Pucking Around: A Why Choose Hockey Romance (Jacksonville Rays Book 1)

Chapter Pucking Around: Epilogue

One Year Later

“Easy, Hurricane,” Caleb mutters, taking his hand and covering mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I take a deep breath, letting my hands go still. Whenever I’m nervous during a game, I spin the guys’ wedding rings round and round on my thumb, focusing my energy on the feel of the cool metal brushing against my skin. They all have the same band—white gold, inset with four small diamonds.

It’s our little ritual. The guys can’t wear jewelry on the ice, so at the start of each game they hand their wedding bands to me. I hand them back when they finish. Taking it off made Jake so depressed, he finally popped his tattoo cherry. Now he has a thin, inked band around his finger that stays hidden under the ring.

Tonight, I’m only holding one ring because Jake is standing next to me. Decked out in a blue and white Finland jersey, he’s fighting with Harrison for control of the popcorn bucket.

The arena buzzes with excitement as dance music pumps up the crowd. My gaze is locked on center ice where the Olympic rings are painted. This is it. The gold medal game. Finland vs. Canada…in Canada. Everywhere I look is the red and white of the Canadian flag—jerseys, scarfs, hats, signs, painted faces.

My heart feels like it’s going to burst with excitement…and gratitude. All around me, our friends and family are here to cheer for Ilmari. Harrison and Somchai stand next to Jake, both wearing Suomi sweatshirts. Som looks ridiculous in a Suomi beanie with a big blue and white knit puff ball on top.

On the other side of Caleb, the Kinnunen’s are singing all the cheers. Juhani is a Finnish hockey star in his own right, so he’s been swarmed by the fans at every game. His sister Laura and her daughter Helena stand to his right. They’ve been so kind and welcoming, letting the three of us into their lives as we show them how much we love Ilmari.

We spent part of last summer with them in Finland, and it was so fun to see a different side of Ilmari. I’m now officially a convert to Finnish saunas and cold baths. We even installed a sauna at the house that Ilmari uses after every game. I smile, cheeks warming. We’ve had some serious fun in that thing.

I’m distracted as a baby lets out a loud squeal. Mäkinen’s wife Kristina bounces their toddler on her hip in the row in front of us. He’s a little cherub, with bright blond curls and pink cheeks. He’s wearing baby-sized noise-cancelling headphones, bundled up in a lion costume. The moment I saw him, I think my ovaries exploded. Jake has already had to physically remove him from my arms once tonight.

Caleb snakes his arm around my waist. “He’s gonna do great, babe. He’s feeling good. Feeling strong.”

I nod, trying to swallow my nerves. The last game was a disaster. Finland vs. Sweden. Ilmari took a gnarly hit that had my soul threatening to escape my body. An elbow to his mask tipped him back, shoving him into his net. He hit the crossbar as he fell, knocking the goal loose.

The scream I screamed. As the lineman escorted the Swedish player over to the penalty box, the guys were physically holding me back from climbing the plexiglass and ripping his heart out. Those are the two hardest parts about being a hockey wife: the waiting and the hits. And I’m a hockey wife twice over.

I have no one to blame but myself.

“Hey, Seattle—look,” says Jake, giving me a nudge, his fist full of popcorn “He’s here.”

I follow the line of his point to see Doctor Halla standing at the far end of the row in the aisle, glancing at his ticket. He’s decked out in Suomi gear too, including a t-shirt and scarf. I smirk. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen him in anything but scrubs or a suit. It’s weird. Like seeing a dog ride a skateboard.

“He came,” Caleb murmurs next to me.

I smile, giving both their hands a squeeze as I brush past Jake to go greet him.

It turns out no one can hold a grudge quite like a Finn. And my husband is the most Finnish Finn I’ve ever met. So, we’re taking it slow. Halla came to a Rays game in the spring. He also came down at the end of the summer to celebrate the launch of Ilmari’s sea turtle conservation organization.

On the night of the gala, it turns out Ilmari donated half a million dollars to a non-profit run by three overenthusiastic, but rather hapless do-gooders. His additional money and oversight provided a total overhaul of their organization. Now, Out of the Net is a proper non-profit with a board and a CFO and a growing volunteer base.

Halla made a sizable donation too, all but matching Ilmari’s contribution. Sea turtles up and down the coast of North Florida are going to sleep well at night knowing a pair of Finns are determined to keep them safe.

I slip past Harrison and Som, waving Halla down. “Hey! Halla, over here!”

