Queen Alpha

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Cheyenne’s POV

“Wake up! Wake up!” I hear Tyler just a moment to late as he springs himself onto my bed and starts jumping around.

“Would you stop before I kick you in the balls?!” I groan out as the morning sun is just starting to peak threw my windows enough to blind me.

“You wouldn’t dare!” He acts shocked that I would even think of such a thing, but he knew better. “Get up and ready. Mom is almost done with breakfast!” Tyler heads out of my room and I hear him go down the stairs. I don’t know how that boy can eat so much sometimes. I understand once you shift and you have your wolf, your metabolism skyrockets and it’s like you could eat a whole buffet and still not gain an ounce, but he just takes it to a whole other level.

I drag myself out of bed and head for my closet to get clothes for today before heading to the shower. It’s game day so I had to look halfway decent. Holy jeans and a hoodie weren’t going to cut it for today, or so coach said last night at practice. So, I found a pair of black leggings and a light grey ¾ sleeve length flowy sundress. I wasn’t that girly girl type, so dresses weren’t my thing. Yes, I know it sounds crazy considering I am in cheerleading, and we have to wear skirts, but hey there’s spankies on under it at least.

I finish getting ready and head downstairs to grab some breakfast really quick before having to leave for class. I was putting my dishes in the sink when Tyler came in the kitchen and asked if I wanted a ride to school this morning rather than walking when I heard a car horn blare from the driveway. I nod my head and I shove the last bit of bagel in my mouth and grab my bag and follow him out the door. Damon was there to pick us up in his jacked-up truck. I jump up in his truck and see him grinning my way.

“What’s so funny?” I glared at him.

“You feeling ok? You don’t have jeans on…or a hoodie?” He laughs as he puts the truck in reverse and backs out of the driveway.

“Shut it peckerhead.” I roll my eyes and look at Ty for some help.

“Better do what she says man and keep your eyeballs to yourself. She’s still my little sister.” He tried to play the tuff big brother act, but he couldn’t help the smirk on his face which had Damon laughing.

We got to the school and found a parking spot that was pretty close to the building. Good I didn’t have to walk 10 miles across asphalt in these ridiculous clothes to get to my first class. I was trying to get down out of the truck gracefully but with my bag it wasn’t happening, so I tossed my bag to Ty and just jumped down. After getting teased about being short and having to jump out of the truck by both Ty and Damon, we started heading towards school.

I thought I heard my name being called and when I looked in the direction it came from, there he stood. Just staring me down like I had just killed his favorite pet bunny or something. I tried to shake it off and just kept walking. Ty and Damon were still cracking jokes and laughing at each other and didn’t notice the shiver than ran down my spine. I reminded them I wouldn’t be around after classes due to it being game night and we said goodbye heading towards our first class.

All throughout my first class, me and Kira were talking about the game tonight and going through our routine. I kept getting this feeling like I was being watched, but every time I looked around, I didn’t see anybody looking my direction. Even psycho mystery dude wasn’t even there, which was odd considering he hadn’t missed a day since he started at least.

“Hey, you ok? You seem…off today.” Kira was like another sister to me. We’ve only known each other for a few months but it’s like she understood me better than half my family. My sisters and I never really got along. Yeah, we all love each other but I wasn’t like them as far as all that girly stuff goes.

“Yeah. Just got a lot on my mind right now.” I tried to avoid the subject. She would probably think I was crazy anyways.

“You know I’m not going to just let this go right?”

“Let what go? I’m fine.”

“Oh no you’re not. Maybe it’s the clothes you’re wearing or something, but you are not yourself today.” I try not to burst out laughing with how serious she was being, but she did have a point. I definitely was not comfy in these damn clothes.

“Seriously? My clothes? Yes, it’s my clothes. So fucking uncomfortable and itchy.” I rolled my eyes and sighed and faked an itch on my shoulder blade. Kira rolled her eyes at my response and sits back in her chair.

“If you don’t want to talk about it then fine. Don’t. But do not go exploding on me when all the shit piles up and you can’t take it anymore.” She shrugged her shoulders and started doodling on the corner of her paper. She had a point, but I wasn’t even sure what was going on to talk about it anyways. I couldn’t put in words; it was just a feeling. Kira kept giving me weird looks all day. I was relieved when last period came around since it was the only class I was alone and wouldn’t be bothered.

That was short lived when she was waiting for me in the hall after class. Leaning up against the wall and her arms crossed. I could see her eyes changing colors, so I knew she was fighting with her wolf, Miah. I swear they argued more than my siblings combined. Kira wasn’t exactly…well let’s just say she wasn’t shy around guys and leave it at that. Miah didn’t approve of her lifestyle. She knew she had a mate out there and wanted to wait for him, but Kira didn’t care. I loved the girl like a sister but didn’t mean I approved of her lifestyle either.

