Rogues Revenge

Chapter 6

Mitchel’s POV.

The cold hard ground was starting to really piss me off. Even more then the thick iron plates holding me to the ground.

The female had scurried off into the corner behind me so I couldn’t even keep an eye on her. Her quiet sobs, were giving me a headache. I still wasn’t sure why she was the one crying. I was the one who just got fucked against his will. Not that this fucking animal inside of me gave a shit.


How did I get into this mess? It was planned out. Three of the murdering lunatics pack had been following me. I had killed two, and the third, well it looks like she got trapped just as much as I had.

The thought made a low chuckle escape my lips. Like these infected animals could make my life worse. They had already taken my family, and cursed my life. The hope I had for revenge was now even closer seen the dumb shits saved me the effort of finding where the hide.

The female’s sobs grew in volume once more. I had a very slow death to plan and it was becoming harder to think with all this crying.

“For fucks sake. Just give it a rest already!”

The scrape of metal on metal replaced whatever the female had been about to say. My eyes now fixated on the open door. I decide now was the time to break out of these restraints. My arms strained in an attempt to snap the frame bolted to the ground. I had trained with iron, built up a resistant for when it came in contacted with my skin.

The guy who open the door walked in a few steps leaving a clear path to the exit once more. “Well, I must say Lizzy. You are quite the little slut now, aren’t you? I almost feel inept watching you enjoy yourself like that. Maybe all I had to do was chain you up before screwing you? Then I might have enjoyed myself.”

Making the connection, I realised this must be the husband she was trying to save. Looks like the low life scum sold her off instead.

A deep chuckle came from the door way freezing my blood. I dragged my eyes towards the sound. There in the door way stood the man I was after. His dark eyes rimmed in red haunted my every moment. Greasy blonde hair hung along a face that looked to long to be normal. Thin arms that looked to be just muscle and bone, folded over a skeleton frame.

A smile broke across my face as I took in the man who had destroyed my life.

“Ah, Mitchel. The man who prevailed. Do tell me, how are your wife and children? Still as tasty as before.” The evil grin he wore on his face was enough to push me over the edge.

I feral growl, tore from my chest vibrating off the walls. The husband scum stumbled back from me, even though I was still bolted to the floor. The snarl never stopped emanating from the beast inside. With my focus only on the monster who killed my family, I allowed the wolf inside to move closer to the surface. I need his strength, but I could let it take over. This was my kill.

My vision sharpened, and adrenalin pumped through my veins. With a roar, I pulled at my right arm. The groan of metal melting in with more rage. I continued to pull my arm up until the bolts holding down the plates snapped.

With one arm free I made short work of the other three plates. The murdering filth managed to move out the door and close it before I could reach him, shoving the female Lizzy’s husband back in so he could escape.

The small man looked as if he were going to wet him self as he cowered in the corner. My hand wrapped around his throat, readying to snap his neck.

“Stop, please.” Came the soft melodic voice from behind me.

The man’s hands reached for me but I snapped his wrist with my free hand, smiling when they hung limp at his side.

Turning with the husband tight in my grip, I faced Lizzy who had finally stop crying and was standing naked before me.

With my wolf so close to the surface, my body reacted the moment my eyes connected with hers. A small growl, different from the other, rumbled in my chest. With her husband tightly held in one hand, I had her body pinned to the wall with mine. My fingers digging into her hair, holding tight against her skull, I pulled her head to the side exposing her neck.

I dragged my nose down the side of her face, breathing her in. My smell lingered on her flesh, driving me insane. I travelled down the side of her neck licking at her soft skin, salty from sweat. A soft sigh breathed out of her mouth and my teeth sank into her flesh.

Screaming, she struggled against my hold exciting me further. Blood overflowed from my jaws, my teeth sinking deeper. My body ached and the beast was calming down, leaving a tight throbbing in my balls as the wolf receded feeling smug.

Unlocking my jaw, my bite pulled free from her skin. The flesh closing over but leaving a perfect indentation of my teeth. Stepping away from her with my cock aching to be relieved, I looked her over again. Her hard, pink nipple stretched towards me while her breast moved with her shallow breath.

A tugging at my arm reminded me of the third person still in this room. “You asked me to stop. Why?” I questioned.

She shivered at the sound of my voice but regained focus. “Yes, I didn’t want you to kill him.”

I stepped back once more to take her in completely. My eye raked down her thin body, stopping at the finely covered V at the end of her torso, glistening with her wetness. “Well you don’t look stupid, so why act like it.” I asked.

The chain at her ankle rattled with every step she took towards her husband before stopping once she reached him.

Lizzy lifted her hand and slowly dragged her fingertips down his body, giving him a small smile. My warning snarl broke the silence but was cut off when she looked at me and winked. Her hand wrapped around the base of her husband’s shirt tearing it from his body. Leaning forward so her lips were touching his ear, she whispered. “I gave you my heart, Gregory.”

Quicker than I thought she could move, her arm buried inside his chest pulling out with his heart in her hand. A surprised gasp was the last sound he made before his lifeless body hit the ground.

Eyes looking into mine, a full smile broke across her face. “It was only fair he gave me his.”

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