Rejected To Be Your Second Chance: Rejecting My Alpha Mate (Book 2)

: Chapter 51


The new lights will be installed tomorrow. A few of the pack members had been sent off into a human town to buy them tonight, and they’d be back in the morning. This meant that we had no light except for the torches that had been placed around with small flames. All families were tucked into their houses out of fear of losing their pups in the darkness, even more so considering the fact that on the other side of the border, several miles of a harsh forest awaited.

I looked at the flames on the torches. A sudden surge of curiosity had me walking down to the closest to my house. The flame was writhing and flickering unlike the others that remained still. There was no wind, nothing to cause the flame to move as it did.

The golden hue of the fire was mellowing into a blue shade that illuminated my face.

Like the flick of a finger, the flame stopped moving and turned back to its golden orange, but further down, another one started acting up. I looked around to see if anyone else was watching, but I was all alone standing in the middle of the yard.

The flame took on celestial shapes resembling the ancient relics I had read about. There was an arrow, a triangle, a pentagram, and as I continued down the torches, I saw the ones behind me gradually going back to their former state.

Moving in my hand, for some reason, I thought to touch the fire, but as the flame hit against my skin, I felt nothing. It didn’t hurt or burn. I went to the next one and then another.

All of the flames behind me turned back to their golden orange hue.

Before I knew it, I was standing by the last torch. The darkness around me barely lit from the flames, and as I turned, I saw complete darkness. It was the border. I was standing a few inches in front of it. Out there, in between the trees where spotting anything was close to impossible, I saw a road globe starting to glow.

It started off big before moving back and shrinking in size the further away it got.

’Are you gonna follow it?’

I want to.

’So do it’

Is it a dumb idea?

’Yes, now let’s go’

Clara’s hurrying voice had me look over my shoulder before taking the step over the border. Why did it feel like I was breaking a law by going out into the woods?

’because you are’

We are.

I reminded her.

I walked through the woods, following the floating ball of light with Clara front and center in case it were needed. We were both on edge, preparing ourselves for anything that could come our way.

Each step was an act of cautious negotiation, as roots snaked across the forest floor, tripping up the unwary traveler. Branches, like skeletal fingers, reached out from every angle, their jagged edges threatening to snag and tear at any who dared disturb their nocturnal domain. I understood now, more than ever, why it was forbidden to walk out here. The moon was no solace either, as its light was unable to penetrate the tightly growing tree crowns.

Tilting my head back and looking up was like staring into a dark well, and it only made me more unnerved. The forest seemed to be holding its breath, whispering secrets that were not for the human ears but rather for the life that grew here. An eerie silence, one that was somewhat forced, fell heavy

on my shoulders, and I felt myself being weighed down. However, the deeper I walked into the forest and further away from the pack, a new sense of self started creeping up on me. I shook my head when thoughts of my former life started occurring in my mind, and the feelings I got when I

thought about my family, they were suddenly back. Anna’s face reappeared in my memories; it hadn’t for a long time.

’What is happening?’ Clara asked.

I don’t know, but it’s weird

’Why had all of this been lost on us?’

I don’t know Clara. A lot has been happening; we’ve probably just been tired

’Do you honestly believe that?’

I have to


Because the alternative is too scary.

Further down, I was starting to see more balls of light swirling in the air. They all looked to have gathered. Picking up the speed, I walked down there, stepping over the thick overground roots and ducking under branches. A twig bush got stuck in my shirt but I pressed on and heard the rip as my shirt was torn.

’Oh my goddess’

Clara purred, heaving as she started rubbing and enticingly stroking her tail.

My breath got caught in my throat. I didn’t believe that my eyes were actually seeing this. Standing in the middle of the balls of light, his entire being illuminated by the blue hues, with hair as disshelved as my own and clothes torn with dried blood from having passed through the treacherous


”Kade,” I breathed. My feet moved me towards him, picking up speed the closer I got. Kade took long, fast strides, and his arms wrapped around as he pulled me into his body. His warm skin pressed against mine, and his arms so tightly wrapped around me that I finally felt safe enough to take a steady breath.

His hand pressed on the back of my head, with my face pressing into his shirt. His other hand snaked around my waist, with his fingers digging into my skin as if to ensure that I was really there with him.

We leaned back, both of us with bloodshot eyes and tear-stricken cheeks. His perfect lips parted in preparation to speak, but I was quick to place my finger over them, silencing whatever words he had prepared. ”Don’t talk,” I said. My hand went around his neck, and I slammed my lips on his. His hands grabbed onto my waist, our bodies pressed against each other as hard as they could, and within seconds, it turned from longing to passion. Our mouths fought for dominance, his hands went around my back and ripped my shirt in two. I grabbed onto his neckline and tore his shirt off, dragging my fingers down his chiseled chest. My back was slammed against the trunk of a tree, the

bark ripping into my flesh, but the pain was welcomed. I dug my nails into his back, penetrating his skin as he entwined his fingers in my hair and pulled my head to the side.

There was no stopping, no waiting, no patience; I needed him now as much as he needed me.

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