Race to the Next World

Chapter ⌛Twelve⌛

“The second Japan doesn’t like us, they’ll just take us over.” Sirus said angrily. He doesn’t like all the treaties that are being signed.

Its good defense because of Russia. Who knows what they are planning now. We kind of caught their two "spies" or whatever they want to call themselves. So, it's a good thing that we're on good terms with Japan.

“Its not that bad, Sirus. Its good that we’re finally doing this.” I said, trying to persuade him. No one needs him running his mouth and ruining everything for us.

“Its going to screw us over.” he didn't think we needed to do this.

It can because Africa isn’t willingly in this treaty.

“For now, we just have to deal with it. And there’s so much they can help us with. Who knows, you might learn something.” I said optimistically. But he glanced back at me, glaring harshly as if it wasn’t my place to say that.

Never mind.

I know some other Flyers who just got the news are angry about this as well. It won’t ever be just Sirus. Being with Japan is very risky but we can still gain something from it.

“You're mad for no reason." I tagged along behind him. "Alliances are good. We won't need to do much work."

“You always have something to say.”

“You’re talking to me, Sirus. Am I not supposed to respond?” I asked as I walked in the room before he could.

He’s still angry and me sassing off isn’t a good idea, nor will it make things better. I started to take off my jacket as I heard him snicker behind me.

“I’m sure you can use that mouth of yours on something better.” he said. I knew what he was interested in but I wasn't going to do it.

I tossed my jacket at him, it hitting his face. But he found that to be an invitation because he pulled me towards him as he sat down on the bed.

“You looked so good in my shirt earlier.” he looked up at me and smiled. I scoffed and put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him away from me.

“I have no intention of letting you do anything to me.” I said quickly, hoping he understands the words coming from my mouth.

“All you do is run that mouth of yours. I know how to put it to good use.” he started to get my shirt off me.

As he pushed my shirt up, he kissed my stomach, another hand about to take off my belt. I didn’t want him to do anything to me; I was just about to force his head away when I stopped, running my fingers through his hair instead as he kissed my skin. It didn’t take him long to get in my pants.

It also didn’t take long for our trackers to go off. I felt it buzzing on me, and I could hear Sirus' vibrating as well.

“Goddammit, can’t I get a break?” he complained.

“Don’t you think you have enough fun?” I asked him as I tightened my belt. I don’t have time to change and its a good thing Sirus is already in his suit.

“There you go again with your mouth.” he said as he got up. We were wasting time, but I saw how he didn’t care that much. I’m sure he would use this time to keep me here and do what he wants with me. I saw it in the way he looked at me, his black eyes burned with a sort of fury that couldn’t be explained. He wasn’t mad, but there was something else.

His hand went in my hair, gripping it tightly as he pulled my head back. I should have gotten it cut shorter that time; if he’s able to grab my hair, its a safety hazard. My hands gripped his arm but he didn’t let go. He stared down at me, and I knew he was thinking of things we could do together.

“Sirus, we have to go.” I said, trying to get his hand out of my hair. His thumb ran over my lip, touching where he bit me a couple days ago. And after that, he smiled wider, just staring at my lips. Whatever he’s thinking right now, I know it's a bad idea.

He licked my lips as his thumb kept my mouth open. I could easily bite his finger off but I didn’t. I didn’t shiver or wince like I thought I would. If Sirus keeps trying to get frisky, I’ll honestly tell him to go for it. That’s what I feared the most out of this. He kissed my cheek and moved to my ear, just about to bite me, but he didn’t go far. I could feel his breath on my skin as he thought about biting me.

I was the one getting hot. Sirus makes it so hard to see things clearly. We have somewhere to be, yet I just wanted to stay here with him and do other things. My grip on him loosened when he kissed me again.

I had to stop myself from leaning into him. It was almost like I wanted him to keep going, and as much as I wanted him to, deep down inside, I knew we had to get going.

I didn't want my heart to flutter. I knew better than to close my eyes and kiss him back. I didn't push him away. I think me giving in to him made him smile, I could feel his lips curving as he kissed me.

Just one more time.

Then he pulled away.

“You have your excuse now, but not for long.” he said finally as he let go of my hair.

Sirus could easily change his mind so I got out of the way quickly.

