Rise of a Queen: A Dark Billionaire Romance (Kingdom Duet Book 2)

Rise of a Queen: Chapter 22

“I’m not bored at all, mate. I get to be with Daddy.”

I laugh at Layla’s tone. She almost sounds offended that I suggested she might be bored out of her mind at Ethan’s place. Since it’s been more than a week, I’m starting to get restless, so I thought she might feel the same.

“Besides, there’s also Agnus,” she whispers. “And he’s, like, totally Daddy material, too. I’m going to collect them all.”

“You need help, Lay.”

“Shut up. You’ve got your Daddy-in-practice.”

“I do not.” My cheeks heat as I say the words. Jonathan is sitting on the sofa opposite me, and even though his attention is on the tablet, I have no doubt that he’s also focused on the conversation.

There’s no way in shit I can ask Layla about the state of things in England. He won’t hesitate to snatch the phone away and end the call.

He’s a tyrant about that — amongst other things.

I tuck my hair behind my ears. “So is everything else good? Are you comfortable?”

“Absolutely. This is like a holiday and Daddy’s mansion is the best.”

“It is?”

“Totally. He’s taking good care of us.”

“I’m so glad. Thank Ethan on my behalf.”

“He’s right outside. Do you want to talk to him?”

“Yeah, sure.” I’ve barely finished the sentence when Jonathan stands up and towers over me, extending his hand.

I sigh, glaring up at him. “On second thought, I’ll thank him in person, Lay. Talk to you later.”

As soon as I hang up, I shove the phone into Jonathan’s hand, seething on the inside.

He tucks it in his pocket and sits beside me, still cradling his tablet. “You will not thank Ethan, on the phone or in person. The next time you see him, you’ll walk the opposite way.”

And just like that, he returns to his tablet. Now that he’s issued his order, his job is done.

Well, screw him.

I take a few moments to suck in deep breaths, because if I speak while agitated, it’ll just backfire on me. Jonathan’s level of conniving intelligence doesn’t hesitate to use people’s emotions against them.

“If I’m thankful to Ethan, I’ll express it.”

He doesn’t lift his head. “You will not.”

“Well, you wouldn’t know if I meet him behind your back.”

I realise the severity of what I’ve just said too late. Jonathan’s attention zeroes in on me, his jaw clenching under his five o’clock shadow. “What did you just say?”

“I said I’m free to meet whomever I like.” I stand my ground, yet my fingers tremble. To say Jonathan looks scary right now would be an understatement.

“Repeat your exact words, Aurora.”

When I remain quiet, he abandons the tablet. I don’t notice it until he grabs me by the throat and tugs me to his side. His touch is firm, merciless, and while it usually turns me on, the expression on his face terrifies the hell out of me.

“Did you just say you’ll meet Ethan behind my fucking back? Is that it?”

“Well, if you don’t let me —”

“It’s a yes or no question,” he cuts me off.

“I won’t do it,” I whisper. Even though I like challenging Jonathan, stirring up his ugly side is an entirely different thing.

He gets weird about anything that includes Ethan, and I sure as hell don’t want to get in the middle of that.

“You won’t do what?” His grip tightens on my throat, and this time, arousal expands across my skin.

During the days we’ve spent on this island, I’ve gotten used to his touch more than ever before. It might have to do with the different toys he keeps shoving up my arse. Whenever he fucks me with one inside me, I feel like my orgasm hits me from a dozen different places all at once.

But deep down, I know it’s not only because of the toys, punishments, or exotic positions. It’s because of him — Jonathan. The way he listens to me, the way he keeps telling me that the past isn’t my fault. I never knew I needed to hear those words from him until he said them.

Whenever we walk or lounge on the beach, we talk about everything. Our lives, our visions, and our goals. For Jonathan, it’s his pursuit of power. For me, it’s proving my artistic streak. The ability to somehow grasp the uncatchable time through design. He raised an eyebrow when I told him that was part of the reason why I chose watches. It might have started with the present Alicia brought me, but it was my fascination with the notion of time that became my driving force.

When I was little, I took time for granted. But after my life flipped upside down, I wanted to commemorate every second possible. When I told Jonathan that after losing my inhibition due to alcohol, he said he was proud of me. And I might have climbed him and demanded he take me then and there.

The fact that he’s turning out to be more than I ever thought I needed is pushing buttons I didn’t know I had.

I don’t know how it happened or why, but Jonathan has effortlessly become an undivided part of my life. I couldn’t get rid of him even if I wanted to.

That’s both terrifying and exciting.

Instead of answering his question, I deflect, “Why do you hate Ethan so much?”

“You know.”

I shake my head in his hold. “It’s not only because of Alicia’s death. If anything, he also lost his factory, wife, and nine years of his life. If you compare things, Ethan had endured more damage than you.”

He traces my jaw with a deceptively tender thumb. “Are you taking his side, wild one?”

