Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 61: Preparation for [ Class ] Advancement

The next class would prove itself to be an interesting one or at least what the other students beside him claimed. Han walked with his three classmates towards one of the available classrooms—thankfully they proved to be helpful in maneuvering through the halls of the castle-like structure.

But of course his expectations were different from reality.

Unlike previous seating arrangements however, Han managed to end up in the front rows for a change. It was somewhat overwhelming to be in front and it also made him somewhat jittery; seating in front meant more attention.

Well simply befriending Sir Leon de Harrington brought enough attention to itself. He silently thought of his 'status menu' and latched on to the key statistic he wanted to check:

[ Student Class ]

[ Learning Rate Is Hastened ]

[ Introduction to Magical Theory - Lvl 1 ]

[ Basic Combat Spells - Failing ]

[ Basic Physical Combat - Lvl 3 ] 

[ Current Rank: 999+ ]

[ Fame: Kraelonia Academy: 2 —] 40 ]

[ Evaluation: Extremely Pitiful, the Bottom of the Bottom-Feeders, Work Harder ]

Somehow one [ Class ] had its own menu, one for [ Student ] and the other for [ Peasant ]. But what Han really wanted to look at was the 'Fame' stat to see how much benefit it really did bring from being with Sir Leon de Harrington and the others. His point of reference was…

[ Fame: RockFall Village: 100 ]

[ Fame: Oaken Ashwoods: - 50 ]

Compared to the forest where those Goblins came from, they tolerated him more in the Academy then but was nowhere near the level of appreciation in his old place. Well that was—

"Han, what are you daydreaming for?" A small chuckle would erupt from his left side, Sir Leon de Harrington was seated in between him and Donovan while Lady Angelika had seated with other girls in the class.contemporary romance

The door swung open as a young man sauntered towards the available lectern in front of their class, "Good afternoon class! I hope lunch was good for you, let's begin shall we?"

Han blinked at the young [ Professor ] who immediately turned to the board with a chalk and began to scribble, "Most if not all of you are holding physical combat-based [ Class ] if not for the occasional one mixing mage and combat [ Class ], but those are quite few."

' [ Warrior ]

' [ Fighter ]

' [ Spearman ]

' [ Swordsman ]

' [ Mage ]

' [ Wizard ]

' [ Witch ]

' [ Sorcerer ]

He listed some [ Classes ] as an example, "I'm expecting some of you to have something like the generic [ Mage ] and [ Fighter ] Class but not necessarily being able to use either fully to their potential… and that's where [ Class Advancement ] and [ Class Consolidation ] come to play." The man tackled the topic immediately without a starter or something but somehow their voice held cadence and authority. 

' [ Warrior ] or [ Fighter ] —] [ Spearman ] or [ Swordsman ] 

' Mostly depends on your choice of weapon and fighting style 

' [ Warrior ] ( Sword ) + [ Mage ] = [ Mystic Knight ] or [ Paladin ]

' Once again depends on weapon choice and fighting style

' In addition to specific conditions necessary to desired [ Class ]

' Ex: [ Paladins ] are to be in an [ Order ], [ Knights ] have Codes

Han scrambled for some notes despite already having a gist of what things were probably going to be held within this class.

A lecture class.

But he wasn't getting sleepy. 

This was kind of fun for him—the mixing and the matching of all possibilities. It almost made him forget that he didn't have any specific combat [ Class ] yet but that simply meant he had more options to learn now and choose later didn't he? The idea of a [ Mystic Knight ] of sorts was also starting to be appealing. Seriously, he'd want to get himself a [ Flaming Sword ] or something.

'What were the names? Death Shadow Scythe and Cutting Claw Swipe…' Suddenly remembering Bo Lifen's words were almost enough for him to hit his head against his desk.

But maybe, maybe he could actually make it come true here?

He could be like some [ Grimreaper ] of some sort if they had a [ Class ] like that. It might be a combination of an [ Assassin ] and [ Necromancer ] maybe.

He scribbled it down.

The [ Professor ] stepped away from the board as he nodded towards the students, "It may not seem tedious at the moment but there are benefits in being able to identify the basic [ Classes ] that one can get."

It made perfect sense to Han but then again to others it probably seemed like a chore or an overwhelming task. He tried to refocus back his attention to the [ Professor ] and not to scribble some Scythe-Wielding Reaper Monarch stick figure.

He also hid it from any prying eyes from Sir Leon de Harrington. The guy glanced his way once and it didn't seem like it'd be nice to get caught drawing.

"Now some of the [ Class ] we get automatically from being born to a specific race like [ Human ], [ Elf ], [ Ogre ] to name a few and they affect to some extent on what kind of Professional [ Class ] you can get." The [ Professor ] whoever-his-name-is explained and paused for a moment.

Because it really was starting to get overwhelming a bit.

Han checked his pockets and found his crumpled class schedule, 'Professor Owen Lidell' continued, "More often than not, [ Ogre ] will get a [ Berserker ] related [ Class ] of some sort as they tend to have a perception that bruting oneself equates to a strong fighter. One's thoughts does affect your [ Class ] and is also the reason why being in the same [ Class ] does not equate to having the same [ Skills ]. Now where was I? Racial [ Classes ] may be the reason why there is the prominent belief that [ Elves ] are perfect [ Mages ] or [ Archers ]. But that's mostly because they are born with a larger pool of mana or better vision though in the end, it all depends on the hard work that you guys put in."

...Well this was kind of new.

At least Han Jing didn't expect him to tackle [ Races ] or racial [ Classes ] as they explained. But it was a neat discovery, he didn't realize that they also classified what race you were born to be a way to also measure your affinity to certain [ Classes ]. Then again this is why he had wanted to be a [ Shadow Elf ] when he downloaded the game in the first place!


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