Power Awakens

Chapter 19

The room just didn’t seem as interesting anymore, Taegan tried to be social and danced with a few more of her fathers soldiers, but she found herself going through the motions and not really engaging with anyone.. Leah came over flushed and laughing “Willem is such a good dancer” she gushed, “I could have danced all night, but I saw you had a long line of dance partners, even the Nexii, what was it like dancing with him, he looked all broody.”

“He was fine” Taegan said quickly, she still wasn’t ready to confess her feelings “I am tired Leah and am ready to retire, no please don’t worry yourself. I can undress myself. Stay Leah, and dance with Willem again. I will see you in the morning.”

Leah looked confused as Taegan turned to leave, it wasn’t like her at all to be first to leave one of her fathers parties. Taegan always loved the attention. She thought but Leah let her be and turned back to find Willem for another dance.

As Taegan left the dining hall, she felt that some fresh air would be good, but wanting to avoid the crowds she made her way to her fathers private garden, she loved this small walled garden that only the family could use, it was full of roses and herbs, the smells intoxicated the senses especially on a balmy night in the middle of summer. As she made her way down the garden to her favourite seat at the bottom she felt as if someone was looking at her, she turned but in the shadows could see nothing. She turned again and ahead of her that intense light for a moment like the sun had come out. Her eyes felt blind in the dark “Who is there” she called “Jaac is that you?”

“How did you know?” He whispered.

“Your aura, I keep catching glimpses of it and its blinding. Please I can’t see properly can you guide me to the seat”

“Sorry, of course, sorry, your father said I could use his garden, but I am sorry to have disturbed you” Jaac tripped over his words “Yours is the same you know, I keep getting flashes of light around you even when its dark.”

“Really! Willem was explaining to me earlier this evening, he said it is because of my talent for Majee that I can see yours, it must be the same with you too.” Taegan managed to sit down and make out Jaac sitting next to her.

“I see things sometimes, you know. It’s been happening more and more often, like I get a feeling for what might happen. Me, Tem and Ainy fighting battles, Tem with a proper sword! But mostly I see you, I didn’t know it was you before Naming day, but its definitely you.”

“What, how could you see me before you even knew me, that’s just weird” It scared Taegan what Jaac was telling her but somewhere deep inside it resonated, she knew he was telling the truth. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” She blurted out “I don’t know why, I just know somehow this is right, us talking, us being together”

“You feel it too?” Jaac was incredulous, ever since they had met she was invading his thoughts, they all led back to her, intoxicating, he could smell the delicate perfume around her, just as he had when they were dancing. “Taegan, I know I have to leave tomorrow, but I also know that sometime in the future we have something important that we have to do together, that we will meet again, does that make sense?” He was so hesitant, every word seemingly dragged from his mouth. “I don’t fully understand, but I won’t forget you Taegan, and we will be meeting again, I promise. I need to go.” Jaac stood to leave. “Take care of yourself Taegan, you will be one of the greatest women this Kingdom has ever seen, I’m sure of it, and we need to be together again in the future”

Her words stuck in her throat, she felt so sad, to have found him and then for him to walk away again so quickly, she looked up into his eyes, and she had a sudden revelation that she would love this man, even though they had just met and she didn’t even know him. Leah talked about soul mates, was this it? She wanted to know him, she wanted to know every fibre of him, yet she knew with a certainty that he had to leave, and it was right that he should go. She stood to speak, “Jaac?” He put his finger to her lips, the touch of him was like electric. She could see from his face he felt the same way and that soothed her wounded heart, the look in his eyes.

“I won’t forget you Taegan” and he kissed her, quickly, just a touch, lip to lip, but she had never felt anything like it, she sat down hard and when she looked up he was gone.

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