He waves in greeting, his gaze trailing down our row. He settles on Juhani and Laura and nods. Juhani has been supportive of my mission to help father and son mend their fences. I think it was Juhani’s interference more than anything that earned Halla a ticket to this game.

“Hello, Rachel.”

“Hey,” I say, feeling breathless. “Glad you could make it.”

Som scoots down a bit to make room for us on the end.

“Did you get to watch the other games,” I say.

“Oh yes,” he replies. “I recorded them all.”

“What did you think of the last game?”

His gaze darkens. “The Swedes played dirty.”

“Yeah, I was gonna kill No. 12,” I say.

“Get in line,” he mutters.

We stand there for a minute, the excitement of the crowd pulsing all around us.

“Well,” I say, feeling nervous. “I should head back to my seat—”

“Price, I—Rachel,” he corrects, his hand on my elbow. “I’ve never thanked you. For any of this—I never—”

“Hey,” I say, patting his hand. “It’s okay—”

“No. I should thank you,” he presses. “You’re the only reason this is happening. You’re the reason he’s letting me get closer. My own attempts have been feeble at best. When you spend so long living in the cloud of your mistakes, it’s difficult to see your way out of the fog.”

“I know what you mean.”

And I really do. I spent so long lost and searching too, wondering if I’d ever amount to anything. Hal Price’s wild daughter. The party girl. The mess. The spoiled brat. I was so bitter and angry and just plain scared.

“We all deserve a second chance,” I say. Feeling like this is a moment of truth, I lean in. “But just know that, if Ilmari is a lion, I’m his lioness. Hurt my husband, and I’ll rip out your fucking throat. Agreed?”

He smirks, giving me a nod. “Joo.”

I still, that simple one-word answer sparking something in my memory. I slip in front of Som to go back to my seat, but then I’m glancing over my shoulder. “What did you ask him?”

He glances my way. “Hmm?”

“That night,” I say, inching closer. “At dinner in Cincinnati…you asked him something. I know enough Finnish now to know his answer was ‘yes.’ What did you ask?”

He huffs a laugh, his mouth tipping into a smile. Raising a hand, he cups my cheek. The tenderness feels strange, but I don’t pull away. “I asked him if he was in love with you.”

I suck in a sharp breath, eyes wide.

He drops his hand away, still smiling.

My heart hammers in my chest. He asked then? He asked in Cincinnati…and Ilmari’s answer was already yes.

Halla gives me a nod, his own eyes teary. “Take care of him?”

It’s not really a question. We both know I will. Ilmari is mine. I will love him and fight for him with my last breath. Slowly, I nod. “Joo.”

“Ohmygod!” I cry, my hands clinging to Jake and Caleb’s arms as we all jump up and down. This game has been out of control. The Canadians want it bad. A gold medal win on their home ice? It’s what dreams are made of. They’re playing fierce and dirty, pumped up by the wild crowd.

Ilmari has been a brick wall, blocking shot after shot. And the Finnish offense has been amazing, led by Mäkinen. The score has been locked at 1-0 since the end of the second period. Finland is winning. And we’re almost down to the last two minutes of the final period. Canada is ready to try anything to even the score.

“Oh fuck—they’re doing it!” Caleb shouts. “The goalie’s on the move!”

“Ohmygod,” I scream again, watching as the Canadian goalie books it over to the bench. The second his skates are off the ice, their fastest forward goes blasting out. Now their sixth man is an NHL top-scoring speed skater, famous for his slap shot.

“Oh, holy shit! I’m freaking the fuck out!” Right now, Jake couldn’t find his cool with a GPS. He’s a howling maniac, screaming at the Finnish defenders to check and block.

All the action is down in the Finnish defense zone. I can practically feel the concentration surging off Ilmari, even from here. I hate that he’s at the opposite end of the ice. I feel so helpless, but there’s nothing any of us can do. This is his game to win or lose.

The Finns fight dirty, trying to wrestle the puck away from the Canadians. If they can just get the puck loose and down ice, they can score again on the open net. The Canadians know it’s a risk. This is their Hail Mary chance to tie this game.

“Get it out!”

“Come oooon!!!”

The whole arena is going wild. The Finnish fans are trying to match the volume of the Canadians, even though we’re outnumbered 50-1. Mäkinen digs in along the boards, fighting a forward for control. He’s able to slap the puck out, sending it towards the center line.

The heat is off Ilmari as the clock ticks down. Then Canada’s number 10 makes a sloppy shot, and the puck goes spinning towards the corner.

“Holy—goalie goal!” Caleb screams. “Goalie goal! Goalie goal!”

