Royal Twins

Chapter Chapter II – A New Beginning

As they go through the portal, all they see is a bright light until they find themselves inside of a giant room. Alex is the first through and is greeted by an older but frail looking gentleman. He stands in front of Alex, wearing a neatly worn red tunic with black pants. Alex first notices his clean shaven and friendly looking face with hair that is as white as the snow back home. Closely behind Alex comes through Sara, then Tucker and lastly Fromm. The three look around in amazement at the giant throne room made out of stone. The portal was located in the wall between the two thrones made of gold and red velvet cushions. Sara grazes her hand upon the smooth craftsmanship. She looks down from the podium where a long red rug runs down the middle isle of pews heading to two large wooden doors. Alex gazes up spotting red banners with golden lions across the ceiling. The elderly gentlemen approaches the four and bows politely.

“Greetings, young master Alex and my lady Sara. My apologies I do not know of your name,” he says looking at Tucker with a questionable look. “I was not expecting any additional travellers.”

“No worries, the names Tucker,” he holds out a handshake and the man return it warmly.

“I’m sorry, but how do you know us?” asks Sara.

“I told you, you are known throughout the world. This is your kingdom,” explains Fromm. “Or it will be soon.”

“I apologize for all of the confusion. I am Eugene. I am but a humble servant but will also be one of your closest advisors at all times. I can answer most questions that you have and will do my best to find the answers to those that I don’t. As you may have already inferred, this will be your throne room. This is where you will hold public court meetings to decide judgment, have special ceremonies, and any other public matters.”

“I have a question,” steps up Alex. “If there is already five other kingdoms then what are we in charge of?”

“All of the five kingdoms,” says Fromm. “You see, over a thousand years ago a war was fought between different races over control of these lands. They were turned on each other by the dark lord Dubhan. Soon the five nations realized that they would have to put each other’s differences apart and fight together as one army in order to save the world. That was also the day that the Council of Kings was first created. They voted and decided to be led by the great King Floren of the Edjer and found victory. Together they sent Dubhan and his army to the Death World and sealed it. The location of the gate to the Death World was hidden and all information destroyed in fear that someone would open it back up and release his army of the dead. The council agreed that King Floren should become the first High King due to his valiant leadership in combining the kingdoms and winning the war. And it’s been his bloodline ever since. The High King is responsible for all armies and nations when voted on by the council. After the vote, he is to have complete rule over all five kingdoms until the war is complete.”

“Speaking of the council,” starts Eugene, “The first Council of Kings in over a hundred years is set to meet up in just a few weeks.”

“Hold up a sec. This is all great and everything but what about Courtney?” asks Sara. Eugene looks at Fromm questionably.

“We had a bit of a hiccup on getting here. Orcs showed up and captured a friend of theirs that they thought was Sara and took her somewhere here in this world.”

“Oh, dear.”

“Don’t worry, I have an idea to get her back but first let’s have Eugene show you to your rooms. There you can get freshened up and cleaned up.”

Eugene looks at Sara who is in gym shorts, a T-shirt and blood stained on her lower lip. His eyes gaze over to Tucker and Alex who are covered in dirt and torn up clothes.

“Yes, I think that is a very good idea. We should get you cleaned up before you meet any servants or anyone of note. If you wouldn’t mind following me I will show you to your rooms.”

“You guys go ahead. I want to talk to Fromm alone for a moment.”

Alex stays behind as the other two disappear out of the room following Eugene.

“What’s on your mind?” asks Fromm.

“Well, what’s your plan?” asks Alex.

“Unfortunately, after watching you with those orcs, I do not think you are nearly ready to charge into a castle or some dungeon So, I was thinking we may need to form a team or hire someone to go and get her.”

“How are we supposed to find someone to just raid a castle?”

“I think we have a few options. The first one is use the army that you already have at your disposal. This would be very much frowned upon when it comes to the revolution. Not to mention, it would be suicidal depending on where she is being held.”

“That doesn’t sound like much of an option then.” Alex says as they walk out two glass doors and onto the balcony. Alex stairs at the beautiful view revealing the sea and mountains and a good portion of a city down below.

“It’s really not. The second option is wait for the council in a few weeks to vote on the matter. And then you have to hope they all vote to use their armies and possibly lose too many troops for a just a single person, friend or not.”

