Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 2)

Reclaimed: Chapter 24

On a normal bed this fluffy, I’d expect Shadow’s weight to sink us deep into the depths, but this was no normal bed. It seemed to know the exact firmness required for what we were planning, holding us as I was all but thrown into the center by a beast of a man who prowled across after me, that big body dominating the room and making it feel small.

As he crowded on top of me, he dropped an arm on either side of my shoulders to hold himself just off me. His long limbs made me feel positively tiny, and I really wasn’t that small, so it was quite the unusual feeling.

“Missionary position, hey?” I said, but no more words came out of my mouth because Shadow’s power had my voice freezing in my throat.

Before I could shoot him a scowl, he scooped up my hands in one of his, and secured them above my head. “This is going to hurt,” he said, and instead of the fear a sane person would feel, I was flat-out excited. At some point, I’d been broken, and it appeared there was no chance of repairing the damage now.

His power shot across my skin, that lightning burn I was coming to crave. It hurt, but the pain was also stimulating as my back arched in time to each pulse of his power. A fire built between us, heat pouring off Shadow and engulfing me. When I almost couldn’t take the surge any longer, he released his hold, allowing me to catch my breath.

My lungs ached as I sucked in air, struggling against that hand still holding me, but I wasn’t strong enough to break his grip.

“Every nerve ending,” he said, tracing his free hand across my cheek and then over my throat before he continued down my breasts and over my stomach. He lingered on a few scars, examining them and soothing past pains with his touch. “They’re all mine to bring to life.”

When his fingers reached the apex of my thighs, he stroked the wetness, moving it over my thighs. When he slipped a finger inside, I arched again, and then he followed it with a second, and I couldn’t stop myself from riding his hand.

A feeling of fullness built within me, but it wasn’t quite enough. It wouldn’t be enough until his cock was seated as deeply inside as was possible for it to go, and I got to fuck Shadow, just as I’d dreamed for so many nights.

His hold was loose enough that I could talk, so I rushed to say, “All those nights you heard me, I was thinking about doing this. With you.”

His brows drew together, his expression serious, even as a flicker of something dangerous danced in his eyes. “You’re getting the hang of this now, Sunshine,” he said in a low voice. “Now come for me.”

And I did, jerking against his hand, and as he curled his fingers inside and hit the most pleasurable spot in existence, I was fairly sure my soul left my body for a bit. It took me a long time to calm and relax, and when I sank bonelessly into the bed, he released his hold on me.

“It’s your first time,” he said, staring down, still sadly holding his full weight up off me. “I should let you go on top, but I want to be the one giving the pleasure today.” He growled possessively. “Whom do you belong to, little wolf?”

I groaned, my head still spinning from my orgasm. “You.”

“Say my name.”

It was a command, and I was helpless to fight it.

“Shadow Beast. I belong to the Shadow Beast.”

His chest rumbled and I felt how pleased he was.

“Sorry, Sunshine, but I am who I am.”

Reaching up, I latched on to his biceps, pulling him down onto me. “I want that. I told you before and I meant it. I can handle you.”

The flames burst to life on his skin, and even though I was once again working through my shock of not burning to death, I reveled in the power… in the pleasant scorch of energy across my body.

Shadow finally closed the space between us, and the fire was forgotten in the feel of his electrical power zapping over my skin. It was just so fucking good, I had to close my eyes briefly, to truly take it all in. Our naked skin was touching, sliding, and catching, and I felt it so much deeper than that.

When I opened my eyes, Shadow wasn’t quite as tall as he’d been. He watched me closely, taking in my facial expressions. I raised my eyebrows in question, and the slow pull of his smile pulled at other parts of me as well. “I know you like pleasure-pain play, Sunshine, but the idea of you feeling any pain beyond what’s pleasurable, is messing with my head. I don’t know why, but I don’t want to destroy you. For your first time, this size might be an easier accommodation.”

“You don’t know why you don’t want to destroy me?” I laughed. “Dude, you’re a little bit psycho.”

He shrugged. “I’ve never made any concessions for a woman in my bed. They leave satisfied and at times, broken. I don’t want the second part for you.”

That must have been enough talking for Shadow, as he leaned down and captured my lips. He kissed me like he was making love—a rough, dominating sort of love—and I knew that he was quite enjoying this new addition to his life.

When he nudged my legs apart, I groaned, letting my thighs fall open so he could settle between them. “Protection?” I managed to choke out before losing my head completely. Falling pregnant to the Shadow Beast was not on my ten-year plan. Bunch of little demon babies. I mean, they’d be fucking adorable, but our genetics together would probably destroy worlds.

He didn’t pause, leaning down to kiss me. Now that Shadow had finally discovered his love of kissing, he was already near expert level. My head spun and I was certain neither of us breathed for the minutes we kissed.

His hand traced along my body and he slipped it in under my ass so he could hold me up off the bed. That was when I felt the thick head of his cock pressing against my entrance. “We don’t need protection,” he said. “More than sex is required for children here.”

One day I’d find out what that more was, but for now, that answer was all I needed.

Shadow was kissing me again, pushing his cock harder into me, and there was a slight burn as I stretched, but I was well lubricated, so there was almost no resistance as he continued to slide inside.

“Shadow, fuck.”

“Full sentences, Sunshine,” he commanded. “You have to learn to speak in full sentences.”


The fire in his eyes burst to life, and in an asshole move, he plunged the rest of the way inside of me. One long stroke. My gasp was lost in his groan, and I waited for the pain to rip me in two, but outside of a mildly unpleasant burning sensation, which wore off quickly, all I felt was full in the most delicious way.

