Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 21 - My marking, your tattoo


The door fainted. I mean literally, the hinges were melted and the door fell.

„You have got to be kidding me! You take her to see your FATHER but you forget about me? And on top of that I can smell that you branded her! Care to do some explaining?” the voice belonged to a woman and even if she was clearly upset, her voice was like a song.

Lucian jumped from his sleeping position, on top of me shielding me from the intruder. Maybe his mother? I mean, who can do this and survive. At least I hope it is his mother, or not. I am not sure at this point. Am I in big trouble? I have no idea.

„Rose, meet my mother.” Lucian whispers to me. And between the branding I can feel that he is calm bur reserved.

„I am so sorry mam.” I tell her, peeking over Lucian’s arm, as he was shielding me.

„Do not dare mam me. My name is Abigael Belphegor. And you will call me by my name or mother. Any other name you wish. We are family now. Son, get of her. I know you are a bit protective of her right now but I am your mother. You shall let me see her and hug her and treat her like a daughter. Oh, how I wished I had a beautiful daughter like you. Not the son, I mean do you know how it is to raise a son when all you want to do is dress your child in beautiful colours and dresses? Hard. I tell you it is very hard. Please tell you I may do that with you.” Said Abigael in one breath. She sure has some lungs on her.

Lucian was looking at me. His eyes were saying sorry. For what? I will find out pretty soon.

„Yes?” I am waiting to find if it is okay or a mistake. One does not judge a book by its covers.

„Are you asking or telling? No matter. We will have our moments. Oh, pray to the sisters you will give me lots of grandchildren and let them be girls.” Abigael said. And I am starting to think that I want to disappear.

„And there you have it.” Lucian was slowly getting up. And he was getting angry. I hope not with me.

„Please help me.” I whisper to Lucian.

I have no clue what to do. I have no social awareness. I have two left feet and I most certainly do not do dresses and high heels. Someone … help me!

„Do not dare leave me.” I tell Lucian through closed teeth, because I think that he ignored me when I asked for help.

„I have no intention of leaving.” He whispered in my ear.

„Mother, may we have some moments of privacy? We need to get dressed.” Lucian told his mother.

„Come on child. I am after all your mother. You do not fool me. You just want me to leave so you can portal yourselves away from me. You fooled me to many times with that trick.” Abigael said to us. I guess she knows him better.

„Lucian? I do need to get a dress. We do have Blanca’s Luna ceremony to attend. I might go with your mother; she can help me.” Some of my brain cells have not died yet. And I do need all the help I can get.

You could see that she was brighter. I mean she was shining. Faes are known to shine a beautiful warm light when they are happy. And I seem to have made her very happy.

„But I am not leaving you alone with my mother.” Lucian tells me and with our bond I can tell that it hurts him to be without me even for one second.

„Deal.” I smile at him and kissing him and circling my arms around his neck.

She left the room. Door was back in its place. And we were left to get ready to go shopping.

We might have to make a bet and see who is going to give in first. Will it be Lucian or me. Because from what Lucian told me, his mother loves to go shopping. Not just love, it is her life. She is a well-dressed, and from my little knowledge I think that everything she wears is designer. From the make-up she is wearing to her hair. Even her nails are amazing. Not one single thing is out of place. Sometimes I wish I was more like a fae, well-groomed, and fashion oriented. So, I could look good and know how to dress and act in any social outing.

„Ready love?” Lucian calls from the bed-room.

„I guess I am as ready as I could ever be.” I answer from the walk-in closet.

„Do not feel self-conscious. She is a fae and by definition they are flawless.” Lucian can read my mind, he is right, but I do feel a little out of place between them.

„I know. But still.” I look down at my choice of clothes, a simple pair of jeans and a flowy blouse.

„No buts. Unless is it your butt in my hand.” Kissing me one last time before going out of the room and into a parking lot of a mall. I am starting to like the portal think more and more. I wonder in how many places we can go. I will have to ask more about it later.

We meet his mom in the food court. Get some coffee and food. And head to the shops on a mission to find a dress perfect for attending a Luna ceremony.

„Have you ever attended a Luna ceremony?” I ask Abigael.

It is not normal for me to engage in small talk or to get to know someone when I have just meet them but now, I feel a pull from her and I want to get to know her better.

„My dear, I have been to every Luna ceremony. From the beginning of time. I am fae, but I am also one of the sisters. Your mother is one of the gods that created our kind. I want to say the first of our kind, if I am not mistaken. Right son?” Abigael tells me.

How can that be? She is the first of the fae, and mated to a demon, and not just any demon.

„But how?” the words slip out of my mouth before I can realise what I am asking.

„I am fae. And we are called upon to witness the union formed at the top of hierarchy. We are the representatives of nature. The place where they form the bond. Because alpha males are not allowed to bond with any female but their true mate.” Abigael tells me. And she looks not to be upset by my curiosity.

I look at Lucian who shrugs his shoulders.

„Did you know this?” I ask Lucian.

I feel a soft tug at my heart. Like small pins. It might be the bond from Lucian.