Flyers were running by in the hallway, excited about what was happening when Coordinators walked in groups. I didn’t know what was going on, but I listened for Picses announcement as we went. Flyers only get excited when its something big.

And then Picses had said that every single weapon had to be given access to the Flyers because Russia was attacking us and they brought Europe with them. The largest smile was spreading across Sirus’ face, and I knew he would want to use the weapons for his own pleasure. I have to unlock some dangerous stuff and I don’t actually plan on doing that.

He ran off before I could yell at him. I wanted to tell him that he can’t just go on a rampage. Everyone is going to be so disorganized and a mess because Flyers can’t control themselves. I thought of all the dangers of giving Flyers access to every single weapon. They’re going to destroy everything.

This is not happening. Picses is out of his mind with what he’s ordering.

I walked into the Command room. I noticed how the computer has been upgraded to accommodate for the things we didn’t have before. The others were a bit agitated with Picses for the same reason I was on edge. We know what its like giving Flyers “toys” to play with. Once this happens, they’re never letting go. I waited patiently for that green light to show up, waiting on Sirus who was probably taking his sweet time. My fingers tapped against the white counters and I sighed quietly to myself, wondering what’s taking him so long that he get me irritated.

Flyers have been waiting for this day to happen. I was hoping that I would never have to use these codes, ever. Sirus will go wild.

The second I saw Sirus’ health on the screen, I grabbed my headset so I could yell at him.

"Why are you weak, Sirus?” I asked quickly. His health wasn’t in perfect condition. Seventy percent is still not a hundred. What did he do? Did he overwork himself? I wanted to find him and shake him up a bit because he needs to take better care of himself.

“You have to let me go.” he said, desperately.

“I can’t do that if-”

“I swear Aurora, I will kill you if I don't go out there.” he threatened. I am responsible for his life and right now, I wanted to say that he shouldn’t go out there. I don’t care about his threats! Despite how much I wanted to keep him detained, I pressed the green button on my screen.

I let him go. I hope he doesn’t make me regret it.

“You heard Picses, right?” I asked him.

“Hell yeah, I heard him. Let me touch the-”

“Hopefully you know you don’t get that much freedom to do what you want.” I said to him and he scoffed, laughing dryly and not saying anything snarky to me. I technically don’t have to listen to Picses and I won’t if Sirus doesn’t behave.

This attack was on a larger scale, a much larger scale.My eyes widened when I saw how many of us were actually working. That’s a lot of Flyers on my screen right now. Is it really that bad out there?

“Sirus, please make sure that you actually pay attention to the people around you.” I begged him. This isn’t the time to act all high and mighty. He has to team up with the others to make this more bearable.

“I’m not much of a team worker.” Sirus said. I already know he doesn’t like working with people he doesn’t like. Its just that right now, he can’t be resistant.

“You have a job, Sirus. Just do it.” I said quickly as I started to unlock everything.

The Computer was trying to reject all my commands because it was too much at once. Picses was working on giving us access. Finally after a few seconds, everything turned green. Now its all free for Sirus to use. I would tell him to go wild but he actually would, and I just told him that he has to pay attention to the people around him.

He really does give me anxiety. My heart was racing in my chest because I thought about what he could really do, what any of them could really do. We created monsters.

“Relax, Aurora, I have this under control,” he sighed.

“Do what you’re told!” I almost yelled because he never listens, he just never listens to me.

“Baby, are you mad?”

I pictured myself just taking off my headset and throwing it at the wall so it would break. My fingers twitched down on the counter and I gritted my teeth. “I will blow you up.” I threatened. “I don’t need you getting me in trouble right now.” I said.

“I never get you in trouble.” he lied. I’m going to scream one day. Honestly, one day, we’ll be on a mission, and I’ll just scream.

I noticed Japan and Russia show up on my screen. Europe always shows up in different rations. I knew they had more than what was really showing up. And I won’t ever be able to see Africa on my screen. Its going to be hard to help Sirus because there’s so many moving objects out there. As hectic as it is, it doesn’t get this bad. This might turn into a real war.

One by one, a ship was off my screen. What frightened me was that it was the ships close to Sirus. I heard his curses as he held through. I desperately tried to give him his way out, or a way for him to take out the other forces. There was too much going on and it was hard to focus. This was a lot of stress, and I was handling it but I felt like I was slipping. There was a wave of Russian forces pushing their way towards ours, and we had no choice but to move back.