“Oh my god, he’s gonna do it!” Jake practically strangles me as he reaches around to grab Caleb’s shoulder, and now they’re both jumping, jostling me between them.

I hardly know what I’m seeing as Ilmari races after the puck, leaving his net. His defenders hold back the Canadians for all of two seconds as Ilmari turns, lining up the shot on his paddle. With a whack, he sends the puck flying over the heads of the players.

I watch in slow motion, Caleb and Jake screaming to either side of me, as the tiny black puck sails down the length of the ice. It lands in the Canadian defense zone and glides over the ice, straight into the back of the empty net. There’s a moment of suspended animation as the whole arena registers what just happened. Then the cherry lights up, the siren wails, and the score board changes. 2-0.

And then the Finns absolutely erupt. Our section of the stands becomes like a human volcano as we explode with screaming, crying, hugging, and chanting.

“Best game ever!” Jake shouts.

Down on the ice, the Finnish team crowds Ilmari. A goalie goal in the last minutes of a gold medal match? Yeah, there’s no way the Canadians are coming back now. It’s over. Finland wins. Ilmari just guaranteed the team the gold medal.

Tears are pouring down my face as I hug everyone around me, my heart racing. I clench my fist tight, loving the press of Ilmari’s heavy wedding ring against my skin. His ring is safely tucked on my thumb. Tilting my hand, I look down at the stack of three diamond rings I wear as my wedding bands. They twinkle under the bright arena lights.

The guys each picked one. Ilmari’s is at the bottom of the stack, a mirror to theirs in a slimmer style. Caleb’s is in the middle, a thin band of diamonds, nothing flashy. It’s perfect. Jake’s rests on top, four rectangular cut diamonds, dotted with emeralds—green for his eyes. I squeeze my fist tighter, heart overflowing with happiness.

Next to me, Jake pouts.

“Angel?” I say, wrapping my arm around his waist. “What’s wrong?”

He just shakes his head and sighs. “There’ll be no living with him after this.”

I just smile. I think we’re all going to live together just fine.

“God, this is taking forever,” Jake groans, his eyes on his phone.

I roll my eyes, ignoring him. Caleb does the same. Ilmari texted us an hour ago that he was finally free and on his way over to the hotel.

“He’ll get here when he gets here,” I say, shifting against Caleb’s side. As I say the words, there’s a knock at the door.

Jake launches off the other king bed wearing nothing but his athletic shorts, and hurries over to the door. “Fucking finally!”

Caleb and I both laugh. I slip off the side of the bed, snatching up Ilmari’s ring from the bedside table.

“There he is!” Jake shouts, flinging open the door. “Oh—fuck, man—seriously? Like I don’t have enough of a complex already?”

I don’t hear what Ilmari says as I step around the end of the bed, but I see him standing there in the doorway, hugging Jake. It’s new for them. Jake insisted. He may not want sexual contact with Mars, but our Jake is a hugger. Ilmari just lets it happen now, his hands patting awkwardly at Jake’s shoulders. But his gaze is all on me.

Tears sting my eyes as I watch him pull away from Jake. He’s standing there with his gold medal around his neck, looking every inch the hockey god. We were all at the medal ceremony earlier. I bawled my eyes out when they put it around his neck. And we’ve already all said our congratulations. We took a thousand pictures, posting them to social media at Poppy’s insistence.

But here he is at last, in the privacy of our hotel room, and we can celebrate how we want. No cameras. No press. No ‘Team Price’ media circus.

It’s been a year of major adjustments for all of us, letting the press and the hockey community get over the shock of our unorthodox relationship. But my guys were right—for every one asshole internet troll who wants to tell us we’re going to hell, a thousand more people are always there to wish us well.

Ilmari’s gaze heats hotter than a fire as he brushes past Jake, sweeping me into his arms. I melt against him, desperate for his every touch. “How does it feel?” I say, mid-kiss, my hands smoothing down the strap of his medal.

His hands are all over me, holding me tight to him. “Amazing,” he mutters.

I smile up at him, raising my hand to stroke his cheek.

His eye catches the glint on my thumb and he’s snatching for my wrist. “Give it back.”

I let him slip his wedding ring off my thumb and watch as he slides it back onto his finger. It’s almost like a weight lifts off him as it slips into place, like he’s not complete without that ring around his finger reminding him of who he is and where he belongs.

I cup his face with both hands. “I’m so proud of you, kulta. You were amazing.”

He kisses me again and I let myself get lost in this feeling of his power, his joy. Our kissing heats up, and soon he’s breaking away with a soft curse.

