
: Chapter 5

Ethan’s house was more modern than she’d thought it would be. Leather sofas and black furniture filled the den. A flat screen TV was attached on the wall above a fireplace. An empty beer can was the only thing on the coffee table.

Mitsy jumped from her arms and explored the new place without pause.

Ethan tossed his keys on the kitchen counter and headed for the fridge. “I need a beer. Can I get you something to drink?”

“I’m fine.” She shrugged out of her coat and placed it on the back of one of his chairs.

Once they both sat down, Ethan ran a hand through his hair. “Ghosts?”

“Hard to believe, but yeah.” He obviously wasn’t going to blame the mess in her house on the cat.

“Do they always leave such a mess?”

Questions were a good sign that he believed her.

“No. Most of them are lost. I know it sounds clichéd, but they’re looking for the light. Heaven. Whatever you want to believe.”

“The one that’s at your house can’t find the light?”

She shivered. “I don’t think he’s headed that way. I’m not sure how he’s escaped hell, so far, but he wasn’t a nice man in life and certainly doesn’t deserve rainbows and fluffy clouds throughout eternity.”

“You sound like you knew him. Who was he?” Ethan twisted the top off his beer and finished half the bottle in one gulp. His eyes never left hers.

“I don’t know who he was.”

“Yet, you’re sure he belongs in hell.”

Lauren thought of the fading bruise on her thigh. “I’m sure,” she murmured.

Ethan paused in thought, then said, “How long has he been in your house?”

“A couple of weeks, maybe more.” Her dreams of Ethan had started long before she started waking up in cold rooms. It was hard to pinpoint when the ghost started to visit her dreams.

“How come you didn’t leave, Lauren? I’d think living with a ghost that messes up your house would scare the crap out of you.”

“This is the first time he’s moved anything in my place. I was just as shocked as you were when we opened the door to find it that way.”

What if they’d been in there when it happened? Could he have thrown a knife at her? Or Ethan?

“Then how did you know he’s evil? There’s something you’re not telling me.”

Unable to sit still, Lauren stood and walked toward Ethan’s kitchen. “I think I’ll take that drink now.” She didn’t really care for beer, but she needed a little liquid courage if their conversation dipped into what the ghost was doing to her.

Ethan followed her, took the beer she’d removed from the refrigerator, and twisted off the cap for her. She wrinkled her nose at the taste.

“You don’t like beer?”

Lauren glanced around the kitchen. “I don’t see any vodka so this will have to do.”

After another swig, Ethan took the beer from her trembling hand and set the bottle on the counter.

His strong, capable arms pulled her body against his. He shivered along with her and sighed when she rested her head on his chest.

“I’m sorry,” she told him.

“What are you sorry about?”

“I didn’t want this to come out this way. I wish I’d never seen a ghost. I didn’t ask for this in my life. And I didn’t want this to touch you in any way.”

Ethan cradled her head in his hands and gazed into her eyes. Emotion swirled in his expression. “Earlier tonight you said you have strong feelings for me.”

She nodded.

“I suggested we take things slow and stay honest with each other.”

“I remember.”

“You opened up and told me about seeing things I can’t. I would have thought you needed a psychiatrist if the ghost hadn’t left a mess like he did. If the ghost hadn’t shown up, you wouldn’t have said a thing to me.”

“I would have, eventually.” She looked away.

“When, Lauren?”


He forced her eyes to meet his. “After we made love?”

“Probably. I don’t know when. There’s never a right time to tell someone about this. I’ve lived with this my entire adult life. Trust me when I say there aren’t many people who believe you when you say you see dead people.”

Ethan let out a little laugh.

Lauren smiled and let the nerves that had ruled her mind over the past hour fade away.

Their eyes met and held. Ethan lowered his lips to hers in a soft, understanding kiss. Good Lord, he felt so good. For the first time ever, Lauren let her guard down and allowed herself to hope. Ethan knew about her secret and still kissed her like he wanted her.

His hands feathered down her back and pulled her closer. Her body heated and her insides fluttered with desire. The pure masculine scent of him washed over her. “You smell so good,” Lauren whispered against his mouth.

“You taste even better.” Ethan flicked his tongue across her lips, allowing the kiss to continue. His tongue dueled with hers until he hardened so thoroughly there would be no doubt to Lauren how much he wanted her.

What a night! Part of him knew before he’d stepped into her house that they would end up in bed, but he had no idea how much would happen between dinner and goodnight.

As he tugged at the buttons of her shirt, removing it, he marveled at her pale skin in the light cast from his living room. He leaned over and kissed her neck. A cascade of beautiful red hair brushed over her shoulder. He licked her collarbone and nipped it gently.