“Also, we don’t have a few weeks to wait. So, what’s the option you actually like and have been wanting to do?”

“You’re intelligent but it’s not that I want to do it but it may be our only option, we need to hire somebody. Like a mercenary group. By the way that’s all yours.” He says smiling and pointing to the land as Alex continues to look in awe.

“How are we going to hire someone? And how are going to get word to everyone in time?”

“You let me worry about getting the word out. As for the money situation you have one of the largest treasuries at your disposal. Only the dwarves and elves can maybe match it.”

“Tell me about the different nations.”

“First you have the Elves. There are from different tribes, but all report to one king. The Nagib are the oldest and have been in control for centuries. Believe me when I tell you that many would love their chance at the crown. Next, are the dwarves, are notorious for their greed. They love gold and silver, regardless of the price. They have been known to finance the current ruler’s army without the consent of the council. What makes them very dangerous is the fact that they have no king of their own and don’t seem to desire one. The Armel are the youngest and most destroyed nation from the war. Without a king either, they have become the centrepiece of the ruler’s army. I will tell you more about them another time. Next is the North Kingdom. They are an ungodly nation that is bred for war and hunting. The land is as cold and harsh as its own people. They normally keep to themselves behind their walls. Lastly, you have the Edjer. They are known for their alliance and connection to the High Throne. If you can’t convince them to side with you then nobody will. Now, how about you get settled in? I will take care of everything.”

Fromm nods his head to one of the servants who leads Alex to his room. As he enters it, he is amazed by the size of the gigantic room. He first lays eyes on a large sized bed with a canopy over it and curtains on the side. A few feet away from the foot of the bed is a fire place with a wolf pelt rug in front of it and two cushioned chairs. He walks over to a mannequin on the side of the bed where red and gold king like clothes are set up on it. He decides to start undressing and put the clothes on. He puts on the black boots, white pants, red shirt and a red velvet cape with a golden lion on the back. Soon afterwards, he walks downstairs to the dining hall with the help of another servant. The servant pushes through a door revealing another giant room where a dozen or more servants quickly move to prepare dinner. A long table that could easily seat twenty people sits in the middle with decorative chairs around. Alex decides to head over to the empty chair with red and gold cushions on the very end of the table. On the same end sits Sara with Tucker beside her, while Fromm sits across from him. Tucker wears something similar to Alex but in blue and silver with a bear on the back. Sara wears a red dress with a gold lining with her hair braided and pulled up. Alex goes to sit down but just as he does a man runs up and pulls out his chair out for him. After hesitating, for a small amount of time, he graciously sits down.

“Thank you,” he acknowledges.

“Look at you, Alex,” says Tucker. “Looking good.”

“Never mind me. Look at Sara, in a dress?” jokes Alex. They all laugh except Sara.

“Shut up, Eugene’s wife insisted that this was the proper thing to wear,” she replies while cracking a smile.

“Not a fan of dresses?” asks Fromm.

“To be honest, not at all.”

“I don’t think I have seen her wear one since she was a little girl.”

“Reminds me of your mother and my wife. They were the exact same way. I remember we all were invited to a dinner for the Elven king’s birthday and they showed up in their torn-up and stained leather armour completely late. Needless to say, they caught everyone’s attention that night.”

They all laugh together at the sight of Fromm’s story.

“So you knew our mother?” asks Alex.

“Quite well in fact. She was a great warrior. Your father, mother and-,”

Just then Eugene bursts through the door followed by a number of servants carrying plates of food and jugs of water and juices. They lay it down in front of them all and leave through the door before any of them knew what had happened.

“Dinner is served my lords and lady,” bows Eugene.

He begins to head out of the dining hall until stopped by Alex.

“Eugene, why don’t you stay and eat with us?”

Eugene almost looks at Alex with an almost confused look upon his face.

“I apologize Master Alex, but it is unheard of to have the servants eat with royalty. It’s just not proper. I will be back after you’re meal.” Eugene bows and leaves the dining hall.

“This whole royalty thing is going to take a lot of getting used to,” says Alex.

“I agree,” replies Sara looking at her dress.

“I don’t know. I think I could get used to this,” says Tucker as he stuffs his face with some sort of fowl, bread, and juice. Sara, Alex and Fromm all look at each other and can’t help but laugh. They all decide to dig in and enjoy themselves.

