QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD: Earthbound series Lucien and Scarlett (Book 2)


I sat there, deep in thought.

It was the same thing over and over. I was losing my patience. I had more important things on my mind than these petty quarrels going on around me. I knew something had happened with my demon, but he wasn’t giving anything away. He was in pain; it was as if something had shifted within him. I didn’t like it. I had tried to connect with him to find out what was going on, but nothing. It made little sense. It happened the same time I felt some transference with my link with Scarlet. I had chosen to momentarily close our link between us. It hadn’t ultimately worked; it had left a slight connection between us. I’d felt the hurt and bewilderment from her the minute she’d realized our link was broken. After what had happened in that meeting, I had decided that it was for her own good.

Once again, I was sitting here at another meeting with the same naturals, councils, and humans, minus Scarlett and one of her sisters. The meeting wasn’t going well. I was furious. The demands the council kept putting forth were pissing me off; it didn’t help that Aria agreed with every single word that came from Malcolm’s mouth. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out she was or had been fucking him. It was the same every single time. They wanted their hands on the women sitting around the wooden table. I’d made a promise to protect these women, and while under my guardianship, they would live here at my private residence in safety. Somehow, I had calmed Aria down. She would have caused more damage to Scarlett and her family if I hadn’t. I couldn’t let that happen. Now I was connected to the one woman I didn’t want. It was a fucking mess. Stupidly, I had agreed to bond with Aria. The burning on my wrist confirmed it. Aria, to her satisfaction, thinks she is my official mate. She didn’t know one thing, and it stopped our complete mating. My demon had to agree to it, and he vowed he would never allow the complete mating between us to take place.

I had demanded that I be kept updated with Scarlett’s progress, but her sisters and cousins hadn’t complied with my order. If it wasn’t for the fact it would devastate Scarlett, I would have taken their heads by now. Until recently, I had known she was still unconscious. That link was now gone because of my stupidity. I could always sense if she was happy or sad through our remote connection. The temptation to seek her out had been too great; I had stupidly broken it. It hadn’t stopped my desire for her. It was still raging like a fire burning inside my gut. My desire to give in to see her was like a warring rage within me.

I longed to see her; there was one obstacle that stopped me from doing so. Aria was constantly by my side. She insisted on going with me wherever I had to go, I couldn’t see the one person I needed. I had to put up this farce, so everyone thought I didn’t give a fuck. Somehow, I had convinced Aria that I had been using Scarlett for my own gains. Thank fuck she had believed me. Until I found out who her little spy was, I had to play her game. When I questioned her about why she had attacked Scarlett and the rest of the witches, her reply was jealousy. Did I believe her? Did I fuck. There was more to it than plain old jealousy, and until I had all the evidence, I would not show my hand.

The sharp knock, then another knock, and another two sharp taps on the wooden doors grabbed my and everyone else’s attention. The doors swung open. I watched as Scarlett, along with Adam and Scarlett’s sister Mia, walked through the doorway. I shot daggers at Scarlett’s family; They should have informed me she’d woken up. I made my displeasure known that they had kept me from the equation. I hadn’t expected the reaction I received from Scarlett. I had hurt her, and I knew she would never forgive me once she found out about the bonding.


At the sound of the door swinging opening, all heads turned in our direction. The room was enormous, though not as big as the one where the last meeting had taken place. A heavy wooden table stood in the middle of the room. Lucien sat at the far end, with Aria sitting once again at the bastard’s side, and Damien and Jaden on the other side of him. My sisters and cousins sat further down at the table. The other leaders and the councils were on the other side.

Lucien’s anger radiated off him in waves. “Scarlett,”, his words carrying an angry bite, “you’re awake.”

I met his gaze; a muscle twitched at the corner of his eyes as they flashed red, lips thinned in a grim line. His anger added to my confusion. He rose to his feet with the agility of a panther; tall, dark and handsome. A lethal combination.

I turned my head away; I couldn’t look at him without showing my true feelings. I had to get ahold of the emotions that were building up inside me. I had to gain control. I didn’t want anyone, let alone Aria, to find out that being this near to him was torture. I noticed his displeasure at my reaction from the corner of my eye. It puzzled me. Had he expected me to run into his arms? I saw the shock that registered across the rest of the faces. It was apparent that none of them had been informed that I had awoken; I wondered how my family had kept it from them. The only thing that sprung to mind was a spell, and a powerful one at that. Aria sat at Lucien’s side as if she had every right to be there. I knew that I wouldn’t be happy about whatever Lucien had promised her. Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I could see the displeasure and hatred on Aria’s face.

Mia shrugged her shoulders as she met Pamela’s gaze and said, “There was no stopping her.”

Lucien’s brows scrunched down in anger; his cold voice sliced through me like sleet on a glass pane as he turned his head towards Pamela. “When did Scarlett awaken, and why wasn’t I informed?”