So she sees ghosts. How bad could that be? It sure beat the hell out of being crazy. He pushed her lacy bra strap down her arm, found the clasp behind her, and let her breasts free. The rosy pink tips of her nipples hardened and begged him to taste them. When his tongue lapped one anxious breast, her hand swept over his ass, pulling his hips and his erection between her legs. He had never been so keenly aware of a woman in his entire life.

Before he took her on the kitchen floor, he said, “Let’s move this to my room.”

“Good idea.”

He led her into his bedroom, and while she watched patiently, smiling, he took a moment to light two candles on each side of his bed.

Her eyes were soft with passion, her skin pale beneath the candle light. He pulled his sweater over his head and kicked off his shoes.

As she finished undressing, he held himself back, and only after she’d stepped out of her pants, did he dare move to touch her again.

She stepped into his arms, running a hand through the hair on his chest. When she brushed over his nipple, she gave it a little pinch sending pulses of electricity straight to his groin.

He caught her lips again, demanding and full of need. His erection strained under his boxers and rested against her flat stomach.

“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he murmured before bending down to take her straining nipple into his mouth.

“Oh, Ethan,” Lauren groaned and went limp in his arms.

He guided her to the bed and lying beside her, stroked her delicate skin, memorizing each curve and crevice. Her hands strained to remove the rest of his clothes. Desperate to be skin to skin with her, he helped. Then when he was naked, he concentrated on removing the last slip of clothing covering her sex.

When her hand traveled down the hard plains of his chest, and rested on his erection, Ethan stilled. Her soft touch sent a tremor of lust through him. In seconds, her gentle strokes left him gasping for control. “If you keep that up, I won’t last.”

She giggled, but didn’t stop. Not until he managed to grasp her wrists in one hand and tease her sensitive flesh with his other.

Hot and incredibly moist, Ethan caressed and explored. He passed over the tight bundle of nerves at her entrance again and again until he found the rhythm she needed. He kissed her neck and stroked her sex, intent on taking her over the edge.

Her red hair sprawled out over her pillow just as he imagined, her eyes closed, and her mouth opened as he pushed her closer. When she cried out her release, he captured her lips with a kiss.

As she drifted back, her satisfied smile met his.

She didn’t say anything. She simply pulled him closer.

He accepted every touch until he couldn’t wait any longer. Ethan reached for his pants, removed the foil packet from his wallet, and quickly sheathed himself.

Lauren welcomed him back to her arms and opened her legs in silent invitation.

As he looked down on her perfect body, Ethan knew he’d found his heaven here on earth. Slowly he slipped inside of her tight body, eyes locked with hers. “You’re going to have to get used to me, Lauren.”

He pulled out and plunged again, each time more powerfully than the last. Her fingers brushed over his hair, forcing his lips to hers. Their soulful kiss mimicked the movements of their bodies, until neither one could catch their breaths. Ethan waited until he felt her body strain against his, until her muscles constricted around him. Then, he couldn’t hold back. With help from her orgasm, he erupted, pumping inside her until he was spent.


Tangled in each other’s arms, Ethan stroked her hair as they regained their breath.

Making love with Ethan was nothing like it had ever been before for her. Something emotional was developing between them. She wanted to hold onto it, for as long as she could.

“That was…” Oh, God, what could she say without scaring him away.

“Powerful,” he concluded for her.

“Yes, powerful and wonderful.”

He drew lazy circles on her hip while they talked.

“Today has been full of firsts for me,” she told him.

“If you tell me you’ve never had an orgasm…”

She batted her hand against his chest in a playful slap. “No. That’s not what I meant. But you are the only man I’ve slept with after I’ve told them about my…gift.”


“Most run away. Don’t look back.”

“No, I mean really you think of seeing ghosts as a gift?”

She brushed her fingers over his chest. “Most days seeing ghosts isn’t a problem. They float in…out. They ask me to tell their loved ones to let go. I know I’m helping people in their darkest hours when I can communicate with the dead.”

“Have you ever considered going into the psychic business? Posing as a gypsy even?”

She laughed. “There was a time in college I thought about it.”

“What stopped you?”

“Do you know what kind of guys gypsies attract?”

“Good point.”

Lauren rested her head against his chest.

Her head grew heavy, the day so intense that she needed a long, deep sleep.

“Do you mind if I stay the night?”

Mitsy jumped up on the bed, startling them both. The cat meowed, turned in a complete circle, and then snuggled into a spot sandwiched between their bodies.

“I wouldn’t let you go back to your house with that thing there if you begged me. We need to get rid of him.”

“I know,” she sighed. Sleep reached for her. “I’m working on it.”

“We. We are working on it.”

We. God, that sounded good.


Lauren had nothing to work with. Ethan didn’t even have flour in his kitchen. It looked like cold cereal and cinnamon toast would have to do.

