Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 34: Test Trial (1)

Following Headman Pierce through the corridors was easy enough, the students and teachers moved out of their way as they walked past them. Greetings were made, heads were bowed as the older man moved out of their way with only the slightest discernable nods.

On the other hand, passing glances were thrown their way along with hushed voices as soon as they were out of earshot.

It was enough to make Han feel a little uncomfortable, especially when his mean-mouthed Timothy happened to be silent and only followed the headmaster like a lamb being sent to the butcher. 

He cleared his throat and elbowed his companion. "Hey, are we going to try on some funky wizard hat that'll tell us if we'll become a [ Mage ], [Spearman] or something else?"

"How can a hat do something like that." Timothy frowned at him, moving away as he scowled. "Besides, it's our first time here. Quiet down and be more respectful."

Han rolled his eyes. "Ugh, muggles."


"Oh, nothing."

The man in front of them stopped at last, not even bothering to look at them. "Are the two of you finished gossiping with one another?"

"Urk, my apologies." Han winced and scratched his head. It wasn't exactly the best idea to chatter while they had the headmaster in front of them.

The old man turned to them, an expressionless look on their face. "Unfortunately, we have no sentient hat capable of determining your [ Class ]—instead, the two of you will be undergoing a Test Trial."contemporary romance

"Um, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I recall that one partakes of the test after a month of studying?" Timothy spoke up.

"As you may recall, the two of you are already late in terms of enrollment, that test has finished already. Instead, the two of you will take another test to prove your worth."

"Our worth?"

"Whether you two actually deserve the recognition given by Joseph." Headmaster Pierce nodded. "Otherwise, I'll let you stay here until the end of the semester and then send you back home."

He continued and turned back towards the door.  "We are here." A quick flick of the wrist and the double doors opened into a classroom.

A woman was currently lecturing a group of students but she paused mid-lecture and gave a small curtsy. "Good day, Headmaster Pierce—is there anything I can do for you today?"

"I shall be borrowing two of your students to perform against these two newcomers."

She blinked. "Pardon?"

A hushness came over the room as if a silencing spell was cast upon them.

"Two of your willing students will undergo the same obstacle course as these two. If these two new arrivals are able to keep up, then they can stay. It is simply to check if they are on par with the current students."

The woman moved a bit to cast a cursory glance at the two of them still outside the classroom. Han managed a sheepish smile and bow, Timothy was doing the same.

But wouldn't it be unfair?

Han wouldn't be the one who would say it aloud.

"Headmaster Pierce, is it not a bit harsh treatment when the two have just arrived? They don't seem to look like they've had any education yet even on the basics?"

Did the woman just say they looked like some backwater folks?

"I'd like to partake of this test!" A hand shot out from one of the people in the front row. A golden haired young man had their hand raised, casting a smile. "I'd like to show our new arrivals how students in the Academy perform."

"Ah, Sir Leon de Harrington, eager as always." The ice-cold voice of Headmaster Pierce now warmed and even glowed with pride. "That's one participant, Miss Orléans, do we have another willing participant?"

The teacher looked around resigned, but unlike sir Harrington, nobody else seemed interested to remove themselves from the classroom to partake in the test. Having one of her best students combat against two people who had no prior experience—she wasn't sure what the Headmaster had in mind.

"Oh, Miss Ellynn, would you like to participate?"

The rest of the students glanced back to one of the students at the back. Miss Ellyn hid underneath their cloak and covered their face even more.

Headmaster Pierce wasn't too patient. "Will you participate or not? Speak up."

"Y-yes, Headmaster Pierce!" The girl squeaked.

The old man sighed but turned to the professor. "Alright, I shall be preparing the test area," He glanced back at Han and Timothy, "The two of you shall stay here until then, perhaps grasp a little lecture while you still can."

He then walked past them and left the two, it may have been Han's imagination, but the man blended with the shadows as he turned the corner and disappeared.

"Hello, young men? Would you like to take a seat first?" The teacher, Miss Orléans beckoned them inside the classroom. Her personality was a breath of fresh air in comparison to the Headmaster. "I'd like to welcome you to Kraelonia Academy."

"Are they even going to stay though Miss?" A man snickered.

A few chuckles erupted within the class.

Han didn't catch who said that but it was enough to make him a little annoyed, glancing at Timothy, the guy was only paying attention to his rucksack.

"Now that was rude Donovan." Miss Orléans frowned as she stepped closer to them. "We cannot tell what these two young men are capable of."

It was a little different from what she had said earlier, Han really wasn't sure if it was a good thing.

"A good reminder is that one's [ Class ] is not simply a measurement of one's worth."

"But if the two of them don't have any useful [ Skills ], I don't think they'll pass the test, Miss?" A young woman spoke up from the front row. "One can already tell that at the very least, they only have one [ Skill ] to use. I feel bad for them having to compete against sir Harrington."

"Hmmm…how about I give the two of them a handicap? I'll do the test blindfolded!"


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