Is he shitting me? Who the heck does he think he is? “I woke up earlier today, and why would my family tell you or anyone else sitting around this table that I have woken up,” I said as I walked further into the room until I was standing beside the rest of my family. “It’s not as if you’re my mate, or that we are bonded, or even my husband, is it?” I said with a raised eyebrow, daring him to respond to my statement.

I turned my head, dismissing him as if he was nothing more than something I had stepped in. He wasn’t the type of man to accept someone being discourteous to him, and I knew it would provoke him; I didn’t care. I had more important things to worry about than Lucien and the crazy bitch sitting beside him.

I joined the mental link I had with my family. ‘We have a serious problem; The spell you all chanted over me. I’m barely holding on. Something’s wrong; my witch and omega are screaming out as if in agony. It’s like they’re being pulled from my body, like our souls are separating, and I’m sure my link to Lucien is still in place!’ Shocked expressions appeared across their faces. I wondered if Pamela or Melissa knew more than they were letting on. Though I couldn’t see or hear the worry in their voices through our link, I could sense their fear. They were all apprehensive, not only for me, but for themselves.

That shouldn’t have happenedYour link should have broken with no issues,’ Melissa replied down our link, ‘Your link to Lucien must have been more extensive than we realized.’

I did not mean for it to surge your witch and omega from your body; it was meant to only break your bond to Lucien,’ Pamela said.

We have to get back to Scarlett’s room as quickly as we can. Can you, your witch and omega hold out?’ Melissa said.

I reached out to my witch and omega; they were still in pain, but were still holding on. The colors around their bodies are green, blue, pink, purple, and white. I saw the small light flickering behind them. I fault myself for reaching out to make that connection. I cannot do it, not yet. It could put us all in jeopardy. I watched as the colors changed from bold to light; they were to help heal and to bond us back together. Whatever was trying to tear us apart wasn’t succeeding. I could feel them contacting their minds briefly to mine. A swift touch assures me they will and can hold on and cope with whatever was happening to our contention; they ordered me to stay at the meeting. If they felt we needed to leave, they would let me know. They were just as curious as I. They wanted to know what was going on. Before I pulled away, I reassured them that I’d leave myself open so they could hear the conversation that would take place and find out what the heck was happening.

They assured me they can hold on,’ I announced through our link.

You have to leave this meeting,’ Pamela replied.

NOI’m not going anywhere. Plus, my witch and omega are as eager as me to find out what is happening here,’ I said, sitting down in one of the empty chairs.

It’s not a good idea that you stay here,’ Pamela said. I felt her impatience through our link. She hated it when no one took any notice of her.

Why? Are you hiding something from me?’ I said.

Melissa butted in. ‘She’s going to find out at some point, so she should know sooner rather than later.’

You think now is that time?’ Pamela replied.

Yes, Pamela, I do,’ then to me, ‘Pamela’s trying to save you from any pain, but she’s holding back on the inevitable. You will find out eventually. If I were you, I’d want to know now.’

But you’re not her, are you?’ Pamela fumed down our link. I knew if it was at all possible, smoke would belt out her ears.

No, she isn’t. None of you are, but Melissa is correct. I will find out eventually, so why not now?

Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,’ Pamela replied as she broke our link. I watched as she looked around the room; her gaze settled on Lucien and Aria. It was as if she was trying to warn me. Of what, I had no clue.

I turned my attention to everyone else in the room. I ignored the look of distaste and loathing that Aria was throwing my way. What was the point of me reacting to it? She had shown every single person, human and supernatural, how much she hated me. I couldn’t help but wonder why she could still be sitting here and next to Lucien. Something was definitely going on, and I knew that she and Lucien were why Pamela wanted me out of the room. I let my gaze flicker over the rest of the group sitting around the table. It was the same group of men and women.

Jaden’s deep voice carried over to me, “Scarlett, it is a relief to see you well and back on your feet.”

I turned my head until I was facing him. He flashed me a brilliant smile that I happily returned. He was as handsome as I remembered. Kindness shone from his eyes. Eyes that could explode with hatred and fury, but he had always shown me nothing but consideration. To me, he was always a gentleman. “Thank you, Jaden; it’s good to be finally awake,” he was unaware of the captivating picture he made when he smiled back.

With spit running down her chin Aria hissed. “My god! Really, do we have to listen to this bullshit? So, she is awake. Big fucking deal,” Oh my god she looks disgusting. Watching it run down her chin wasn’t pleasant. Did she know what she looked like? She didn’t look like the beautiful woman she usually showed everyone. She leaned forward, placing her hands on the table before her, vermin coming from her mouth, “It’s bad enough that the rest of these witches are allowed to sit here, let alone her!”

Eyeing her up and down in distaste, brows drew together. Jaden seethed at Aria. “She has every right to sit here; in fact, maybe more rights than you.”

