Roses's Dark Knight

Chapter 19 - Lucian's Father

When I got out of the bathroom, he was already dressed. Waiting for me on the bed. And next to him he laid out some clothes for me to wear. I wonder what he picked.

„Where are we going?” I ask again hoping this time he will tell me.

„My father invited us for lunch. At his place. No, baby… You can’t say no.” Lucians’ eyes tell me I can’t say no.

„Ok. But I don’t think he will like me at all. I mean look at me and then look at you. You’re handsome. I am plain.” My insecurity is coming put at this moment, making me feel miserable.

He started growing in size. It was his beast coming out. This is not a good thing, to upset the beast. I thought my mother raised no fool, but time and time again I prove her wrong.

„Rose Love Mine” his voice was low and animalistic.

„I am sorry.” I was looking at the ground, as a sign of submission, to make the beast feel better.

„No Sorry Rose Mate Rose Same” it is hard to understand the beast because he only speaks in simple words, where Lucian is very articulate. What I think he is trying to say that I am his mate as in his equal.

I raise my eyes to look at him. He is hunched in a weird position because he wants to look me in the eyes.

„You are so good looking even now. So muscular. I am human, weak.” I tell him.

„Rose No Human.” He answers making me look at him with wide eyes.

„What? Please come back so you can explain what that means.” I want to know more.

„Rose No Mad.” He tells me.

„I am not mad. I want to know. Please tell me.” It feels like I have been crying for a lifetime, but there I have it, more tears. I have no idea how I haven’t dehydrated by now.

He reaches for my cheek and brushes his finger on my cheek to dry my tears.

„Rose No Cry Rose Love” he says.

„I love you too big guy.” I tell him with my heart.

He gives me a toothy smile. He has a ton of sharp teeth, like a shark, rows upon rows, it is captivating to look at him. Sure enough, he relaxes and Lucian is in front of me, shirtless.

„I think that you like me seeing you shirtless.” I smirk at Lucian.

„Maybe.” He smiles back.

„Well, I do like it. But we are meeting your father, like right now?” I tell him, honestly, if he doesn’t get a shirt soon, I am going to climb him and have my way.

„First of all. Did I hear it right or did you say you love me? And second here, new shirt.” He says while he puts on a new shirt.

„Yes, I admit to saying it. Do not get used to it. I plan on saying it very rare. I like your magic, and the shirt.” I tell him.

„Now, a little preparation. The room, my room is here with magic. You have to hold my hand. Anything you see out there please do not let go of my hand. Understand?” Lucian prepares me for teleportation. Hope this time it gets better.

„Yes. Hold your hand. Magic room. Scary outside. Hold your hand.” I repeat what he just said.

He was smiling ear to ear. Amused by my attempt to joke. I smiled back at him.

„You are something else. And maybe my father can elaborate as to why my beast told you that you are not human.” He said with a little concern.

„Thank you. And can I kiss you?” I feel a little better. Even if I don’t tell him all the time, I still feel insecure about myself.

I should not have to ask but in my defence, he is taller than me by one head. Making it impossible to do it if he doesn’t tilt his head.

He wraps his arms around me. Kisses me, at first it is soft but as I reach my arm around his head. We start wanting a stronger kiss, deeper. I want to taste him and he wants to explore my mouth with his tongue. It feels like a thousand sparks and fireworks … he can kiss like no tomorrow. I whimper a little when he parts, just one more second, one more feathery kiss.

I look around me and it feels like I am very far from home. Light is nowhere to be seen, dark clouds above, and no people, or animals around.

„Where are we?”

„Welcome to my father’s realm. Where I was raised. My father’s home. I should have told you, but I was afraid of your reaction. Say something.” He looks at me, while I just try and take it all in, this is amazing.

„Is it? What I think it is?” I ask Lucian looking probably like small child in a candy shop.

„Hell, yes. Well, at least a part of it. It is a very big place. So do not let go of my hand.” Lucian said visibly relaxed.

„What if your dad hugs me? To welcome me.” I am going a little ahead of myself. Must be my nerves coming in hard.

„I doubt that. But ok. New rule. Never leave my sight.” He said it with a smile.

„I am not a child.” I hope he is kidding.

„No. but you are curious like one.” Lucian said, and I agree with him. My curiosity does take me places and gets me in some trouble.

„That is true. I can’t argue with that. Why do you have to make valid points so I can’t argue with you?” I pout like a little child, making Lucian smile even more.

„You are cute when you are mad.” He spoke.

„And you are handsome when you are you.” I have to have the last words. otherwise I don’t feel good.

In case you noticed, I admit, I have a problem accepting compliments. And in case you haven’t noticed he compliments me too often. Like he feels a need to make me feel good about myself.

„Lucian. What brings you here? And who is this lovely young lady you know you aren’t allowed to bring down?” he has a dominant voice, deep but he gives me the creeps. He scares me even with his voice. This is a bad idea, me being here. What was Lucian thinking.

„Father, this is Rose, my mate. Rose, meet my father.” Lucian introduces us.

He looks at me from head to toe. Like I am some creature he has never seen before. I guess I am, because Lucian never had a mate. This makes me think about how long he has lived until now.

„My dear. It is a pleasure to meet you. Finally, my son found his mate. And she is a banshee. They are dangerous if you make them mad son. So be careful not to make her mad.” Lucian’s father said.

„I am a what?” I ask a little to fast, making my voice a little too high-pitched.

„A banshee.” Lucian’s father said again.

„Father. She does not know. Up until a few days she believed she was human, and after that she found out that she was a wolf-whisperer.” Lucian tried explaining to his father.

„Oh, my, this is interesting.” Lucian’s father replied, with a sparkle in his eyes that makes me want to turn around and leave.

„Beg your pardon?” I ask him.

„I mean. That perhaps you haven’t been told about your true heritage. You are a female banshee, meaning your father might be one.” Lucian’s father knows more about me than I do.

„I never knew my biological father.” I tell him.

„Well, that explains it all. Now let us have a lovely meal. I am famished. We will talk more over some food. Lovely girl. I like you.” Lucian’s father says.

He patted my back and led me inside a house that materializes in front of us.

And let me tell you. It was amazing. The entrance was grand, and at the far end there were two sets of staircases leading to the second floor. On the left I think there was the kitchen because the most exquisite smell came from that side. And on the right side there was an open living room/library.

The living room had a very beautiful book case. Large. From one wall to the other, reaching to the ceiling. Filled with amazing books, and I mean amazing because they were leather bound. At least that is what I saw from this distance.

„Please. Have a seat dearest.” Lucian’s father said.

In front of me there was a large black leather couch, big enough for at least a dozen people. Of course, there has to be a coffee table, filled with all sorts of appetising food, and drinks. But my focus was on the amazing book case. I wonder if I can read something from it.

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