Queen of Blood

Chapter 29

Another roar came out of Zeydar’s throat as Merrick tried moving away from the spot the creature had set him on. “Zeydar, for the love of Orka, let me go,” he yelled with anger but the marbled dragon only roared in his face one more time, making him to stumble backwards.

When the dragon laid him on the sand, a medic was sent to tend his wounds. And as soon as he came and took care of the Dark Prince, he left being terrified of Zeydar.

“Stubborn lizard,” he mumbled and sat on the sand.

But within minutes of feeling the warm sand beneath him, both Zeydar and Aska turned their heads. Zeydar flew away to the other side of the island while Aska waited for Merrick to ride her. He almost jumped on her back and his dragon followed Zeydar.

When he saw the crowd kneeling, Merrick was on the back of the crew and knelt as everybody else. Tua had passed. He knew it. They had crowned his eldest son, Aito, as Regent and they were grieving him now.

But when he lifted his head, he saw her. Dressed in silk and embedded in pearls. Her power enhanced her beauty. And she was kneeling as any other commoner, paying tribute to their friend.

Merrick rose from his knees and walked the sand, dragging his feet in an exhaustion that wasn’t there before. He couldn’t believe the sight of her as he got closer with every step. He wasn’t wearing his armor any longer and yet he felt his body heavier than when he did. Merrick was whispering her name, mumbling it.

He began running and increasing his tone the more he approached Arline. They were so far away from each other that he thought every step he took towards her lasted an eternity.

Arline rose to her feet when she heard his voice calling her name and began running towards him, shortening the distance between them.

They embraced each other with such force, love and longing, they almost knocked each other to the ground. She let silent tears of relief and happiness stream down her face as he impulsively kissed her, making sure she was real, that he was holding the Goddess of Tides on his arms.

She called his name as he kissed her lips, making Arline to wrap her arms around his neck and spun her around. “For the love of all gods Arline, never do that again,” Merrick sighed in relief as they pressed their foreheads together.

“We are fine,” Arline smiled.

Aito Nui II rose to his feet and so did his people, some with smiles on their faces and others with tears streaming down their cheeks. The new Regent of Tessenisit stood in front of her and Arline bowed. “You shouldn’t do such thing, your Greatness,” he said with respect.

He looked and sounded just like his late father. His tender eyes and soft voice, yet he was the warrior meant to defend this territory for other many years to come.

“Arline. And you are Regent, Aito.” Arline expressed for him and he nodded shyly.

The people of Tessinisit all feasted on the shore. Celebrating a new dynasty for the sea. The dancing and dinner lasted until midnight, while all the people drank, ate and enjoyed the view of the sea and the Fortress of Coral raised on the horizon.

But Merrick and Arline were seating on the shore, away from the party. “Never do that again,” the King of Reiska said kissing her again and again while Arline smiled each time their lips connected.

“I promised you I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you,” Arline reminded him and he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his lap.

A wave of heat went down her spine and her powers began rising on her. Her body needed relief. Her power needed to dissipate. And Arline needed Merrick.

“I need to go back… to the Fortress,” the Goddess of Tides said pulling away from his kiss. “I promised Myriam I was going to be back.”

“Myriam?” Merrick asked confused.

“Counselor,” Arline put her head down and began playing with the string of his linen shirt.

“Can you show me?” Merrick asked in a whisper. “The Fortress of Coral,” Arline’s eyes shone at his request but nodded silently.

Zeydar took them to the Fortress after they gave their best wishes to the people of Tessinissit and his new Regent.

Once on the door where two mermen stood with shining armors and equally shining swords, they knelt on her behalf and greeted the new Goddess of Tides. The doors opened on her presence and headed to the round, marbled hall where Myriam appeared.

“Your Greatnesses,” she greeted them with the bowing of her torso.

“What happened to the party?” Arline asked with a faint smile, returned by her Counselor.

“It has been some time since we had stayed celebrating for so many hours,” Myriam responded.

Arline introduced Merrick and then requested a quick tour around the Fortress. They walked around the halls with Myriam on Arline’s right and Merrick on her left.

The main floor was connected to the upper and down floors by gigantic, spiral sets of stairs.

“You will learn as time goes by, your Greatness,” Myriam calmed her down as she saw how Arline already looked overwhelmed by every room they passed by. “But for now, this is the most important place in the Fortress,” she said and two guards opened the doors.

When they stepped inside, the room in front of her eyes made Arline’s jaw to drop. “I hope it is of your liking. We can change anything you desire,” Myriam mentioned.

But Arline was out of words as she paced the room slowly. The bed alone could fit Zeydar and was covered with the softest cotton blankets and too many pillows. Every piece of furniture was made out of coral and an enormous window opened in front of the bed, with heavy drapes of curtains.

Not to mention the bathroom, where a giant gilded tub sat in the center of it.

“She loves it,” Merrick clarified for the Counselor as he sawArline lost in her own thoughts. He went by her side, twirled her around and held her in his arms.

“I love it Myriam, thank you,” Arline said to her Counselor without looking away from her beloved Dark Prince.

“Is it right for me to assume His Greatness will be staying with you?” A looked of complicity was shared between the Goddess and her Counselor.

“You are right, Myriam,” Merrick said with a smirk.

Arline laughed at him and hugged him closer. “You are free to go and rest, Myriam,” she thanked her and Myriam obliged after bowing her head.

Arline escaped from his arms and was walking to the bathroom, with his eyes following every curve of her body. Merrick let out a long sigh as he followed her and stood behind her.

She turned around, in front of the bathtub and he began undressing her gently while leaving kisses everywhere he touched. Arline hopped in first and he followed. Merrick made sure to soap every inch of her with care, love and tease.

“Your power,” Merrick began when Arline sat on top of him and kissed his neck repeatedly. “Is going to keep us up all night, my love.”

“Is that a complaint?” Arline teased him, breathing on his ear and making his skin shiver.

“No duties to attend and I have you all for myself? I’m in heaven,” he listed for her and kissed her lips until they turned their breathings heavy and uneven.

With the strong grip of his hands on her hips, he held his pace inside of her making Arline to feel in paradise and moan his name once it was over.

While she lazily played with his hair, he looked into her eyes. “What am I going to do with you?” Merrick asked, kissing her clavicles and pulling her closer.

“I think I have an idea,” she implied with a smirk and gently removed herself from his lap and stepped out of the water. In a second, the little water drops adorning her naked skin formed an almost transparent sleeping gown.

The King groaned at the sight of her walking to the bed and pulled himself out, wrapping a towel on around his hips and walked to her encounter.

She sat on the edge of the bed looking at him. He had never seen such lust invading her eyes that way. Lowering to her mouth, he whispered on her lips. “Lay on your back,” as he travelled down her body slowly, and she gave into every single kiss.

Small moans escaped her lips as he reached her hips and gently separated her thighs. This was only the beginning of a very long night.

When Arline couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore, she laid on Merrick’s chest to sleep while he dozed off, caressing her and the curtains closed around the window as the sun began lighting the room of the Palace of Tides.

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