Rise of a Queen: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Kingdom Duet Book 2)

Rise of a Queen: Chapter 33

Life has never been the same after that night.

I think that’s a given, considering how Jonathan’s ‘man’ sniped down Tom as if he were a fly. When I asked Jonathan who the sniper was, he told me it was no one I needed to worry about. Something tells me his type might be even worse than the monster I spent my childhood with.

It took me a few days to regain my strength with the amount of propofol Margot and Tom injected into me.

Jonathan, being Jonathan, admitted me to a private clinic. When I told him there was no need, he gave me that look — the one that says ‘you don’t get to argue with me when it comes to your health’ — and I eventually kept my mouth shut.

Layla came over, brought me her mum’s couscous and hugged me to death. I joked, telling her maybe I should get hurt more often so she’d hug me. That earned me harsh glares from both her and Jonathan.

Ethan and Agnus showed up, too, and for the first time, Jonathan didn’t kick Ethan out. It might have something to do with how I begged him not to, but I believe this is a start to rekindle their friendship. I meant it when I told Ethan I’d help.

Aiden, Levi, Elsa, and Astrid visited, too. The boys were shocked about Margot’s involvement, considering that they’ve known her their entire lives, but after a one-on-one talk with Jonathan, they seemed to have accepted it.

My nephew begrudgingly said he’s glad I’m safe, and by begrudgingly, I mean, everyone said it first, then stared at him so he’d follow.

Aiden and I might have started off on the wrong foot, but I have faith in the future. After all, we’re the people Alicia loved the most. I cropped the clip of her last moments and sent him the part where she said she loved him so much.

Elsa’s eyes filled with tears as he listened and re-listened to that part. I think both he and I needed that goodbye from Alicia. Jonathan knew what my sister’s opinion of him was before her death, the part where she thought he was poisoning her, and that she forgave him. I could tell he didn’t like that she had those thoughts about him, but on the other hand, the closure gave him and Aiden a much-needed fresh start.

They’re revisiting their father and son relationship that was basically non-existent after Alicia’s death.

The small cropped parts are the only thing Jonathan and Aiden heard — I would never let them listen to the entire clip of her death. I’ll bury that painful experience between me and Maxim.

My father got attacked that night by Shelby. He was saved at the very last minute by a guard and he’s currently in a coma that he might never wake up from.

When I learnt the news, I didn’t grieve or feel sad. I didn’t feel relief either. I’d already mourned my father, so whether he stays alive or dies doesn’t really make much of a difference to me.

It’s ironic that he tortured people until they died slowly, and now, he might receive the same treatment. He’s neither dead nor alive — just floating in between.

Due to that fact, the parole case was dropped, and I didn’t have to stand in trial. The media attention slowly withered away after Maxim’s attack. The victims’ families who were thirsty for justice all these years stopped protesting, too.

I’m slowly but surely getting back my life. Layla and I will finally launch our new product next month, and so far, we’re having great prelaunch attention. It might also have something to do with the whole press interference.

Layla says any publicity is good publicity and it’s only fair we use the suckers who harassed us.

Taking a deep breath, I hold the box in my hand and tap on Jonathan’s office door. I don’t wait before going inside.

Since Tom’s death and Margot’s arrest three weeks ago, the two of us have been on our own in the house. Harris arranges for a cleaning staff to come, but they’re supervised by the security team. Needless to say, Jonathan doesn’t trust anyone anymore. Not that he ever has in the past.

He sits behind his desk, focusing on his laptop. I stop and stare at the way his shirt is rolled to his elbows, revealing his strong forearms. He’s not wearing a tie and his top shirt buttons are undone, hinting at his chiselled chest and the raw masculinity he exudes by just sitting at his desk.

I doubt there will be a day when I won’t stop and stare at him. He owns me in every single way — just like I own him. And it’s the best type of belonging I’ve ever felt.

Jonathan and I might not have started as a fairy tale, considering his tyrant behaviour, but I wouldn’t have wished for a different beginning. If he hadn’t cornered me the way he did, if he hadn’t chased me after I ran, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

During the past few weeks, he’s been treating me like his queen — bathing me, feeding me, and even driving me to work because he doesn’t trust any other ‘fucker’. At night — and in the mornings — he owns my body in every sense of the word. He dominates and pleases me. He sets my skin on fire with every touch until I’ve turned into a complete addict.

He lifts his head when I round the table and stand in front of him. He stares at his watch. “You’re here.”

“Is that a problem?”

“You were supposed to return in an hour and I was going to drive you.”

