Power Awakens

Chapter 15

Jaac woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It was soft and deep, with a smell of clean linen. It was unlike anything Jaac had ever slept on before. This must be how the nobility live, thought Jaac.

Jaac couldn’t remember much that was talked about that night, he did remember feeling sad about learning that he had to leave Bowltown, they all did, they all had Nexii taints (whatever that meant) and he, Jaac was a Nexii (just what did that mean), he was all confused, and sad. He had two days to say goodbye to his Ma and Lily and his other friends and family. But on the other hand it was a bit of an adventure.

His Da and his Uncle Eddick were also to go on a Journey, after travelling with Jaac and his friends to Mank, Eddick and his Da had been commissioned to find out more about the reasons why Jaac and Bowltown had been attacked. He was heading off to the Westron Mountain Haittee Monastery to search the extensive Library there and engage the new Abbot with instructions from Osakee. Petrek also had leave to travel with Eddick for up to twelve months on full pay, but with limited expenses, to go wherever his quests lead him. Jaac’s Ma and Lily had been called to the fort and they had spent an evening eating food like Jaac had never tasted before, for once his sister had been subdued, almost nice to him, she was a bit overwhelmed at being in the Fort he supposed. Jaac’s Ma had cried on and off all night, changing between being so proud of her son going off on adventures and wanting to keep Jaac safe at home. He was gonna miss his Ma, for all she had a tendency to smother him, but at least Lily would be here to keep her company.

Osakee had explained that Jaac, Tem, Ainy and Mort were all extremely important to the survival of Bruk and indeed the entire planet of Cromus. Osakee had been given specific instructions to accompany and protect Jaac and his friends. These instructions had come direct from the Head of his order on Cromus, who was traveling to Bruk as he spoke. However, it would take up to six months for Kyoto, his Master, to arrive. They were bringing hundreds of Haittee Priests and Acolytes, all to protect Jaac, the boys and the Nexii Prophecy.

This was unheard of, throughout the history of Cromus, no more than half a dozen Haittee Priests or Acolytes were ever seen together. Even though they where renown as the best Warriors on the Planet. The Acolytes where well known to be the best practitioners of the Martial Arts on Cromus, when they reached a certain level of competence they where then granted Priesthood Status. The Haittee Priesthood were said to have at least four Masters of Rudjitsow, the equivalent of a Master Sorcerer who had mastered Majee, the ability to manipulate Majee.

Although Rudjitsow was the ability to manipulate the Martial forms, making them faster and stronger, there were many different forms to Master, varying forms of weapons and hand-to-hand combat techniques. Jaac remembered Osakee saying only the Naj had more Masters. The Naj were a Warrior Race from the Greater Empire of Naj, covering over a third of the surface of Cromus. The Naj where rumoured to have over fifty Masters, but these were only rumours, Osakee seemed to know much more than he let on, but he wasn’t questioned any further. The primary Martial Form of the Naj was the art of Kudo or Sword. The whole enormous Empire was based on a Feudal System and Martial System, those who excelled at Rudjitsow, in particular Kudo, rose high and fast in that society. Jaac clearly remembered this bit of information because of the discussion the Archduke had with his father.

Jaac overheard the Archduke saying that the best Sorcerers on Cromus were in Naj, along with the best Warriors, if the boys Tem and Jaac were to be the best that is where they would have to go, eventually.

This was all he needed, thought Jaac, Mank was over a weeks ride away, but Osakee had said that Naj was over a months ride to the border, and then another months ride to the Capital, and the only reason this was so short was because the Capital was in the Northern part of the Empire, it was a further twelve months ride to the Southern most part of the Empire. How could anything be this big? What was he going to do? He didn’t want to travel all that way, he didn’t want to be away from his family.

He had never known anyone to travel so far. He didn’t want to be the best at anything. Jaac just sat there on the edge of his bed, head in his hands, warring emotions of adventure and dread of the unknowns flitting through his mind just then. Slowly seeping through his self absorbed thoughts was a familiar scent, he could smell bacon, as he rose from the bed he quickly dressed, opened the thick oak wooden door, and stepped outside, yes, definitely bacon, thought Jaac. All previous thoughts seemed to melt away as he made his way to the eating hall, the aroma of bacon becoming stronger as he walked, no matter what else was going on Jaac could always rely on his stomach to make him feel better.

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