Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 60


I was up in the tower, the same one that Danielle would work in. I had been in here before and this was where my first memory took place.

The door opened up and a boy came running in with two other kids. The first one I recognized, it was Kade but he was older. I am being thrown into another memory.

They closed the door.

”Cara you know the rules, we attack from the left,” Kade said and then looked at the other boy who was holding a stick.

”And Mason you have to run up behind them,”

They all nodded their heads albeit Mason wasn’t too keen on whatever it was they were planning. They opened the door about to leave when someone stood in their way.

”What do you kids think you’re doing?”

”Uhm, going out to fight?” Kade said as a matter of fact.

”It’s a rogue attack, no place for kids. Come with me.” He said and led them away from the tower. I followed them downstairs and heard the sounds of snarling and biting.

”Get in the room and stay there, not a sound!” The man ordered. All three of them did as he said but I saw that the door didn’t quite close. I was in the room with them, peeking out over Kade’s head through the crack in the door.

Three men came up the stairs covered in blood and the man shifted into his wolf in the corridor.

Even though he was in his wolf form, the other men were much stronger and threw punches that put his wolf down. One of them bared his canines and extended his claws. For a split second, I saw as his eyes shifted color but they were not yellow, they were blue before quickly shifting back. He raised his hand and dug his claws into the wolf’s neck causing blood to ooze out. I tried shutting the door not wanting a child to see this but it didn’t work. Kade was witnessing everything.

The man who had given the lethal blow turned to the door, his eyes locked with Kades and instead of getting in and shutting the door, Kade opened it up and stepped out before shutting it behind him, protecting his siblings.

”There you are.” One of them snarled. Before getting to him another wolf came running up the stairs, gliding on its paws as she turned down the corridor. Several warriors ran up behind the wolf and she bit the head of the man who tried to take Kade.

The warriors started fighting off the other two but she was faster and much, much angrier. She clawed at them and both went down lifeless on the ground.

The blood from the four dead bodies pooled on the carpet and she shifted back. Standing in front of Kade with her back towards him in a protective stance was his mother.

She turned around with scrapes and wounds all over her body and bent down in front of her son. With tears falling from her eyes she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into her arms.

”Wehre are Cara and Mason?” She asked hurriedly as she pulled back.

He opened the door and the kids were lying under the covers on the bed.

”I told them to hide,” he said and looked up at his mother.

”Good boy,” she lifted him up and went over to hug her other children.

”Who were those men, Mom?” She looked hesitant to tell him and looked behind him at their dead bodies.

”Those were some bad men who wanted to take something that isn’t theirs,” she said and caressed his cheek.

”What?” She smiled and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

”It doesn’t matter.”

”Is Uncle George dead?” He asked and looked at the dead wolf.

Her eyes sunk and her smile faltered.

”I’m afraid he is. He died protecting my most precious treasures and for that, the moon goddess will take good care of him.”

A ray of light flashed before my eyes and I was standing in Kade’s bedroom. He was fleecing his hand and when I looked at it I could see his bone.

”Holy shit,” I said and winced.

”Does it hurt?” I turned around and saw Danielle sitting on the bed.

”It’s fine.” He snapped.

”Why’d you do it?”

”It was either the wall or his face, that’s why.” He said and put his hand away. Danielle shrugged her shoulders and stood from the bed.

”Do you wanna get something to eat?” He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief.

”Do you seriously not give a single fuck about what you did?”

”What did I-”

”You flirted with another man, Danielle!” He shouted and she stepped back.

”I wasn’t flirting.”

”How the fuck do you think it looks when the mate of their Alpha goes out flirting with other pack members, huh?”

”It wasn’t flirting, Kade! Listen to me, it wasn’t flirting and he’s new, nobody is gonna think shit!”

Kade walked to the door and stormed out.

His mom stood downstairs and caught up with him as he walked outside.

”Whoa, what’s wrong?” She said and grabbed his arm to stop him from walking further.

”I need a run.”

”No, you need to talk. I won’t allow you to bottle up your emotions, Kade.” She said sternly.

She sighed and gently rubbed her thumb in circles on his arm.

”She wasn’t flirting with that man.” She said.

”You know?”


”Then you know she flirted.” He said and pulled his arm free.

”I don’t think that this has anything to do about someone else.” He stopped and turned around with an anger I had never seen before.

”Then what is it, huh? You who knows everything, what was that?”

”She was acting on my behalf.” She rose her head pointing her chin out.


”Danielle did what she did because I needed information but she wasn’t flirting, she was being nice and you just don’t know the distinction. You need to stop being so afraid of love, Kade, you will push her away and one day she won’t be able to handle it and she will leave.”

”What was she doing for you?” His mother scoffed and bit down on her lip.

”That’s what from this, you’re too snowed in on pack business.”

”And who do you think taught me that?” She was taken aback by his response and took a step back. Her head fell and she looked at the ground.

”That man wanted information on you, that’s why he came here. I needed her to get his questions so I knew what kind of a threat he posed.”

”And what did you find out?”

”That it was nothing that exile couldn’t fix.” Kade walked up to his mom with fast strides.

”I’m the Alpha now, I can take care of myself. Isn’t that what you guys taught me to do?”

She cupped his cheek as I had seen her do in the other memories from when he was a boy.

”I thought you to love and to care, to show compassion and to treat people fairly. I never taught you to close your heart, that’s something you taught yourself. And also, I am your mother and it is my single most important job on this earth to keep you safe. Whether you’re Alpha or King you will never be able to take that away from me. Lower those walls that you have around your heart, it deserves to be seen, I promise she won’t hurt it.”

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