Rise of a Queen: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Kingdom Duet Book 2)

Rise of a Queen: Chapter 25

A deal.

She said we had a deal.

A fucking deal.

I grip my phone so tightly, I’m surprised it doesn’t crack into pieces. I’m even more surprised that I’m able to function after the whole fucking show that happened today.

While I was planning the future Aurora and I will have together after the drama with Maxim ends, she’s been thinking about the fucking deal.

As in, during all the months we spent together, her sole purpose has been to leave me.

Running is constantly the first thing on her mind no matter what I do.

It doesn’t matter if I paint the world gold for her or if I pluck the bloody stars from the sky and scatter them at her feet. She’ll just step over them and run.

Like she always does.

Like she has been doing for the past eleven years.

But here’s the thing. She didn’t have me in the past. She didn’t belong to me body and soul. I don’t care how much her heart fights me, it’ll eventually crumble like the rest of her.

Will it, though?

I was never one to receive affection. Being incapable of it turned me into a solid wall against it. Even my own mother didn’t think I needed such a thing. To make it even worse, Alicia completely withdrew from me and my own son cares more about challenging me than anything else.

Why would Aurora be any different?

That isn’t the problem, though. The problem is that I want her to be different when I never wished for it in my entire existence.

“Where to, sir?” Moses asks from the front seat.

“The headquarters,” Harris says on my behalf. He followed us here after the media show and was about to leave for a meeting when I told him I’d join.

He has barely stared at his tablet for the last minute. That’s a record.

“Didn’t you say you’re staying in for today?” he asks slowly, almost cautiously. I must appear like I’m on the verge of combusting, and Harris is smart enough to pick up on exterior changes.

“Don’t you always bitch that I’m constantly absent? You should be happy I’m coming along.” My voice is calm, but it’s the deceptive type that hints at a fucking storm brewing underneath.

“I am, but…you wouldn’t usually leave Aurora’s side. Especially after what happened today.”

“She’s Ms Harper to you.”

“I can’t call her Ms Harper now. That’s like calling Grams Mrs Willis.”

I release a breath but say nothing.

Harris readjusts his glasses with his index and middle finger. “Trouble in paradise?”

“Shut it.”

“I was wondering when she’d snap.”

“She?” I give him a side-eye. “I am the one who’s supposed to snap.”

“With all due respect, sir, you’re not the one who was dragged into a foreign world all of a sudden and forced to deal with…well, someone demanding – for the lack of better terms.”

No. But I might as well be.

“She was bound to rebel against you.”

“Do you have a point, Harris?”

“Do you want my advice?”

“Since when are you an expert?”

“I’ve been Googling things to stay ahead.”


“You would be surprised at what you can find there. Anyway, all I’m saying is, give her time, sir.”

“That won’t be happening.”

“Suit yourself.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means, you might lose her once and for all.”

My breathing turns harsh and rugged as I resist the urge to punch Harris’ snobby face. “That won’t be happening either.”

“It will, unless…”

I stare at him. “Unless what?”

“Unless you give her space. If you want her to fall back into you willingly, then you should leave her alone for a while.”

“How long is a while?”

“As long as it takes.”

“What if she never comes back?”

He sighs and readjusts his glasses again. “Then it’s better to let her go.”

Let her go.

I know what that means, and despite my black mood, I recognise it’s probably the best option for her.

But how the fuck can I let go of the piece of myself I finally found?

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