Queen Alpha

Chapter 29

Gunner’s POV

Ben and I were walking around the college campus and so far all we had gathered is Kira had more or less vanished off the face of the planet. Nobody has seen or heard from her in a week. We had decided to go talk to her advisor to see if she indeed just vanished or if she dropped out of all her classes or maybe she just transferred to online or a different school. Ben was thinking that maybe with Cheyenne missing that it was too much for her and she transferred.

“What’s going through that head of yours?” Ben asked as we were walking to the admin building on campus.

“Do you think I should tell Cheyenne about Kira missing?” I asked. Maddox and I had been going back and forth on this since we left the packhouse.

“Let’s try to figure out what happened to her first. If she really hasn’t gone missing, then there’s no reason to get your mate all worried and worked up for nothing.” Ben said.

“And this is why you’re going to be Alpha and not me.” I chuckled. “Always thinking things through.”

We walked into the admin building and found the advisor’s office that was assigned to Kira and Ben knocked on the door. We heard a woman on the other side mumble something before saying come in. We went in and introduced ourselves as detectives and explained that we were needing information on a missing student. We expected her to question us since we definitely didn’t look old enough to be detectives, but she didn’t.

“We’re looking into the disappearance of Kira Moonstone. She’s been missing for about a week or so. We are wondering if you could tell us if she transferred to a different school and if so where.” Ben stated in his most professional and serious voice.

The advisor was typing away on her computer before she turned the monitor towards us. “Looks like Miss. Moonstone was failing all of her classes so she was dropped out of them by the school, about 2 weeks ago.”

“That was before Cheyenne was abducted.” Maddox said in my head.

“Yeah buddy. I know. I got a bad feeling about this.” I thought.

Maddox retreated to the back of my mind whimpering at the thought of our mate not being by our side. Ben asked for a printout of Kira’s school records and we were on our way.

“Hey, we got time to run by Cheyenne’s house?” I asked Ben as we were getting in the car.

“Yeah but why?” he asked.

“I just want to look around her room and see if there’s something there that might help us, and I would like to talk to Tyler.” I said looking out the window.

“What’s Tyler got to do with this?”

“Just want to ask him about Kira. How often she was at the house and what kind of vibes he got off her. Obviously we can’t trust the mother and we know she’s at the pack house right now.” I stated.

“Good idea. See maybe you should be Alpha.” Ben smirked.

“I’ll mindlink dad and tell him about our pitstop and to stall the mother if necessary.” Ben just nodded in agreement.

I searched for the link to my dad and when he opened up I told him what we were doing and he agreed that it was a good idea and also asked me to talk to the father if he was there but not to go hunting him down. I told Ben about dad wanting us to question the father also and that’s when Ben decided to just question everybody that was there.

It only took us like 10 minutes to get to my mate’s house. When we pulled up I could see someone standing in the front window, but I didn’t pay it any attention. We walked up and knocked on the door. After about a minute or so we could hear someone walking towards the door from the other side.

The door slowly opened and there stood someone who looked too young to be any of my mate’s siblings.

“Hi there little one. Is one of the adults home?” Ben knelt down to the child’s level and was giving her a soft grin to show we were not a threat.

The girl smiled and then took off running yelling “Uncle Ty.” While we waited for him to come to the door, we were standing there on the front porch looking around when I noticed a vehicle down the street. It looked like someone was sitting inside of it taking pictures of us. I casually looked away while mindlinking Ben.

“Don’t look now, but I think we’re being followed and spied on.” I said.

“Blue sedan about 7 houses down?” he asked.

“Looks like it.”

“Yea I spotted them tailing us from the school. I’m going to question the family about it and see if they’ve noticed the car around here before. If not, then they’re following us. If they have, then they’re watching the family and we’ll have to up their security.” Ben answered just as Tyler came to the door.

He invited us in right away and closed the door behind us. Before we could say anything he held a figure up to his lips to tell us not to say anything. He waved us down the hall and he started heading towards the back of the house. Ben and I exchanged knowing looks and followed Tyler. We ended up in what looked like an office and Tyler shut and locked the doors behind us.

“Sorry about that but we’re being watched but don’t know if they can hear or not. This room is soundproof so not even werewolves can hear what is said in here.” Ty said.

“So you are aware of the blue sedan down the street?” Ben asked.

“Yes. They have been coming and going since Cheyenne’s abduction. We have tried to remain as normal as we can as far as routines and such, but you guys showing up out of the blue is going to raise some flags. So what are you doing here?”

“I would like to check out your sister’s room, just to see if she has any other maps, books, or notes that weren’t in her bag when she left. If that’s ok with you and your father of course.” I said.

Tyler hung his head and signed. “Dad couldn’t handle the truth about Cheyenne and her mother. I guess her mother lied to him in the beginning and he feels like she conned him into adopting her pups. He said he wasn’t leaving for good, just that he needed time to clear his head. He’s been gone for a few days now. I was going to give him another day before I went out to find him.” Ty said.

“Have you told your Alpha about this?” Ben asked.

“No. He asked me not to.” Ty said quietly. You could tell that he felt bad and that he should’ve done something.

“Ok we’ll take care of it. Don’t worry. Gunner go check your mate’s room. Ty if you don’t mind, I do have a few questions about Kira.” Ben said motioning for Tyler to have a seat.

Tyler sat on one of the couches on the side of the room while Ben sat in a chair that was next to it. Tyler put his face in his hands and you could tell all of this was getting to him and he was about to break. His favorite sister is missing, his dad runs off, he found out his stepmother has been lying this whole time, and now he’s having to take care of his two little brothers on his own.