The tone of Jaden’s voice drew the attention of the others as his voice rang with sincerity. “Do I have to remind everyone here? If it wasn’t for Scarlett approaching Lucien in the first place, then none of you would know what the hell was going on. She has my respect, and I know a lot of Lucien’s men feel the same. Whether they declare that in front of you or anyone else here is entirely up to them. People are still going missing; it doesn’t matter if they are human or supernatural. We don’t have a fucking clue who’s taking them or why. Nathan and Megan still haven’t been found,” Jaden said, his voice laced with concern.

Head held high, her lips tightened in irritation. “I don’t trust any of them,” Aria replied, turning her head. Her cold eyes met mine, “Especially her,” she said in a low, fierce tone. “Lucien, I want her gone,”

You could see the madness in her eyes. I knew the first chance she got, she would attack me again. “Keep away from my family and me, and there will not be any trouble,” I warned her.

Her nose wrinkled in disgust, she replied, “If you had been truthful in the first place, then we wouldn’t have had any problem.”

“You’re so full of shit,” I replied, this woman is unbelievable, “Why don’t you tell the truth for once?”

“Witch, I am telling the truth; it’s about time you told us some truths of your own,” Aria replied.

I could hear the other leaders muttering between them as they sat and watched our exchange. No one says a word, not even Lucien. It doesn’t shock me. She made it sound like I was the problem. I had, had enough. I felt like marching up to her and punching her right in her smug face. My witch sat up; she felt Aria in the room. She wanted to come forth. I can’t let her; we were still recovering from that spell, and I don’t think the others around the table would appreciate a witch appearing without being forewarned. It made little sense to me why she was still sitting here, at this table in a meeting and by Lucien’s side. She had been the one who had attacked me, and why had she just stopped attacking at the last meeting I had been at? Lucien could not have been the only reason.

She had made it as plain as the nose on my face that they were together. I had always known when they were near each other, and it wasn’t any different now. It shouldn’t come as a shock to find out that they still were. A knot of jealousy squeezed my heart as I watched her run her fingers down Lucien’s arm. Seeing Lucien touch Aria caused pain to ripple through my heart as he placed his arm over her shoulders. His gaze impaled me with its intensity, as my heart slammed against my rib cage. In the shadow of my mind, I felt him as he tried to reach out. The spell couldn’t have worked; otherwise, I would not have felt this underlining pain. We were still linked; that’s the only explanation. What is he playing at? He chose her. Why is he playing with my emotions? Is it something he gets off on? I returned his stare; I am not letting him know that he is affecting me.

The muscles under his skin on his arm simmered just below the surface. His eyes shimmered with the intensity of his anger; lips flattened in a grim line. He was about to lose his shit, and his demon was fighting to come out. It shocked me that nobody else around the table realized he was about to blow a gasket. I had thought his rage was directed at me; It surprised me when I realized it wasn’t. I must be wrong. The anger I can sense rolling off him is directed towards the woman seated next to him. What the hell is going on?

“I agree with Jaden.”

The deep voice pulled me from my thoughts. Jacob has gathered the attention of the rest of the group.

I watched as he glanced around the table; I noticed Jacob’s heated gaze as it lingered briefly on Melissa. “If Scarlett hadn’t approached Lucien, we all would have been none the wiser, and now everything is out in the open. We must get on with more important things.”

I heard the mutters around the table; some agreed with Jacob, and others not so much. Apparently, some didn’t want us here and had reluctantly agreed to it. I did not give a fuck; we had as much right to be here as much as anyone else. If what I saw was what I believed it to be, we would have no choice. If Aria ever found out, it would be a more significant risk to stay.

“As long as Lucien can prove he has them under his control, I have no problems. Otherwise, someone else can take them under their wing,” one council member piped up. I couldn’t remember him from our last meeting, so I guess this one was new. He stuck out a long red tongue and licked his fat lips as a look of lust gleamed in his eyes. I couldn’t stop the shudder that ran down my spine as he ran his disgusting gaze over our bodies. “Of course, if Lucien cannot keep them under control, I personally would make sure they are contained and looked after. I know someone who would take great delight in caring for … these ladies.”

‘OH.MY.GOD. He’s disgusting. What is he talking about?’ I said down our family link, not wanting to draw attention. I casually looked around the table until my gaze rested on my family. I had a bad feeling about this. What did he mean by control?

We’re not allowed to leave without having someone with us. You were told this!’ Pamela said.

‘The bang on her head has made her absent-minded,’ said Ava, as she joined our link.

Cheeky bitch, I kept this thought to myself, ‘Agreeing to that is fine, but why am I getting the feeling there’s more to what he just said?

Oh, he’s for real alright. He is a nasty fucker. He has, in several occasions, tried to talk everyone into letting the council take us into his custody. Thank heaven it hasn’t worked. So watch him, and yes is the answer to your question. There is a bit more than what you’ve been told. Why do you think I’ve been testing the waters?’ Melissa replied.

‘Right, that’s it, when we get out of this meeting. No more secrets; tell me what I need to know. I’m like a newborn baby, for heaven’s sake!’ I said, completely fed up with what was going on.