“What are you doing?” I asked Sirus when he was just stuck in one spot. He shouldn’t be like that, what the hell is he doing?

“There’s no way out-”

“You have to find one cause its a trap.” I said quickly, trying to find a way out of him. Every time I found one though, it was closed off. There’s only so much I can do with all this going on. Its overwhelming. Russian defenses are tightening so much that its unpredictable to tell what they’re going to do.

Sirus isn’t healthy enough for him to just be reckless.

More ships were being destroyed. And I wonder how hard Sirus was trying to stay alive. I didn’t think Russia could get any more serious than they were before but they and Europe are so prepared for this now.

Even with Japan’s help we were being pushed back.

“Come on, Aurora, I need your help here.” Sirus urged and I knew I was cutting it close. Very close. I thought heavily of the things I could suggest but he isn’t in a good condition for this at all. I saw he was being tagged, and I don’t think there was any other choice than what I had.

“How many of Europe’s ships are near you?” I asked.

“Ten.” he said quickly. That’s a rough estimate. I hate guessing, I really hate guessing. I only saw two dots on my screen. I would have to guess where the rest of them are.

“I want to tell you to go straight for them.” I said.

“Is there a better plan?” Sirus laughed nervous because apparently I’m out of my mind.

“Just out smart them.” I said. This is his field, and he knows the game better than anyone else. I had enough faith to know that he’s very capable of outsmarting them. He knows what he’s doing. I waited, tapping my fingers down as I watched my screen, I saw how close the marks were getting; I guess Russia and Europe aren’t paying attention to what’s going on. Ten ships were deleted from my screen.

“There’s still too many.” Sirus said quickly. His health was dropping and I wondered what he was doing, or if he was getting hit. I panicked more as I tried to figure out what was going on.

One second everything was fine, and then all this happened. It wasn’t right at all.

“All units retreat.” Picses said to us quickly, and I know he was relaying the message to every single person out there.

“You have to come back.”

“Does it look like I can go anywhere, Aurora? Cause I honestly can’t.” he said, agitated. I was panicking and him snapping at me won’t help!

I’m sure he can find a way out.

“We both know how inhumane you actually are, stop showing your morality and get out of there.” I said. He knows I basically gave him absolutely everything he could ever want, so he might as well use all of it. Or some of it to get out of this mess. More Russian fleets were coming and I didn’t know how we were going to defend against something like that.

The lights began flickering on and off. This is not an alarm. Its...its a malfunction. The Ship is not safe. I looked up at the lights that flickered unevenly. There’s something wrong... This doesn’t happen. Why would the lights flicker? Did we get hit.

“Coordinators, erase all data from your devices.” Picses said quickly. I turned to him quickly; he’s not serious about this is he? The others didn’t hesitate to start deleting everything. I had to do the same.

“Sirus-” My voice cracked.

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, something happened. The lights went off just now and Picses is telling us to erase all the data." I had already started doing what he told me. "I don’t want to leave you out there on your own.” I was worried something might happen.

Flyers can defend for themselves, but Coordinators are there to help them see what they can't. If we're gone, they'll have a harder time fighting.

“Do what he tells you.” Sirus said without hesitating.

He said that so willingly, no back talk, no snide comments, nothing.

I did what I was told, more so because Sirus said I should.

I wiped all the memory, deleted everything, and removed any remaining stored date.

Every Coordinator was wiping everything clean.

This is the first time I've had to do this. And if Picses is telling us that everything we have needs to be deleted then it must be bad.

“Commander, what's going on?” One of the woman asked.

“We’re about to be invaded.” he said as he walked towards the door.

We’re about to be what? I didn’t hear him, I know I didn’t hear him.

We don’t get invaded.

This doesn’t happen!

“What about Africa and Japan?” Another asked.

“They're occupied with Europe. Right now we need to protect our own." Picses said calmly. “Prepare for a temporary shut down, I will alert the Captain.” he said as he walked out.

A what?

My eyes widened as I looked around. The rest of them didn’t move. We were all shocked.

Picses was so calm.

Its either he believes that this won’t be more than just a minor set back, or he knows this is the end. The lights continued to flicker but none of us moved. We were panicking.

And finally, we all cracked.