“Anyway, I think you are doing just fine. It’s a big transition. When you woke up this morning you were just normal kids going to school in one world and now you are the most important people in a completely different world,” explains Fromm.

“It really is a lot to take in,” agrees Alex.

“What’s the plan for Courtney?” asks Sara. “I mean we talked about hiring mercenaries but besides that. Can any of these hires be trusted?”

“No, not entirely, but unfortunately time is running out for your friend and the kingdom. This is our only choice. For the right price we might just be alright. That’s what these mercenaries care about, money. Don’t worry we will get her back. I’ve sent word to local mercenaries and we will have a court tomorrow to find someone.”

“What about us?” asks Alex, “I mean we aren’t warriors, wizards or anything like that. How are we supposed to lead a revolution to victory?”

“I will train you three as well as I can on how to fight. But leading doesn’t mean you need to be a great warrior. If you learn how to lead which I’ve already witnessed your selfishness you will make a great king and queen. I won’t lie to you this rescue mission is also an opportunity to gain info and slow down the Dark One as much as possible. If we can unlock your powers we could-,”

“I’m sorry what?” Sara stops Fromm with eyes as large as the sun. “Did you say powers? What kind of powers?”

“That’s hard to say actually. Everyone in your bloodline develops powers. Your mother had it, King Ludius had it and all the way back to King Floren. Everyone has different abilities and can learn different amounts. We must discover it. And Tucker-,”

“Is my best friend and always has my back and I have his,” interrupts Alex.

Tucker smiles with a mouth full of food at Alex and Alex smiles back across the table.

“I was going to say, you will have to learn to be like me.”

“A Protector?”

“Well, I was thinking more along the lines of warrior without powers but it is not impossible to become a Protector.”


Tucker smiles with a glee and some gravy going down his chin. Sara looks and grimaces at the site but just decides to look away.

“What was our mother like?” she asks.

Just then as if on cue, Eugene barges in with the servants to clean up. This time he stays back while the other servants disappear through the doors.

“I will tell you more about her some other time but for now it is time to get some rest. Tomorrow could be a very long day. You will meet your people first hand and of course start your training.”

An older woman walks in and stands next to Eugene.

“Sara, I believe you have met my wife, Lucile. She will be your personal servant and advisor.”

“My lady,” Lucile bows, “May I show you to your room?

Sara sighs and rolls her eyes but stands up, “Good night everyone.”

She follows Lucile out of the dining hall and to her bedroom.

“Alex, Tucker, I will lead you to your rooms. Fromm, goodnight,” says Eugene.

“Good night old friend,” they follow Eugene out of the dining hall and to their individual rooms.

The sun shines through the window as the curtain whips open, awaking Alex with a blinding light in his eyes. He blinks and holds up his hand to shade the harmful rays from his eyes. He soon sees Eugene standing in front of the window working on the laying out clothes on the mannequin.

“Eugene?” asks Alex as he rubs his eyes.

“Ah, my lord, I hope you slept well. Sorry to wake you but you have quite an agenda today. I have laid out your attire for the day. And breakfast is on the night stand on the other side.”

“I appreciate everything you’ve done for me since I arrived but you don’t have to do all this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you don’t have to pick clothes out for me and feed me and all of that. I really appreciate everything but it’s not necessary. I mean I am eighteen and have been doing those things for some time now.”

Eugene smiles and sits next to Alex on the bed. “I was never strong nor powerful and I wasn’t born into high wealth. I’m not warrior or a king or even someone that desires adventure. This is how I can contribute to the kingdom and to freedom. When you go off on an adventure or have to fight off vicious blood thirsty orcs, I can’t help you. So, this is how I help and I wouldn’t change what I do for the world. Your kindness is honouring, however.”

“How long have you been serving this castle?” asks Alex.

“Well to be honest I’ve always served the High Royal family all of the way back to King Ludius. I used to serve under his blood child.”

Alex sits up with a curious look upon his face about the way Eugene had just phrased that. However, he allows his elder to continue to tell his story.

“Fromm found me one day and he rescued my wife and I. He brought us here, showed me the portal, and made me in charge of the servants. We have been waiting ever since for you and your sister to arrive.” He stands up and faces Alex, “Now time to get up. I will go check on the others. That Tucker is sure tougher to awake than I thought possible.”

