Rogues Revenge

Chapter 11

My hand rested on her shoulder while the other one gripped the handle of the knife. “Deep breath, Lizzy.” Pulling hard the moment she went to draw in the air, the knife slid free.

A cry emitted from her when the iron dragged along the flesh. It was better out at least she could heal now.

I spun the blade in my hand, staring at the iron. It would go nice with what I had at the cabin. Smiling to myself, I removed the chains holding Lizzy to the bed. With a gentle kiss to her head, I turned to leave.

“You’re still going to leave me?” she sobbed quietly.

“I still need my revenge, but now he has just added to the list of people I must take from his flesh. The other women are still in this place. Find them and get them to safety. You know where I will be.” Not waiting for a reply, I run from the room following the foul sent of the male.

Grabbing a pair of pants from a pile of clothes on the floor as I ran through what looked to be an old hotel, I hunted.

Stepping outside, I was standing on the outskirts of a rundown town. Most likely the one near where I had a cabin. I never went into town after that first trip to the hardware store. There was no need. A river was near my cabin and I could hunt for my prey.

The prey I hunted this time was not any smarter than the others. His trail was easy to track. Arrogance and filth were a hard smell to mask.

I was surprised to find to turned towards the busier section of town instead of out to the woods. Staying close to the buildings and blending in to the shadows I stalked the wolf to a small house in a housing estate.

Making my way closer, the front door stood ajar. Mewing sounds could be heard from inside almost like the cry of a cat.

My wolf pushed forward to heighten my senses. Four heartbeats inside, two loud thumps pumping fast like they were running. The fluttering of a small beat could be the cat. ‘Or a small child,’ my wolf growled. The one I was searching for was almost hidden by the fluttering beat from its slow easy pace.

“Found you, fucker.” I murmured to myself. He was expecting me to enter from the front, to barge in, to enraged to plan my attack.

Maybe if he had succeeded in killing Lizzy then maybe I would have. But I would not kill this monster here. No, I had a chair with his name on it. The smirk on my lips was unseen by anyone as I made my way to the back of the house.

The single-story brick house was prefect for that person who wanted to break in unheard, and I was that person. I made my way to the far end of the house looking in the windows to find a room with the door open to the hall. Didn’t want to risk a creaky hinge.

I froze when I looked in the second window to find a nursery. An empty box with a label showing a picture of a baby rocker lay in one corner. The baby couldn’t be that old if they still had empty boxes with Styrofoam laying where a moving baby could reach. Little Belle, got into everything the second she could crawl.

Removing the fly screen, I climbed inside thankful to the fluffy carpet underfoot. Stalking to the door, watching where every step was going to land so not to make a sound, I peaked towards the still crying infant. There he stood back to the hall; eyes focused on the door. The baby, laying in the rocker sitting on the table within reach of the evil beast.

The mother was sat on the floor, tears staining her face, eyes not leaving her baby. As if on auto pilot, her fingers stroked her husband’s hair as his head rested in her lap, unconscious and bleeding.

“The little worm had better shut up soon or I will kill it just to keep it quiet.”

“Please, please just let me nurse her. She hungry, that’s all.” The mothers begged of the man holding them hostage.

A frighten squeal made its way out of the mother’s mouth as the man spoke. “If you don’t stop speaking then I will rip the kids fucking head off and eat its inside while you watch. It has been about a year since I last ate baby, and this one is starting to look tasty.”

Shrinking back, a new stream of silent tears cascaded down her face. Her eyes flicked to where I was watching, widening as I placed a finger to my lips before pointing to the Pack leader hoping she didn’t give me away.

I had one shot. I had to take him by surprise and hit him hard and fast if this family wanted to stay whole.

She went back to staring at her baby, but her hand had stilled in her husband’s hair. I place one foot in front of the other in the soft carpet as I crept closer to my mark. My own wolf had pushed as close to the surface with out bringing on the change, giving me as much extra strength as he could.

My legs coiled, springing me towards my prey, arm coming around my body aiming for his head. At the last second, the lady’s eyes darted towards me giving me away. He moved fast, swiping his arm forward, but not fast enough to get away from the blow that landed on the side of his head knocking him out.

As if in slow motion, his body fell in a lump to the ground and the mother’s blood curdling scream drew my attention. He had swung his arm forward, aimed at the child, knocking the swing off the table and to in a defensive move like I had thought.

With the wolfs heightened speed, I dove forward, catching the swing before it hit the floor making sure it wasn’t jolted too much. Un clipping the little girl from the swing I cradled her head close to my body as I walked to the mother. The baby’s cries had stopped and I couldn’t help but place a soft kiss to her forehead, breathing in the new born smell all babies carried.

Passing the child to the now distraught mother, I couldn’t help but smile. “Never thought I would hold a baby again. I’m sorry this has happened to you.”

Drawing the iron knife from the pants I was wearing I turned to the wolf laying on the floor. My hand came down between his neck and shoulder, forcing the blade in deep. “That was for Lizzy, you piece of shit.”

Hoisting him up onto my shoulders, I turned and gave a weak smile to the women. “Treasure that little one, you never know when a wacko like this will take them from you.”

Walking out the front door to the quiet ‘Thank you’ from the mother, with my prey safely bagged, I made my way back to my cabin.

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