‘I can supply the bottle if you like,’ giggles Ava as she tries to lighten the mood.

‘Hahaha, you’re SOOO funny,’ I said as I left the link.

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. I must have missed something.

With the tilt of his head Lucien turned his head and holding him in his icy stare he said. “Are you questioning me or any of the other leaders around this table, Malcolm? The only time they have left my premises is when we have gone on patrol, and if they have to go anywhere else, then one of my men are with them. Other than those occasions, they haven’t left my property.”

I felt the tension in the room rise as the other leaders turned their attention to Malcolm, who seemed under our very eyes, to shrink in size. His forehead beaded with moisture as his face paled, turning as white as his gown. “Lucien, I didn’t mean any harm. I’m just saying if you are too busy or need help, then I… I mean, the council are more than ready to take them off your hands,” Malcolm replied.

“If I needed help, you’d be the last person I’d ask,” Lucien scoffed as he ran his bottomless black eyes over Malcolm’s skeletal-like features.

“My love,” Aria said, as she laid her hand onto Lucien’s arm, “I’m sure Malcolm doesn’t mean any offense. After all, he’s been loyal to us for many years,” Aria said as she glanced over at Malcolm with what she must have considered a bewitching smile. She reminded me of a great white, all teeth and bite. I watched their exchange. I’m almost sure that something is going on between them. The way Malcolm returned her look showed that they had some sort of intimacy. Lucien had shown no emotion to their interaction; it was as if he didn’t care.

“Loyal to you, my love,” was Lucien’s bitter reply as he placed his large hand on top of her own, removed it, and put it on the tabletop, “not loyal to me.”

Aria gave a light laugh as her lips tightened in anger at Lucien’s reply. “My love, you must know. Anyone loyal to me is also loyal to you. I’m sure your men are the same.”

I noticed the look Damien and Jaden shared; it was a look of disbelief. It was bluntly apparent for anyone to see that neither of them agreed. It looked like she was delusional in her way of thinking. Well, it wasn’t my problem; I’m sure Lucien would set her right if he thought it was necessary.

“I think we need to get back to the topic at hand,” came a voice like silk. The fae king sat there, head raised with all the arrogance only the fae could master; annoyance radiated off him.

“He’s right,” came the booming voice of the headman of the Gargoyles, “we have much to discuss, and any petty differences need to be put aside! Some of my people are missing,” Reid said, rage vibrating from his body.

Mutterings of this devastating news filled the room.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” Melissa replied, “How many?”

“Thank you. An entire family. They lived on the ridges of my province,” he replied, as he looked across at Melissa, “Whoever is doing this is getting bolder; they aren’t hiding their intentions anymore. No one is safe.”

Leaning back in his chair Jax said. “We have to inform our people. They must know what is happening! A handful of vampires and our humans have also gone missing,” Jax admitted, and turned his attention to Jaden. “I don’t particularly like you. We have our differences. Still, I thought you should know.”

They have a hatred of each other that seems to go back years. Because of Jaden’s connection to Nathan, he had every right to sit in Jax’s place. Unknown to us, it hadn’t happened. None of us knew much about vampires or their laws. They were on top of our list to keep away from. They were dangerous and could quickly gain control over you, whether or not you were willing. They have humans they drank blood from, but they had to give their permission. It’s well documented that vampires used to take the blood without permission. There are still vampires out there who still take without humans or other natural consent. I watched Jaden nod his dark head in acknowledgment.

“None of my people have come forward,” Gil-Galad, said, as he leaned back in his chair. “If any of my people have gone missing, they are too frightened to inform me.”

“Is it possible that they are frightened of you?” Mia replied, crossing her legs. It’s easy not to miss her curiosity as she runs her gaze over his lean body. The women who stood directly behind him didn’t appreciate her interest. If looks could kill…

I watched his head swing to her at her words. He raised a white eyebrow. I hadn’t missed the looks they had thrown at each other when we entered the room. Something was going on between them. The way his gaze ate her up made me uncomfortable. I was sure she could feel those piercing eyes of his go through to her very soul.

A seductive smile touched the corner of his hard mouth. “If you want to play, young one, I’m all for it,” he replied with a snap of his teeth, briefly revealing the two sharp fangs at the side of a tooth on either side. Shit, that was a shock. They had kept that a secret. I looked around the table, gauging the others’ reactions; they showed no surprise.

“Please,” Mia told him, dropping her eyes to his lips as she ran her tongue over her bottom lip, “you wouldn’t be able to handle me … old man,” Mia said saucily.

“The sexual tension between you is…. delightful.” Reid said sarcastically, “But deal with whatever this is at a later date.”

What the fuckMia?’ comes down our link from Abigail in shock and disbelief. ‘What the hell’s going on?’

Nothing,’ she huffed back down our link. ‘he’s so aggravating. Just looking at his arrogant face. I want to punch him, she declared.

