Revolt (Legends and Love)

Revolt: Chapter 32

Maybe I’m just feeling raw or extremely vulnerable after my talk with Raff and then seeing Tucker, but I find myself curled up on Cillian in my studio. We should both be working, but it’s nice. I strum the guitar out of habit, not really paying attention. He’s playing with my hair, and I can’t help but smile. My eyes close as I focus on the warmth inside me and the bravery I feel.

That’s when the lyrics start to form. “Shit, I need my pad,” I grumble, not wanting to get up.

“Huh?” he asks.

“My pad, I have some lyrics to write down.”

“Here.” Without question, he grabs a pen and taps his thigh, which is on display in his shorts. “So neither of us have to move.”

Giggling, I turn over, carefully laying my guitar down, and take the pen. I look at him to see him watching me, and he smiles encouragingly. Grinning, I hum the melody again as he lies back, and I scribble the words as they come to me. They are just feelings, jumbled and jagged, and although they aren’t polished, they are real.

Home is his arms.

Safe, warm.

Just us.

Your eyes are just for me.

Sparkling like the fire you blaze through me.

Setting me alight, burning anew.

Remembering what it felt like falling in love with you.

I pull back and nod. “There, thanks.” Grabbing my phone from the table, I take a picture so I don’t forget and snuggle back into his side, conscious of the writing and melody forming once more in my mind.

“Anything for you, Reign,” he whispers.

I don’t ignore the emotions in his voice, not today. I’m tired of being a coward. “Anything?”

“Anything,” he replies. “You don’t know that by now?” Tilting his head, he watches me openly with a soft smile. “I’m obsessed with you, Reign Harrow. Beyond why we are here, beyond the magic we make together, I am completely and one hundred percent obsessed with you as a person.” I search his face, seeing everything he wants to say but isn’t sure would be welcome.

“I’m obsessed with you too.”

No more words are needed. They would cheapen the moment, so instead, I throw my leg over him, straddling his lap, and kiss him. I lick his lips until he opens with a groan, letting my tongue slide in and tangle with his. We kiss slowly, our bodies pressed together. His hand slides down my back to grip my ass and hold me closer, and then we break apart.

Something big lodges in my throat as I look into his beautiful face and peer into those green orbs I know better than my own. His pink lips tip up in a soft smile as he reaches up and pushes my hair back for me.

I see nothing but worship in his gaze.

I swallow hard. For some reason, I want to cry, but not wanting to seem crazier than I already am, I lean down and kiss him again, telling him everything I can’t with words. He pushes my hair back and grips the back of my head, tugging me down and deepening the kiss. He dominates my mouth, showing me how much he cares for me.

Heat flares throughout my body, making me grind into his lap. My clit throbs in time with my racing heart as he builds my desire with each flick of his talented tongue until I’m on the verge of coming from a kiss.

Finally, I break away, my chest heaving as I stare down at him.

He grins, flashing his dimples, as one arm goes behind his head. He watches me, letting me make the decision. I could end it here and he’d be happy, but I don’t want that. I want him just like this—spread on my studio couch with my words on his thigh.

My declaration of love written between the lines.

Sliding my shirt up, I reach between us and undo his jeans while meeting him halfway, our lips clashing with purpose. He pushes my hands away, taking over and pulling himself free of his jeans, only to groan into my mouth as I wrap my hands around his length. “Reign.”

I swallow it like a prayer, like a sinner’s confession.

His hard, huge length slides through my hands as his head falls back, his chest arching as I stroke him. The sight is so beautiful, it takes my breath away, and when his eyes open, they are dark with lust. He leans up, moving my hands away as he tugs my shirt and skirt off, leaving me bare. I tug at his shirt, and he reaches behind, pulling it up and off as I run my nails down his abs.

He slides his hand between my thighs, stroking me softly, but I lift my hips and press against the head of his cock. My lips find his once more as I sink down onto his length, needing him too much to wait. I take every inch until he’s balls deep, and both of us groan as we press together and start to move as one.

Wrapping our arms around one another, we work together, our bodies moving in sync. Pleasure flows through us as our bodies slide against one another, and my head falls back as his lips slide down my neck, biting and licking before moving lower and sealing around my nipple.

The pounding of my desire makes me cry out as I clench around him.

Punishing him in return, I press my hands against his chest and swivel my hips, riding him as he watches me with lustful eyes. His hands find my hips and help me, and seeing his hips flex up with his thrusts, his skin covered in my lyrics, is so fucking hot.

“Reign.” He groans my name, our hips meeting in slow thrusts. It’s a leisurely, building pleasure that flows through my veins like a drug as I move my hands behind me to his legs and roll my body while he watches. His eyes lock on my curves, and his cock grows bigger inside me.

“Fuck, sweetheart, you look like a goddamn vision from heaven right now.”

His hands hold me tight, as if he will never let me go, and I don’t want him to. They slide up my back, dragging me to him. Our lips meet in a frenzy, and I roll my hips harder, chasing the pleasure I feel building. Every nerve ending is alive, and my heart races in time with his heartbeat under my hand.

His name is on my lips when I finally tumble over the edge in a slow orgasm.

He groans into my mouth, his hips stuttering as I grip him, and then he finds his own release. Moaning into my lips, he holds me tight, grinding me down onto his length as he comes.

We kiss through it all while pleasure surges and ebbs through us until I pull away, panting and sweating. Gripping my cheeks, he presses a hard kiss to my forehead, to each eye, my cheeks, and then my lips. “I’m so happy we found each other.”

“Me too,” I whisper, letting him pull me down to lie in the circle of his arms.

His hand strokes up and down my back as I relax, a smile curving my lips.

I feel so happy, it can’t be real.

Our bodies are still joined when I feel his cock harden again, and we come together once more.

Here, in my studio, with a melody in my heart and my lyrics on his leg, declaring what I’m too scared to say out loud, we make love.

We find our bravery.

We find our happiness.

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