Reincarnated User Manual

Chapter 105: Achievement

A space where one could overlook the garden at a glance,

The main hall on the 3rd floor of the main building.

Shiron, dressed not in priestly attire but in a neat suit, and with pomade in his hair, glanced at the head seat of the large table.

‘Not there…’

The seat where Hugo was supposed to be was conspicuously empty. As Eldrina had come out to meet him alone, he had expected it, but it seemed Hugo had not returned from the expedition.

“He is still on an expedition.”

Eldrina spoke even though no one asked. Sitting opposite Shiron, she had briefly noticed his gaze drifting towards the head seat.

“When did he leave?”

“It’s been quite a while. Over five months.”

“That’s a long time.”

Shiron felt a bitter sentiment and brought his hand to his mouth. Although they had exchanged a few letters, Hugo, true to his nature, didn’t write about trivial matters.

Only about Shiron’s well-being.

But Shiron knew Hugo was tired. At some point, his handwriting had begun to fray.

‘It must mean he’s losing his poise.’

Hugo was not young anymore. Slaying giant monsters in a single blow, the strikes becoming two, then three, and the march to the destination slowing down.

Like an impregnable fortress eroded by storms, Shiron knew the future where Hugo, the empire’s great shield, would eventually fall.

‘I should meet my uncle. Either I go to him or join him on the next expedition.’

Even though Hugo refused to hear about the future, Shiron could not leave him alone. He owed him a lot and had to fulfill his human duty… otherwise, he would be doomed to hell after death.

Eldrina smiled bitterly and picked up her utensils.

“We didn’t gather here to discuss such heavy matters. Let’s eat.”


Shiron nodded and looked at Eldrina.

It was hard to imagine she was the mother of a mid-teen daughter, her skin was so unblemished, but the corners of her eyes bore unmistakable signs of fatigue.

Watching the shadows under Eldrina’s eyes, Shiron smiled at his restless younger sibling.


“Uh, yes?”

“Is the academy bearable?”


Siriel, sitting opposite him, flinched at the sudden question. The heavy atmosphere had made it difficult for her to speak, but his question brought a smile to her lips.

“It’s a good place. I’ve made many friends and learned things I never knew before. It’s quite fun.”

“And Lucia?”

“I’m fine too.”

Lucia responded promptly, having anticipated her turn.

“The academy is a good place. Lots of books to read. And… I’ve broadened my social circle a bit.”

“Sounds like a favorable review. I hated seminary.”

Shiron clenched his teeth remembering his time at seminary, even though he had decided to moderate his language in front of Eldrina.

“I was very young when I enrolled. It’s hard enough being young, but being small and ignored was common.”


“Being ignored would have been a relief. There were lots of rumors about me being admitted unfairly. The lockers and bathrooms reeked of sour milk for a while.”

‘Those brats, always so keen.’

He had used his storage ability to cheat under the supervisor’s nose, but they seemed to have noticed, and the harassment didn’t stop in the first semester of the first year.

Of course, he beat them enough not to kill them whenever a duel was initiated, and in any minor corridor scuffle, Shiron didn’t care if the other ended up in the hospital; he threw punches regardless.

“That wasn’t in the letters, was it?”

Lucia looked at Shiron with a slightly surprised expression. Shiron shrugged.

“Things had settled down before I got around to writing.”

“How did you manage?”

“Beat them, and they learned on their own.”


“Of course, one beating didn’t solve everything.”

Shiron continued, putting a large slice of meat into his mouth.

“There were a few immature brats. Overflowing with unnecessary bravado, and later, the seniors started showing up.”

“And then… what did you do?”

“What else?”

Shiron chuckled with a laughing expression. It wasn’t a story he could proudly share anywhere, but since Lucia seemed so interested, he couldn’t help but tell her.

“I went in front of someone important and cried pitifully.”


“I still remember the face of Captain Malleus at that time. His face turned pale and then suddenly flushed red. He personally visited the seminary, and gently ‘caressed’ the faces of the professors and the dean. It was a smart move.”

Slap- Slap-

Shiron smiled, tapping his cheeks filled with food. It wasn’t a story to be proud of, but he didn’t feel any shame in telling it.

