Rise of The Fallen

Chapter Ch 55- warm and fuzzy.

(Sexual content rating: 🔥 🔥 🔥)


"Mate, wake up." A gentle voice called out to me staring me from the darkness that held onto my consciousness with a vice grip.

I was so close to slipping back into it but the voice called out to me again and my body was being moved making it harder to fall back into the quiet darkness.

Cracking my eyes open I found myself lying on top of Elazars chest as he tried to sit upright. Only now did I realize just how warm he was. I snuggled up against him wanting to melt into his warmth while he gently combed his fingers through my hair.

"Kora, you need to wake up and drink something." He sat upright moving me into a position where I was straddling him. before lifting my canteen to my lips encouraging me to drink. I took small sips before realizing just how thirsty I actually was. Sitting upright I grabbed the canteen to chug the rest of its contents, spilling a few drops in the process. 

 El chuckled in response and let me finish it off. as I swallowed the last drop and wiped what had run down my chin with the back of my hand I gave him the canteen back and he set it off to the side while eyeing me.

"How do you feel?" He questioned as I rubbed my eyes tiredly. 

"Sore…" he nodded in response With a bit of a sorry look in his eyes as his hand brushed my cheek and his eyes trailed down my body. 

My eyes followed his, seeing a few scratches and bruises on my arms and thighs. 

"I am sorry if I was too rough. It was hard for me to control myself." He admitted while Brushing a lock of hair from my face. "You were too beautiful to resist." 

"Mmhm" I hummed tiredly. "Well if I lose the ability to walk for the next few days, your ass is gonna have to carry me just remember that."

He smiled down at me and stayed silent, leaning back against the tree we were sitting under. "I will take you to the healing pool tonight to soothe your aching body”

“Yeah, good idea I probably need it…”

Looking up at Elazar's face I could see his hair was a bit messy, although not nearly as bad as mine. 

memories from last night flashed in my mind the more I looked at him. He seemed so calm and serene now but before…

His eyes were different, like that of a wild animal. I somewhat remember clinging to him and digging my nails into his back and shoulders trying to hold on as he went at me like a rabbit in heat. When he wasn't busy pounding me into the ground I saw a different look in his eyes. One of concern and uncertainty, just like the look he’s giving me now.

My gaze trailed down to his shoulders and I could see the scratches I had left behind. “Kora- I'm sorry.”

My eyes went back to his as I looked at him confused. Why is he apologizing?

He turned his head away ashamed as he spoke again. “I am sorry if I hurt you badly. It really was hard for me to control myself.” 

My confusion quickly turned to a glare and I grabbed his horn forcing him to look at me. “You moron, you didn't get out of it unscathed either!” He looked me in the eyes as I released his horn and cupped his cheek, softening my glare.

“I won't regret what has happened between us. And I don't want you to regret any of it either, understand? We are in this together.” He silently contemplated my words before nodding. 

I could see that look of determination in his eyes. We made our choices and we will push forward and keep walking this path we chose. Nothing is going to stop us.

Sighing I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his chest in a hug. Lifting one hand he pulled me close and rubbed circles on my backside while nuzzling me. 

“Would you like to go to the stream to clean up?”

“Yes” I quickly pushed away from el. “I'm not sure how long I can stay like this, no offense I love you, you and I are hot messes but all this.” I gestured to the residue and aftermath from last night and his eyes followed. “But this is disgusting.” 

He chuckled and removed me from his lap before standing. Once he was on his feet, had our clothes and some clean furs in hand he swept me off my feet and carried me like his new bride, over to the stream. 

Unfortunately the water was bitterly cold this time of year but it seemed to help soothe the soreness just a bit so I didn't mind too much. I couldn't hardly stand and my knees felt like they were rubbed raw after the many endeavors that we indulged in the night before where I was forced on them so I opted for sitting on a boulder on the side of the stream close enough to where my legs were still in the water. Using the plant soap stuff Elazar introduced me to, I scrubbed my entire body vigorously. The sex was great, the aftermath? Not so much.

Glancing over to Elazar I saw him standing in the stream that only reached his knees. He was quick to rinse himself off before stepping out. 

“You know if you don't clean off properly you are gonna smell.” He paused to look at me as he grabbed his leathers.

Without a second thought he quickly dressed himself. –not that he wears much anyways.-- “I do not mind Having your scent on me, if anything it is an honor.”