“I can drive on my own.”


“Stop being a tyrant.”

He raises a brow. “You like that about me.”

“No, I don’t.” Okay, maybe I do, but he’ll never know that. “Give me your hand.”

He doesn’t protest as I remove his watch, open the box, and retrieve the dark grey one I’ve been working on for months. I’ve probably had the idea for it since the first day I stepped into this house.

Its masculine design and size fits Jonathan’s wrist perfectly as I strap it in place. I stare with admiration at my work, but then I realise I didn’t ask for his opinion.

“It’s one of a kind, so you better like it. Or pretend to,” I blurt. “No, don’t pretend. You have to like it.”

He smiles, his features easing with the motion. “Are you going to mass-produce it for others?”

“No, it’s specifically made for you. I mean, I only had you in mind when I was working on it.”

“Then I’m not removing it for life.”

I bite my lower lip. “Does that mean you like it?”

“I like everything you make, but since this is specifically for me, let’s say it’s your best work yet.”

I wrap my arms around his neck, fingers getting lost in his hair as I brush a kiss on his forehead.

“I have a present for you, too.”

I pull back at his words. “What type of present?”

“I fully transferred H&H’s stocks back to you and Layla.”

A huge grin pulls at my lips. “You did?”

He nods.

The overwhelming joy is crushed by a dooming realisation. My smile drops as fast as it appeared.

Our agreement said that he’d only transfer the stocks back at the end of the six-month period.

Those six months are almost over.

No idea why I thought that didn’t matter anymore. I swear it’s because that dick Layla has been ramping up my hopes. Two weeks ago, when I went back to my flat to get some of my things, we discovered that Jonathan now owns the building. Actually, he bought the thing soon after the start of our agreement.

The fact that he was able to waltz into my flat that day I fainted made more sense. Then Layla told me that if he bought the fucking building I live in, Jonathan has long-term plans for me.

Apparently, that’s not the case.

“So what now?” My lips tremble as I drop my hands from around his neck. “Is this my ticket to leave?”

“Your ticket?”

“Well, aren’t you giving me back the stocks so I’ll go?”

“Is that what you think?”

“Isn’t that why you did it?” My voice is broken and hurt, even to my own ears.

He grabs me by the waist and tugs so that I end up sitting on his hard thighs. The position has become too familiar. The thought of never having it again is more painful than being stabbed.

Jonathan’s fingers dig into my hipbone, tender but firm. “It’s the other way around.”

“The other way around?”

“I gave you back the stocks so you wouldn’t stay just because I’m holding them over your head.”

A deep breath heaves out of my lungs as his grey eyes hold mine hostage. “Does that mean you’re giving me the opportunity to choose whether I leave or stay?”

He gives a sharp nod. “But if you do choose to leave, I might not play fair.”

“When have you ever?”

“You already know my methods, so choose wisely. I’ll give you some time to think about it.”

“I don’t need time.”

He narrows his eyes, fingers tightening into my hip. “If you’re in the mood to be chased, I’m happy to oblige.”

I lean over and whisper in his ear, “I’m not going anywhere.”


“I’ve kind of gotten used to you. It’d be weird to get a different roommate.”

“Is that so?”

“I think so. I love you, Jonathan.”

He smiles, a genuine one that lights his grey eyes and threatens to stop my heart. “You do, huh?”

“I do. I thought I was incapable of love after losing Dad and Alicia, but you wrenched it out of me so easily. In the beginning, it was frightening, but it soon became exciting. I’m so glad I met you — or more like, re-met you.”

His hand wraps around my throat, and my breathing hitches like every time he does it. “And I’m glad I kept you, wild one. You flipped my world upside down and I enjoy every second of it. I don’t only love you, I’m obsessed with everything about you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving how much your presence means to me.”

“Jonathan…” My voice shatters with adoration and utter passion for this man. My tyrant. My love. My life.

“You’re staying. It’s final.”

“I’m staying. After all, I have Alicia’s permission.”


I lift my chin. “It’s a secret between me and my sister.”

“Fascinating.” He shakes his head. “I’ve known you were a wild one since you were five.”

“Since I was five? I first met you when I was seven.”

“Mmm. Maybe.”

“Jonathan. What do you mean?”

A sadistic gleam covers his eyes. “A secret.”

“You’re awful.”

“You still love me.”

“I do.”

“Say it.”

“I love you, Jonathan.” I sigh. “I love you so much.”

Still grabbing me by the throat, his lips find mine in a kiss that seals my fate.

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