Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 68: A Case of Underestimation

There were a lot of things that didn't go as well as she thought it would be. Penelope Primrose held the older girl in her arms and pulled out her own healing potion—a higher grade than what she had done in her alchemy class. "Angelika? Are you okay?" Though she admired Timothy for being able to come in second place during the test.

She couldn't stand for this offense.

A soft croak erupted from her side as a gauntleted arm grabbed her wrist, Angelika's eyes twinkled as she stared up at her, "And I thought you cared not for someone like me, what are you so fussed about? Father gave me a pendant." She chuckled, "I can see why you admire the new boy, it wasn't only that boy Han who was skilled—even this Timothy is." 

[ Lady ] Angelika, her older sister pulled herself up her feet and dusted her armor. "Let's get going, Penny and not hog the spar area, shall we?" The older lady curtsied in front of their [ Professor ] and dragged her back to their seat. Only some soot of dust was formed on her armor but otherwise she was uninjured, she may have overreacted.

And awaiting them were other young [ Ladies ] who decided to study alongside them and of course Timothy. Penelope Primrose managed an awkward smile as she slipped up beside him, "That was a good fight, Timothy."

"I agree, thank you for the interesting battle. You're more limber than you look." Angelika remarked as she sat down. It didn't take too long for the other ladies around them to also muster their praise. Her sister glanced at her, "You could learn a thing or two by sticking around, Timothy."

The young man beside her simply nodded his head and muttered his thanks.

Penelope decided not to push any conversation further as her own fight would be coming up soon—and it would be with Donovan. Sir Leon Harrington's self-proclaimed aide. She let out a sigh and checked her satchel and pulled out a mana potion, "Might as well refresh myself before the battle."

If she could better her chances, why wouldn't she not take them?

.. .

"Lady Penelope vs Donovan, the two of you are up next."

He could already hear the cheers coming up from the girls that were beside Lady Penelope and he didn't exactly hate it—it was normal for girls to act that way. On his side however, the words of his companions that gathered around him and his lord were different.

One chuckled and raised his weapon, "Try not to get beaten by a girl!"

"You shouldn't lay a finger on Lady Penelope!" Another would argue.

Sir Leon de Harrington cleared his throat and gave him a wave and a chuckle, "Do your best, Donovan. I'm sure, Lady Penelope will do her worst."

"I will, Sir Harrington." He gave them a nod. Compared to the other [ Nobles ] he had encountered before, only a few select ones were worthy of his respect and also his allegiance—it was the man before that earned it. 

Picking up his battleaxe with one hand, he made his way to the field for battle.

He could already imagine how much the [ Lady ] would complain and he wondered if it would be nice to just give up immediately. A foolish thought. He needed to work harder than everybody in this place to reach a better rank, if he had to step on some boots and cleave his axe at screaming ladies, well, his apologies.

Donovan watched the Lady rise to her feet and stepped towards the center.

He wasn't up to date with those from the ones taking the [ Primary Mage ] curriculum but with how much [ Lady ] Angelika talked about her siblings, he at least knew how supposedly good a [ Mage ] their opponent would be.

"The two of you may begin—"

Or maybe not.

Donovan took his position and flicked his weapon towards the woman as it zipped through the air. 

It broke through a [ Mana Shield ].

Shattered the second one.

And the third.

[ Lesser Strength ] boosted his own physical feats to a good measure. 

As his axe flew, he barrelled down towards his opponent and watched as the axe stuck to the fourth [ Mana Shield ] that the Lady conjured with her wand. Beads of sweat shone on her temple and left her open as he angled to the right and threw a jab at her.

A fifth [ Mana Shield ] met his fist.contemporary romance

The fourth one dispersed and his axe dropped to the ground—but he was flung backwards as she flicked her wand towards him. Throwing him back like some rag doll as he landed against some of his peers who were too slow to evade him.

Donovan pulled himself up his feet and eyed the axe, [ Lady ] Penelope's gaze flitted towards the axe as well and her expression quickly told him that she was resolved not to let him touch it. He kept his face blank as he glanced at their surroundings for a moment and dove towards the axe.

Or at least what she thought to be the axe.

She conjured a [ Mana Shield ] to block his access, right on time as he picked up one of the available stones and tossed it at her. Of course it ricocheted off another shield, his eyes narrowed, "Is that what you'll be doing? Using shields and hiding behind them?"

Donovan was no [ Noble ] and he could not [ Charm ] his way through things.

But he had [ Taunt ].

And for someone already concentrating on their [ Spells ], their mind was too busy to notice and combat the effects of semi-passive [ Skills ].

It was very effective.

Irritation flared through her eyes as she pointed her wand at him, "You asked for this, Donovan!" Without any words, she used a [ Spell ] as a bright light overwhelmed his vision.

They could have used their [ Swift Dodge ] if it had been a ranged attack, fireballs, stone darts or water jets. He could have dodged them—but not a [ Searing Light ] spell that blasted his damn eyes from getting back his axe.

Another attack shot towards and pushed them onto the ground.

"Alright, thank you for the pair, next one please."

Donovan had underestimated utility [ Spells ].


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