“What do you want?” I say. “Our gold medal Olympian gets whatever he wants tonight.”

“Yeah, but only for tonight,” Jake warns from the edge of the bed. “Tomorrow it’s back to me calling all the shots.”

Ilmari growls, casting him a glare as behind him Caleb huffs an incredulous laugh.

“What do you want?” I say again.

“You know what I want,” he replies, his voice fevered with need.

Taking a deep breath, I nod. “Then, I’m saying yes.”



“Yes, Rakas.” His joy is infections as he grabs me, hauling me up against him. He turns us, dropping me onto the bed next to Jake. “Get lost, Jake,” he growls.

“What? Ouch—” Jake gasps indignantly as Ilmari swats his hand away from me.

I’m wholly at Ilmari’s mercy as he jerks my cami off up over my head and tosses it to the floor, leaving me topless.

“Go play with Caleb,” he orders. “Right now, she’s mine.”

Jake scoffs, pushing himself off the bed. “Just so you know, scoring a goalie goal to clinch the Olympic gold medal is literally the only set of circumstances I can accept that mean you get your way right now. Come tomorrow, you slap my hand away from my wife, I’ll bite it off.”

“Noted,” he mutters, eyes on me as he takes the gold medal off and drops it to the floor, his shirt following.

Caleb steps around behind him to stand by Jake. As Ilmari strips off my silky shorts, I glance over to them, watching as Caleb slings an arm around Jake’s shoulder and cups his cock. “Do you wanna watch with me, angel? Or I can put you on your knees and pound your sweet ass.”

Jake groans, leaning into him, but it’s Ilmari who replies, dropping his athletic pants to the floor and fisting his hard cock. “No ass play tonight. And neither of you better fucking come.”

Caleb blinks at him. “What?”

“We can’t touch Rachel, and we can’t come? Cool,” Jake deadpans. He turns to Caleb. “Wanna just play checkers or something?”

I snort a laugh, but I’m quickly silenced by Ilmari grabbing me by the calves and dragging me down the bed. He drops to his knees, flinging my legs over his broad shoulders as he descends, his mouth claiming my needy pussy.

“Oh god—” I gasp, arching my back as both hands go to his head. I dig my heels into his back, holding him close as he devours me. I can’t control my moans as his tongue licks and teases. He hums against me, knowing how I love it. My human vibrator. This man eats pussy like a god. All my guys are talented. And they’re always ravenous. Enthusiasm alone can get you a long way.

I open my eyes, seeking out my other guys. Jake watches, transfixed, while Caleb teases him with kisses, his hand now inside Jake’s shorts, stroking him from root to tip. I lick my lips, wanting to taste them while Mars tastes me, but he gets what he wants tonight and, in this moment, he wants me to himself.

With a groan, Jake turns in Caleb’s arms, his free hand cupping Caleb’s face as they kiss. Cay keeps his hand in Jake’s shorts, working him slowly as they taste each other. Seeing them love each other takes me over the edge. I cry out, my orgasm battering me as Ilmari works me with his tongue and fingers, drinking in my release with a hungry groan. He likes to warm me up with at least one orgasm before he enters me. It’s easier with his size if I’m slick and ready. Done. I am literally desperate for this man.

I sling my legs off his shoulders, panting for breath, as I crawl up the bed away from him. “Tule tänne,” I pant. “Kulta, tule.”

With a growl he’s on his feet, climbing on the bed over top of me. He sinks down into the cradle of my thighs. It takes nothing for him to notch his cock at my entrance and press in.

I exhale on a long moan, relaxing my body as he fills me so full, settling at my center. Tears sting my eyes as I hold onto his shoulders, rocking with him, my heart overflowing. “I love you,” I murmur. “Ilmari—so proud of you—”

He silences me with a kiss, his body claiming me as he mutters against my lips in Finnish, pouring out his love for me. He curls a hand under my thigh, spreading me wider and pressing in deeper.

“Oh—” My neck arches back as I feel the exquisite spiraling of a G-spot orgasm building deep in my core. My whole body is heating and my brain feels fuzzy. The tightness is exquisite. “Yes—there—”

“Tell them,” he growls, slamming into me with his hips. “Rakas—tell them.”

Panting, I turn my gaze away from him, holding to his shoulders. Caleb and Jake are still standing at the end of the bed, their clothing shed. Caleb has both their cocks fisted in his hand. Jake’s head is tipped back, eyes closed, as Caleb sucks on his neck.

