Puck Me Secretly (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 1)

Puck Me Secretly: Chapter 52

THE COURT SET Max’s bail for one hundred thousand dollars which I offered to post. Brian helped me prove my assets to the justice of the peace.

I stood in the side room waiting. “What’s taking so long?”

“They’re processing his release.”

“What did the police say after they interviewed me? Why aren’t they dropping the charges?”

“It’s your word against the victim’s. She has no known motivation for making these allegations against Max, but you are motivated to lie on his behalf.”

“I’m not lying.”

“Police are doing their diligence to legitimize your claims, but this takes time. They have to subpoena a warrant for the cameras in Max’s building, but there are no cameras in the stairwell, and the defense is claiming that they can’t prove that he didn’t leave.”

I pushed my fingers into my hair. “This is insane. He’s innocent.”

“I know that, but they need to be sure before they drop the charges.”

“They shouldn’t have pressed those charges in the first place.”

“The media isn’t helping.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your new GM is making a bunch of unholy claims in front of the media.”

“Like hell he is.”

I walked over to the television in the corner and I turned to the local sports channel. Dozens of reporters surrounded Baxter, who stood on the front steps of the arena.

“We report with deep shame and sadness, that two nights ago, one of our players, Max Logan, was arrested for the violent and disgusting sexual assault on an innocent woman. She remains in the hospital. We do not stand behind this player or his reprehensible act. We do not condone violence against women. As I am now acting on behalf of Mark Ashford and the Vancouver Wolves, I will do everything in my power to manage this situation.”

“Will you trade Logan?” A reporter shouted.

Baxter stared into the camera. “I’ll be doing everything I can to ensure that animal never plays hockey again.”

Holy fuck!

I turned to Brian. “Can he do this?”

“If your mother gave him full proxy, he can do whatever he wants.”

A knock sounded on the door.

I turned to see a bailiff open the door. Max stepped in. He looked tired, and he wore the same clothes I last saw him in, but he appeared unharmed.

I rushed to him, throwing my arms around him. “Are you okay?”

He unwrapped my arms from his waist. “Can we talk? Alone?”

Without speaking, Brian stepped out of the room and shut the door.

Something cold and ugly walked across my chest. “Are you okay?”

“How’s your Dad?”

“Doctors believe he will make a full recovery.”


“This is insane. I’m sorry this happened.”

“Why did you tell them about us?”

My head snapped up at his harsh tone. “What?”

“I was trying to protect you. Why did you give me an alibi?”

Why did he look so pissed?

“Because I was your alibi. I was with you.”

“I didn’t want you to get involved.”

“Too late. I already am.”

He rubbed his face. “I should have known nothing could ever change.”

“Max,” I stepped closer. “We’re going to get these charges cleared. This is bullshit.”

“My career as a hockey player is over. My reputation is ruined.”

“This is a smear campaign, but once the truth comes out everything will be fine.”

“It’s over Rory. All of it,” he stepped back from me.

“What?” Panic seized me. “Where are you going? We have to talk, plan our strategy.”

He shook his head. “You’re better off without me. This will never go away. And nothing good can come of this. You need to let me go.”

“Don’t talk like that. We’re going to get the charges dropped.”

“Even if you do, it’s too late.”

“Max,” I took a step towards him. “I understand that you’re upset, but you have to work with us on this.”

“It’s over, Rory. Between us. I don’t want to see you again.”

Air sucked out of my lungs.

“Max! No!”

“Go be with your Dad. Forget about me. I’m done with all of this. With you, with hockey, with Vancouver. Nothing will ever change.”

“Don’t do this,” I begged.

“Goodbye, Rory.”

I stood still as he exited the room. Too numb to cry, I could only lift my eyes when Brian stepped back in.

“Max left.”

“I know.”

“He said it’s over.”

“He’s upset.”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“Go back to the hospital. Take care of your mom.”

“You have to help Max.”

“I’m doing everything I can.”

BACK AT THE HOSPITAL, I sat with Mom for hours. She was a mess and didn’t talk. I was a mess, and I spent my time fetching her coffee, buying her food and trying to persuade her to rest.

Every time I thought of Max, I wanted to cry, so I forced myself to focus only on Mom and Dad. If I started to cry, I was sure I wouldn’t stop.

Dad woke up. The color in his face was better and the nurses teased a smile out of him. Mom stood by, holding his hand and fighting tears.