She thought about their night and their morning together as she worked her way around Ethan’s kitchen. Waking in his bed, his arms, was a first. She wasn’t lying when she said the night held many firsts for her. Nothing killed a relationship faster than telling your lover that you are a ghost whisperer.

Dipping her cup under the dripping coffee maker, Lauren smiled to herself. It felt right having someone to talk to, to help her through this particular ghost issue.

The cell phone in her purse chirped, drawing her to it.


“Hey, Lauren, it’s me, Jennifer.”

Lauren cradled her phone and poured creamer into her coffee. “Hi.”

“I take it you’re not at home.”

“No. Things got a little hairy last night.” Lauren filled Jennifer in on what had happened and where she and Mitsy were now. “It’s safe to say that the sage isn’t going to keep this guy away for long.”

“I think I know who we’re dealing with.”

She paused and sipped her coffee. “Who?”

“Does the name Maxwell Palmer mean anything to you?”


“About a month ago Mr. Palmer, AKA dirt-bag extraordinaire, met with the wrong end of a knife in the cell he should have rotted in. He came to your ER from the state penitentiary. He died there.”

“You think he saw me?”

“It’s the only thing I can think of. Besides, his actions mimic his M.O. in life. He was serving life for the abduction and rape of over six women.”

“Oh, God.”

“Wait, it gets better. He apparently had an obsession with a girlfriend who left him. His final conviction was for her brutal attack and murder after he found her with a new boyfriend.”

The coffee settled in her stomach like a stone. Lauren sat the cup down on the counter.

“Lauren? You there?”

“I’m here,” she murmured. A chill sliced up her spine. Was it possible for a ghost to rape her? She knew the answer and forced the image out of her mind.

“So are you staying at your boyfriend’s?”

Lauren heard the water from the shower turn off. Her thoughts turned to Ethan. “I-I’m here now, but I don’t know if I’ll be staying.”

“I wouldn’t go back to the house if I were you. Not yet anyway.”

“If Palmer found me at my house, he’ll be able to find me here.” Lauren knew from experience that persistent spirits had a way of following her everywhere.

“Why don’t you give me the address where I can reach you? I have someone who might be able to help. Wait! Does your boyfriend know what’s going on?”

“He saw my house after Palmer trashed it. I’ve never seen a ghost do that before, Jennifer. I’m not afraid to admit I’m scared.”

“I know. Hang in there. I’ll be out your way in about an hour.”

Lauren flipped closed her phone and placed it in her purse.

Outside Ethan’s kitchen window, the dormant trees rustled together with the cold winter wind. They would probably be experiencing the first snow sometime in the next week.

Lauren heard the floor squeak behind her. She smiled when Ethan ran a hand down her arm.

Mitsy jumped up on the counter and hissed. Lauren sat her coffee cup down and pivoted. Her blood ran cold, and her scream split the air.

Palmer stood beside her, the impression of his hand still grasping her arm.

Ethan flew into the room with a towel draped over his hips just as Palmer grabbed hold of her hair and slammed her to the ground. Pain exploded in her head and a trickle of blood pearled on her split lip.

“Oh, Lord,” Ethan yelled and fell to his knees beside her.

As a gust of wind blew past them, Palmer left in its wake.

Lauren’s entire body trembled. Or was it Ethan’s? He held her close to his chest, his wide eyes searching the room.

“Is the son of a bitch still here?” His voice had a low menacing pitch.

Her lip quivered. “N-No.”

She tried to move. “Oh, God.” The back of her head hurt more than her knees from hitting the hard floor.

Ethan helped her to her feet. His thumbs swiped at her tears before moving her chin toward the light to look at her split lip.

“What the hell are we going to do?” he asked. “I didn’t expect the thing to follow you here. I thought ghosts haunted places.”

“This one wants to haunt me.”

“Why?” Ethan kept his arm around her while reaching for a paper towel. He blotted the small amount of blood on her lip with a frown.

“Jennifer thinks he’s a deceased patient that came in from the State Penitentiary.” Lauren repeated the details she knew. “A convicted felon serving life for rape.”

Ethan’s face grew grim. “You think he wants to rape you?”

Lauren turned away, unable to meet his eye. “I don’t know. It could be that’s what he wants, or he may have me confused with the girlfriend he killed in a jealous rage.”

Ethan leaned forward and placed his hands on her thighs. “He’s touched you, hasn’t he?”

Lauren let out a shuttering breath. “I woke up with bruises the other day.”

Ethan’s hands clutched. The muscles in his forearms tightened as anger rolled off him in waves. He pushed away and grabbed his phone.

“Who are you calling?”

He jabbed his finger into the numbers on the phone. “Father Thomas. Priests know all about exorcisms. At least they do on TV.”

“Jennifer is on her way over now. She may have a way to get rid of this guy.”

“Then Father Thomas can be plan ‘B’.”

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