“He was probably placed into a food coma after last night,” jokes Alex.

They both laugh before Eugene exits the room and Alex gets out of bed. He puts on his kingly silver breastplate with a golden lion over a read undershirt. He lastly puts on his pants and slips on his boots. He walks over to the night stand to see a tray full of eggs, some sort of meat, and some fresh fruits. He sits down and eats in silence trying to take everything in form the last twenty-four hours. As he finishes he stands up and looks in the mirror. He puts a cape on and stares for a moment.

“Hmm. Nope, Eugene had it right the first time.”

He removes it and walks out of the room and into the hallway. As he walks down the hallway, he takes a look at all of the paintings that fill the walls. Different heroes and kings are scattered across the walls. He reaches the end of the hallway where he stares at a painting of a man, a great hero, standing on top of a hill with his sword raised high above his head. Below him his army stands before him cheering in victory.

“King Floren,” says Fromm from behind startling Alex a bit, “Sorry. He stands as the hero of everything living. The painting shows the world recognizing and cheering his heroics for without him we may have never existed.”

“These painting are just simply amazing. They all look like great warriors and leaders.”

“They were. Except these are not just warriors. Only the great kings of the world go on these walls.”

“There must’ve been some great heroes throughout time that weren’t kings or even royalty. What about the Protectors?”

They start walking together toward the throne room. Fromm smiles

“The Protectors have been great warriors; however, they have usually kept themselves away from world conflicts. A Protector’s job is to watch over and protect their selected royal member. They serve to protect the royal families of the world. The ranks of the Protectors have remained in hiding due to them being outlawed and hunted down. I was assigned to you when you were born.”

“So, why do you keep serving?”

“I made an oath to serve many years ago, and I still hold to that to this day. Your father, mother, and my wife and many other friends paid the ultimate sacrifice in order to fulfil their oath.”

“And Sara?”

“What about her?”

“If you are my assigned protector than who is hers.”

He looks down as he remembers Sara’s assigned Protector. His mind flashes back as he remembers his wife dying before him during one of the first battles of the war. Alex notices him pausing and sees the tears he holds back.

“She died a few years ago in the first battle of this war,” he finally says as they approach the throne room doors. Two guards stand on both sides of the doors at perfect attention. “Well, you ready?”

“Yeah. Let’s get this over with. No reason to waste any time.”

“If you need anything, I will be right next to you the entire time.”

Fromm gives a nod to the two guards and they open the two doors where a crowd of people stand on both sides of the red-carpet isle. People from all different walks of life stand in there. The nobles and Tucker sit in the pews toward the front while mercenaries and villagers stand toward the rear. Sara sits in the throne on the left while speaking privately with Lucile. Eugene sits alone off to the side in a pew of his own.

“All rise for the future high king of the five kingdoms,” announces Fromm.

The whole room rises and stand at attention in complete silence as they watch the most powerful eighteen-year-old in the world march up with Fromm slightly behind and to the right. As he looks around, he notices the fear in many of their eyes. But not all are afraid. Some show anger in their faces. Soon he reaches the throne and smiles at his sister before sitting down.

When he sits, those in the pews sit and the others relax a bit. Lucile leaves Sara alone and joins her husband on the side. Fromm stands in front of the thrones ready to address the court.

“Today we interview those worthy of accomplishing a two-task mission for the glory of the Five Kingdoms. Recover any information of the enemy that we can and rescue a young girl that was captured by orcs. The first mercenary group is the Red Hand. Will the representatives please step forward?”

Fromm stands slightly behind and next to Alex when three men in red leather armour step up from the crowd of people. As they approach, they stop and bow to the Alex and Sara. Their stench can be smelled from ten feet away as Sara scrunches her nose in disgust.

“My lord and my lady, we are a grand mercenary army of fifty well trained men. For the right price we can be at your disposal,” says one of the men.

“What’s the right price?” asks Alex as Sara looks shocked that he asked the question.

“One hundred gold pieces is our asking price, my lord.”

The entire room gasps at the thought of so much gold being asked.

“What experience do you have in combat?” asks Sara.

“Personally, I was a member of the Edjer army back in the day. I made it all of the way to the rank of captain. Most of us actually come from all different armies that include elves, dwarves, and men. The man to my left was an archer for the Armel and the man to my right was a hired master of guerrilla warfare. We are by far the largest and most experience mercenary army you will find.”

