Rise of the Cheat Potion Maker #1: A Cultivation LitRPG Saga

Chapter Rise of the Cheat Potion Maker #1: Interlude 1

Ramon Thunderblade glared at his party the moment he entered that whore queen’s private drinking pub. There awaited all five of them, three women and two men. One more figure was further down, arms folded, a knife stabbed into the cake. The princess, daughter of the Lord Ruler. It took everything in him not to scream out of frustration. His party was known for pranks like this. The annoying bitch of a princess and her romantic hero fantasies really got on his nerves. They woke him up in the middle of the night for this? Ramon had better things to do, such as finding the next thing to kill, blackmail a few nobles into following his orders or else reveal their illicit activities, bed a few courtesans or a few lonely wives.

Just being in the presence of this naïve but conniving devil who could order him around brought his blood to a boil. Ramon ignored the gibberish of mortals and slayed any who got in the way of his job to take down the kingdom’s enemies or demons. But the Lord Ruler, his whore queen wife, and his children, two male and two female, were anything but mortal. They were monsters. They were the reason why Ramon pushed himself to be as coldblooded as possible. Of the royal family, he hated the princess the most.

She believed herself destined to marry him and often demanded their father to arrange the ceremony. If he hadn’t befriended the Lord Ruler, that is pretended to be a devoted follower, that arrangement would’ve come true. But crazy was crazy, and Ramon Thunderblade wanted no part of it.

Soon, that would be but a memory as he departed and poured himself into saving humanity as their hero. With the people worshipping him, he’d always have a reason to be away from the capital. No one could challenge Ramon in power, anyway, not even the Lord Ruler. Well… the princess kind of, just a little bit. If he went to blows with the crazy girl, the entire place would be wiped out.

What was a land to rule without its people?

“It is the day in which you come of age, my love,” the princess said. “Eighteen.” She didn’t appear crazy to the untrained eye, but Ramon had been with enough women to sense it practically by instinct. She never harmed a fly; she didn’t need to with her immense power. No one would dare challenge the Lord Ruler’s daughter.

But it was only a matter of time before she wanted more than just Ramon’s heart. Ramon’s party members, who had no idea, grinned at him. This seemed innocent to them. But to Ramon, it was a battle for freedom. This pathetic crazy royal family believed they could control someone like him.

Ramon would bring his might down onto the world.

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