“I’m just stating facts. I…I want to get to know you.”

“And you think decoding my relationship with Ethan would do that?”

“Whether you like to admit it or not, he’s the only one you consider a worthy rival.”

“Worthy isn’t the word I would use. Try infuriating.”

“Come on, tell me what it’s all about.”

His thumb continues gliding up and down my skin, creating maddening friction. “All you need to know is that I don’t like him close to you.”



“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“It wasn’t supposed to.”

“Wait. Is it because of your attraction to the same type of women?” I can’t believe I haven’t thought about that before now. It makes complete sense that Jonathan wants me away from Ethan because he thinks Ethan also sees me the way he does.

His thumb halts as he narrows his eyes. “How do you know about that?”

“Ethan told me.”

“Ethan told you,” he repeats with a lethal edge. “What else did he tell you?”

“He said you used to have threesomes and share women, and that you’re attracted to the same type.”

“And then he said he could be better than me, didn’t he? I’m going to fucking murder him.”

“He didn’t say that.”

“He always said that to the women.” His lips twists. “In fact, he didn’t need to. They gravitated towards him anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

He pauses, and I suspect he won’t answer my question, as usual, when he feels pressed, but then he speaks quietly. “In the past, I was always the one the women wanted to fuck, but the one they envisioned a relationship with was Ethan.”

Oh. Jonathan feels like I would be like them. Far from it. It’s crazy, but I wouldn’t choose anyone above him.

“In case you didn’t notice, you’re intimidating, Jonathan.”

He narrows his eyes on me again. “Right.”

“I mean it. You have a god-like presence that no one dares to come near.”

“You did.”

“I would always choose you.”



He smiles a little before he schools his expression. “Ethan is still dead for putting the idea in your head.”

“Stop it.”

“Don’t try to protect him. His life is over.”

“I’m not.” I smile tentatively. “He really didn’t make that suggestion.”

And if he had, I would’ve definitely protected him. Judging by Jonathan’s reaction, he really wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him.

“Ethan is guilty until proven innocent.”

“It should be the other way around, Jonathan.”

“Not in my book.” His facial expression is hard as granite. “What else did he run his mouth about? Don’t leave anything out.”

“Just that and the fact that you prefer broken women. How come the two of you are attracted to the same type?”

He remains silent for a beat before his calm voice drifts all around me like a halo, “It’s a challenge.”

“A challenge?”

“Ethan and I don’t like normal. Normal is boring. Back in university, we had no problem having girls fall at our feet, but the high soon withered away. Broken women, on the other hand, were interesting. We got to explore them and bring them to heights even they didn’t think was possible. It was thrilling for the three of us.”

My throat dries at the image of Jonathan and Ethan worshipping a woman. I don’t like it — not that I shouldn’t. It was way back. I still don’t like it, damn it.

The fact that Jonathan also considers me a challenge is what sits badly at the bottom of my stomach.

Is that all I am to him?

“You shouldn’t be mad at Ethan, then,” I murmur. “He must think there’ll be sharing like in the past.”

One moment I’m sitting, the next, Jonathan drags me over. I fall all over his lap with a gasp. His fingers are still wrapped around my throat as his eyes darken to a frightening colour.

I’m staring up at him and trapped in that gaze that’s able to not only dissect me, but simultaneously reach inside me.

“That won’t be fucking happening.” His voice is clipped with an edge that’s meant to cut.


“No one but me gets to fucking touch you. If anyone attempts to, they’ll disappear and never return.”

His pure male possessiveness could be scary at some level, but for some reason, it cools the fire burning in my chest.

“You would do that?”

“I would do more than that, Aurora. Do you think I was joking when I said you’re mine?” His fingers cup me over my shorts, eliciting a rush of pleasure. “I’m going to put a baby in you to prove it.”

My smile falls at his words.

It all makes sense now, the fact that he’s never used a condom and that at some point, he started coming inside me and often fucks his seed into me. Or the fact that he nodded with approval when I told him I don’t use any birth control.

The tyrant has been trying to impregnate me all this time.

It should make me angry or something, but I can’t get past the bitter taste lingering at the back of my throat.

“You can’t,” I murmur.

“I can’t what?”

“You can’t put a baby in me. I’m barren, Jonathan.” My voice chokes on his name and I sit up, needing the distance.

He lets me go, and I’m thankful he’s allowing me to breathe in something other than his woodsy scent. Maybe he’ll hate me now that I can’t give him the baby he wants. At the beginning, I swear he was against it, which made sense, considering he has Aiden and Levi, and to an extent, it made me comfortable.

The fact that he changed his mind to wanting babies is messing with my head. I hate this feeling, the fact that I’m defective in so many ways. The fact that I can do nothing to fix it.

“How did that happen?” His voice is the same, with that edge of control and firmness, and, in a way, I’m thankful for it.