“Guys,” I call out. “Jake—Cay—”

They break apart, their heads turning our way. Ilmari slows his thrusts, dropping his face to kiss my neck. I hum with pleasure, reaching out a hand for them. “Come here.”

They step froward, Jake taking my hand.

“I took out my IUD,” I say. “Last week. I took it out.”

Their eyes go wide as they both register my full meaning. We’ve been talking about it for months. Jake wanted us to start trying the night we all got married. Luckily, the other two were on my side that we should delay. Weather the media storm, find our new normal. But now feels like the time. We’re happy. We’re ready. I want the next phase of our life to start.

“Hooooly fucking shit,” Jake cries, his expression euphoric. “You serious right now, Seattle?”

I nod, biting my lip as Ilmari starts to move again.

“Oh, fuck yes,” Jake says, dropping to his knees at the side of the bed. He takes my hand and holds it, kissing my knuckles as Ilmari worships me with his body.

Caleb stands behind Jake, eyes wide. Of all the guys, he’s been the most anxious about the idea of kids. But Caleb always does best with action. He’ll learn by doing and grow his confidence, I have no doubt.

Jake looks on in wonder as Ilmari shifts his hold on me, burying himself deep with each thrust. I sink back, eyes closed, as I let his passion meld with mine. Stronger together. Never to be parted. Ilmari Price is my husband. My lover, my friend.

I moan as my orgasm spirals tighter.

“Come,” Ilmari begs. “Come again, Rakas. Come with me—please—”

Hearing my husband beg sends me shattering. His hips slam in and hold as his warm release fills me. My pussy holds him tight. I’m panting, sweating, seeing stars. I sag back against the bed as he slips out. Breathless, he rolls to my side, his hand going down to my pussy. He swipes a finger over my entrance, bringing it to my lips. I suck his finger into my mouth with an eager groan, tasting the mix of our releases on my tongue.

“Caleb, come,” Ilmari orders. “Take her. Take our wife. Fill her.”

Suddenly, Caleb looks almost afraid. I hold out my hand to him, shifting up to my elbows. “Come here, baby.”

He steps forward, sinking to his knees on the edge of the bed with a soft wince. He’s out of his element here. No games, no kinks. This is sex and intimacy on a whole other level. Knowing what we both need, I take charge, rolling up to my knees. “Lie down,” I say, voice firm.


“Lie down, Caleb,” I say, wrapping my hand around his nape. “I’m going to ride your cock like a fucking queen. You’re mine. My husband. This is all of us or none of us. Are you all in?”

Nodding, he shifts closer, wrapping his arms around me. We kiss as I flip him down to the bed. Dropping onto my elbows to suck his pierced cock into my mouth. He groans, hands in my hair as I work him hard. I’m ravenous as I climb onto his lap, shifting my hips until his cock is pressed against my clit. I shiver, smiling down at him as I lift my hips and notch him at my entrance.

He has eyes only for me as his gaze darkens. “Do it,” he growls.

I sink down hard and fast, and we both cry out. His piercings rub me so perfect as I start to move, finding my rhythm as I fuck myself on his perfect cock. He holds on for dear life, hands on my hips, watching in awe as my breasts bounce with each thrust.

“Baby, I’m already close,” I cry, my greedy cunt already squeezing him so tight.

“Me too—” He groans, his head arching back as he holds me still, his hips slamming up into me.

I cry out, the power of his thrusts sending me free-falling. I’m gasping and moaning, rocked by an orgasm that has me practically convulsing. I squeeze him so tight, wave after wave hitting me. And then his warm cum fills me, dripping out of me back onto him.

I’m a shaking mess as we both come down off our high. Then he’s curling forward into a sitting position, his cock still buried inside me. I don’t even realize I’m crying when he wipes my tears and kisses me.

“I love you, Rachel. Baby, I love you so much,” he murmurs. He’s the least vocal of my guys, showing his devotion with action rather than words. To hear them now, I’m like a flower seeking sunlight, clinging to him, showering him with kisses.

“I love you,” I whimper. “Cay, I love you.”

“I love you, Hurricane,” he says, breaking our kiss as he looks for Jake.

Knowing it’s his turn at last, Jake drops onto the bed at our side, wrapping his arms around both of us as he kisses first me, then Caleb, then me again. “I love you both so much,” he murmurs. “I love you. My girl and my guy. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I even love you, Mars,” he adds over our shoulders at Ilmari.