“Wow,” I choked out. “That… It didn’t really hurt.” It had, but like he’d said, I loved that sort of pain. “Might be because I’ve fucked myself so many times that whatever virgin entrance I had was long gone.”

He actually laughed, his head dropping back slightly so I had the most delicious view of his strong shoulders and neck. “You are never predictable, little wolf. Now shut up and let me fuck you.”

A better idea was never had.

Shadow didn’t give me another moment to adjust as he lifted himself up, his cock sliding out a touch, before he slammed it back in, and I could have sworn he hit my fucking ovaries, it was so deep.

My pussy, already well warmed up, was purring like its namesake, and I wondered how I’d managed to survive all these years with just a vibrator. It was like the poor imitation of the real thing, and now that I’d had it…


Shadow kissed me again, and I loved that as he plunged that impressive dick into me, over and over, hard and fast, giving me barely a chance to catch my breath, he kissed me like his life depended on it. We were definitely straddling that line between pleasure and pain, and even when I ached, I wanted more.

I’d always want more, and while logically, I knew this was just a one-night thing, in my heart, it felt real. Like he was loving me so thoroughly that I might not survive it, and part of me wondered how I’d survive without it.

Just feel it, Mera. Worry about the rest later.

I got out of my head and let myself fall into the sensations of Shadow’s body above mine, the curling of my toes as the curling of pleasure built in my stomach.

Opening my eyes, I met his intense stare.

“I’m going to come,” I said in a rush, not even sure how it had hit me so quickly.

He didn’t stop. If anything, his pace picked up, and I came screaming all over his dick. My hands clawed at him, and he let out a low groan.

When my intense pleasure faded, he picked me up so that my lower half was off the bed, changing the angle as he plunged into me. Deeper than ever. “Holy fuck,” I choked out. “What… What is even happening right now?”

Was he sliding right along my g-spot? Every time the head of his dick brushed over that spot, a moan burst from between my pressed-together lips. He was moving slower, pulling all the way out before plunging back inside in one long stroke. He moved without pause, and I wouldn’t have believed it, but I was near coming again in a matter of seconds.

“This angle is my new favorite,” I told him breathlessly.

His smile was slow and satisfied. “You haven’t seen the half of it yet.”

He wasn’t kidding. Over the next few hours, he fucked me on every surface in this place, against the wall, on the floor, on the counters, and then finally, he had me bent over one of the beanbag chairs, his fire still right around us as he slammed into me from behind.

I wasn’t sore thanks to shifter healing, and the pleasure was so fucking unbelievable that I wondered if I would survive it.

One of his hands was tangled in my hair as he jerked me against him, and the other was on my clit, stroking it in time to his thrusts.

“Dead, Shadow! I’m fucking dead.” I cursed as an explosion of pleasure rocked through me. It felt like he was getting bigger as I spasmed around his cock for about my tenth orgasm since we’d started. It seemed a god’s capacity for fucking was measured in hours. Unless…

I felt him thicken, and then he groaned above me, jerking inside fast before he slowed right down and rode out his pleasure, all the while sending me into another head-spinning orgasm where I blacked out for a few seconds.

My body was limp, and it was only Shadow’s hold on me that kept me from face-planting right into the chair and suffocating in the process. “You. Killed. Me.” A weak wheeze left me, and I felt his laughter along my spine as his mouth brushed across my skin there. He was still buried deep inside, still hard, and I wondered if this was normal. Or was Shadow just the exception…?

“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said before he lifted me completely, his dick sliding free, with more than a little resistance, like it was reluctant to leave. He set me on my feet, but my legs were way too wobbly to walk, not to mention the spinning head and stars dancing before my eyes.

“I understand now why the women leave you satisfied and broken.” I groaned as I almost fell right on my face again.

He scooped me up into his arms, stepping through the house, past the back room with the cloud bed. He dropped the fire perimeter, moving out of the main house and onto what looked like a back deck.

We found the waterfall. Right there, just pouring over the stone deck. I’d heard none of its thunderous roar from inside Kristoff’s home, but out here, it was loud and glorious.

“Outdoor shower,” I said, figuring it out as I wiggled to get down. Feeling had returned to my legs, so I assumed I could make it on my own now.

And as much as I didn’t want to be away from him, I already knew I had to start the distancing process. Getting attached was no plan. It was a one-way ticket to heartbreak, and fuck, at some point, I had to do the intelligent thing and protect myself.

The water was an icy splash across my skin, and I gasped at the first blast, but in a few moments adjusted to the refreshing shower. Shadow joined me, and he didn’t seem to be having the same worries about distancing, crowding into my personal space.

And… dammit, I really liked it.

He was still at his slightly smaller than seven feet height, and we fit together well. I went up on my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck, and… he let me. For a moment, we just existed under the water as it washed away our mammoth sex session.

Shadow dipped his head, tracing his lips across mine, and I had to open my mouth, needing his taste. His cock jerked against my stomach, and I pulled back to laugh. “You have some stamina.”

His gaze moved over my face. “Apparently.”

Just as he was about to kiss me again, we both felt a new burst of power coming from off to the right of Kristoff’s house. A burst of power that was foreign in nature, belonging to none of our friends.

Shadow jerked me behind him in an instant, reacting faster than I could have. He stood between me and whatever was coming for us, and while we were naked, weaponless, and somewhat vulnerable, having Shadow on my side gave me confidence I wouldn’t normally have.

“Spies,” he spat. “They tracked me faster than I expected.”

“Royal spies?” I asked, trying to lean around him.

“I assume so.” Short, clipped words, and the somewhat gentle beast was gone. In his place was the demon of shifter nightmares. Our moment was over, long before I was ready, but this was for the best.

Another taste and there was almost no way I’d ever be able to walk away.

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