I was left there shaking and panicking. Is that it? What is Russia going to do to us? I thought of every possible scenario then stopped. They wouldn’t want to keep America around. They’ll just blow the Mother Ship up, won’t they? Japan and Africa might be working on their defenses.

I had only one possible thought because I had nothing else.

Where was the ship hit? The lights flickered here, but something must have went off somewhere else. Every second, we take more damage. And our Flyers are out there without help.

What the hell is wrong with Picses? We’re abandoning everyone just because of a raid. I didn’t want to leave Sirus, but I couldn’t go back.

A temporary shut down.

Coordinators were running in the hallways, screaming out orders and plans about what to do. I was so lost that I was barely moving. Apparently the entire ship is experiencing a malfunction.

I still didn’t move as it hit me.

I have two parents that might be in trouble. I have a sister out in space who isn’t even being monitored. And I have a partner who doesn’t know what to do.

I can't go out in space, but I had to do something.

I needed to know what was happening with my parents. I had to make sure they were safe, that they weren’t being hurt. I know I can’t go out in space, but I can definitely get to my parents. I just need to know that something is going right.

I ran down the hallway. There were more Coordinators planning to go up to the Civilian deck, it wasn’t just me. The lights flickered as we all ran in the same direction, rushing to get up to where all the people were.

When I got to Civilian deck four, I couldn't see. Most of the system was cut out. The panels and scanners were flashing bright blue, but that was about it. It was dark, I heard screaming and it was dark. The Computer hasn’t started a back up yet.

Bodies hit me as I ran the complete opposite direction of where everyone wanted to go. The screaming made me paranoid. There were people flashing lights to get around, and that was all I could use to find my way to where I needed to go. I used my tracker to show off the green light so I could see.

It was hard enough to find my way around a place I barely come up to but with all these people here, it was harder.

Kids, elders, parents, friends, all these people were frightened. And what could I do about it? Nothing. I couldn’t do anything because I didn’t know what was going on. It was like I was stranded. My thoughts were racing about so many things, my world was spinning out of control.

The back up system was barely starting to run. There were blue lights that shined on the floor, lighting up the hallways so everyone could see. It was that people knew where they were going.

Everyone is supposed to get to their assigned locations. That’s why everything was a mess. They were trying to get back.

I pushed my way through, finding a door that I thought I recognized. The number seemed familiar. I pressed my hand on the scanner and the door opened, letting me in. It was quiet here. I walked inside, and closed the door.

“Mom? Dad?” I asked hesitantly in the dark. I was crushed in a hug quickly, hearing sobs as hands moved in my hair. I let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness they’re okay.

“What’s going on?” Mom cried.

“I don’t know, I don’t-” I couldn’t answer her so I stopped, there was nothing to say about it.

“Where’s Alara?” Dad asked.

I couldn't answer.

“Oh my god.” Mom cried harder.

“I don’t know. Everything happened so suddenly, and I came here the first chance I got. ” I didn't want to make them panic, too, but I didn't know where my sister was. I don't know what's happening.

I don't know what I should be doing.

At this point, I was almost numb. I reached my threshold. I had no idea what was going to happen next.

My tracker was vibrating but I ignored it because I wanted to stay here. I want to believe that I’m not part of this horrible monstrosity. If I told myself hard enough, maybe I could just be a civilian.

I can't help.

Picses just disappeared after telling us to wipe out everything. Now what's supposed to happen?

I shouldn't be here. If it is a raid, we have to fight them. My tracker was still vibrating, and I looked to see that Sirus was nearby. “I can’t stay here.” I told my parents.

“No!” Mom cried.

“Everything will be fine.” I assured her. She hugged me tightly, and she didn't want to let go. "Mom, everything will be fine." I wanted her to feel better.

But I was mostly talking to myself.

Everything will be fine.

That's what I was hoping.

"Bring your sister back." she said to me.

"I'll find her."

Everything will be fine.

I walked out into the mob of people still running. There were more lights as the back up system started. People were finding their places and became less crowded. I could still hear a lot of screaming. A rush of people flew by me. Groups tried to stay close and go in the same direction, but it was still a mess. Screams filled my ears, but I heard someone calling my name. Is that Sirus? I followed the sound of his voice until I found him in front of me.

There was too much going on, too much to worry about, and I wanted to try and focus. I need to worry about things one at a time, its just that it didn’t happen like that. I took Sirus’ hand and we ran with the crowd until we had to take a different way to go back.