‘Of course he would be into something like that…’ shaking my head I rinsed myself off using a wooden bowl to scoop up water and pour it over myself. Once I felt satisfied I grabbed my clothes that Elazar had left on a rock beside me only to remember something very important was missing from the pile. ‘Shit.’

“Kora! Elazar!” An excited voice called out from. The treeline and we both looked back to see kion rushing out of the forest with a big grin on his face. “I was wondering where you guys went!”

His eyes spotted the scratch marks across Els arms and shoulders and he looked at me seeing the bruises and scratches across my arms as I quickly covered myself with my hands. “What happened to you two?” He arched his brow as my face heated up.

“Hey have some decency will ya!” That only seemed to confuse Kion further as Elazar nonchalantly shook his head before turning the boy around so he wasn't looking at me.

“Humans do not like to be looked at when they bathe.” Elazar explained to him.

“really? that's weird?”

“It's not weird, it's called modesty!” I huffed before slipping my clothes on. Uhg I hate not having underwear. “It's completely natural to be shy!”

Kion turned his head to peek again out of curiosity only for Elazar to turn his head away again. “That word is not part of our language” El gently stated.

“you know what it means!” I glared back at Elazar as he leaned against a tree with his arms crossed, watching me while Kion stood beside him with his back turned.

“clothes are supposed to help protect you from the environment.” I got to my feet and elazar quickly strode over to help me stand/waddle my way away from the stream.

“I especially would like to have underwear to cover my nether regions so I don't have something Crawling up my ass or sex while I sleep!” I gave Elazar an accusing glare and he seemed to realize what I was getting at as his gaze flicked down. ‘He doesn't even feel guilty about tearing apart my underwear!’

“Those coverings seem more like an obstacle than anything. Besides the only thing that would be entering your womb is my-”

I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth as my face flushed red. “Don't you dare finish that sentence!”

Kion peeked back again and turned around once he saw I was covered up. “What are you guys talking about?”



We both spouted at the same time. And I jabbed Elazar in the side for his response. His head swiveled down to look at me with confusion in response.

Kion blinked before quickly catching on. “Oh! did you guys finish courting!?” He exclaimed excitedly. 

“Yes” Elazar was quick to respond so blatantly and in turn I facepalmed. 

So much for modesty…

–hours later–

I can still never get over the sight of this place, It truly is beautiful. The way the plants growing near here all glowed and well as the insects and creatures around it. I wonder how or even why it's like this.

Staring at the shimmering pool before me I dipped my fingers in, pleasantly surprised by how warm it was compared to the river. 


“Elazar, why does the plant life around here glow but the rest of the forest is normal? It's not like we are in a different environment or region so these have to be the same species right?” I questioned while running my hand through the grass making it light up in response to my touch. 

“Yes they are the same, but unlike the rest of the forest these plants feed off the water from this spring. It's what gives everything this moon-lit glow.”

“So if I drink the magic water am I gonna start glowing like a beacon in the middle of the night?” 

Elazar looked me up and down before shaking his head. “You are already like a beacon at night if you start glowing like the plants you will end up being a sun.”

I rolled my eyes at Elazar's words before grabbing the hem of my shirt, I peeled it off over my head then shimmied off my shorts. “Can I swim too?” Kion asked from the treeline. 

“No!” We both responded in turn.

I could practically hear kion whine from behind the tree he was standing under. “Kion, how about you go find us some supper while me and El recover?”

There was a slight rustling of bushes as Kion glanced at us. “Fine! But you guys owe me two favors now!”

We both heard him run off through the forest brush and I sighed shaking my head. Elazar stepped into the water before offering his hands to help me. I smiled and put my hands in his, stepping into the pool of water until I was waist deep. 

I sank in, even lower, sitting on a stone ledge beneath the water's surface near the edge of the spring, and relaxed as the warm water helped any remaining soreness wash away. 

“How do these healing waters even work? I mean even with how advanced humans are right now, regenerating cells and such artificially is still a slow process and doesn't always work. Yet these waters do it naturally and so quickly.” I cupped the sparkling water in my palms watching it swirl.

Elazar watched me for a moment slightly confused before lifting his hand from the water, watching it stream through his fingers and back into the pool. “I'm not sure if this answer will be enough to satisfy you but in our culture these springs were remnants of one of the seven moons.” 

Looking up at Elazar as he stood in the water he looked up to the sky and I followed his gaze. “Now that I think about it xanadis only has 6 moons… yet you guys always refer to a seventh moon in your prayers- why is that?”