I felt like progress was being made when they moved Dad out of the ICU and onto a regular ward. Only when he went back to sleep, did Mom agree to go across the street to the hotel for a shower and a rest.

I sat with Dad for hours, watching him sleep. When Mom returned, she instructed me to go home for the night.

When I argued she told me she wanted to be alone with Dad.

Defeated, I took the car home.

I couldn’t even process how bad I felt. I tried calling Max a few times but each time, my calls went to voicemail. The numbness in my body, made it impossible to cry. I operated on rote, unsure what to do next.

When the car pulled up in my driveway, I saw a familiar sports car.

I got out and scowled at Calder and Katrina.

“This is a shit time,” I walked towards the front door, not caring about how rude I was being.

“I need to talk to you,” Katrina spoke. “It’s about Max.”

My eyes found Calder.

He shrugged. “You should hear what she has to say. She can help.”

Katrina rushed forward. “I know that Max was set up.”

It felt like my blood turned to ice. “I guess you two should come inside.”

WE SAT in the living room. I sat across from them.

“Okay, talk.”

Katrina licked her lips. “I’ve been sleeping with Baxter.”

“Old news.”

“Baxter planned the entire thing.”

“What did he plan?”

“He told me he would set Max up. With a fake assault.”

“He said this?”

“Yes. He was hiring someone to lie about the whole thing.”

“What was his plan?”

“He said that even if they found out Max was not guilty, it’d be enough to take down his career.” S~ᴇaʀᴄh the FɪndNøvel.ɴᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I rubbed my face with both hands. “Okay. Do you have any proof of this?”

She shook her head.

“Are you willing to testify to this?”

She stole a glance at Calder who reached out and took her hand. “Yes. I’m done with that asshole.”

“Well, that asshole has proxy over the team. He is running the show.”

“I also have one other thing to confess.”

I sighed. “What?”

“Baxter has been using me to take down Max.”


Her voice faltered. “He wanted us to put Max in front of the media. He knows how much your Dad values a wholesome image for the team, so he wanted Max to be front and center with his scandal.”

“Anything else?”

“When that reporter attacked him? That was a set up too.”

Anger ticked in my heart. “What was your involvement?”

“It was my job to get Max to that restaurant.”

I sat quiet, thinking. “Why is Baxter so against Max?”

Her voice wobbled. “Your Dad promised Baxter the assistant GM position. Baxter wanted to bring Joseph Flanynk onto the team, but your Dad and him butted heads over that. Baxter couldn’t let it go when your Dad brought Max on. They fought hard over that and then your Dad withdrew his offer to make Baxter an assistant GM.”

I knew this already. What I didn’t know is why he hated Max so much. “Why take it out on Max?”

“Baxter can’t admit when he is wrong. He blamed Max for everything that happened. He thinks he can have the perfect team if he brings Joseph Flanynk in.”

“He has the perfect team already. We’re second in our division.”

“He doesn’t see it like that. He’s obsessed with putting together the team he envisioned and that includes making Joseph Flanynk part of the team.”

“Oh shit.” I shook my head. The worst part about this whole thing was how blind both my parents were to Baxter’s manipulations. “This is bad.”

“I’m sorry. I was only thinking about myself. I thought if Baxter got that position, he’d leave his wife and we could be together.”

Her eyes met mine.

“Katrina, you can do a lot a better than that prick.”

Her laughter was watery. “I know that.” She glanced at Calder. “I figured that out.”

I rubbed my face. “I appreciate you coming and talking to me. That goes a long way in my books.”

Calder rubbed Katrina’s back. “Is your Dad okay?”

“He will make a full recovery but he’s weeks away from returning to work.”

Katrina wiped tears from her eyes. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Would you be willing to share what you told me with our lawyer?”

“Of course.”

Calder stood up. “We’ll get out of your hair.”

I sat slumped in the living room. This mess with Baxter was out of control. If we didn’t get Max reinstated before the trade deadlines, it would screw Max. Possibly for the rest of his career.

I called Brian and left him a detailed message.

I called Max and left him yet another message.

I took a hot shower and collapsed in bed. Despite my exhaustion, sleep eluded me. I thought about Max. The sadness and defeat I saw in him today made big rolling tears erupt from within me. Why had he pushed me away? Why had he ended it? Did he blame me for this?

The only thing I knew was no matter what, I would not stop fighting until I got his name cleared and reassigned him back on the team.

How I would manage that, I did not know yet. But I would make it happen.

Me: Can’t stop thinking about you. I hope you are okay

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