Just before we got to the elevator though, the lights were on again. The back up system was fully functional.

“Attention civilians.” Captain Iris had gotten control of the whole ship. “There is no need to panic, there has been some small technical difficulties and malfunctions, we will have normal functions up and running again in a matter of minutes.” he announced.

“He’s lying.” I said quickly.

“We can’t go back down there. There’s a bunch of Russians in the ship.” Sirus said as he thought about pulling me away from the elevator.

This isn’t happening, this is not happening. I pulled at my hair, thinking of every single possible solution for this situation but I couldn’t. There is nothing that I could use, and there was certainly nothing I could actually do at the moment. I struggled.

“What do we do?” I looked up at him. He was just as confused as I was but I don’t think he was scared. I will never understand with Sirus.

“You’re supposed to know that.” he answered plainly.

This is not the time!

“If we go back down there, we’ll have to deal with a raid and I know you aren’t much for physical strength.” he said. I know I can’t fight much, but I can at least try. I’m not weak.

I unlocked the door with my hand print and pulled Sirus in with me. The elevator is not the fastest way down there. It gave me time to work up my nerves. I'm not really much for...getting overly excited. And this isn't the situation I would want to get excited for.

“We’re doing this.” I said confidently.

“You sure?" Sirus almost wanted me to think this through. I don't think he believed my enthusiasm. Then again, it's not like I was being the most excited person here. "Not a lot of the Coordinators can handle fighting their way through a physical attack.” he said just to annoy me.

He was ready though, and I know he was going to enjoy this. He swung his arms back, bouncing on his toes as he smiled widely.

“You're definitely going to have fun doing this.” I can't believe he was ready for a fight.

“I have to do what I have to, don’t I?” he asked me, glancing down at me as he was still energized. It didn’t make sense because his health was terrible before. He’s probably shocked with adrenaline. He was excited.

“Don’t get yourself hurt.” I said and looked away from him.

“How cute.” he said, mocking me. I kept my eyes away but I know he was looking at me. He even made a sound as if he really was judging me for my lack of strength. I might just stay behind Sirus the whole time.

“We don’t even know what we’re doing,” I said quickly.

“All we have to do is protect this ship.” Sirus said, already ready. These doors were about to open, and we might be surrounded in complete darkness.

I wonder how far Sirus will make it. I don’t want to slow him down.

He took my face in his hands, pulling me up towards him, and kissed me fiercely. I was stunned. Please tell me that he’s really not interested in doing something now while we’re getting raided. I was confused, very confused. This was...Sirus doesn’t kiss me like this. At first I thought it was just another one of his bad habits but he was super into it, and that was getting me into it.

He was too hyper. The adrenaline really got him going.

I felt everything he felt. There was so much more to this kiss that I didn’t realize in the beginning. He was scared, but he was going to do whatever he what he needed to make it through. He was going to fight cause honestly, what if its his last chance? That’s his mind set. Fear wasn’t the only thing I felt either, there was so much I wasn’t aware of, its like Sirus was finally letting me in.

He let go of me, still smiling, a sort of fury in his eyes. He’s going to fight to the death. I wanted to tell him to not do that! He needs to think things through because I don’t want him to get killed in this situation.

After all, who really thinks that Russia is going to actually take over this Ship?

The doors opened and I moved behind Sirus quickly. Most of the lights were still flickering, but I could see the trail of blue on the floor.

I heard people getting hit, hitting other people, hitting things. My heart sank into my stomach. I don’t know who’s fighting, who I should be fighting, if I should really try to fight.

Sirus just went in.

I lost him quickly. He was just gone. So the plan to stay behind him was not going to work. I could definitely hear him, but I wasn't going to go find him.

The back up system wasn't running here. There's much more energy use here, so something must have stopped the system just so the fighters would have a hard time. Captain Iris made it to his room, so he must be okay.

But what about Picses?

I walked slowly, not feeling anything dangerous. I heard people getting hurt and Russian commands being given out. Russian wasn’t one of the languages I was taught to speak so I was completely useless in this situation. I kept walking through, listening to whenever someone got too close so I could move away.

The fights continued. I could hear people getting hurt, the screams, the grunts, the groans.

