Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 93 Volume 2 Teaser 2

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Unknown Monument


Alpha Continent's Desert Country of Tarse

Unknown Date

​ The city of Saer was built in the middle of a scorching desert and was truly a contemporary marvel. Its appearance was matched by the backdrop of clear blue skies which have helped shape the city into what it was in the current day.

The climate these skies brought was of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with lots of glass and light elements to mimic the aesthetics of the blue skies around them.

In the middle of this city was a monument that was designed by a famous international artist who marvellously captured the natural beauty of the region and used a sophisticated style to convey his vision in this piece of art.

A girl standing at about 170 cm tall, with black hair tied into a ponytail on the right side of her head using a gold-coloured crown-shaped hair accessory stared at this monument in silence as she tried to comprehend what the Artist could have possibly been thinking when they designed this.

She was wearing a brown hoodie and pants, a black tank top with brown socks and black shoes. Strapped to her back, was a one-handed sword that was completely mismatched with what she was wearing

'This thing was crafted and created with premium materials from local suppliers so at least it would continue to both 'decorate' the community and provide the locals with maintenance jobs.

It's not like anything of note happened here within the past few centuries so that was probably the reason they built this monument.'

She thought to herself while she gazed at the city's inhabitants that were busily moving around, carrying on with their daily lives.

The golden crests within her dark gray irises flashed for a moment as complicated thoughts passed through her mind.

"At least one should be on this continent, I hope to meet them soon..."

She pulled over her hood and covered her head as she walked away from the monument and blended into the crowd of people busily shuffling about.

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Unknown Abandoned City


Alpha Continent's Great Western Empire

Unknown Date;


That was the only word that could be used to describe the that this boy found himself looking at.

An Exploding sun.

A broken moon.

And earth shattered beyond repair.

The ground was littered with gore, weapons, and carnage. Rivers of blood flowed endlessly as the boy watched everything from the top of a hill of corpses.

All of a sudden, the sky turned red, his vision going black in the next moment as he opened his eyes, his ears being greeted with the melodious voice of a girl not too far from him in age.

"You're finally awake. Seriously, who the hell sleeps atop a pile of corpses?"

Looking around him, he could see he was not in that apocalyptic scenery in his mind but in a city that could have been said to have gone through its own form of apocalypse.

The once smooth network of roads that interconnected all the streets and districts of the city was torn to pieces by the elements. Grass filled the labyrinth of cracks and sand covered whatever was left. Gardens were bustling with insect life who had made their home in the now tall grasses and overgrown bushes.

Most doors were either completely gone or mere remnants of rotten wood and rusty metal. The open doorways looked eerie as only darkness showed within. There were signs of fires, in some cases, it was merely a trail of soot and smoke above a window pane, in others, it was a pile of ash where once a building stood.

"I was not asleep, just going through some past memories."

"Really? Of all places to reminisce about the past!"

The boy chuckled lightly as he jumped down the hill of headless corpses he was sitting down on and adjusted his clothes.

He wore a pair of black trousers with a similarly coloured short sleeved T-shirt on his upper body. Atop his shirt, was a gray cardigan that matched the colour of his shoes. On his right wrist was a plain black bracelet about 15 cm in length.

Running a hand through his short black hair, he looked to the side and saw pieces of broken body armour and helmets of various kinds gathered into a single pile.

His dark gray eyes narrowed slightly as he gazed at this pile of junk, the golden crest in his eyes lighting up with a golden glow.

"Good...they're all dead."

He spoke to the blonde-haired girl beside him as he stretched his arm into the air and called out.



Within a few seconds, an obsidian black one-handed sword with an eighty-centimetre-long blade flew into his open palm.

Grasping the sword tightly, he turned to the blonde girl and asked a question.

"Where's our resident invader?"

"She went ahead to the main city, saying that we should meet her there when you wake up from your beauty sleep."

Hearing the girl's reply, he nodded in understanding before sheathing his sword and walking towards the wide fallen temple in the middle of the city square as he continued.

"Let's go then.

There are a lot of knights that we have to relieve of the burden of carrying their heads in their hands."

The girl nodded in affirmation as she picked up her magic catalyst, a look of remembrance appearing on her face as she asked.

"When are you going to start looking for the rest?"

"Soon...very soon."contemporary romance

The boy replied as he looked beyond the entrance of the fallen temple with glowing eyes.

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Unknown Forest


Beta Continent's Elven Empire

Unknown Date;

The forest was vast, impenetrable, and verdant. Its canopy was contested by cedar, willow, and oak, and occasional openings in their crowns allowed plenty of light through for a flood of herbs to claim the sloping and slanting ground below.

Swooping branches waved from a couple of trees, and a range of flowers, which were unique to this region, added more life in the otherwise homogeneous forest grounds.

A disharmony of animal sounds, most of which were singing birds, reverberated through the air, and formed a chaotic orchestra with the sounds of several woodpeckers in the distance.

The variation of wild noises, brightened up the forest, and almost completely muffled the occasional roar of a large animal trying to scare away predators.

Smack dab in the middle of said forest, was a small park bench that had many bundled vines hanging from it.

Sitting on said bench, was a beautiful lady in her late teens wearing an oversized hooded jacket that did nothing to hide her large bust size. On her legs, she wore black pants and similarly coloured thigh high boots.

She had long blonde hair that flowed down her back, with a few strands tucked behind her pointy ears.

Her hands were inside the pockets of her hooded jacket, her eyes closed as she hummed in tune with the birds while swinging her legs. A pair of half framed glasses with lenses tinted purple rested on the bench beside her.

She remained in this state, happily enjoying the breath of nature as multiple birds and other small animals gathered around her as if seeking comfort in her presence.

All of a sudden, she stopped humming and the animals gathered around her all stared at her with confused gazes, as if they were wondering why she stopped.

Her closed eyelids slowly opened up to reveal a set of deep purple pupils, each having a golden crest within them.

She turned her gaze to the skies and smiled before waving at something.

"I guess I have to leave soon, huh? The others should be doing the same about now."

After saying that to no one in particular, she closed her eyes once more and resumed humming in tune with the birds in the distance.

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Unknown Location

Unknown Continent

Unknown Planet

Unknown Date;

The goddess watched the seven screens floating in the air with an impassive look on her face. Each one of them was showing a particular teenager who was taking a different set of actions.

"Even if the paths they take are different from each other, their end point remains the same."

She spoke to no one in particular as she watched all seven screens simultaneously, her mind simulating various possible paths the beings in the screens could take.


Seeing one of them teenagers on the screens look upwards and wave, as if knowing she was being watched, the goddess chuckled in amusement.

"I should have made her the leader."

After saying those words, the goddess stood up form her seat and buttoned the blazer of her suit before speaking.

"Debug the 'Stage Two' Updates, and begin finalizing the 'Tower'."

She turned around and walked away from the screens as she continued.

"Let the Saga Begin."

Reincarnated Hero System Volume Two: Dullahan Saga

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