Rejected (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 1)

Rejected: Chapter 19

Gaster didn’t appear to have moved an inch, standing exactly where I’d left him, smile in place. “Wow, that hour passed in a blink.”

I was the one doing some fucking blinking at that point. “It couldn’t have been more than one minute.”

Gaster laughed like I’d told the funniest joke, but he didn’t comment again, instead taking the lead back through the library, only stopping when he reached Shadow’s darkness spattered veil. “I’m not permitted beyond here,” he said, “but your clothes and other items will be in your chamber.” His eyes flashed to the smoke blob. “Just follow Inky.”

By this point, I’d figured out that “Inky” was something more than just a random mass of darkness seeped from Shadow. Gaster was too deferential toward it, even going as far as speaking directly to it.

Maybe being Shadow’s minion garnered respect? Or maybe I’d just underestimated its intelligence, thinking of it as something without substance. I’d have to stop assuming shit in this world, because all of the rules were different.

When I stepped back through the veil—which apparently could keep people out if Gaster’s statement was any indication—I almost ran smack-bang into a mountain of a beast. Shadow stood still and silent in the darkness, head tilted as he watched me closely. Fuck this guy and his intensity. If he kept this up, I was either going to blush or have a spontaneous combustion, a.k.a. instant orgasm.

I mean, if I didn’t die of fright first.

“You have two choices.”

And there he went, with that shining personality of his.

“Go on,” I replied with the fakest smile I could produce.

“I kill you now and contain the threat.” It was his turn to smile, and as always, that dark curl of his lips was terrifying. “This is my personal favorite.”

Of course it was. “I honestly can’t wait to hear choice two,” I chirped. “Fingers crossed it involves my death as well.”

If the look on his face was any indication, I was about to get my wish. “Option two,” he bit out, “is for you to remain here, under my control, while you figure out how you touched the Shadow Realm. We will also have to gather up the creatures you released with your recklessness.”

I held up a hand. “Okay… I have so many questions about what you just said.”

Shadow huffed out a blast of power, literal swirls of inky smoke wafting around his face as he did. “No. More. Fucking. Questions.”

“Fair enough, fair enough,” I said. “But are you saying that when I did that double vision thing and reached for those creatures, I allowed some to escape into our world?”

A single nod.

“And you think I can help you round them up and… What do we do with them if we can’t access the Shadow Realm again?”

His lips thinned. It was a warning sign I decided to heed by shutting my mouth. See, I could learn new things. Shadow crossed his arms, drawing my attention to his broad shoulders, and once again, I was distracted. Ugh. One should not admire the demon-god who wanted to murder you.

It was just common sense.

“We will contain them until you figure out how to replicate what you did. I’m sure, when the alternative is your death, you will spend a lot of time and energy on it.”

Energy on it? His broad shoulders? Oh, wait, shadow creatures. Gotcha.

I nodded. “Right. I mean, it’s a solid plan, Indiana Jones. Looks like we’re going on an adventure.”

He shot me a deadpan stare, and I had no idea if he understood the reference or not. Probably best to change the subject before he went with option one and killed me to shut me up.

“So, Gaster, the library concierge, apparently procured me new clothes. He said they were here somewhere.”

I gestured to the only other thing in this room to bring me to spontaneous combustion: the library. I still had hope that Shadow Beast would leave it to me in his will, although his immortal status put a slight damper on that plan.

“Follow me.”

God, I loved our conversations. So full of energy and clever turns of phrase. Like living in a Shakespeare play.

While I was mentally laughing at myself, Shadow turned, and as he walked away, I noticed his height grow. He’d been at the six-and-half feet height while talking to me, but I had a sneaking suspicion that the eight-feet size was more his natural height since he went back to it most of the time.

It was utterly fascinating how he did that, and all I could think was… Does everything change size? Yeah, this poor—technically still a virgin—wolf shifter had a very active sex life. In my head. I dreamt about sex, had a vibrator, and was actively participating in my own sexuality. Just usually alone.

Wait a freaking minute!

I needed my vibrator. Had that room of needs figured that out when it had been clothing me? Otherwise, I was going to have to find a chick friend here and get the lowdown on what this place was capable of. As cool as Gaster seemed, he was too much of a rule follower for me.

I liked to live in the grey sectors of life.

Shadow was halfway down the never-ending library, so I picked up the pace, racing after him. Last thing I wanted to do was piss him off when option one of “being murdered” was still on the table.

Putting my head down, I sprinted, only noticing at the last moment that he’d stopped. Careening to the side, I managed to avoid him, even as one of the tables caught my hip and I winced. Not that the sharp bite would last long now that I’d released my full shifter strength.

Shadow crowded into me, and I was suddenly no longer concerned about my smarting hip. “You’ve not begged or cried once,” he said, his voice softer than usual. “The few shifters who fall into my world are never calm.”

This was the second time he’d been confused by my lack of deferential fear toward him.

“I begged and cried for years in my pack,” I told him, my humor fading. “It made no difference. I’ve come to realize that when someone is stronger and more powerful than you, and you are at their mercy, begging and crying does nothing except give them some sort of sick gratification. I won’t build up bullies any longer. They get nothing from me.”

His eyes flashed with those flames, and in an almost calming manner, Inky snaked out to wrap around its master.

“You will learn to fear me,” he murmured, and I had little doubt he was right.

He walked away again, and I followed this time without pause. He took a sharp right toward a large, cherry red, hand-carved wood door. “This is where you will sleep,” he informed me. “Do not search for my quarters. I will kil—”

“Kill me, yeah, got it.”

Heat slammed into me, scorching my bare skin, and not for the first time, I wished I hadn’t been born with such a smart mouth.

“I’ll submit,” I said, throwing my arms up to cover and protect my face from the scorching fire.

“Submit,” he rumbled.

This motherfucker.

His power forced me to my knees, and I felt his fucking satisfaction. He’d get nothing else from me, though. I was forged through years of fire as hot as what he was throwing my way, and whatever game he was playing, I’d play along. But only on the most superficial of levels. Eventually, he’d let his guard down. Eventually, whatever this bullshit was would come to an end.

When that happened, it would be my time to shine.

“Who is your master?” Shadow Beast asked, stepping closer to me.

Everything inside responded to him, a molten burn starting low in my body as his energy fused with my own. “You are,” I bit out.

“You will not betray me.”

“I will not betray you.”

He was so close now, and I could not tear my eyes from his flaming irises, mesmerizing as they locked me in place.

“I own you now, Sunshine, and I will punish any and all insubordination.”

With that, an unearthly howl rang out through his library, followed by a strong gust of wind that slammed me back into the door. It hurt, but not as much as my hip, and for a shifter, it was nothing. It had been Shadow’s warning, and I knew he could truly destroy me if he chose.

Also, had he just called me “Sunshine”? Had he heard Jaxson call me “Sunny” back in Torma? Or was it just a coincidence…?

Either way, I felt decidedly unnerved by what had just happened.

He’d exerted his will over me and I’d been at his mercy.

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