And when someone touched me, I started running, trying to get away as fast as I could. I bumped into something though, and it knocked me down to the ground. Someone had put there hands on me, grabbing me and cursing me in Russian. I could pick out a few things, but I knew this person was going to kill me. I swung my legs, kicking somewhere around his chest, making him let go of me.

I got off the ground and kept running.

The Computer was taking too long to run.

What is Picses doing? Why is he taking so long? We’re actually out here fighting and he’s taking his time doing whatever he’s doing.

People swung at me, grabbing me, and I fought my way through. My knuckles felt cold from constantly hitting someone to defend myself. I’ve gotten hit multiple times on my chest, my shoulders, my stomach, but I fought through to keep going. I had to find the Command center to see what’s happening.

A flicker of white caught my attention; a Coordinator was hiding in a different hallway. I bet they were trying to use their tracker but it wasn’t working. I got passed all the yelling and fighting, running to them instead, pulling them further into the hallway as I got down. I shook my hands, the pain surging through my fingers; they were shaking, and from the feint light, I could see the blood on my skin. The girl had latched on to me, holding on to my arm as she breathed heavily.

Did someone hurt her?

I could see the blood on her face. I didn't have anything to help her. She held on to me as she tried to sit up.

“Do you know what's going on?” I asked quickly.

She tried to answer but she breathed hard, her fingers tightening on my clothes. There was a lot of blood on her face. I think she has a head wound. When I touched her, she flinched. She’s wounded.

“Picses and his men are trying to activate the intruder mechanism." she said slowly. She winced from the pain as I lifted her up. She could stand but she needed help. "I don’t understand why its taking this long.” her fingers tightened on my arm to keep herself up. “What if something happened to him, or any of the others?”

“Where do they activate the intruder system?” I asked.

“The Captain’s room. If anything, some Russians might even be there right now,” she said quickly.

They might be there right now. That’s what’s taking them so incredibly long.

I don’t want to drag her around but that’s what’s going to happen because I wanted to get her out of harm’s way. The fights were still going on.

"Can you come with me?" I asked her, letting go slowly to see if she could stand on her own.

She nodded.

I still wasn't sure if she was going to make it.

I took her hand and pulled her forward as we moved. I did my best to hold on to her, making sure that no one hit her. If it meant taking blows then I’ll do it. She held on to me tightly as we made our way through the fights. She flashed her tracker for a second, just enough time for me to see where we were going, and not get attacked by Russians.

I took the girl on with me; we had to start running. The voice behind me were getting louder, and it just seems like its getting worse. I know she’s hurt but we have to keep going. I know I shouldn’t be dragging her like this but we need to get to Captain Iris’ room before anything happens.

The closer we got, the more people I had to get past and it got harder every second. If I thought someone was about to hit us, I moved around her so I could take the hit instead. I fought our way through, and I was completely stunned that I was even able to fight. Now that I’m pushed to my limits, I could probably do anything. My hands were numb. I couldn’t feel anything from how hard I’ve been hitting back.

The girl yanked me back when I had gone too far. We got down on the ground and she breathed heavily. She’s bleeding out. I leaned over her as I listened to what was going on. We’re right in front of the Captain Iris’s room.

I had to sneak in there and do something

The girl grabbed my arm quickly. “It might be dangerous.” She pulled me back. A whole lot of things about this is dangerous, actually running here was maybe the dangerous part about this, but we have to put in that activation code anyway.

“Stay here, I’ll go inside.” I said quickly as I pressed my hand to the scanner. She was going to protest but it was too late anyway, I had to go in and see what was going on. I crawled in, grabbing the railings as I looked down. There was a faint light from the screens; I saw the officials sitting on the floor, tied up and bound together.

A few Russians were pacing around, holding guns as they walked. Another one was in front of the officials, holding a gun up to them. He’s going to execute them here.

Picses was going to be first if I don’t do something.

I had to work up the courage. If I wait too long, Picses will get killed. I don’t want that to happen. I glanced over to the computer. I saw there was one more password missing on the screen, and that was Iris’. I remembered what Sirus had typed before when I was hacking this very same computer.

If only I can get down there quickly. I can’t just get up and run but I might be able to slide under the railing and get there fast enough. If I use that Russian to break my fall, then I’d have enough time to distract the rest of them and get the system running.

If I can access the intruder system, then we’ll be saved.