“I was born this way. I discovered it in my late teens when I went to the GP for birth control. She ran some tests and told me I was born with a genetically damaged ovary, so I can never have children of my own.”


It stretches between us for a second before I chance a peek at Jonathan. He’s watching me with the same intensity as usual.

Before he can say anything, I blurt, “So it won’t be happening — children, I mean. If you want those, then you should search elsewhere and find someone else —”

I’m cut off when he grabs me by the throat again and kisses me with an intensity that robs my breaths, thoughts, and words. I fall into Jonathan, my fingers gripping his T-shirt, and my eyes screwing shut at the raw power and sensuality in his kiss.

It’s like he’s driving a point home with his mouth, and although I can’t exactly pinpoint it, I feel it. I fall into it. I become one with it.

His lips wrench away from mine as both of us pant, sucking in each other’s air. “Fuck that. Fuck anyone who’s not you, wild one.”

An overwhelming sensation explodes in my chest so hard, it’s almost painful. But at the same time, it’s the relief I never thought I needed. “B-but you said you wanted a baby.”

“I only wanted to glue you to me with that. Now, I’ll just find another method.”


“Have I ever lied to you?”

“No, but…”

“I already have Aiden, and I practically raised Levi, so he’s basically my son, too. Believe me, having those two punks is like fathering a dozen children.”

A small smile grazes my lips. I can totally see that.

“But if you want kids, I will make it happen.” His expression turns determined. “I don’t care which doctor I have to threaten.”

“Stop it.” I smile. “I don’t want them.”

“Why not?”

“Because psychopathy is genetic and I’ll never take the risk of having a child inherit Dad’s qualities.”

“You haven’t.”

“Just because I escaped that fate, barely, doesn’t mean my offspring won’t — or the following generation, or the next. Being born without the ability to procreate is a blessing in this case, not a curse.”

“It is what you make it to be, Aurora.” He strokes my hair back. “The world is at the tip of your fingers.”

“It is not.”

“It is now. I’ll bring the world to its knees in front of you. All you have to do is ask.”

“Why?” I whisper.

“Why what?”

“Why would you do that for me?”

“Because the world needs to bend the knee for my queen.”

My queen.

My mouth falls open and my eyes nearly bug out.

Holy shit. I think Jonathan just called me his queen. I didn’t hear that incorrectly, right? It’s not a sadistic play of my imagination.


“Now.” His fingers sneak under my shorts, and my legs willingly open. “Have you been a good girl?”


“Are you wearing the plug?”



I was so excited about the phone call with Layla, I came down without putting in the stupid toy.

“What will you do if I say no?” I murmur.

“If I spank you, you’ll like that so I’ll go a step further.” His fingers sink into my folds and I arch my back against him.

“A step further?” I moan.

His lips find my earlobe and he whispers, “There will be no orgasm.”

“Jonathan!” I protest.

“Only good girls get orgasms.”

“I won’t do it again.” I cradle his face with my fingers and brush my lips against his jaw, knowing how much he likes it when I kiss him. “Please?”

“Try harder.”

I plant kisses all over his cheek, his lips, his chiselled jaw, and even his nose and his eyelids. It’s the first time I’ve been so forthcoming about kissing him, but Jonathan doesn’t stop me. If anything, he loosens his hold a little to give me room to worship him.

To take my fill of him like I never have before. As I continue my ministrations, he fingers me slowly until I’m writhing in his hands, begging for more.




“More what?” He twists his fingers inside me and I arch my back against him.


He pulls out his fingers and I groan against his face, but I don’t have to wait for long as he unbuckles his belt and slides his huge, throbbing dick inside me. We moan at the same time as he fills me whole. His fingers slide my wetness to my back hole using them instead of the plug as he thrusts slow and measured. His metal gaze never leaves mine as he fucks both my pussy and my arse.

But those aren’t the only things he’s owning. He’s claiming me body, heart, and soul, and it’s completely out of my control. I can’t stop it, even if I wanted to.

Jonathan might be feared by the world, but as I stare into his sombre eyes, I find safety, belonging — feelings I never thought I would find again. And because this is out of my control, it scares the shit out of me. At the same time, I don’t want to run away from it.

“J-Jonathan…” I moan, gripping his neck like it’s a lifeline.

“What, wild one?”


He complies, his hand surrounding my throat as he brings me to the edge. He doesn’t stop, though. Not when I scream his name.

Not when I writhe against his body.

Not when I beg — no idea if it’s for more or for him to stop.

He takes me in countless positions as if he can’t get enough of me. As if we’ll lose the connection the moment he’s out of me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case.

When he finally comes inside me, I’m so deliciously spent and sore.

As I lie limp in his arms, a satisfied moan leaves my lips, and before I sleep, I murmur, “I want to go home.”

He strokes my hair away from my face, his voice quiet as he repeats, “You want to go home?”

“I’m sick and tired of running away.” A shiver runs through me. “It’s time I finally stand up in front of the monster of my past.”

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