I’m sure she didn’t realize what she had revealed to us all. Somewhere along the line, she had grown attracted to the fae. I could understand why. After all, he was handsome; some might say beautiful, and sat there like some sort of puffed-up peacock.

‘We are going to have a little talk,’ Abigail said to her twin.

About what? He started it,’ Mia childishly replied. ‘Anyway, nothing’s happened, and I doubt very much that it ever will. It’s not as if we run in the same circles, and as we are talking about attraction, what about you and Lucien’s second in command? Let’s talk about that! Don’t think no one’s noticed because we have!’

I don’t have a clue what you are talking about,’ Abigail replied.

Scoffing in amusement Mia said. ‘Really, okay, you go on believing that. You sometimes forget we are twins.’

Fed up with their bickering, Pamela interruptedBoth of you, just stop. We will talk about this another time.’

I could feel their annoyance towards each other. It would blow over within a few minutes as they could never stay angry for long. Abigail had once told me it was like being mad at yourself.

Sighing with impatience, Jaden said, “Reid is right. Whatever is going on between you two, get it together. We have more important things to discuss. On patrol last night, we came across an adolescent male. He wasn’t making much sense, not at first. We now know that he disappeared two months ago; the only problem is that he doesn’t remember much about where he was kept. They moved him more than once.”

“Is he human or a natural,” calls out Malcolm, “or something in-between?”

“Does it really matter?” Damien replied, his voice ringing with anger.

The tone of her voice drew everyone’s attention. “Of course, it matters,” Aria said, staring with blank lifeless eyes. “He could be a plant. They could have let him go.”

“With the state he’s in, I doubt they let him go!” Damien scowled and turned his head towards Lucien before facing the rest of the room. His expression said it all. He’s never hidden his dislike for Aria, and he is now showing it for all to see. “For all intents and purposes, he’s still human, but his DNA has been altered,” Damien announced to the entire room.

“What do you mean?” Melissa asked Damien, who looked back at Lucien, who gave a very slight nod of his head; it was plain to see he was giving Damien permission to answer her question.

“From what our scientists have told us, they have changed his fundamental DNA…” Damien stopped; it looked like he was trying to gather his thoughts before carrying on.

“He’s part dragon,” Lucien stated aloud.

There was an uproar; questions were thrown this way and that. I was finding it difficult to understand what anyone was saying. This is a shock for everyone. Dragons no longer exist. Humans and some naturals had wiped them out, frightened, scared of those mighty beautiful beasts.

Slapping his large hand down onto the table Lucien roared out. “Quiet!”

Ignoring Lucien’s command. “You can’t let this… thing live,” Malcolm shouted as his face turned crimson.

What a complete dick. I leaned forward. “Why not? Do you expect Lucien and the other leaders to kill him? After all, he is innocent in all of this!”

He rudely ignored my question; it was apparent Malcolm didn’t think my or my family’s opinion was worth anything, that we were beneath him. He turned his attention to the others in the room, gazing at all their faces; it relieved me that they didn’t seem to agree.

Bending his head to one side, narrowing his eyes as he observed Malcolm, Jacob said, “Why do you want this human to be killed? He is our only link to finding out what’s happened to Nathan, Megan, and all the others who have gone missing.” He paused, then turned his head to look at Lucien. “How the hell was his DNA changed? They must have access to dragon DNA. We haven’t seen dragons for centuries.”

“That’s what I’d love to know,” Jax replied. “I haven’t seen dragons for many years.”

“Archer. Do you know anything about this?” Lucien questioned the silent man standing at the back. His men lined either side of him.

Archer stood there, arms loosely by his sides, as if pondering whether to answer Lucien’s question. “I know nothing about the boy,”

“What about this Dragon business?” Lucien replied.

Head held high, Archer stepped further into the room. “You’re all very arrogant to believe that dragons no longer exist. Just because you can no longer see something or they make sure you can no longer see them doesn’t mean they are no longer here amongst us,” he said, looking at every single person in the room, eyes sharp and assessing, “After all, many of you hide. Take the Fae, unless they want to reveal themselves.” He told them, indicating towards Gil-Galad and his guards, “they keep themselves hidden. Many in this room also have secrets,” he said and turned his penetrating gaze on every person who was standing or sitting at the table. Raising an eyebrow, he says. “So why wouldn’t the dragons do the same and still be alive today? Unless of course some of you already know of their existence and are keeping silent.”

Shock rocketed through the room.

Malcolm’s face scrunched up in shocked anger; his body started to visibly shake as he screeched “Are you trying to tell us they still exist? And it been kept hidden?”

Archer turned and looked the counselor in the eye. “I’m saying no such thing,” Archer said calmly. “After all, didn’t the humans and some naturals of old destroy the old dragons? All I’m saying. Don’t think you’re the only ones who survived the war.” What an irritating man; thank the heavens I don’t have to deal with him.

