Rise of The Fallen

Chapter Ch 57- stick together


Pushing some large ferns aside I smiled upon seeing a flourishing cluster of small plants. The majority of said plants were covered In tiny blueish-green leaves with vibrant red stems. 

Digging through the dirt around the stems I loosened the soil around each one before grabbing them by the base and pulling them from the ground.  They all came out with ease, their roots thick and hearty with a similar red color to the stem. 

These were probably one of my favorite plants to eat, and aren't very easy to find. Elazar told me this plant in particular likes the shade so it often grows beneath the outstretched palms of larger flora. 

Wiping some of the dirt clubs off the roots I set them in the basket filled with other herbs, berries and fruits, at my side. 

This was the second basket I had completely filled, this much food would last me and El for at  least three or four weeks. But I know that this probably wouldn't even feed half his tribe for a single day. 

Sitting on my knees I glanced around at my surroundings and the forest was bathed in an orange light from the setting sun's. It's been a few hours and night will be falling soon, I wonder if El has managed to hunt anything yet? 

Looking back down at the basket of food I quickly organized it a bit and covered everything with cloth to keep any of it from getting dirty or falling out. 

Placing my hand on a tree beside me I hoisted myself up off the ground and lifted the basket. 

Walking a short distance away through the trees I found the rest of our stuff and set the basket down beside it.  Looking over to the third basket I smiled, seeing that there were about five small animals that kion had caught, inside. 

A thump behind me followed by the sound of crushing leaves startled me and I spun around to see the little devil himself standing up after jumping down from the tree above, with two more rabbit-like creatures in his hands. “I caught two more!”

“Jesus kion, you keep doing that and you are gonna give someone a heart attack!” I breathed, shaking my head. 

“Sorry-” he winced before adding the fresh kill to the basket with the others. Looking back to all the food I carefully inspected it all and organized what we had. 

“You think this would be enough?” 

Kion crouched down beside me and picked up some of the roots I had just gathered and inspected them. “I think so!” He replied enthusiastically. “The tribe can easily cut up all these roots and herbs, throw them in a pot of water and boil them into a meal that should feed mostly everyone.”

“You mean like a soup? So you guys will cook your veggies but not your meat?” I questioned.

“it's mostly just to soften up the ones that are harder to eat- sometimes we use animal fat to give it flavor but besides that…”

“hmph, got it. I'll have to learn what herbs go best in a soup, it'll be nice to make some pot roast.” I smiled at the thought.

“Hey kora?...” Kion spoke up. 

“yeah?” I turned my head over towards him and found him nervously rocking on his heels, avoiding my gaze. 

“if you and Elazar decide to leave…can I come with you?” He asked quietly, his eyes briefly glancing up at me before looking away. 

His request took me by surprise. I knew he liked hanging out with us but I thought kion liked their tribe and his home? “Why do you want to leave your home? What about your friends and family? It wouldn't be safe–”


He rubbed the back of his neck staring at the ground. “I don't really have any ‘friends’ there. There's no one my age, everyone else is fully matured and the other kits are just infants. As for family, I have No parents, no siblings. The tribe does take care of me but I sleep alone. I don't have a den and don't really feel welcomed by others…”

“Elazar however, he's always been nice! He sometimes brings me back my favorite foods when he goes out! Every once in a while he would take me hunting too and teach me how to forage and survive- he also listens to me when I have stories to tell and praises me and my achievements. Also the past few weeks I've spent with you guys have been so much fun! I've learned so much and I really enjoy your company so– if you both leave…”

I stayed silent taking in this information with a heavy heart. Without parents he's like a stray dog in the village. People tolerate him and feed him but no one's willing to take him into their home and give him the same affection and treatment as someone within their family. Elazar being an outcast without any family of his own probably did what he could for the boy by somewhat taking him under his wing but he alone couldn't raise kion… Has he lived his entire life like this?

Hesitantly I reached out gabbing kion’s hand. He looked at my hand before snapping his gaze up to mine. “If me and Elazar do end up leaving, if we are denied refuge… I think Elazar would agree with me when I say, if coming with us is truly what you want, then you can.”

His eyes widened as his tail flicked around wildly behind him. He seemed at a loss of words as he nodded happily. “Thank you.” 

I smiled and patted his head before standing back up to my feet. “Now then help me carry these back towards the river, it's gonna be dark and you know Elazar will be grumpy and throw a tantrum if he finds us missing.”

“Yes ma'am!” Kion slung a sack of fruit over his shoulder and pulled up one of the baskets while I held one basket under my arm and carried the other atop of my head with one hand.

We made our way down the trail, back towards the river but as we got closer I noticed a large dip in the mud along the path. As we got closer both me and Kion slowed to a stop seeing that the dip was a set of large tracks that trailed away from the river and into the forest towards the healing pond. 

“Is that–” a distant screech a ways away from us, causing a chill to run down my spine as we both froze on the spot. The sound was all too familiar and could only mean one thing. That the draven had crossed over to this side of the river, it was in the tribe's territory now, not The drakov's.