“Why leave armies when holding such titles?” asks Alex.

“I will not lie to you. Money, my lord.”

Alex and Sara look at each other for a moment but soon remember what type of people they are actually interviewing.

“Does those armies not pay a captain well?”

“They pay fine I guess but now I am my own boss and I have no rules.”

“Are you a wanted criminal?” asks Sara.

“You will have to be more specific than that, my lady. You are not hiring anyone in this room without some sort of a criminal record.”

She looks at Alex in frustration.

“Alright, let me rephrase the question.,” she starts. “If the king of Edjer was here would he have you killed for desertion or treason or anything of the sort?”

She notices him shifting his weight as she asks the uncomfortable question. He also refuses to make any sort of direct contact with her.

“I guess he would. I mean he was just a boy when I left but I guess you could call what I did desertion of a sorts. My lady.”

“Thank you, that will be all for now,” says Alex.

They bow and leave back to the crowd. Fromm steps up ready to announce another group to come up front.

“Next up the Golden Dragon.”

“What’s with all of the colour names?” whispers Sara.

“Many mercenaries like to be identified with colour, thinking that it makes them less like an army of a king.”

“Whatever helps them sleep at night,” replies Sara as they chuckle to themselves.

One by one, each mercenary group presents their case all want and agree on a hundred gold coins. Although none presented the size and experience of the Red Hand, some were still in the discussion. After twelve more groups, they finally finish up with the last interview. Soon after, Alex decides it is time to stand up to address his people.

“I want to personally thank all that are willing to take on this task. We will now discuss-,”

A smash of the doors flying open interrupts Alex’s speech. Three black hooded figures walk toward the throne. All three have their faces covered with a cloth mask and eyes barely visible with the hood over their heads. The one in the middle carries a long sword on his hip and a bow on his back, the one on the left has a large axe stored away, and finally the one on the right has a bow and two unique looking dual wielding swords. As they approach closer Fromm quickly gets in between them and the thrones with his hand on his blade. Guards approach cautiously from behind them. Whispers and gasps fill the room as people stare in horror of these three heathens.

“Who do you think you are?” asks Fromm rhetorically.

“Out of the way, guardian angel. We are here for the job,” answers the one in the middle with an older mischievous voice.

Fromm refuses to move out of the way. He even pulls his sword out a bit from its sheath putting everyone on edge. Sara stands up and puts her hand on Fromm’s shoulder.

“I’ll listen to them, Fromm.” Sara says.

“Are you sure?”

She leans in to whisper so that only Fromm and Alex can hear.

“This isn’t the place for this. These people have seen too much violence and death. They don’t need to see this happen.”

Fromm looks around and sees. The terrifying looks upon the people’s faces. A mother near the center isle even covers her daughter’s eyes, just in case.

“Alright, just be careful,” warns Fromm as he turns around to face Alex and Sara, “These are no mercenaries. They are members of the Order. Assassins. I fear violence may be the only way this can end.”

Fromm steps back to his spot next to Alex with his hand remaining firm upon his sword’s handle. Sara settles back down in her throne.

“Thank you, my lady. It’s a pleasure to meet you the two of you.”

“Bow before you speak to royalty,” orders Fromm.

“Shut up, Protector. I’m sure they can both speak for themselves. We do not bow for he is not yet king nor is she queen.”

As they continue to argue back and forth, Sara notices something about the one on the right. His eyes are slightly more visible due to them glowing a yellow tint. She leans over to Alex and whispers, “The one on the right, look at his eyes.” Just as she says something the man on the right looks at her direction as if he could hear her.

“Enough arguing. I do not require them Who are you?” asks Alex.

“We are the last members of The Order of Assassins. We are the best in the land at what we do, and we know exactly where your girl is at. And my lady, I must warn you. Do not stare into my boy’s eyes unless that’s the last thing you want to see. He’s definitely special but his loyalty belongs to me. He knows how to kill and that is about all he knows. He is an animal and does not know of anything else. Now, when do we start?”

“You have not received the jo-,” starts Alex but too late.

“Who do you think you are?” comes up the leader of the Red Hand.

