
Chapter Pups 37

Chapter 37


“Well hello dear partner. It’s good to see you. Missing me already?” Collins’s voice echoed in the abandoned warehouse. Perfect location to hide and plot evil deeds

We had followed Simone at a safe distance, Leo did well to mask our scents so that he doesn’t pick it. True to Leo’s words. Simone pulled to a stop in front of the abandoned warehouse, and we followed him in. Lo and behold, there, stood Collin, smiling ear to ear like he always did. He opened his arm for an embrace but Simone had more pressing issues at hand

“Where is your ring?” He asked. Collin raised his hand and it was missing. He seemed to have only noticed it now that Simone mentioned it. He looked around him and began searching the whole place. “I seem to have misplaced it somehow He said, his face looked sad. Maybe the ring meant something to him “Dumbass. You fucking dropped it at the training ground last two weeks. How did you go on for two whole weeks without noticing that your ring was gone? Didn’t you say it meant the world to you?” Simone asked frustratedly. They must have planned out how everything was going to work out. It was supposed to be a smooth operation

“Yes it does and I need to go back there and get it. Or do you have it?” Now it all made sense, there was no way Collin alone could have planned such a smooth operation, he was such a dumbass and he got help. That’s where Simone comes in “You fucker! Leo–has it already”

“Oh!” He gasped and then smiled “That’s great–what! “How the fuck is that great? This shit has put us in a very deep mess and you think it’s great?” Why on Earth would Simone choose to work with Collin of all people? “No, I meant the ring. You said Leo has it right?”

“Right” “Then it’s great, I can just walk up to him and request for it. He is such a darling” If I wasn’t already mad about the fact that he murdered my baby, then I would have bursted out laughing. But right then, nothing he could say or do would ever cause even as much as a twitch from my lips

“Oh my fuck! You’re helpless. Leo found your God damned ring on the murder scene of his son, don’t you Know what that means? You’ve been bursted. The moment he sets his eyes on you, you’ll get arrested. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? Why is it so hard for you to understand?” Simone explained further and his mouth formed an ‘o‘ and he began to nod his head in realization

“That is bad! That is very bad. It wasn’t supposed to happen that way. How the hell did my ring fall off my finger? Of all times why did it have to be now?”

*Save those questions for later, right now, what you should do is be on your way out of town right now. You should leave Australia as a whole. Leo is searching for you right now. You need to leave immediately” He urged. He seemed so desperate for Collin to leave that one would almost mistake his actions for care. One would think they were lovers and all those shits. But the truth is, he just wanted to save his head

If Collin escaped, there would be no concrete evidence to hold him in the hook. “What about you?” Collin asked and he nodded. “I’ll be fine. Just leave. Right now…”

“You’re going no where Collin” Kate? How the fuck did she get here? How did she? Leo’s hand landed on my shoulder and pulled me down. I had already stood up from our hiding position without knowing it

“Get a hold of yourself Raquel. I am equally as surprised as you are, but we need to stay down to figure out what they’re up to” he said and I nodded. He was right, and I didn’t mean to compromise our mission, it was just a rellex action caused by surprise and curiosity. I made eye contact with Kate, but at this point, I had come to the conclusion that she could not see me, No matter how absurd it sounded. That was the only explanation, unless she was so good at the ignoring game, to have ignored my presence when she tried drugging Leo live days ago. Her intentions were unknown to me


17:14 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 37



“…Cypher” I missed all she said and the only thing I heard was Cypher. I turned to Leo, but as expected. I couldn’t get anything out of his expression. I couldn’t tell if what she said was good or bad. But when has Cypher ever been good? Never. So it definitely was something bad. Whether or not it affected Leb, I didn’t know. There was nothing on his face, his heart. beat was steady, there was a strong emotion coming from him but it was anger, not directed at his father nor Kate, neither was it Collin. It was directed at Simone. He felt betrayed. One of the few person’s he could have been able to trust with his life, turned out to be a fucking betrayer. It sucked,

“What are you doing here?” Simone asked

“You’re the one behind the death of Alec right?” She referred to Collin and instead of responding, he just kept staring at her. Argh! His stupid eye contest games. Even in serious situations he still acted foolish. “And what are you? The chief guard? The Luna? The Alpha? A police officer? What are you?” He was right. I didn’t think of that, how did she know that he was going to

be here!

