groceries. I had this guy feeling like someone else was staring. I turned back to see Brendan looking blanking in the direction where my dad was seconds ago. There was this full look in his eyes.

He’s having a moment.

“Hey.” I said to him quietly so I wouldn’t catch the others’ attention. That loving look in his eyes immediately went away once he glanced towards me. That was a quick way to snap him out of his trance. “He’s married-” I started to say.

Ty laughed abruptly at my comment since he heard. That didn’t lessen the blow of Brendan’s fist on my left arm, my only good arm. But I smiled because I got Ty to laugh unexpectedly.

“You’re so annoying.” Brendan grumbled miserably.

I laid back down in the grass next to Ty and he rubbed my shoulder where Brendan punched me. He was trying not to laugh while he rubbed the pain away, but he continued to smile at me.

I hoped that things would stay like this, where everyone isn't so stressed out, and we're all safe. The Martin brothers were calmer than they usually are so that's a good sign.

If anything happens, I'm sure the wolves will be around to protect everyone.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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