He marches angrily toward the middle assassin and starts to pull out his sword. As soon as he gets his blade halfway out of its sheath the assassin on the left quickly throws out one of his blades. The speed of the blade is quicker than can be seen by the naked eye. The blade stops just enough that the mercenary can feel the cold steel against his naked throat. Everyone in the room gasps and then goes silent. The mercenary gulps loudly but does not move a muscle closer or farther.

“That’s enough gentlemen,” orders Fromm with his blade now unsheathed.

The Red Hand looks around without moving his head and fear surrounds his face. The dual wielding assassin doesn’t move a muscle. In fact, he looks like a statue. Not a sound is made in the entire throne room. The guards approach the assassins from behind with their weapons ready.

“I said that’s enough.” Fromm repeats.

“It’s ok, boy,” says the older assassin. “Put it away. This is not why we are here.”

Finally, after some slight hesitation he puts the sword back on his back. Some sighs of relief can be heard throughout the crowd. The Red Hand leader takes a step back, looks around and storms out with two others following him. The guards put their weapons away but stay put behind the assassins cautiously. Fromm stows his blade in its sheath and once again goes back to his post. Alex stands up to address the court and everyone rises along with him.

“Everyone leave the room. We will discuss the choice and summon our choice before sunset.”

Everyone disperses out of the throne room except for the leader of the assassins.

“Is there something I can help you with?” asks Alex.

“I want to apologize for my young ward, my lord. He is a great warrior. Perhaps the greatest of all time but he lacks the need for anything outside of that.”

“Thank you, assassin.”

The assassin turns around and walks out of the doors. The villagers go back to their homes while mercenaries and travellers return to their camps just outside the city walls. After the last person leaves the room, Alex turns to see Tucker, Sara, Fromm, Eugene, and Lucile are left in the room.

“Well, I feel like that could’ve gone better but also a little worse at the same time.” Tucker says to break up the silence. Alex shows a slight smile at him.

“He’s not wrong, you know,” states Fromm.

“I for one think you both did quite well for your first court session,” adds Eugene.

“Well, who does everyone like?” asks Alex.

“The Red Hand is definitely off the list now. They made their true colors pretty clear today,” answers Fromm. “However, the final decision is yours, Alex and Sara.”

“I like the assassins,” bursts Sara.

“Are you serious right now? They come into here late, uninvited and were completely disrespectful. They even threaten a member of the royal family and they think nothing of it. Then to top it off they start a fight,” rants on Fromm.

“Of course they started a fight. Like you said, they showed the mercenaries’ true colors and those assassins are responsible for that. Secondly, I never once felt threatened by any of them and lastly, they are the only ones that haven’t been completely fake.”

“What do you mean by fake?” asks Fromm hotly. “Because respect and being fake are two different things.”

“Easy old friend,” says Eugene from the side.

“Now who is being so called, ‘disrespectful,’” mocks Sara. “All of the others have come in here kissing the floor we walk on for no other reason than we will be the one to pay them and are of the royal bloodline. The assassins came in, yes, late and abruptly, but also showed they will do what it takes to acquire the job and accomplish the mission. They showed they don’t care what people think and that is the attitude we will need if we are to get Courtney back from those monsters. Alex, I have a feeling from that these assassins are more than they seem and are a bigger part in all of this. Trust me on this. I have a feeling about one of them and there is more than meets the eye.”

“I don’t know, Sara.”

“I’m with Sara. They look like they will for sure get the job done. Maybe they even know where Courtney is,” agrees Tucker.

“Well, Fromm, do you think they would know where she is?” asks Alex.

He sighs, “Probably, they tend to travel quite a bit. But the Order is not well known however, and they stay in secrecy and darkness. They would probably be successful but could also be very dangerous and their methods are a little unethical. If they turn on us-,”

“It would be no different than a money grubbing mercenary. Eugene, how much of the treasury do I control?” asks Sara. Eugene walks over with a confused look on his face.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand.”

“Of the gold in the treasury how much do I get a say in how its spent?”

“I guess fifty percent of it since there is two of you, but why do you ask?”

“Because, I’m offering them half now and then half when we get back.”

“What do you mean by ‘we’?” asks Fromm.

“I’m going with to get her back. That is not up for discussion,” she says towards Fromm.

“I’m also planning on going with,” says Alex. “I am going to trust my sister.”

“We can decide who all is going later but I guess we better have them meet us in the war room. I’ll tell one of the guards to go fetch them.” Fromm says before walking out still a little angry about hiring the three assassins.

