Psycho Devils: Aran’s Story Book 2 (Cruel Shifterverse 5)

Psycho Devils: Chapter 49

Rebirth—Day 62, hour 23

John kissed me like he was trying to crawl under my skin. He pressed me back with his punishing lips as Luka choked me.

Demon brew made my head spin.

Enchanted drugs gave me a full-body tingle.

Little zips of pain streaked down my spine, but I was so intoxicated I barely felt them. I was really glad I had decided to keep the side effect of the enchantment a secret.

The twins wouldn’t be touching me like this if they knew.

But there was nothing else in all the realms I wanted to be doing.

When John pulled his head away from mine, he was breathing heavily and his lips were deliciously swollen. I reached up and ran my fingers through his dark locks. His hair was soft as silk.

“We seem to have an issue here,” Luka said with an odd tilt to his voice. I looked over to find him studying me and John with a gleam in his hooded eyes.

During the kiss, the three of us had shifted closer together.

I was sandwiched tightly beneath them.

The bed was comfy. Bodies danced and mingled around us in the darkness of the party.

My heart pounded, and my breathing was erratic.

A tingling sensation coursed through my bloodstream and made everything fuzzy in the best sort of way.

John leaned closer so his face was inches from mine. “Did Aran just ask if we thought of her as more than a friend?”

Luka’s face hovered right beside his twin’s. “I think she did, brother.”

“I think I know how to rectify that.” John’s minty breath mixed with Luka’s spicy scent and made my mouth tingle.

John activated his powers, and a wall of sparkling black spread along the bed and created a barrier. It shimmered, translucent, and I could still see the party beyond.

“We can see them, but they can’t see us,” John explained. “But they can still hear us.”

I dragged my tongue across my lips. I tasted them.

Luka groaned, and John made a rough noise.

John placed his hands on either side of my hips. His fingers trailed gently across the skin underneath my sweatshirt.

Music played softly.

People laughed and talked.

Luka pressed the demon brew bottle to his lips, then he leaned forward and captured my mouth with his.

“Drink, Aran,” John whispered as Luka pressed the warm liquid into my mouth with his tongue.

The intensity in Luka’s dark eyes was overwhelming. He looked wicked in the firelight.

I tipped my head back and swallowed.

“Good girl, taking it from his tongue,” John whispered in my ear as his twin took another sip from the bottle and kissed the liquid into my mouth.

Little pinpricks of pain shimmered down my spine.

Everything was hazy and I barely felt any pain. All I could concentrate on was the spicy taste of Luka on my lips and the way John’s callused fingers danced across my skin.

Luka licked across my lips and groaned roughly into me.

John reached further up underneath my sweatshirt and he tweaked both my nipples.

Stars exploded behind my eyes, and it was my turn to moan into Luka’s mouth.

“So perfectly sensitive,” John whispered in my ear as he casually rolled my nipples between his fingers like he wasn’t making my core spasm with need.

Luka’s tongue pressed further into my mouth as he said, “She’s exquisite.”

The pain dancing down my spine was far away, and it felt like it was happening to someone else.

The twins were all I knew.

Where they began, I ended; where they ended, I began.

A drunk partygoer stumbled into the side of the bed and looked confused as they hit the shield. We bounced on the impact. Neither John nor Luka looked over at them. Their attention was focused on me.

Like I was the center of their world.

All of a sudden, John picked me up and pulled me off his brother’s mouth so I was sitting draped sideways across his lap. His hardness pressed against my ass.

Luka sat on the bed to our right. He shifted closer to us and wrapped both his hands around my neck above the diamond necklace. Both his thumbs rested on the front of my throat.

He gradually exerted pressure until I couldn’t think.

I angled my head to the side and gasped for air into John’s mouth as his twin reached across us both and choked me like he loved me.

Luka released my neck and grabbed my thighs. He pulled them slightly apart. I balanced on one of John’s muscular legs, spread open atop him.

“Lift your hips,” Luka ordered.

I obeyed.

Luka ripped my sweatpants off and threw them aside. Cold air wafted across my sensitive flesh, and I squirmed against John’s leg, hyperaware that I wasn’t wearing underwear and he could feel my wetness.

I pulled my head back and gasped. “There are people around.”

Luka grinned wickedly. “So?”

“Good point,” I mumbled as my cheeks flushed from the embarrassment of momentarily forgetting my slutty values.

Sun god, it was hard work being a whore. But somebody had to do it.

Luka fell to his knees in front of the bed. The shield expanded backward to include him.

John grabbed my thighs and positioned me so I was facing forward on his leg.

He pulled my knees open. I was exposed as he whispered in my ear, “Let Luka show you what it means to be betrothed to the Princes of Darkness.”

“What does that…” My question was cut off by John turning my head to the side and capturing my mouth with his swollen lips.

The man kissed like he was drowning and I was air. He consumed me like he was trying to meld himself with me. Like he was trying to crawl under my skin.

He didn’t kiss me like a friend.

He kissed me like he was my destiny.

He kissed me like he was my fictional lover who couldn’t live without touching me. Like he would raze the realms and kill anyone who looked at me wrong.

I shivered from the intensity and almost forgot that his hands had my thighs pulled wide open and Luka had fallen to his knees before us.

My eyes flew open, and I tipped my head back against John’s shoulder. And he leaned down to kiss me from above.

I fucking remembered.

Luka’s tongue licked against my most sensitive flesh. My knee-jerk reaction was to close my legs against the foreign sensation, but John’s grip was like a vise, and I couldn’t move an inch.

He kept my legs wide open for his twin.

A group of glamorous women in purple dresses laughed loudly a few feet away. They looked around the room greedily like they were searching for a competitor or someone important to fuck.

A drunk leviathan competitor backed away from the shimmering black wall as he stumbled through the party.

