Pregnant And Rejected By My Alpha Mate: Part 1

: Chapter 5

Selene’s POV

‘Three years should give you enough time to adjust to freedom, and your status as an Alpha’s spouse will guarantee you lifelong protection even if we don’t stay together. You would be free to choose another mate.’ Bastien confirms.

In that moment a flip switches inside me, and the riot of emotions threatening to surge forward shuts off, leaving me feeling blissfully numb. ‘If that’s what you want.’ I hear myself say.

“I think it’s for the best.’ Bastien sounds very far away, and I turn back to the mirror, staring at the stranger again. The light is gone from her eyes now, and I wonder how it ever appeared in the first place.

My future is clear now. The ray of hope I’ve slowly cultivated over the last few weeks is beginning to flicker; if I can’t win over Bastien before our contract ends, I will lose my new lifeline.

Three Years Later

The steady woosh woosh of an ultrasound machine fills the small exam room.

A faint thumping noise joins the alien sounds of the equipment, and the doctor seated between my legs grins up at me, “And there’s the heartbeat.”

“That is, without a doubt, the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.” I whisper.

“I’m going to be a mother.” I breathe in blissful disbelief.

I can’t wait to tell Bastien.

It hadn’t taken me long to fall head over heels for Bastien.

I love Bastien because he is kind and gentle when he does not have to be; because he would sacrifice anything for the members of his pack. I love him because he is every bit as smart and funny as he is protective and brave, because he makes me feel like no one else ever has or ever will.

I have to remind myself that Bastien had already found love when we met, with a woman who did not need constant comfort and coddling; a woman who was his equal. It’s no wonder that he’s always held me at arms length, never opening up, never letting me in.

I haven’t succeeded in making him love me, at least, not in the way I love him. Yet we’ve been so happy lately, happy enough that I decided to propose extending the contract on our anniversary.

I don’t want to be selfish, I don’t want Bastien to settle for me if I’m not truly what he wants – but if there’s a chance he could want me, I have to take it.

On my way home I stop to buy groceries, planning a special dinner for my announcement. I go all out, purchasing good wine even though I can’t drink it, as well as the best cuts of meat and the most decadent dessert I can find.

I eye the clock as I drive home, hoping I can beat Bastien there and sneak the goods upstairs. Though the Alpha’s family and their Betas all live in the pack house with a number of enforcers, official pack business occurs in the government building next door. Some smaller packs might be able to do everything from their central house, but the Novas outgrew the space centuries ago.

Bastien and I live in a private apartment on the top floor, giving us the option to gather and spend our days with the rest of the house or hole up on our own. Tonight is definitely a hole up kind of night.

I’ve been grinning like a fool ever since leaving the doctor’s office, I can’t recall ever feeling this light. I practiced sharing the news while I drove, cycling through a number of strategies before deciding to simply tell Bastien without games or pretense.

Butterflies flutter rapidly in my belly as I climb the stairs, my body thrumming with anticipation. I have to juggle the bags in my arms to reach the door handle, but eventually manage.

The ecstatic smile slips from my face the moment I walk in.

Bastien is already there, waiting for me. He’s sitting alone in the darkened living room, a tumbler of amber liquid clasped in his large fist and a severe frown dominating his handsome face.

I pull up short, eyeing him warily. His eyes glow silver, an unmistakable sign that his wolf is vying for control. I set down my bags and hesitantly approach my husband.

“Bastien?” I broach carefully. “Is everything alright?”

“Have a seat Selene.” The rich base of his voice is rough and emotionless.

I do as he says, perching on the edge of the couch, my spine ramrod straight. I know all at once what’s coming. I can see my hopes and dreams crashing around me as if they were real, rather than figments of my imagination. Love letters and wedding rings, ultrasound photos and baby carriages, children’s toys and tiny shoes– all litter the ground at my feet.

I’m afraid to speak. I know there’s no changing Bastien’s mind once it’s been made, but some delusional part of my brain still imagines the inevitable outcome might change if I do or say the right thing.

His fathomless eyes hold me captive, staring through me as the silence drags on. It stretches for so long I have to fight the urge to squirm in my seat. Normally Bastien enjoys making me squirm, but this is different. This isn’t a wolf playing with his food, this is an apex predator going in for the kill.

Finally he speaks. “I know our anniversary isn’t until tomorrow,” He begins gravely, “but I can’t put this off any longer.”

If Garrick taught me one useful skill it was how to hide my feelings for the sake of my own self-preservation. Bastien would never weaponize my emotions the way Garrick had, but I don’t want him to know how badly this will hurt me, not when I already feel so foolish. I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been, how naive.

“Tomorrow I’m going to have my father put things in motion for our rejection ceremony.”

His phone begins ringing, and before I can even respond, he accepts the call and raises the device to his ear. ‘Hey Bella,’ He greets warmly, rising from the sofa and striding past me as if I’m completely invisible. I can hear the distant tinkle of feminine laughter on the other end of the line, He chuckles as he leaves the room, not waiting to see what I’ll say or how I’ll react to his announcement.

The coldness of his behavior cuts me to the core. I’d been prepared for bad news, but I never expected my husband to be so heartless. It’s clear now what’s happening, and as usual it seems I’m the last to know. Bastien is leaving me for Arabella, and the last thing he wants – other than me – is a baby born by a pathetic halfling.

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