Power Awakens

Chapter 6

The Abbot of Tongsai Monastery entered the main reception room for the seventh time in his life. At the age of fifty-eight Kyoto had mastered all the known martial forms and over eighty weapons. His only failure had been the mastery of the ancient mind techniques of Majee, he was merely a Profent level Majee.

Kyoto over his long years had managed to hone his senses to a high state of enhancement. Due to his fitness and speed it appeared to others that he had somehow managed to slow the advancement of age, he still looked in his late forties and moved with the grace of a man in his late twenties. Kyoto knew this was only the perception of others as he often felt the onset of his ageing body affect his practice of the martial forms. It was only his extreme will power and dedication to the martial forms and mind techniques that kept the stiffness and mildly arthritic joints from slowing him down to the level of most of the humans on Cromus. Kyoto refused to let age affect him, he was striving for perfection and nothing was going to stop him, of course he knew that the reality of time would eventually take its toll on his body. But for the time being he was happy to keep striving for something he knew he could never achieve. Kyoto still chuckled whenever he heard that someone thought of him in his forties.

Kyoto looked around the room with awe, although his senses were attuned to an astonishingly high degree, he found that this room just defied reasoning. Light appeared to come from nowhere and everywhere. It was as bright as a sunny day but it didn’t glare or feel overly bright. There was always a constant hum in the background and the window that wasn’t a window just defied logic. He knew it showed the garden outside the tower as he could see his horse feeding on the bag of grain he had left it, yet he also knew this room was deep underground. There was a floating globe in the centre of the room, slowly spinning on its axis and unsupported by anything he could determine, it was easily the width of his arms spread out from the tip of his left hand to the tip of his right. He knew the globe was a perfect representation of Cromus as he had studied it on previous visits, the closer he looked at it the greater the detail, and he was always totally awestruck by the majesty of that globe. Mysteries within mysteries, he had come to realise over the years that he loved this room.

As his master turned to look at Kyoto, once again Kyoto was amazed at the way his master’s aura blazed like the sun. To Kyoto’s enhanced senses, his master was unlike any other leaving creature he had encountered. Kyoto always felt a sense of awe when he was in the presence of his master.

A deep and powerful voice entered his mind ’The time is near Kyoto.’

“Yes Master, but I am still unsure what the Haittee role will be in this, are the Probability Matrices any clearer?”

Yes my friend, they are coalescing enough for the lesser minds amongst us to determine a pattern. However, you are still not ready for this burden, too much knowledge may sway you from the path. Rudjow is your path to enlightenment. You must stick to the Way of the Warrior.’

“Yes master, can you tell me what I need to do, is the Nexii near?“

There are four Kyoto, you must protect them, but above all you must protect the one. His name is Jaac Vardis, he is yet a boy, but he is in great danger. The creatures of the Elvan’s have sent a Demolt. It will be upon him in two days. You must contact Osakee, he can make it in less than two days and he must protect the boy.’

“I thought the Demolt were extinct, they are virtually indestructible”

″Not so Kyoto there are two Demolt on this planet and seven elsewhere that I can sense through the gate, a Demolt is nothing to me, I could destroy one with a thought if it was within a hundred paces of me. However this one is over a thousand leagues from here and I am not ready to announce myself to the world, it is too early and my Nemesis is better prepared. Soon though, soon, in the meantime Osakee will have to deal with it. He is almost as strong as you. I want him to take Harvester; it has been a long time since Harvester has been unsheathed. The power in the Blade is still as keen as it was when it was first made over three thousand years ago.”

“Yes Master. Harvester in the hands of a blade master like Osakee should be enough. However I am still concerned, are there no vulnerable spots on a Demolt? They are said to have incredible self healing powers, that is what makes them virtually indestructible, they just self regenerate where ever they get damaged.″

There is a weak spot under the belly of the beast where its sensor pods meet its spine. It will be difficult but Jaac and Osakee will just have to find a way or all is lost. You also need to go to him Kyoto, he will need you and all your resources if he is to survive and he must survive Kyoto, all rests on this young boy and his friends, he is the Nexii. The Probabilities all converge on him and on the Quad."

“Yes Master, I will set off tomorrow with all the Haittee priests in this hemisphere of Cromus and I will take half of the best Acolytes. Will we meet again Master?”

You know I will not answer that Kyoto, have faith in the Balance.”

“I know Master my apologies” Kyoto bowed “Balance to you” were his parting words.

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