Queen Alpha

Chapter 7

Cheyenne’s POV

I feel my eyes flutter open, not sure what to expect at this point. Once my vision focuses, I look around and realize I’m in a hospital room. It’s still dark outside so I must not have been out that long. I look around and see a figure passed out in the chair besides my bed. I let my eye adjust a little bit more and then I realize that it’s Tyler. I reach over to grab his hand that was resting on the edge of the bed. When I touched it, he jumped up and looked at me.

“Cheyenne, you’re awake!” He damn near pounced on me to give me a hug.

“No. No I’m not. Just having an out of body experience.” I say jokingly. He pulls back from me with a smirk on his face.

“Yep, you’re going to be just fine.”

“What the hell happened? Where am I?” I asked looking around the room.

“You tried to play hero again. Something about tackling another cheerleader out of the way from being crushed by 3 football players and you smashed the back of your head when you landed.”

“Yeah, I guess that sounds about right. Where is everybody?”

“I sent the parents home so they can get the younger 2 to bed. Sydney is in the waiting room with Kira and as far as I know, everybody else headed back to the house.”

I nod in agreement but then I remember my dream. Images flashing in my head of Selene and her riddle of a warning.

“Hey Ty, can I ask you something without you thinking I’m crazy?”

“You can ask me anything, but I can’t make any promises on the crazy part.”

“Did you hear your wolf in your head before you shifted?”

“No, why?”

“I can hear mine. I thought I’ve been going crazy lately hearing shit in my head, but apparently it’s been my wolf this whole time.”

“How is that possible?”

“I have no idea. All I know is the Moon Goddess paired her with me for very specific reasons and that I’m…special?”

“Well, you are very special sis.” Tyler started chuckling and I picked up a pillow that was on the edge of the bed and threw it at him.

“Hey!” He said as he caught it still laughing. “I’m going to go get the nurse and let them know you’re awake and then I’m going to call mom and dad. Do you want me to send Kira back?”

“Yeah, that’s fine.” I sigh as I laid my head back down on the pillow.

After about 10 minutes the nurse walks in with a clip board and starts pushing buttons and writing things down and asking me questions. I felt like I was being interrogated. Finally, after 3,000 questions the nurse left, and Kira and Sydney walked in. Kira came rushing up and threw herself on me.

“How you feeling little sis?” Sydney asked standing at the foot of my bed.

“Actually, besides a little headache, I feel fine. Just want to go home.” I tell her.

“Tyler is calling momma and daddy to let them know that you’re awake. So I’m sure they’ll be back down here soon.”

“They really don’t have to. I’m fine.”

About then Tyler came walking back in and told us that everyone was coming back in. I groaned in protest but what was I going to do stuck in this damn bed?

*Mystery Guy POV*

I was going crazy not knowing what was going on the little runt with the emerald eyes. Maddox had shut me out because I refused to go see her. What the hell was wrong with me? I don’t have time for this. I should be spending my time focusing on tracking down the band of rogues that killed my mother, not worrying about if the runt was ok or not. I decided I needed a shower to help me relax and get my head straight.

After I got out of the shower, my dad called me downstairs. I went down to find him in the kitchen making a sandwich.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Ben’s here to see you.” He nodded towards the living room.

I walked out of the kitchen and into the living and Ben was sitting there on the couch playing some stupid candy crush game on his phone.

“Hey. What you doing here?” I ask him.

“I uh…” He paused and leaned over to look around the corner to see if my dad was coming. “I got that info you asked for.”

“Damn already? I thought it would take longer than that. Ok, want to go for a drive?” I asked.

“Yeah. Not trying to piss off your dad.” He laughed.

I call out to my dad and tell him that I’m going out with Ben and would be back in a couple hours. Before my dad could ask any questions, we were out the door and heading towards his car in the driveway. Once we get down the road, Ben pulls a file out from between the seats and hands it to me. It was thinner than I expected it to be, but then again, I wasn’t sure what I was expecting.

“This is it? This is all you found?” I questioned him.

“Yep. Those are the only records found for his entire family.” Ben replied.

I looked threw the few sheets of papers that were in the file. One thing kept popping out multiple times. “Adopted”

“So according to this, the younger 3 siblings were adopted?” Showing him the papers even though he already read them.

“They were only adopted by the father. The older 5 are his from another woman. The youngest 3 are the current woman’s children.”

“What in the actual fuckery? How the hell did this happen?” I was so confused I actually had to draw it out on the back of one of the papers to understand what I was hearing. After finally understanding what was going on I looked at Ben, “This is 38 shades of fucked up.”

“Well to make it even better, none of the younger kids know. I can’t say some of the older ones don’t know because they would’ve been old enough to remember the new woman coming in and bringing 3 more pups with her.”

“Right.” I say looking at the papers like I was expecting them to change or something. “Ok, can we get more info on the mother then? Like where she came from and find out who these pups’ father is?”

“I can try but I can’t make any promises. Going to depend on where she came from and how she ended up here. My father’s records only cover so many packs in the area.”

“I understand. Just dig up what you can.”

That night, I stayed up till the early morning hours trying to figure out how something like this could even happen. The Moon Goddess gave us mates for a reason. How could some have 3 children with someone who wasn’t their mate, let alone 5? It just didn’t make any sense to me. Considering the father adopted the 3 younger ones, that gives him a total of 8 kids that he is responsible for, and not a single on was a twin so not like they could use that excuse as to having so many. I had to know how this happened.

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