Me and Kion looked at eachother worriedly knowing this couldn't be good.



Breathing in the crisp air I steadied my breathing to be as silent as possible while hiding high up in the trees.

I leaned back against the trunk of the tree while sitting upon one of its many thick limbs. My bow laid across my lap as I sat there and waited. 

Closing my eyes I listened to the sounds of the forest, how the breeze settled the leaves, how many small night creatures began waking up to coming out of hiding, how tree dwellers continued to chirp back and forth around me.

The subtle sound of leaves crouching somewhere down below, followed by a quiet grunt, had me on high alert as my eyes shot open and locked onto to source of such noises. 

Through the brush I could see a venkshal walking through the area, it's long feathered tail dragging behind it as it sniffed the ground and tentatively walked forward. It bore a large rack upon its head like a crown.

Quietly I sat upright being cautious as to not spook the buck while it scanned the area and walked closer to the tree, its eyes set on a patch of fresh blue moss growing on a fallen log a few feet away.

Notching an arrow I waited until it was close to the log before pulling back the bow string. As it sniffed the moss its ears turned every direction and it suddenly paused, freezing up completely. The only movement it made was that of the rise and fall of its chest. 

Redirecting some of my attention to our surroundings I noticed the tree dwellers had fallen silent.

Within a split second the venkshal reacted and darted through the trees. Letting my arrow fly I watched as it hit the base of a tree, missing the buck by mere inches. 

I cursed under my breath and glanced around the surrounding area. I felt uneasy with the dead silence of the night. Very few things would cause such deathly silence…

Listening closely I faintly heard a distant sound that destroyed any sense of hope that I had for this night ending peacefully.

A whistle. 

My head swiveled in the direction of the sound and I jumped down from the tree and took off running in that direction. 

We agreed that she would only use that signal if there was danger, and with darkness taking over the forest now- I felt my heart rate picking up as the fear of all the worse scenarios raced through my mind.

Night had completely taken over by the time I arrived back at the river where we agreed to meet back up. Looking around I found no signs of either of them nor any signs of danger.

“Kora!? Kion?!” I called out my eyes scanning the forest treeline and river. Hearing the cracks of a branch I quickly pulled my spear off my back and readied myself turning to face the source.

As Kion and Kora stepped out of the shadows I lowered my spear and could feel the immense relief wash over me. Stepping over to them both I looked them over and touched koras cheek. 

Neither had any apparent Wounds or injuries of any sort but they both looked shaken. “You are both unharmed? What happened?”

They both glanced at each other before looking back at the path behind them. I could faintly see the reflection of light from a puddle in a dip in the trail. Gripping my spear harder I stepped past both of them and approached the dip only to realize it was a footprint in the mud, a very large one.

Crouching down I inspected the print carefully and felt unease clawing at my stomach once more.

I recognized the tracks immediately and looked up, seeing many more leading off deeper into the forest. The draven crossed the river. It's here, in the tribe grounds. If it's here then it most likely isn't alone…

“What should we do?” Kion spoke up.

Standing up I kept my gaze to the forest ahead. If they are out here, it's not safe. Not for us, not for the tribe. This needs to end. 

“Kion, go back to the village. Gather the hunters and warriors.”

He seemed a bit startled as he stood back and glanced at Kora worriedly. “But-”

“Go! Now!” I snapped while looking back at them both he hesitated before nodding. Within seconds he was off, disappearing into the darkness as we both watched. 

Stepping towards kora I quickly pulled her into a hug. “Stay here, find a place to hide until-” 

“No!” She shoved me back clearly distressed. “I'm going with you! You're not leaving me behind and saying your goodbyes! You go after that thing alone and you'll die!” she shouted.


“I'm not doing it! If you try to leave me here I'll fucking follow you and those tracks towherever that fucking monster is! So don't ask me to stay so it's not going to happen elazar!” 

Hesitantly she stomped towards me and grabbed my spear before looking me in the eye. “We are staying together until the very end.”

My tail was frozen as I stared my mate down and she glared back. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, but I felt pride knowing she wanted to fight beside me. I'd trust no other with my life in such a situation. I knew she would keep her word and come after me. There truly was no way to avoid this. 

Squeezing my spear tightly i took a deep breath and stabbed the shaft into the ground beside me letting it stand on its own, Kora took a weary step back unsure of my intentions. 

Reluctantly I removed the bow from my backside as well as the quiver with arrows before handing them to her. 

She took them, seeming a bit surprised as she raised her head to look at me once more. 

“We keep out of sight and stay a safe distance. We wait for the hunters as long as we can– “ I stopped feeling at a loss for words. 

Kora held the quiver and bow in one hand then grabbed my hand with the other. “I understand. I won't do anything foolish if you don't okay?” Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes and lifted her hand to my face nuzzling it, taking a moment to compose myself.

There would be No more running and hiding after tonight…

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