I turn to see Ilmari sitting on the ottoman by the side of the bed, still naked. Slowly, he nods, which we all know by now is Ilmari for ‘I love you too, but I’m too emotionally guarded to say it. So, I’m just going to stare at you and hope that’s enough.’

I smile, heart overflowing as I turn to Jake, Caleb’s cock still nestled in my pussy. “Angel please,” I say, cupping his face. “You know how much I need you.”

He grabs me under the arms, lifting me clean off Caleb and turning, dropping me onto the other bed. “Hands and knees, baby girl. I wanna go deep.”

I roll eagerly to my knees, facing the end of the bed. But Jake doesn’t immediately follow me. I turn my head to see him pushing back on Caleb’s shoulder, laying him out on the opposite bed. Bending over, he sucks Caleb’s half-hard dick into his mouth, licking him clean with a hungry moan. Caleb fists Jake’s hair with both hands, his gaze volcanic as he moves his hips, willing himself to stay hard enough to choke Jake.

I whimper as, from across the room, Ilmari groans, his hard dick in his hands. He’s loving this as much as I am. His breeding kink is on full blast knowing it’s now possible to get me pregnant. “That’s enough,” he orders. “Jake, fuck our wife. Now. She takes all our cum tonight.”

Jake pops off Caleb with a groan, shifting up quickly to kiss him. Then he sinks onto the mattress behind me, his hands tracing up my sides, over my shoulders, as his hard cock nestles between my ass cheeks. He folds himself over me. “Kiss me.”

I turn, dropping my shoulder enough that we can kiss. It’s sloppy and quick, but we don’t care. Then his hand is slipping between my legs, seeking out my entrance. “Fuck, baby,” he groans. “You’re so fucking wet. They made a mess of you. You’re dripping in their cum.”

I whimper at his words, feeling him plunge in with his fingers, moving the mess around, putting it back in.

“I never thought I had a breeding kink, but this is turning me all the way the fuck on,” he says on another groan. “Mars, come feel,” he calls.

“Just finish her,” Ilmari replies.

“Jake, please,” I beg, starting to feel desperate from this waiting. “I need you, angel. Need your cum.” The words come out between panted breaths as he grabs hold of me, notching himself at my entrance.

“You’re mine, Seattle,” he says, slamming himself home.

We both cry out and I drop down to my elbows, changing the angle. I give him free rein. I want him to use me and fill me, pounding as hard as he wants.

“My wife,” he groans as he claims me. “My lover. Mother of my children. My fucking soulmate. That’s what you are. You took something from me the night we met, and I’ll never get it back. I don’t want it back. You changed me, baby.”

“You changed me too,” I cry, my body lost to the euphoria of being so perfectly filled.

“You’re my everything,” he says. “My whole fucking world. You and Cay and Mars. You’re my world. Full stop. Nothing else matters.”

“Yes,” I beg. If the universe is benevolent, she’ll let me keep them forever.

Sharing a wavelength as always, he bends himself over me, cupping my breasts as he thrusts into me. “Never let me go. Rachel, please.”

I arch back until we’re both on our knees and I’m pressing my hips against him, rocking with him, my hands holding to his on my breasts. “Never,” I say with all the power I can muster. “Never, Jake. Mine forever.”

Then he’s crying out, coming inside me. His release triggers mine. This one slower and deeper than the others. It’s a kind of pulsing ache that builds and devours, like my entire body has suddenly turned to liquid gold.

We drop down to the bed and he rolls to my side, pulling out of me. Ilmari is there in a heartbeat, turning me onto my back. He drops his hand between my legs, cupping the mess spilling out between my legs. “Take it all,” he growls. “Keep us inside you, Rakas. Make us a family. Make us whole.”

I nod, tears in my eyes as all three of my guys come to the bed. Jake stays on my left side, Ilmari my right. Caleb slips onto the bed behind Jake, his arm banding over him to splay flat across my stomach. We lay there, all four of us, in a bed too small, and hold each other.

We may have built this foundation on shifting sands, but together we’re holding stronger than ever. I have three bonds, unbreakable. They have their own bonds too—bonds of friendship, teamwork, and love. No matter what the future holds, I know who I am now, and I know where I belong.

“Anyone want room service?” Jake mumbles. “I’m ordering an ice cream sundae.”

Ilmari just groans. I think Caleb might already be asleep. Meanwhile, I can’t help but smile. This all started in a hotel room with the man at my side. My Mystery Boy. Now here we are, living a life neither of us could have ever dreamed.

I snuggle in closer, closing my eyes. I don’t need to celebrate this moment with ice cream. Life is already so sweet.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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