My hands tightened on the railing as I pulled myself forward, sliding off the floor and landing on the man about to shoot Picses with a machine gun; the second my boots touched his face, I knew I had to move fast before anyone realizes what’s going on. They was a shout as we landed on the floor. I had to scramble to get up because his friends were coming fast.

I ran to the computer as I heard yells; my fingers typed over the keys as I heard guns loading. I was about to join the rest in this hostage situation. As I typed the password, I felt their arms grab me violently.

I had just pressed enter.

“Situation?” The Computer asked.

“Intruder alert.” I screamed as they dragged me back, feeling cold metal on my head.

Red beams went off no second later, trapping them so they couldn’t move. There was blood that was dripping on to my clothes. I had tried to shield myself when I saw the beams, so when I moved, I saw where the blood was coming from. This man...he lost...his arm was on the ground next to my hand, and he was screaming from the pain of having it cut by a high energy beam. I looked hesitantly because I would see the wound, all the blood, the struggle.

I backed away slowly, wanting to get away from the blood that was gushing on me; I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to breathe but I felt like I was choking. There was so much...s-so much blood.

The Computer had gone off, alarming loudly as the beams stayed placed where they were. There was already ringing in my ears. The Computer was making it worse.

It wasn’t till a few seconds later that I felt the pain on my arm. My skin was burned from the beam. I was lucky that I didn’t get caught in it. It still hurt. I was just trying to think. My body was shaking, my hands were numb, and I was covered in blood.

The intruder system stayed on, and it would be like this throughout the ship. Anyone that’s not supposed to be here gets caught in it.

Other people rushed inside the room to help. Someone lifted me up as other people untied the officials that were trapped. I was in shock. I don’t think I could speak anymore.

“What do we do, Picses?” Carsus asked.

“For now, find the wounded and treat them. They need our attention first.” Picses said. “Aurora.” Picses addressed me. I looked his way, but when I opened my mouth, I couldn’t find my voice. I was frightened. “Nice work.” he said to me.

I should be happy, I saved their lives. I looked down at the ground, at the arm that was on the floor, laying in a pool of blood. It was just there. I could smell the blood on me. There was just so much. I think I’m going to be sick.

I had to scramble and leave.

It was going to take a while to get everything back to normal. I wish I didn’t walk out of the room. There was so much blood everywhere, and there were...there’s people that...

I leaned against the wall, and moved to the floor. I was shaking from the paranoia. There’s blood everywhere. There’s blood everywhere. I covered my ears to mute the sound of the alarms, but now I heard the screaming in my own head.

It took hours for things to get back to normal.

This wasn't treated lightly. We had some of our fighters killed.

I couldn’t find my voice. I was shocked. I have yet to find Sirus in the mess of all the people. I don’t know where he could be and it made me wonder if he is actually alive. I didn’t think he would be dead but then again, anything could happen. I was scared for him, because he looked so excited to fight everyone. I hope he didn’t get himself killed.

He won’t believe what I just saw. To think that I went through all that.

I sat in one of the medical rooms patiently, waiting for the medication to kick in as I stared at the white tile floors. I wasn’t the only one here but I sure was the only one not complaining about the medication. This isn’t the only room there is available for the medical team to do their work. With everything that’s happened, they had to expand. A lot of people were on bed rest, getting scanned by the Computer to see if their injuries were fatal or not. Others were unconscious. Some...won’t make it.

I felt cold. My arm stopped throbbing a while ago, but my hands were still sore. I had bruises on my skin. I also had blood all over me, and its not my blood.

It wasn’t as quiet as it was before. A few Flyers had made their way in the room.

“Hey, don’t touch me- I said don’t touch me!” I heard Sirus voice as more people shuffled in. Sirus was pushed forward by a bunch of other Flyers that looked beat up.

They were alive. Sirus was alive.

“Don’t sprout that ‘I can heal on my own’ shit. You might even have a concussion from how hard you head butted that Russian.” One of them said; he was bigger than all of the rest and had the most wounds on him.

“Yeah, no excuses, just shut up and get treated.” Another said.

Sirus hates healing treatments, he’d rather heal on his own but with how he looked, he was definitely going to need some help. I looked down, playing with my hands as I sat there silently.

There’s blood all over me, and I was just sitting here in complete shock.

I was...I tried to block out what happened.

All I worried about was getting the blood stains out from my white clothes.

And if Sirus was okay.

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