Pregnant And Rejected Omega

Chapter Announcement


Stefan currently has everyone’s attention. The pups are behind me, but the place is packed. People have moved closer to him to listen to what he is saying.

He’s currently thanking everyone for coming, and the speculation over what this is about surrounds me.

Some men think that he’s planned a date to marry Diandra, and others think that he is stepping down as king. Some of the women are speculating as well. Their speculation is around me, because people know that Stefan left to deal with an issue about me.

“Maybe he has exiled her entirely, and this is him letting us know?” I hear the woman and ignore her.

“The royal family took long enough. She barely had the right to be classed as a werewolf,” another laughs. Thorin glares towards them. Kneeling down, I smile at him.

“Forget their words, this is about you,” I say and kiss his cheek. I listen as Stefan announces he recently found out he was a father. I watch as he calls up the pups, Princess Lotta, Prince Thorin and Prince Isaac.

They move and join him, and I stay stood at the side, relaxing now that Thorin is away from the women talking rubbish. Of course, people ask questions, and if I thought the comments were bad about me before, they get worse when he announces I’m their mum.

“At least the ugly branch missed the pups and only hit Harlyn.”

“He must have been desperate to go near her.”

“Imagine purposely getting pregnant to the king just to run away with his pups.”

“She used him to keep her foot in the kingdom, knowing she isn’t worth shit.”

“Well, I’m happy to be the doting stepmom if he picks me; until we have our own, then well, those pups will be nothing.”

My body runs cold at the last one, and I fight the urge to turn and punch the woman.

Their words continue as Stefan speaks, and they don’t realise I’m right next to them.

“Harlyn, come here please,” I turn hearing Stefan. His hand reached out. No, I wasn’t meant to be doing anything but staying with the pups until he called them.

The women next to me gawp and realise who I am.

“There’s no way that’s Harlyn,” one of them speaks.

“Like it matters if she is hot, she’s still a wolfless, unworthy mutt and won’t be accepted by the king,” another says as I step towards Stefan, confused. He smiles at me, but I feel like I should hide behind him.

No one knew I was here or that I was me. I’ve changed too much. The pups are now stood with Lucy, Lotta is spinning around watching her dress float as she does.

“I want to do things right this time. I’ve been given a second to. You’re my mate and someone I truly love,” he says before kneeling. The woman who called me a mutt drops her glass. “Will you marry me?” Stefan asks, and I stare at him.

He looks at me with a worried expression, and his hand shakes as he holds out the ring. I wouldn’t say no. “Yes,” I smile at him and watch as he places the ring on my finger before standing and pulling me to him.

The embrace relaxes me. “I do love you, Harlyn,” he says, and I nod.

“I know, and I love you.” I reach up and kiss his lips before cuddling against me. The room is a lot louder now, as everyone is clearly discussing things.

My eyes go to where the pups are, and I pull away from Stefan. Where is Lotta? I see her leaving the room with Katy, my body moves, and I feel myself shifting.

Reaching them, I grip Lotta’s dress in my teeth and pull her behind me, a growl erupting from within my throat.

“Oh, little sister, I was only repaying the favour. You took something I loved that you didn’t even want. I was taking something you love that I don’t care for,” her words have me growling, and Stefan jumps in front of me.

“Lock her up,” he points towards Katy. “She’s safe, Harlyn,” he whispers to me. “The celebration is over; everyone can leave.” Stefan looks behind me, and I hear people leaving, but the whispers about my wolf are loud.

“Lucy, mother, can you watch the pups, please?” Stefan asks, and I hear them agreeing and leaving. “Stay as your wolf. I’ll shift, and we will run. Then hopefully, it helps unlock your wolf more when you’re not shifted.” He looks from me to a maid. Ensure there are some clothes for Harlyn at the south point.” He walks to the door and out, and I follow. A short while later, he stops.

I stay in my wolf form and watch as he removes his clothes. I probably shouldn’t be ogling his body with my eyes right now, but it’s hard to look away as he strips entirely. He shifts, and my mind is still picturing him naked. Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I look at him, my eyes widening. I can’t remember his wolf being so big.

Harlyn, I can hear every thought. The ones about me naked and how big my wolf is, you need to try and close your mind off, so I only hear what you want me.

His words are in my head, but I don’t know how to do that yet. He begins running forward, telling me to follow, so I do. I get lost in the feel of my wolf, last time, I ran to escape. I didn’t focus on my wolf.

This time, I am, and it feels nice. I’m conscious of how long we have been running, and it has to have been hours before he stops, and I notice the spot.