He continued to gaze up at the celestial bodies high above. “That's because there's many stories from long ago that mention a seventh moon. It was destroyed many generations ago and pieces of it were scattered upon our world. Whether it is fortunate or not, when those remnants were scattered throughout the forest they created these springs but they also brought upon a great evil. Creatures with blood as black as night and hunger as deep as greed.

My eyes widened a little at this information. “the draven?”  elazar turned his attention back to me and nodded. 

Is he saying what I think he's saying?

I never would've thought it was possible but now that I think about it, that creature…it's unlike anything from this world, What are the chances its not-

“kora.” I was snapped out of my thoughts as Elazar sat beside me and pulled me against him. He seemed worried by my tense posture.

Sighing again I leaned into him and closed my eyes, clearing those ideas from my mind. “Sorry just, lost in thought.” 

We were both silent, doing our best to enjoy the peace we had now, knowing that it most likely wouldn't last long. As much as I didn't want to think about everything right at this moment, my mind seemed to keep spinning.

“You seem upset.” Elazar inquired. 

I hesitated before responding. “what's gonna happen to us when we rejoin your tribe?”

Elazar looked at the spring before us before looking back at me. “Things will be difficult at first. The others will be weary of your presence and may either shun or berate us. But I believe that with time they will come to accept you and learn that there is more to you than they initially thought. They will eventually accept you and we may go on to be a family, even if it is just the three of us.”

A big smile stretched across my cheeks from Elazar's response. “No more running, hiding, and struggling to find food?” He shook his head. 

“We will be safe and be at home amidst the others and you shall go to sleep each night with a full belly.” He nuzzled the top of my head and I wrapped my arms around his neck with a giggle.

 “You mean with food right?” His hands moved to grasp my thighs as he pulled me into his lap so that I was straddling him, before gliding up my sides. I could already feel the erection he was sporting poking at my stomach. 

“perhaps…but I would not be against either option.” He nipped at my shoulder and up my neck until I stopped him by grabbing his face in my hands and tracing my thumb over his lips as I looked at him. 

“hmm, neither would i-”

His hands grabbed me by the hips and he lifted me up to position himself at my entrance. He let me down slowly and I bit the inside of my cheek grimacing slightly from the dull soreness that continued to linger from the previous night. 

He groaned when he was about half way in but stopped when he noticed my discomfort. “If you are not ready for this again-” 

“No. I'm fine… keep going, please.” I choked out. Elazar seemed hesitant but pushed on until he was nearly completely inside, only the knot at the base of his shaft was left. 

“F-fuck.” I breathed while laying against him. The soreness I felt was minimized by the healing water but I didn't think I took into consideration my exhaustion. Sure I'm not in pain but just taking Elazar in was draining. “I-im not so sure I can move on my own.” I spoke up half jokingly.

Elazar buried his face in the side of my neck inhaling my scent while grinding himself into my core. “Then I shall take charge.” He nipped at my ear and neck as his hands gripped my thighs and started moving me up and down.

I closed my eyes and clung to him as he gently moved us both into a steady rhythm, not nearly as wild or desperate as all those times before. He was taking his time being as gentle as possible. I loved and hated the slow pace both equally. 

One of his hands moved to the back of my head to pull me back enough to allow him to claim my lips and I melted into the passionate kiss. 

When he finally broke the kiss he stood up in the pool and held me in a firm hold before making his shallow thrusts harder and deeper. I held onto him like a lifeline openly crying out with moans and gasps until the pleasure finally peaked and we both were pushed over the edge. Digging my nails into his back I felt his knot slip in and warmth spill into the pit of my stomach as I came undone with a shudder. 

We were both panting as we looked at eachother so lovingly. Being with Elazar was unlike anything I've ever felt before. It was so warm and comforting to be held by him. I never wanted this feeling to go away…

Once the high of my climax faded I felt my body start to relax a little too much and my eyes felt heavy. ‘Guess I'm still tired.’ I thought while trying to fight it. I didn't want to lose this feeling. I wanted to keep this warm fuzzy feeling with me.

Elazar nuzzled the tip of my head and murmured into my hair while waiting for his release to finish. “Sleep, I will not leave you anytime soon.” 

I couldn't even mutter a response as my eyes closed reluctantly and my consciousness fell away. 

‘So this is what real love is like…’

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