It was childish for adults to gang up on a 13-year-old child to discipline them, so he had no choice but to respond in kind.

“So what could I do? Dignity and priesthood meant nothing when humiliated in front of students who hadn’t even shed blood yet.”

“I see.”

Lucia nodded, twiddling her fingers.

After dinner, as they sipped tea, Eldrina passed a letter to Shiron.

“A letter?”

“Yes. He must have thought you might not receive it, so it was sent to me.”

“It must be an important letter.”

Shiron opened the letter.

‘This isn’t Uncle’s handwriting.’

Shiron frowned. The sender was definitely Hugo Prient, but unlike his usual bold and spirited handwriting, the letter contained thin, stretched-out writing.

Lucia approached from behind as Shiron read the letter quickly.

“What does it say?”

“…It says to come to Dawn Castle for the coming-of-age ceremony.”

Shiron handed the letter to Lucia.

Since it was addressed to him but had nothing sensitive, he had no hesitation in showing it to her.


Lucia’s eyes widened after reading the letter. Immediate – such an impolite demand without considering the other party’s situation caught Lucia off guard.

“Yes. Not just me, but Siriel and you, Lucia, are also asked to come immediately.”


“I’m fine with it.”

Siriel, who had approached Shiron’s side, responded.

“I wonder what’s needed for a coming-of-age ceremony… Should I bring armor or a weapon?”

“Siriel, what about the academy?”

Lucia expressed concern, but Siriel smiled faintly as if it were not a big deal.

“The academy isn’t important, right? Summer is coming, and it’s almost vacation. Students often take leaves of absence for personal reasons, so this won’t be a problem either.”

‘A trip with my brother…’

Of course, Siriel had her own reasons.

When weighed on the scale of her heart, nothing could be heavier than Shiron, so it was natural for academic achievements to take a back seat.

“Well. If missing a few days becomes a problem, we can think about it then, right?”

“Does Mother also think so?”

“What could be wrong?”

Eldrina nodded and stood up from her seat. Her daughter’s statement, seemingly undervaluing education, could be slightly problematic, but it wasn’t wrong, so she didn’t explicitly point it out.

‘I was aware of it anyway.’

“Don’t worry and go.”


‘What’s this?’

Lucia was a bit perplexed. The students she remembered from the academy all strive not to miss a single day of attendance.

It wasn’t just absences, but even a single instance of tardiness led to a scolding by the faculty. Students adapted their entire lives to fit the academy’s schedule.

Lucia was one of those students.

“You won’t need armor. Everything necessary will be prepared there. But it might be good to bring a weapon you’re familiar with.”

Shiron casually responded to Siriel’s muttering. His demeanor seemed nonchalant, but if one looked closer, he was the most excited person there.


Shiron swallowed hard, contemplating the coming-of-age ceremony. In the game ‘Reincarnation of the Divine Sword,’ the ceremony marked the first step for Lucia and Shiron into the world. It was akin to a departure ceremony.

‘To heck with the academy.’

If things went well, he might obtain the star swords, Sirius and Spica.



Unlike the holy sword (聖劍), which was divine, the star sword (星劍), forged from starlight, was a weapon Lucia and Siriel absolutely needed in the current situation.

‘It’s like something out of a fairy tale.’

Shiron might also become stronger. The original Shiron in the story could use mana, so now, with the ceremony beginning, he thought there might be some special catalyst.

“It’s okay, Lucia. If there’s a problem, I’ll take responsibility.”


Lucia looked up at Shiron with a hint of hopeful expectation. Responsibility was a word seldom heard from Shiron. He patted Lucia’s back, reassuring her not to worry.

“Isn’t Victor the student council president there?”

“What? Why him?”contemporary romance

“If there’s a problem, big or small, we can ask him for help. If not, I’ll go to him directly.”

The position of student council president had historically been one of significant power. It was no different here. Even in the seminary Shiron attended, the student council held suspicious amounts of power.

‘It’s a funny story.’

However, unlike the seminary, which was laughably powerless, Victor, aside from being the student council president, held substantial power. Being discussed as the next emperor, Shiron’s reliance on him was not misplaced.

Having such a friend made things much easier. Shiron smirked, savoring this proud achievement.

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