Reborn Academy

Chapter 18: "Here we go"

I make my way up the steps to the girls dorm. If Sasha did crawl through the vents to get out, her and Bambi should be waiting for me in my dorm. The flash drive tuck safely in my pocket. I made it to the top when I heard my name called behind me. I walk back to look down over the railing to fine Danial at the bottom of the staris. His hands stuck in his jeans pocket as he look up at me with a smile.

“What you want? I’m kinda busy right now.” I ask him a smirk forming on my face.

“You are now? I have a question to ask you.” He said making his way up the staris.

“And that is?”

“Why was Sasha coming out the girls bathroom with files in her hands?”

So she crawl through the vents to the bathroom. She better hope Daniel is the only person who caught her. I answered him with a sigh waiting for him to climb the rest of the staris. He came to a stop in front of me in no time.

“Come on.” I told him leading him towards my room.

He followed me without a word. I open the door to my room Bambi and Sasha were sitting on my bed with paper spread around them. They both look up at me then to Daniel. Sasha rolled her eyes getting up from the bed.

“Here we go.” Blaylen whispered out.

“Well. Well. Well. Look what the cat grab in.” Sasha said stopping in front of us.

“Daniel here caught you coming out the bathroom. You two should probably talk to each other.” I told her walking over to my desk.

I grab my laptop from the corner of the desk. I took Sasha vacant seat next to the window. Taking the flash drive out my pocket I plug it into my computer.

“Will be right in the hall.” Daniel said before opening the door for Sasha.

“What you think’s going to happen?” I ask Bambi once the door shut behind them.

“They’ll in up staying together. What about you?” She said.


“Why? Because you think he likes you?”

“Naw, he still haven’t answer if I was right or wrong. What you getting with the files?” I ask her changing the subject.

“Niether Sasha or my files has any information cantaining to what were searching for. I’m looking through your’s now and it doesn’t look to promissing. What about the flash drive?”

“Hold up, just getting the files pull up…”

I clink on the first one scrolling through it. It was noting but the staff and students list. I exit out of that clinking on another one. This got me to sit up catching Bambi’s attention.

“Here we go,” I said.

I clink on the first one with the title magic. Bambi and Sasha names were on the top. What they master in writing right next to their names. Three more names were listed under them including Daniel’s, but a question mark was next to his name. Sasha and Daniel walk back into the room right then.

“Why is your name on this list?” I ask looking up at him turning the computer to face him.

He walk over to look at the screen as Sasha flop into my desk chair. I glance over at Sasha not seeing any change in her mood at all. I wonder what they decieded to do with each other. She look down at the words again with criousity.

“Why’s my name on there? I don’t posess any powers.” Daniel said.

“So you don’t know why that question mark stand for?” Bambi ask him.


“Another mystery to solve.” I mumble turning the computer back to me.

“What you two talked about?” Bambi ask them putting the useless paperwork back in there files.

I look up at Blaylen taking a seat on the floor. Sasha turn to look at us then to Blaylen. Blaylen look at Sasha as I shared a look with Bambi. It was quite for a second before Sasha spoke up.

“You can have him Anglia. We weren’t never a real couple.” Sasha said with a wave of her hand.

I rolled my eyes at her “I don’t want him.” I said looking back down at the computer.

“Why are you lying?” Bambi and Sasha said at the same time.

I ignored them clinking on the next one with the title Useful. That also had Bambi’s and Sasha’s name on it. I showed it to Bambi since Sasha wouldn’t get up from that desk. The next one was titled Dangerous. This one had all of are names on it with mine under three times.

“What does that mean about dangerous?” Daniel ask.

“And why you underline three times? If anyone in here that’s really dangerous it’s me.” Sasha adds in.

“If that was true then you would have the three lines under your name,” I told her.

“Not again,” Bambi mumbled with a hand on her face.

“Anyway, I don’t really see how I’m dangerous. I don’t posses any powers or unknown powers.” I told them.

“Maybe your invisibility is a power?” Daniel suggested.

“I’m not invicable. I still felt the blows and was getting weak by the minute. It just didn’t show.”

“How about looking at the rest of the files and see what else we can find.” Sasha said loudly.

I stuck my tounge at her clinking out the screen. I look through the rest only finding information stash about us. I click out of the thing all together going to her emails. The first few was from teachers and staff members. One caught my eye at the bottm with the subject Important.

When should we come

In two days, don’t do much damage and don’t come inside the school.

What’s the fun in that?

You’ll be having enough fun with her.

You better hope.

The person she’s emailing to is unknown. I read it out so that everyone could her. They all turn to look at me in confusion .

“What’s the date on that?” Sasha ask.


“What going to happen in two days?” Bambi ask.

“Sounds like something bad,” I told her.

“Check her deleted mail,” Daniel said.

I read through the deleted mail.

She’s here


You were right about her

When should I contact him


“All we know is that in two days something is going down. That Haven’s is watching all of us and that Daniel has a power not even he knew about.” I told them shutting the laptop.

“Right now she thinks I’m still under her cumplusion. I’ll see what I can find out when she call me back in.” Sasha put in.

“We should probably get these files back to her office. We can talk more about this tomorrow. Sasha do you know how to get back to Havens bathroom?” Bambi ask her gathering up the files.

“Like the back of my hand. You got a plan?” She asks her getting up from the desk.

“Yeah. See you guys tomorrow.” Bambi said before following Sasha out the room.

“Oh. I think I figured out that puzzle.” Sasha said before walking out the room.

I stare after her in shock as the door shut behind her. I look over to Daniel getting up from the bed. We both ran over to my desk finding the words together. She was not over here putting the words together that whole time. I notice her intrest in them, but how could she know what my dad wanted to say.

My dear Anglia I know if your reading this that your mom has finally told you. That she finally sent you to Reborn Academy. Like I’m sure she told you that me leaving was for yours and hers safety. It’s better if you don’t know why. Don’t come looking for me unless you really need to find me. And you will know when that time come.

“No way!” Daniel said.

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