It’s the place he brought me the other day. He tells me to shift back, and I watch as he does. Shifting back myself, I sit next to him, my head resting on his shoulder.

“I didn’t know that you had been removed from classes about wolves; it was only after you left with Wayne that your father explained you wouldn’t know what to do with your wolf as you were removed from the classes,” he explains, and I nod.

“I don’t care about that anymore; I can still learn what I need to,” I say, and he nods.

“Starting tomorrow, I will help train you so you can control when you shift and how much, along with this,” he taps my head and smirks.

“I didn’t know you would hear my thoughts when I shifted. Can all the wolves?” I hadn’t even considered that.

“No, just your mate has unlimited access if you don’t lock it. Don’t worry. No one else heard your words about my body,” he laughs, and I groan.

Moving, I climb onto his body, his hands stopping me. “We should wait until we’re married.” His words make me laugh.

“We already had sex, Stefan, so just shut up and kiss me,” I argue, and he does. His tongue forces itself into my mouth, and I moan as my body moves to lower myself onto his shaft.

“Harlyn...” he growls and pulls away from the kiss.

“Your Majesty...” I say mockingly while I smirk at him. “Shut up, it’s happening,” his eyes widen at my words, and he chuckles. His arm wraps around my back as he pulls me closer, his mouth capturing mine again.

I begin moving my hips faster, hearing his groans of pleasure. Pushing him back so he’s lying, my body stays over his as I roll my hips. My lips capture his as I grind down against him, making him groan louder.

The feel of his hand tangling into my hair makes me smile as he pulls me to him so his lips can capture mine. I get lost in the moment of pleasure as his mouth moves to my neck.

“I want you to claim me, Stefan,” my words are panted as our hips continue moving against each other.

“Now?” His word is mumbled against my neck as I moan yes. My body shudders as I feel his teeth scrape across my neck before sinking in. My hips speed up as I get lost in the pleasure of him. The sting of him claiming me melts away into ecstasy.

The feel of his tongue sweeping across the bite and sealing it has me squirming in his arms. He pulls me back to him so his mouth is against mine, his hips thrusting slower and harder, driving me crazy.

“Claim me, Harlyn,” his words are whispered against my lips, and I wonder if I heard him right. His hips continue moving as his hands hold me against him. “Now, Harlyn,” he growls.

“Your Majest-” my words are cut off by his hand.

“Don’t call me that, don’t do that Harlyn, we’re fucking and you’re going to address me as the king?” he looks at me hurt, it’s habit. One I need to get out of.

“Sorry,” my word is quiet, and he kisses me, “but you’re the king, and you being marked won’t look right.” It’s rare for a woman to bite a man. I’m not sure it’s the best look for a king.

His hands stroke along my body. “I don’t care, Harlyn. So claim me and make me yours,” he presses his lips against mine, and I moan as his hips move faster. His hand tangles into my hair briefly before releasing it.

My lips kiss down his jaw to his neck and shoulder; opening my mouth, I sink my teeth into his flesh. His hips quicken as I feel his hands turn to paws as he grips me and holds me against him, which only makes my teeth sink in deeper, and his thrusts become more demanding.

He groans my name loudly, and pleasure swirls within me as I orgasm, my tongue sweeping across the mark on him as I feel him swell inside of me. His hips thrust harder and deeper as I try and pull away before he stops.

“Stefan,” I moan, feeling myself locked to him in all ways. “Why would you do that?” I ask, and his hand strokes slowly across my back.

It was just sheer luck that I got pregnant that night, and now, well, I’m certainly going to be. Werewolves have the ability to knot, but it almost always is used to get someone pregnant; it’s rare it doesn’t lead to pregnancy.

His tongue strokes over my neck. “I didn’t mean to,” he says before kissing up my neck. “You claiming me made it happen, and I had no control,” his words end as he bites against my jaw lightly. I settle in his arms, and decide to give up on the argument, it makes no difference now.

For half an hour, we lay in each other’s arms in silence, and it was perfect. I have to fight to keep myself awake, as exhaustion seems to want to wash me away.

“I swear I didn’t do it on purpose,” he looks at me with a worried expression.

Leaning forward, I kiss him. “It’s fine. It was a shock at first, but it’s fine, honestly,” I say as I kiss him. “Let’s get back.” I shift and watch as he does.

The run back is slow, more because I’m exhausted and ready to sleep. We stop by the clothes and shift back, his hand holding out a shirt.

“Just put that on,” he says, and I put on his shirt, his arms wrapping around me as he carries me the rest of the way to the palace and I fall asleep in his arms.

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