The room was cast in darkness, but it wasn’t pitch-black. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Luka’s tongue moved leisurely through my folds. He slid his hands underneath my ass and squeezed my cheeks. He tipped my hips up wantonly.

The pleasure was so intense, and I was so drunk on demon brew, that I barely noticed the zinging sensation down my spine.

Luka moaned loudly.

“People can hear,” I whispered as I buried my face in John’s neck. Sandalwood and musk filled my senses.

Instead of letting me go like I expected, John gripped me harder and pulled my legs wider. “Good.” He turned his head and nuzzled the side of my neck.

“Let them hear who you belong to,” Luka growled into my sensitive flesh.

I’d forgotten how dangerous Mr. Hyde was.

How intoxicating he was.

“Fuck, she just gushed all over my tongue,” Luka groaned into my core, and I tipped my head back further as blinding pleasure made everything tingle.

“Good.” John lapped gently on the top of my collarbone. “Such a good girl. You’re so wet for us. Such a perfect little bestie.”

Luka licked me from my clit to my taint, and I moaned loudly.

John shifted his hips beneath me and ground his hardness against me, creating the most delicious friction.

It was overwhelming.

Luka sucked my clit into his mouth and flicked his tongue rapidly over it. He plunged his thumb inside me while his pointer finger traced against my other hole.

John nibbled on my neck.

I moaned loudly as white spots danced across my vision, and my core clenched with impossible tightness.

The group of women looked over. One of them narrowed their eyes with confusion.

I whimpered. “Cover my mouth, I’m too loud.” I looked at John pointedly.

John released my skin with a loud smacking pop and looked down at me. “Why would I do that?” His voice was rough, and his eyes were glazed over with lust.

He pressed his erection harder against my backside as his twin traced along my hole.

“People,” I gasped. “Looking.”

Luka pressed his face harder into my core, and he licked at just the right angle. Everything went black as it felt like I was falling away from myself. All I knew was pleasure.

John chuckled darkly and pushed his finger between my lips. “Suck, Aran,” he ordered.

I mindlessly obeyed.

He smirked as he slowly pressed that same finger into my back hole, the one his twin had been tracing.

Luka pulled his thumb out of my core and inserted two fingers while he licked greedily.

The stars became fireworks.

The streaks of pain along my spine were so faint that they somehow added to the intensity of the moment.

John kissed me openmouthed, leisurely exploring me with his tongue, while he held my butt with his finger resting against the rim of my asshole. He pushed forward the smallest amount, just enough that I felt overwhelmingly full.

John mumbled against my lips, “I want everyone at the party to hear who you belong to.”

Luka added another finger into my core as he ate me out like a starving man. When he sucked on my clit, John forced his finger deeper into my ass, and the pleasure became too much.

It exploded inside me.

I tumbled into bliss.

Waves of pleasure pulsated through me as Luka lapped at me greedily. I moaned as I squeezed my eyes shut and rode the waves.

John’s teeth grazed gently along my neck as he licked my skin like I was a popsicle.

My moan became a small shriek.

“Let them know,” Luka ordered as he sucked on my clit, “what it means to be our betrothed. Let them hear you.”

I moaned loudly. Unashamedly.

And I didn’t care if everyone at the party heard us.

All I knew was that John held me on his lap while Luka had his face buried in my heat. My pants were around my ankles, and partygoers danced inches away. It was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced in my life.

Between the twins I was safe.

My head spun with lightness, and the world glimmered.

Warmth washed over me. Everything became unfocused and dreamy in the best way.

I felt like I was drifting away from my body on a high of incorporeal pleasure.

Luka stood up with my essence all over his face, and I smiled at him without a thought in my mind.

“Aw, she’s such a good girl that she went into subspace,” Luka said as he stroked my chin softly. “You want to do more or is that enough for you, my little dictator?”

I shook my head and nuzzled my face against John’s neck.

John chuckled, and the warm vibrations made me smile against the side of his neck. I nuzzled against him. “You’re so adorable.” He pressed a gentle kiss to my temple.

Luka tipped my chin up. “You have to use your words.”

I closed my eyes as I pressed my face against Luka’s palm. Deliciously spicy. They were both warm and cozy.

My head floated away.

“Okay, looks like bedtime it is,” Luka said firmly as he pulled his hand away.

I jerked and shook my head.

It took me long moments to remember how to speak. Everything was foggy and warm. Safe.

Finally, I was able to say, “No. I want to do more.”

I needed more.

Even in this hazy lust of wonderfulness, I knew that there was something serious at play. It was important that I enjoyed this while it lasted. I needed to experience the pleasure while I could.

It mattered that I was extremely intoxicated on demon brew. It was numbing the pain.

“Are you sure?” Luka asked with a serious tone. He stood in front of the bed and tipped my head back to study my face intently.

“Yes.” I begged shamelessly, “Please. I want to so badly.”

“Shit, don’t say that, bestie.” John’s dick jumped beneath me.

Luka’s eyes darkened as he stood over both of us, holding my chin. After a long moment—where it felt like he was looking into my soul—he nodded. “Then you’re gonna fuck us both right here.” His thumb traced slowly over my lower lip. “You’re going to be our wife after all. It’s only fair.”

I nodded eagerly up at him.

The warm, dreamlike state made everything feel amazing.

John flashed his dimples as he kissed my neck and reached down to drag his fingers through my core. “Aran, you’re dripping for us.”

My cheeks flushed, and I squirmed as his fingers touched me intimately.

“Take me,” I begged, then flushed harder and hid my face against John’s warm chest.

He laughed and whispered against my temple, “Dude, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”

Sunshine burst inside my chest.

What I felt for the twins went beyond words. It went beyond destiny.

The three of us were inevitable.

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