Silence swept the room. If dragons and other naturals hadn’t been completely wiped out, what other species were still out there undetected? We know of the small groups of the full-blooded omegas, witches, and phoenix. The full-blooded witches we avoid. Except for Astrid when she’s not feeling- off. The omegas and phoenix are friendly but very private and kept to themselves. If anyone around this table found out about them. It didn’t bear to think about it. Evelyn’s part phoenix.

I gazed over at Jaden; he must have sensed my stare, for he slightly turned his head, meeting my gaze. He gave a slight nod of his head, small enough that I doubt anyone else had noticed it unless they were watching him closely. He had known what I was the minute he had set eyes on me. Was it possible he knew about other naturals who had survived? If he did, who else knew—?

Breaking my train of thought, I heard Melissa as she said, “It doesn’t answer the question. How come he’s now part dragon? If dragons were not completely wiped-out centuries ago, it explains how they got the DNA.”

Frowning as if deep in thought, Lucien said, “If that’s the case, they must have captured one.”

“How could someone have captured a dragon?” Gil-Galad replied, looking around the table, his gaze lingering a bit too long on Mia. “I remember the dragons. Their king was a fair leader. They were noble creatures, not how the humans and some naturals had made them out to be.” Gil-Galad told everyone, revealing just how old he was, “they only killed if they felt threatened but only then!”

With revulsion on his face, Malcolm said, “Are you saying that you believe that somehow these beasts survived? For you to say that they were peaceful and noble. That’s not what the records say, if even one has survived, then it must be destroyed.”

Turning his head to stare at Malcolm, Gil-Galad said, “We are getting ahead of ourselves. We need to question the human and find out all we can, and we will destroy nothing until we know what the hell’s going on.

With her voice sickeningly sweet, “My love,” Aria said, turning her head towards Lucien, “I really think you all need to listen to Malcolm; this human could be dangerous,” she said. “No one would be safe.” I watched her run her fingers over the back of Lucien’s hand.

I felt my witch’s temper simmering underneath my skin as they both sat up and took notice. My witch ground her teeth. I knew I’d been right; whatever spell they had chanted over me hadn’t worked. As well as my witches’ feelings, I felt my own raging jealousy boiling up within me. Seeing her seated next to the one person I had only ever wanted and given myself to was tearing me apart. For him to sit there, letting her pet him like her own little puppy made me sick to my stomach. The cheating bastard. He had promised he was no longer with her, and where had that gotten me? Nowhere. The situation I was now facing terrified me. All hell would break loose when my family found out, and it wasn’t something I was looking forward to. I hadn’t thought of the consequences when I’d slept with him; lust had overtaken my mind and body; I could feel the heat rising within me. I should have known that being part omega would cause the burning to linger in me; my body and mind were still betraying me. I’m so fucked.

Aversion written on his face, his brows dipped low over his eyes, Damien replied, “Guards have been placed outside his door twenty-four-seven, and with the small amount of changed DNA he has, Adrian doesn’t think he’s a threat,”

Turning his attention to Aria taking her hand into his larger one and lifted it up to his mouth. He kissed her fingers before he placed them back down on the table. Lucien replied “He’s staying where he is. Killing him is unnecessary; we need to gather as much intel from him as possible. Aria, I know you are only thinking of our safety, and I understand your concern, but for now, my love, this young human needs to stay alive and in my care.”

My throat ached with unshed tears as I listened to his words. Blinking back the moisture, I refused to allow him to witness my tears. I felt my family offering comfort; thank heavens they are here with me; otherwise, I might not be strong enough to cope. Now I know why Pamela was reluctant to let me sit here in this meeting and why she wanted any feeling I, my witch and omega, might feel for him gone. I felt various eyes looking my way as Lucien acknowledged their bonding in front of the rest of the people sitting around the table and me. There wasn’t any shock on their faces, so it was plain to me everyone else except me, knew they were still together. Thinking back to our conversation, I now realized that Pamela and the rest of my family had been trying to warn me, but I hadn’t really understood what they were talking about. Now I knew.

They’re together. Had they ever separated? I doubted it from their exchange, and the smug look on Aria’s face tells me all I needed to know. I wouldn’t show them or anyone else sitting at the table the heartbreak I’m feeling. One day, this pain would go, and I would be thankful for it. Until then, I would hold my own. My family would stand behind me. I needed to put everything into finding Megan and the others. I had made friends while I’d been staying at the club’s private residency, and I couldn’t help but hope that it would carry on.

“If that’s what you want, my love,” Aria purred, her full lips curved up into a smile, “I’m sure Malcolm can understand where you’re coming from. Can’t you, Malcolm?” she said, turning her attention to him, who hadn’t taken his gaze from Aria. Was it possible he was under some sort of hypnosis?

Lines of disappointment marred his brow as he nodded his head in agreement. “Yes, yes, for now, I will say no more,” Malcolm replied, gazing at Aria as if in some sort of trance; he gave a quick shake of his head as though he was trying to clear his head before carrying on speaking, “Of course if he ever becomes a threat, I expect for him to be… taken care of, as I expect the rest of you would agree,”

“I will destroy him myself,” Lucien replied, eyes slightly narrowed and jaw clenched, “as I would anyone else that I think is a threat.”