“You do know Miah is going to kick your ass someday if you don’t straighten your shit out.” I smirk at her as I walked past. Kira pushes off the wall and caught up to my side.

“You do know I’m going to kick your ass after the game tonight if you don’t tell me what’s been going on with you?” She always knew how to push my buttons. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

“Ugh alright! If I tell you, you have to swear to the Moon Goddess and every other holy entity out there that you won’t say a word to a single person!” I stopped and stared at her with all seriousness as I could.

“Damn is it that bad?” Her eyes wide open in shock at my sudden request. I was never one to keep secrets especially from her. She knew my whole life story; both the good and the bad. She hasn’t given me any reason to not trust her. So I finally gave in and decided that maybe I should tell her about the voice in my head and this mystery guy. Maybe she could help me make sense out of all of it. Was I just over thinking everything?

“I’ll tell you but swear you won’t tell a soul. I’m probably just over thinking it like always and it’s probably nothing anyways.” We started walking to her car. We had a couple hours to kill before we had to be back for the game tonight but going home was not an option in this case. I didn’t want anyone to “overhear” what I was about to tell her. We were about halfway across the lot to her car when I felt this strange feeling; like when you’re asleep but you feel someone watching you and you wake up and there’s no one there. Yeah, multiply that by 10 and that’s what I was feeling right now. I stop dead in my tracks and start looking around the parking lot.

“It’s him. He’s here. Don’t you smell it?” That voice inside my head again. Kira stopped a couple steps in front of me and turns around looking at me questionably. As I scanned the parking lot, I saw students laughing and vehicles pulling out, everyone excited for the game tonight, but I didn’t see him or anyone looking in my direction for that matter.

“Cheyenne? What’s wrong?” Kira coming back to my side and now looking around herself trying to see what I might be looking for.

“Nothing. Let’s just go. Tell you later.” I take off towards her car with her hot on my feet. We get in the car, and of course I have to throw a ton a shit in the backseat so I can sit in her passenger seat. This woman was a pack rat I swear. As we’re pulling out that uneasy feeling I had was getting stronger.

“Where we going m’lady?” Kira says with some accent, and she straightens up and looks at me. Does she always have to be smartass? That was my job.

“Anywhere with privacy where we won’t be heard.” She starts heading towards the public library. Yeah, there would surely be people there, but being in a human town, less likely to be overheard from a long distance since werewolves could hear a pen drop from a mile away it seemed like at times. Plus, they had private study rooms so kids could work on group projects quietly but not worry about disturbing other people if they talked in more than a whisper.

Once we sign in and get the key at the front desk, we head to the room the lady assigned us. I barely have the door closed when Kira turns around and is looking at me like some news reporter who is about to get the latest dirty secrets on the pope or something.

“Spill it!” She says as she drops her bag on the floor and pulls a chair out. I drop my bad and sit across the table from her trying to figure out where to start.

“Ok so you remember what I told her about that new guy right?”

“The one you ran into and then he grabbed you?”

“Yeah, that one. Well ever since then I’ve been…feeling weird? I don’t know it’s the best way I can put it.” I go on to explain the weird feelings and voice in my head and the thing that happened this morning when I heard my name being called. After I finish, she’s leaning forwards with her elbows on the table.

“Yep. You’ve gone insane. I’ll call the nuthouse.” She chuckles as she sits back and slouches in her chair.

“Fuck off!” I start to grab my bag to head out when she grabs my arm.

“Calm your tits sister. Look from what I can gather it seems like you are just over thinking everything. We’re all under a lot of stress with the big game tonight and mid-terms next week. It’s enough to have anyone going insane.” She did have a point that I couldn’t argue. A lot of the students were more pissy than usual this past week. We even seen miss Vaseline mouth crying in the café the other day; this girl always had the biggest smile on her face so much it was annoying. I had also pick up more training with Ty and Damon over the past couple weeks trying to burn off some stress.

“You’re probably right. Just got to get through next week with mid-terms then we’ll see what happens I guess.” I shrug it off and let out a big sigh of relief that I wasn’t going crazy after all. I did feel a little bit better after getting all of it off my chest. “Hey, we still got enough time to grab food before the game. Hungry?” I wiggle my eyebrows at her knowing she would never turn down food.

“Hell yeah! When have you ever known me to turn down food?!” I just laugh and we grab our bags and head out. She returns the key to the front desk and we get in the car and leave.

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