“Well, it wasn’t easy but we have our recon team,” says Alex.

“Let’s get to the war room. We have no time to waste then,” suggests Fromm.

“Eugene, can you lead the way and show us to the war room?” asks Alex.

“It would be my pleasure, sir. This way.”

Eugene leads the three out of the room and down the hallway. Then he leads them upstairs to a room that stands alone with two guards on both sides with spears standing at attention. Eugene pushes the doors open allowing Alex, Sara, and Tucker to enter the dark room. The room lacks any windows and only enough lanterns and torches lit to see. A large table sits in the middle of the room with a giant map of the world. Sara brushes her hand over it gazing over it. She gazes over different markings and little models symbolizing the enemy and themselves. Papers and documents and books fill the bookshelves and desks. Alex looks through a book called, “History of King Floren.” The pages are yellow and feel brittle in his fingers. Tucker checks out a suit of armour holding a sword. The cold steel sends shivers down his spine. Soon after a while a man enters the room followed by Fromm and the three assassins. Eugene quickly shuts the door behind them. They all form around the map looking at each other. The leader of the leader assassins decided to finally show his face. He is a taller older man with a scruffy face full of grey. His short hair was grey and black like pepper. The larger assassin also decided to shows his hairless face above everyone else. He stands next to Alex looking like the size of an ox. Even with those showing trust and showing their identities the dual wielder remains in secrecy. All that is seen is his yellow glowing eyes. He stands at an average height but with an athletic build with excellent posture. Sara notices his two unique swords closely with a wolf’s head on the handle with two emeralds as eyes. The bow on his back looks almost like it’s made from ivory with a fancy design on it.

“What’s the plan?” asks the older man.

“We go in, rescue Courtney, find any recon that can help with the war, and get the hell out,” explains Alex.

“Sounds simple enough. Now, where is she?”

“We were hoping you might know,” suggests Sara.

“Especially since you said you knew,” says Fromm coldly.

“We may have an idea. First of all, what took her and where did you see her last?”

“She was taken by three orcs from the inter dimension and through the portal but didn’t end up here,” answers Alex.

“Castle of the North in Zeev.” The duel wielder says out of nowhere. Everyone turns to face him. He steps up to the map and points at a star towards the top.

“Why there?” asks Fromm.

“Floor is all yours kid,” says the assassin leader looking at his ward.

“It has the only other portal in the world. Since you said your girl didn’t end up through yours, they took her to that one. Which makes a lot of since to be honest. She’ll be in the western tower torture chamber/dungeon. If she’s still alive that is. King Lycus’ chambers and war room are in the opposite side of the castle in the eastern tower. That’s where any information on him or the rest of the enemy will be. I would not advise going in there alone because he will kill anyone in here in single combat. That’s all of the info I can give you unfortunately.”

“How do you know so much about the North?” Sara asks suspiciously.

“Let’s not get too personal, princess,” Sara rolls her eyes as he says this. “I suggest I go after the girl and the rest of you will have better odds in case you run into the king.”

“Can you get her by yourself?” asks Alex.

“Shouldn’t be a problem. I worry about your task more however. I caution you all. Do not face him in open combat. You won’t kill him. Just get out of there.”

“Is that confidence in Lycus or lack of in me?” asks Fromm.

“Neither but both, protector. Open your mind for once and you would be surprised to learn how little you actually know about this world.”

“If we can kill Lycus we could end the war with the North now and regain our alliance with The North,” states Fromm.

“Fromm, is it? Shut up. I think you are maybe fourth best warrior in open combat in this room. How would you ever be able to defeat the greatest in the entire world? Alex, Sara, you seem like smart intelligent leaders that want to survive and eventually win this war. Leave him alone, all of you, I beg of you. You won’t win right now.”

“Fromm, let’s listen to him this time,” orders Alex.

“I agree, I think if an assassin, whose job is to kill, is telling us to back off I think we should back off,” agrees Sara.


“We ride for Zeev right away. It’s easily a two day trip to The White Wall. Take only what you will need.”

The leader of the assassins marches out of the room followed by the other two.

“I will notify members of the council as they arrive of your inedible delay.” Eugene says before also leaving.

Soon they all leave out the door and get ready to embark on their first adventure.

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