“I heard. I heard all that was said in the Study and I knew you were lying so I followed you. And this has just proven that the two of you are guilty” She said and his face became more serious than it was before. Collin was still standing, watching the both of them “Who did you come here with?” He asked and she creased her brows

“No one!” She answered in a manner that said, isn’t it obvious? “When people look at you, they see a smart, beautiful and confident woman, but you know what I see? I see a dumbass. Who can be easily used and manipulated” Simone’s voice got lower and colder as he said those words while taking a few steps forward in a bid to close the gap between them. You followed me all the way here, all alone. And you knew that I came to warn my partner who is a male. Now it didn’t end there. you walked out of your hiding spot and walked up to me with those skinny legs, trying to confront me.” He continued and bent downwards to her ear

He wanted to whisper, oh my God! I won’t be able to hear it and know Leo wouldn’t tell me what he said if it wasn‘ something he deemed important. I struggled to stay calm and focused and I did it, I heard what he said even if it was ordinarily impossible

“Do you know that I can end your life here and now and there would be no consequence?” He asked. She tried to take a step backwards, but he held her by the waist, preventing anything as such

You you wouldn’t…Leo would find out and he’ll make you pay” she Said and he chuckled. “If I can kill a child, a cute little child with innocent eyes, what makes you think that I can’t do the same to you?” He was such a bastard. He had just admitted to committing the crime. He was a monster. And to think that I saw him as someone who could never.

“And one more thing. Leo doesn’t care about you anymore. In case you didn’t notice, he is crazy over some other woman. She is more beautiful, hotter, sexier, cleverer, more confident and braver than you could ever be. She is everything that you’re not and would never achieve. What makes you think, he would care to investigate your death? I mean, considering all you did to him in the past, I don’t think he would care. You know..I might actually be doing him a favor by killing you” He was cruel. I felt like standing up and plunging a knife into his belly. I wanted to see him scream. I wanted him to feel pain. Both of them actually

“You’re nothing to Leo. If you think you still have a hook on him somewhere, then you should think twice- by this time he was no longer whispering to her ears as he had taken a few steps away- I mean, think about it, he started dating you a few- weeks after the death of Kendra. And that was, five years ago? Till the day you two splitted, he didn’t mark you. He didn’t make you his Luna. But a woman he just met a few months ago, he didn’t look backwards before grabbing and claiming her. You were, you are and you will always be nothing but a pleasure tool in the eyes of Leo. Quite unfortunate isn’t it?” She began to shed tears. Which to me was ridiculous

As a person who knows their worth, no matter what someone says to you, shouldn’t make you cry. I know those words were hurtful and I sincerely felt bad for her, but crying would only give him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to you.

I’m sorry–Kate, but I have to. You should know that it is not my intention to hurt you, but you brought yourself into this and have left me no choice” He apologized and brought out a knife from his boots. “Wait!” Collin interrupted. “Let me do it,” he continued with a smile. He looked like this was some fun thing to do. You know how happy your dog gets when you get him


17:15 Sun, Sep 8

Chapter 37

new toy? Yes, exactly. That’s how happy Collin looked


Two fucking psychopaths. Wasn’t Leo going to do something about it? I mean he couldn’t possibly prove Simone’s words to be true right? I turned to look at him, but he didn’t do as much as even blink. He didn’t care if she died or not. He was only waiting for the right time to pounce on those two traitors. “Leol” I whispered and he clearly understood me. Rolling his eyes, he sprang up and In the blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of Collin. He twisted the knife out of the man’s hand just in time before he plunged it into Kate’s forehead

Yes, you heard that right. Of every part of the human body, he chose her forehead. He wanted an absolute zero chance of survival. Before any of them could process what just happened, Leo knocked them down and tied both their hands backwards and joined it together. A big smile appeared on Kate’s face and she made to grab Leo into an appreciative embrace but he saw it coming and quickly moved to the other side. I smiled because I found it cute

While the two criminals were unconscious, he brought out his cell phone and dialed Cade. Within minutes, the beta arrived and they were both locked up in a cell

I felt relieved knowing that the fuckers who cut short the life of my innocent baby were behind bars. I could hear Leo’s thoughts and he was not satisfied. He wanted to do more than just lock them up. He didn’t feel at ease, knowing that the ones who were after his family were caught.

“What’s Wrong?” I asked, the day was dark already and we were on the bed. His head rested on my thighs while I stroked his hair. He was far gone, too deep in his thoughts

“Do you feel satisfied?” He asked after a long pregnant silence. I thought for a while then shook my head “Honestly I don’t, there are a lot of questions I need to ask. But I don’t even know what they are. I know I have them and I want to find the answers, but… I let the rest trail off. He understood me

He sighed and raised his head from my thigh, “let’s get some sleep., we have a trial to attend tomorrow” he said and I nodded “Goodnight” I felt him become stiff for a moment. Only then did I realize that I had just said ‘goodnight to him. Something I had never said. He kissed my forehead and said “Goodnight” A small smile appeared on my lips. It was genuine, the first I’ve had in two weeks. Be it a genuine or fake one, and I could swear that I saw him smile too. With that, I drifted into a peaceful slumber

Outside the Mansion. The dark figure of a man could be seen standing, and looking right up at their window. A wicked smile Played on his lips

“Hey! Who are you?” One of the guards on duty spotted him, but before he could walk up to the man, he vanished


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