I heard Malcolm clear his throat, bowing his head before commenting, “Of course.”

“Damien will answer as many questions as possible as he has spoken in length to our top doctor and scientist, Adrian, about the human,” Lucien told the room.

Damien groaned in irritation as everyone realized he didn’t relish the idea. “As I already explained, the male is human. He’s been tortured, and Adrian examined him when he was brought in. From what Adrian told us, his DNA has been slightly changed,” Damien said.

“With dragon DNA?” Gil-Galad replied.

Nodding his head in agreement Damien said, “Correct, it’s not affecting him. He’s still human,” he paused as if gathering his thoughts.

“For how long?” Gil-Galad said.

“Adrian doesn’t know,” Damien replied. “A close eye is being kept on him, and blood is being taken daily.”

“What happens if his dragon DNA takes over?” Jax said, “You know he can’t be allowed to live—”

Melissa interrupted and said in exasperation, “Even if the dragon DNA escalates, leaving him less human and more dragon, it doesn’t mean you have to kill him; you can’t condemn him to death. It wasn’t his fault that he was taken, and he might not even be dangerous.”

With reassurance Lucien said, “I will only put him to death if he becomes a risk.

“Thank you,” Melissa replied with a nod of her head then turned her head towards Damien, “Do you know anything else about him? Where is he from? Does his family know he’s alive? Has anyone even reported him missing?”

Turning his attention to Melissa Damien replied. “From what he’s told us. He had taken some time off from work, traveled, and told his family not to worry if they didn’t hear from him regularly. That where he was going wouldn’t have a great signal, and when he was able, he would ring them. The last time they heard from him was two days before he was taken. So, as far as he knows, they wouldn’t have reported him missing. To answer your question, Melissa, we haven’t informed his family yet.”

I don’t believe this; they had to tell them, it was their right to know. “Don’t you think you should tell his family what’s happened?” I asked.

With a twist of her lips, Aria mocked, “Don’t be so stupid! That’s the last thing we’d do.”

Ignoring Aria’s outburst as if she hadn’t even spoken, Damien replied, “We can’t do that. Not yet, we don’t know what the outcome is going to be.”

“What Damien is trying to say to you,” Lucien said, “is if the human changes and he becomes dangerous, then it is kinder for his family to believe that he just went missing.”

Are they for real? I looked at my family. I could see by their faces they disagreed with his reasoning. We would want to know what had happened, good or bad. Didn’t any of them realize that? Apparently, from their expressions, they didn’t. “Are you all so heartless that you wouldn’t tell his family what’s going on? They have a right to know. If it was one of your loved ones, wouldn’t you want to know?” I replied in anger, looking at everyone sitting at the table.

They sat there in silence, as if not knowing what to say. I looked over at Jaden, Damien, and finally Lucien. Couldn’t any of them see how cruel it was? I met Lucien’s gaze. Seeing the burning anger deep within, his eyes flashed red. I didn’t care how angry he was; he had no right to be.

“We are not heartless.” I turned my head as I heard the baritone voice call out. A faint glint of pity in the shifter leader’s eyes. “You must understand, if this young man turns out to be dangerous, he could end up harming, or even killing his own blood, and I don’t want that on my conscience. I have enough blood on my hands as it is,” Jacob said, a faint glint of pity in his gaze.

I disagreed; to keep it from them was wrong, but I could understand where Jacob was coming from. I still thought they should notify his family that they had found him. A terrible thought crossed my mind; it built and built until it was screaming inside me. Megan.

“If the time comes that we cannot let him live, then we would eventually let his immediate family know that we had found his body,” Lucien said.

I turned my head until my eyes met Lucien’s gaze. “Oh, how kind of you,” was grated out between clenched teeth as I replied sarcastically, “I’m sure they will be eternally grateful, and what about the others that have gone missing?” I asked, then turned my head, dismissing him, and looked at the others sitting around the table. “What about our sister Megan or the king of the vampires? Do you all intend to kill them, too, if they’re not the same way they were before they went missing?”

Muttering gathered around the table.

Expressions of shock.

This hadn’t occurred to them.

Slamming his fist down on the table. Lucien bellowed, “Quiet! I can’t answer your question as none of us know what has happened to either Nathan or Megan. No one at this table can.”

Pushing her sit back as she stood Pamela said, “I hope you don’t expect any of us to agree on what you are suggesting,” my family followed suit. We all stood beside her and at her back. I stood, not willing to show any sign of weakness. “We would never let you harm Megan or any of our family members, whether their DNA has been altered or not!”

An icy flash of anger whipped across his dark face, causing his skin to ripple. Growling Lucien said between clenched teeth. “ALL. OF. YOU. SIT. THE. FUCK. DOWN.”