„I am so sorry. Can you forgive me? I am not allowed, I was not … I wanted to …” He cups my face and look into my eyes.

We are no longer in the mall. I can hear birds and animals. I can feel tall grass tickling my hands. But I can’t look away from his eyes.

„If you must be mad at someone. It was me. I kept him from giving you any knowledge. You had to be willing to bond with him with pure of thought. If he would have interfered that would mean that he tilted the scale in his favour by force. I know it is not fair. Please understand that there are rule we follow to keep balance. And such a powerful being like you is best left to handle what sister Fate planed for you.” I can her Abigael like a whisper

I know she is near me but she is everywhere like a breeze.

„Say something…” Lucian was looking into my eyes, looking for something.

It was like I had a lump in my throat that made it impossible for me to speak. I managed to say the only thing that I knew would make him feel better.

„Mine!” I said with determination, he blinked a couple of time before he realised what I just said.

Lucian started kissing me. And that is when I felt a gush of wind and knew we were not in that place anymore. My eyes were closed but I could smell his room, our room.

I hugged him tight, inhaled his scent. The way he holds me in his arms makes me feel protected, and his smell brings me out of any pain I am in. He is my home. When I am ready to open my eyes.

„Kiss me!” and I start to unbutton his shirt and jeans, taking them off. He does the same for me.

Everything that made me who I am and every memory comes flooding.

Kissing him and having his skin on mine is the only thing keeping me sane at this moment.

„I want you so much. Please …” I whisper to him.

We have sex.

Needy, mind altering sex.

He pounds inside of me, releasing all the hurt and rage and I meet his force with my own. Raising and arching my back to get him deep inside of me.

It is more, I want more and he feels this. I never want him to stop.

I can feel the pressure rising in my abdomen and I can feel him needing a release.

He flips us so that I am on top, he is letting me ride our orgasms. But now, with all of that rage and hurt forgotten I just want to feel him inside and make him fill me.

I know he wants to make it last.

He starts playing with my breasts, massaging them and circling my nipples with his thumb. It feels so good, as I keep him inside of me.

The pressure keeps growing again and this time we both need a release. He leaves my breasts cold and start playing with my clitoris, taking some of my juices and pinching and circling it with his thumb. Sweet release. Intense.

We finish, and as we get back from our high. He kisses my face, my lips, my neck. Still inside of me.

„Mine.” He speaks with rough voice.

„I am your Lucian. Only yours.” I tell him from my orgasm high.

We are on the bed, resting.

„We should go back. Your mother is waiting.” I finally tell Lucian.

„She will understand.” He says, kissing my temple.

„I still have to get a dress.” I remember that we haven’t bought a dress for me.

„She can manage on her own and bring it when she is done shopping.” Lucian tells me, smiling, kissing the top of my head.

„Will I see him there?” I know the answer, I guess I was just hoping for a different one.

„Only if you want to…” Lucian starts but I interrupt him.

„I don’t!” I know I don’t want anything to do with him. I wish he wouldn’t exist anymore. But I am not that evil …

„I promise you will be safe. I am keeping you safe.” Lucian said.

„Is it true that banshees can mark their mates?” I ask Lucian. This has been on my mind since he marked me.

„Where did you hear that?” Lucian asks me with wide eyes.

„Nowhere. But I want to know if that is true. So, I can do it and every female will know that you are mine!” I smile at him, and reach to him so I can get a kiss.

„Yes, you can mark me. Please do. Let me explain how you do it though. And please be gentle.” He grins at me like a Cheshire cat.

„YES, YES, YES.” I jump in joy.

„You have to imagine you and me in your head. Reach for me in your mind and touch the place where you want to leave a part of your soul with me. Like I did with you. That is all you have to do.” Lucian looks serious at me, with both his hands on my shoulders.

„It will hurt.” I tell him with sincerity. Even if it hurt getting marked by him, I don’t want him to be in pain.

„I know it will hurt. I saw in how much pain you were. And I later felt it when you fell asleep.” He said looking into my eyes as tears were starting to form.

„But I am happy now, because I have your brand on me and a part of your soul with me at all times.” I tell him with a half-smile as I remember the pain.

„So, when do you want to do it?” I ask him.

„Now?” he is determined I see.

I started to think of me and him and how I wanted to touch him and leave a piece of my soul with him. I touched his left pectoral, where the heart is. He didn’t scream, he is much stronger than I am. After I finished and opened my eyes, I could see this amazing tattoo, of a tree with a widespread treetop inside a circle, and near the tree there was a girl, me. It is so beautiful.

„Did it hurt bad?” I ask him.

„No. Can I see it?” he looks to be fine.

„Yes, it looks amazing. I love it.” I tell him.

He goes to the bath-room to look in the mirror.

„I know you love it because I can feel you.” I almost yell so that he can hear me from the bath-room.

„This is amazing. I can feel everything. Hey, I did not know you are proud of me. What did I do?” he is smiling from ear to ear.

„Just being you. I adore you.” I tell him and hug him from his waist. He is so tall.

„You are my life!” he whispers while placing a kiss on the top of my head and on my fore-head.

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