While Tyler and Ben got to talking, I headed up to my mate’s bedroom. I still wasn’t sure what name to call her, the one she grew up knowing or her birth name? Maddox and I have gone back and forth on it multiple times even though we agreed to just call her our mate until we could ask her in person which one she preferred.

I followed her scent up the stairs and to her door. It was slightly ajar and I stopped outside of it just staring at it. I slowly reached out and pushed the door open like I was waiting for something bad to happen. I walked in and started scanning the room and I could feel Maddox pushing forward just enough to look threw my eyes.

“Mate.” I heard him whisper in my head and whimper slightly.

“I know. I miss her too.” I said out loud. To any normal human, you would think I was talking to myself.

I headed straight to her closet and opened the door and was smashed with her scent. It wasn’t as strong as it normally would be since she had been gone for a while now, but it was still there. I inhaled deep and I could feel Maddox relax. I grabbed one of her bags that was on a shelf and picked a few of her shirts and through them in the bag. Call me a creep, but her scent was all I had to keep Maddox and myself calm at the moment.

I headed towards her desk and noticed she had a couple books laying there. They looked old so I carefully opened the top one and saw she had pages bookmarked. I turned to one of those pages and saw that it was about one of the major wars of our kind. I closed the book and grabbed both of them and carefully put them in the bag, along with another notebook she had laying with the books. I went through the couple of drawers on the desk but didn’t find anything I felt would help.

I looked around her room and noticed a picture on her nightstand and walked over to get a better look at it. I picked it up and it was a picture of her and Tyler at what looked like some resort, but I didn’t recognize it. So I took the picture back down to the office where Tyler and Ben still were. When I walked in, I made sure to close the door tightly behind me remembering that we were being watched.

“Where was this photo taken at?” I asked as I handed him the picture.

“This was on our family vacation this past summer in Scotland.” Tyler said as he looked at the picture.

“Scotland?” I said with wide eyes looking at Ben. Scotland was one of the locations we had listed for my mate’s possible location. “Why would you guys go to Scotland?”

“Cheyenne and I wanted to go to somewhere foreign. Somewhere where most people don’t go for vacation. The ‘popular’ things never impressed Cheyenne. She hates roses for crying out loud, all because everybody else loves them. So she had no desire to go to places like Paris or France, hell even Germany didn’t interest her. She said that she just felt a pull to Scotland for some reason. She said it was a feeling she couldn’t explain. So instead of arguing with her, which you will find out soon enough is a dead-end road,” Tyler smirked up at me, “I just went with it.”

“Dually noted.” I said returning the smirk. “Was it just you two that went or did anyone else go with you?”

“Our parents went with us, along with our younger brothers. All my older sisters are either out on their own or didn’t want to go. So a couple of them stayed here to watch the house for us while we were gone.” Tyler said looking back and forth between Ben and me.

“How long were you guys there? What all did you do?” I asked.

“We were only there for a week. I remember overhearing mom and dad arguing one night about the cost of it. Dad was saying we couldn’t afford to stay that long, but mom was pushing for him to do it and that they could take a loan out on the car or a second mortgage on the house.” Tyler paused like he was asking permission to keep going. Ben and I exchanged looks at the mention of this fight, and then I nodded to Tyler for him to continue. “We traveled all over the country. There was only one place that we stayed in for more than one night. It was just off the coast but there was some mountains. It was beautiful actually. Cheyenne spent most of her time on the beach, while I wanted to shift and run the mountains.”

“What about your parents?” Ben asked.

“I’m not sure. They were always off on their own.” Tyler admitted.

“Ok well I got a bag out of your sisters closet and found a couple of books and a notebook on her desk that I am taking back with us so we can go through them and see if any of it helps our search for her. If you think of anything that might help, please call.” I stated as I reached my handout to shake his hand.

Tyler and Ben stood up and shook hands also and we made our way out of the house and back to the car. While we were coming out I took the chance to glance down the street and saw that the sedan was still sitting there. Neither Ben nor I said a word until we were down the street. Once we were out of ear shot Ben started telling me about his conversation with Tyler about Kira.

“So basically, she spent a lot of time there and Tyler didn’t feel like anything was off with her?” I asked just to confirm that I was understanding everything Ben was telling me.

“Basically. He said that if Kira wasn’t there, that Cheyenne was with her out doing something. He’s not sure if Cheyenne ever went to Kira’s house though. He said that there were a couple of times that Kira spent the night with them too.” Ben said and I just nodded.

We had just pulled on the road that led into our pack territory and waved to the guard as we drove by. I mindlinked my dad to let him know that we were back and headed his way.

Ben pulled the car into his parking spot and I grabbed my mate’s bag and we headed inside. I could tell by the vehicles in the drive that Alpha Trent and my mate’s mother were both still here. I swore to myself that I was going to get her to come clean about everything. There were going to be no more secrets, but first I needed to talk to Alpha Brock about finding the father.

I walked into the conference room, which felt like my second bedroom at this point. I had pulled Alpha Nik out and asked permission to talk to Alpha Brock privately and told him of my mate’s adoptive father’s current status and that I wanted to request that Alpha Brock send out more border patrols and possible trackers. Alpha Nik agreed with me but said that he wanted to be present for the conversation.

That’s when Alpha Nik poked his head back in the room, “Alpha Brock, a word with you please?”

Alpha Brock came out into the hall and Alpha Nik closed the door behind him. We took a few steps down the hall as to not be overheard.

“What’s this about?” Alpha Brock asked.

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