I could see the defiance in Pamela’s eyes; Mia and Abigail were standing on either side of her. Though they were still learning and weren’t yet at their full abilities. Combine their powers, and they could be deadly. If we don’t back down, we could have an enormous problem here. We can’t have anyone knowing who and what any of us are at this table.

With a raised blonde eyebrow, Gil-Galad said, “I suggest you listen. After all, isn’t Lucien the one who’s protecting you from the ones who would rather see you obliterated from this Earth!”

I hated to admit that he was right. Lucien’s the one protecting us, and for now, we had to listen and obey, but only for now. I joined our mental link. ‘Pamela, the Fae king is right. We need to sit down. This isn’t the time or place to do this.’

‘Pamela, I hate to say it, Scarlett’s right, if they even get a sniff of what power Mia and Abigail hold or any of the rest of us, we will never leave here alive, and I have no intention of dying just yet,’ Melissa said.

I felt Pamela’s reluctance, but she knew we had no choice: we couldn’t let anyone know just how powerful any one of us was, and we had to protect Mia and Abigail. Reluctantly, Pamela sat as if she was obeying Lucien. We quickly followed suit. I watched Lucien’s reaction, and I suspected he knew we hadn’t sat down at his demand or at the Fae king’s suggestion, but of our own accord.

“Lucien dear, you really need to keep these witches under control,” the soft voice came from the woman who sat next to the leader of the shifters, Jacob. I saw the change come over Melissa. She hadn’t even acknowledged them until this point, let alone looked in their direction. The minute Jacob’s mate had opened her mouth, Melissa’s head swung in their direction. It nearly flattened me in what I sensed. Unspeakable sadness, and I noticed two things at once: hatred and hurt. I saw an expression of regret flicker on Jacob’s face before he quickly masked it, while a look of immense satisfaction crossed the face of Jacob’s mate. It was as if she had wanted some sort of reaction from Melissa. Whatever she was hoping for, she got it. There was defiantly a pass between the three of them. I reached out to Melissa down the link.

Melissa,’ I instantly felt the hurt and pain he had caused. It overruled the hatred for the woman sitting next to him. I saw her close her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again. Whatever emotion she had briefly shown was now gone.

I’m fine, Scarlett.

I knew she was lying; I had known the minute she had seen them both at the last meeting; she knew them. A thought built up inside me. No, it wasn’t possible, was it? Melissa had never revealed the father of her little ones, not even to this day. Could it be I was looking at their father? I thought back to the glimpse I had seen of her future. The hurt I had felt, then the love they had shared with each other. Could it be possible had it been Jacob I had heard in her future? Only time would tell. I thought of her little ones and tried to see the resemblance. I must be wrong. As far as I remember, shifters could only have offspring with their true mates. So no, he couldn’t be her mate, but the pain I saw in her eyes and the look of regret in his. It was telling me something completely different.

Melissa, is he their biological father?

‘Does it really matter? He made his choice long ago,’

Oh, my heavens, ‘Does he know? There was a pause, as if she was considering answering.

No, and I’d rather it stayed that way. She-e-e,’ she spat out the word through our link. I know who she meant without even having to ask. ‘can’t be trusted, and Jacob being the leader he has become, would want them.’

I thought about what she had just told me. It shocked me. I never knew what secrets she had been hiding. ‘You have been hiding them from their father all these years,’ I said.

‘Yes,’ Melissa replied, ‘and I would do it all over again if I had to. He made his choice, and he chose her.

I didn’t know what to say. I was flabbergasted. I wondered who else knew who had fathered Melissa’s children. I remember Melissa going away for a while when I was younger and returning with them, but not much else. Over the years, I had wondered who the father was, but I never asked. Now I wished I had. If he ever found out, I knew being a shifter, that he would want to have some sort of contact with them, and if Melissa thought that they’d be in danger if his mate found out about them, then I believed her. Even though I would think a father had the right to see their children, in those circumstances, Melissa was right. Their safety had to come first.

‘He didn’t know I was pregnant when I left. Though he had mated with another, he would have made me stay, putting us all in danger.

Did anyone know in his pack that you were pregnant?’ I can’t see no one had known she was pregnant.

His sister.’ Melissa replied, ‘She helped me leave.’

‘And she’s never breathed a word to anyone else?’

Not a soul,’ Melissa replied, pulling away until all was left was a blank void.

I didn’t know how long I sat there, barely listening to what was said. What Melissa had admitted astounded me. The one question lingered in my mind: Could I do the same? I know that if I had no other choice, I would do the same in a heartbeat.

A loud whirring, thundering noise came from my right, interrupting my line of thought. Colors of the rainbow appeared; the colors swirled until a portal formed. We all watched as it grew bigger until it was large enough for a person to walk through. I had my suspicion of who was going to be walking through. As I was sure my family did. She always liked to make an entrance, as did her siblings. I watched as the men hastily jumped to their feet. They wouldn’t be able to stop the woman who was about to step through.

They stood there as if they were immobile.

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