
Chapter 22: Undivided Attention


I hope Rika and Sasha buy me whatever I want for dinner when we wrap this group date outing. Helping them pretend to be novices at archery by using my metal manipulation skills to nudge their arrows off-course—thank the powers that be that this archery range uses metal-tipped arrows—while flubbing my own shots is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do in the field. Constant concentration, constantly alert—I can’t even find much energy to spare on flirting with Callum, which is a shame, because he’s the one we most need to be distracted. When he’s not focused on his target down range, more often than not he’s watching Sasha and Drake, and I don’t like the look in his eyes, like he’s trying to decide whether or not he should interfere in their relationship.

And for the sake of our mission, that can’t happen. Drake is so into her it’s not even funny. It’s actually kind of nauseating to watch them together. Between my efforts to throw her shots off-course and her own considerable acting abilities, she’s convinced him that she needs a refresher on even the most basic archery skills. Seems like every time I look over there, he’s touching her, correcting her grip or her posture or something, and she looks for all the world like she’s enjoying it.

She probably deserves a treat or an award for the work she’s doing today, too. Rika might be the only one who doesn’t get to complain today. She’s mostly been arguing with Xander, and I think the two of them are in some sort of a competition at this point. Granted, he’s dead aggravating, but dealing with him seems less exhausting than what Sasha and I are doing, taking into account that no one here is free from listening to their inane bickering. But while she’s got him distracted like this, he won’t interfere with Drake and Sasha or conspire with Callum. All the better for us. Even that thought, though, is not consolation enough to keep me from throwing some of Xander’s shots off-course, along with my teammates’ and my own. A petty sort of revenge, rather than part of the mission, but oh so satisfying.

My lane is clear again, and I fire a shot of my own, accidentally landing it near the center of the target. Drat. I’ll do worse next time.

“What’re you ladies playing at?” Callum asks me, his voice low, from the lane next to mine.

“What do you mean?” I reply, playing coy, but then he gestures at the near-bullseye arrow in my target and my heart sinks.

“You’ve done this before. All three of you have, I’d guess. Several times.”

“And what if we have?” I glance around, concerned that the others will overhear, but there seems to be little chance of that. Xander whoops and hollers every time one of his arrows hits an “organ” on his deer-shaped target, Rika periodically barks at him to be quiet, and Drake’s attention is entirely focused on correcting Sasha’s shooting form…again.

“Why you tryna play the fool, then? Why not show off your skills? Don’t make no sense.”

“I dunno. Got the impression that one of your friends might be pretty peeved if a girl totally showed him up at something like this.” I nod towards Xander, who’s currently collecting his arrows. Rika catches my eye and mimes trying to snipe him, and it’s all I can do not to react.

“That’s his problem, not yours.”

“Glad you think so, but he kinda seems the type to make it everyone’s problem. And we had a feeling that wouldn’t make for the most…romantic environment.”

I look back towards Sasha and Drake, and I know Callum is doing the same. Currently, Drake is standing close behind Sasha, guiding her arms through the motions to fire a perfect shot. I think her back might actually be touching his chest. This has to be killing her inside, letting him do this. I’ve seen her land a bullseye blindfolded, for fuck’s sake. But wonder of wonders, she looks like she’s enjoying the time and proximity with him, even thanking him for the help.

“Is she into him?” Callum inquires after watching them for a few moments.

“It certainly seems like it,” I answer with a shrug, lining up and firing another shot towards my target. This one is more off-base. Excellent.

“But she ain’t said so to you.”

“In all the time I’ve known her, Nikki has never prioritized romance. Angel and I keep trying to get her dates, but she’s always studying or dealing with family issues.” I sigh, really playing up the melodrama. “She’s definitely been texting him a lot, but I don’t think she knows her own feelings or how to be in a relationship. I think the potential is definitely there, though, don’t you?”

“Oh, I see potential, all right. That ain’t the issue. Thing is, Drake ain’t lookin’ for some short-term thing, y’know? He’s lookin’ for the real deal.”

“These things take time.” I look away from him to take another crappy shot at my target, glancing towards Rika as I do so just in time to nudge the arrow she’s just loosed slightly off-course. A moment later, Sasha fires a solo shot, without Drake touching her in any capacity, and lands her arrow in the dead center of the target.

“Hey, look at you! That was perfect,” he congratulates her. His smile lights up his whole face.

“Thanks to you. You’re a good teacher,” she blushes. From here, it seems like she’s too shy to meet his eyes. Holy shit, she’s good. Best acting performance I’ve ever seen from her. Although, in fairness, I don’t often get to see her work in the field like this. Typically work like this falls to Rika and me, and Sasha handles the messy bits, after we have all the intel we need to confirm that WASP policy has been violated and an execution is necessary.

“Maybe you right,” Callum shakes his head, still watching Drake and Sasha be cute together. “But…if I can ask a favor?”

“I mean, you can ask. I’ll decide whether or not to grant it based on what you have in mind.”

“S’pose that’s fair. Please…tell her if she ain’t serious about him, to let him down easy and dip out now.”

I don’t think I realized how much these guys care about each other, or at least, how much Callum cares about Drake. Pack bonds run deep, deeper than any bromance I’ve ever seen.

“You’re a good friend. He’s lucky to have you.”

“That ain’t the point. Will you tell her?”

“Sure, I’ll tell her.” No harm in that. She and Rika and I are almost certainly gonna discuss the hell out of this outing as soon as we’re in the SUV headed home, anyway. “But what if she doesn’t know what she wants yet?”

“Then…I guess we all just stuck until they figure themselves out.”

“Aw, don’t make it sound like that. I thought we were having a good time together, all six of us.”

“Don’t play. Ain’t none of you keen on Xander, and it don’t take no skill to see it.”

“To be fair, he’s spent most of our interactions droning on about metal music or gloating about his prowess as an archer. I’m sure he has some redeeming qualities, since you and Drake keep him around. We just haven’t seen them yet.”

To my surprise, Callum actually chuckles. “You ain’t wrong. He ain’t been his best self, when we been hangin’ out. But be honest. If Drake and Nikki wasn’t into each other, would we even be doin' this?”

“Maybe. You seem like a decent guy, and you’re easy on the eyes. I wouldn’t mind getting to know you better, if you’re not opposed to the idea.”

“What you mean by that?”

“Exactly what I said. I want to get to know you better.”

“Like…how, though? Friends? Friends with benefits? Somethin’ else?”

“Whatever strikes your fancy, just so long as you’re not looking for ‘the real deal,’ as you put it. I don’t believe in monogamy.” At least, not with men. He doesn’t need to know that Rika has my heart.

He smirks, but he’s avoiding my eyes. Maybe I have him on the ropes. At the very least, I have his undivided attention.

“Straight to the point. Honest. I like that,” he remarks after a few awkward seconds.

“Enough to tell me what you’re down for?”

“For real, I ain’t sure.” There’s more to it, but that’s fine; it’s not like I’m being nearly as honest as he thinks I am, either. “You down to just keep talkin’ and see where things go?”

“Fine by me.”

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