Playing to Win (The Players)

Playing to Win: Chapter 7

Practice is halfway over when Coach Mattson calls a water break, his gaze zeroing in on something across the field. I glance over my shoulder, trying to figure out what he’s staring at when I spot it.

More like when I spot them. Three people are heading toward the field. A tall, skinny guy and two females. One with dark, curly hair that I immediately recognize.

That social media chick from last year. Gwyneth. The mean one, according to Derek. When I look over at him, I see he’s already watching them approach, a disgusted expression on his face that shifts and morphs into something else the longer I watch him.

“Wait a minute. I recognize that blonde,” Derek mutters.

I check out the blonde he’s speaking of, my heart tumbling over itself when I realize I recognize that blonde too.

Oh shit. I’m pretty sure that’s Ruby Maguire.

What is she doing out here?

“The social media team has arrived,” Mattson announces, his booming voice carrying across the field. “Get prepared to put on a little performance, boys.”

I grimace, dropping my head for a moment to stare at the blindingly green grass. I really hate it when he calls us boys, but I live for putting on a show and I’m ready to perform.

Especially for Ruby Maguire.

Is she on our social media team? Looks like it. How fucking lucky can I get? From what I remember last year, we had a lot of interaction with them. After a while, we didn’t even notice they were there, because they were always around.

Don’t know how that’ll be possible with Ruby. I mean, look at her. How can I not notice her?

The social media team approaches Mattson and he talks to them, while I sit there and blatantly watch them. Everyone else on my team is sitting around chatting, hyping each other up about getting filmed or whatever, but all I can focus on is Ruby. She looks better than ever, her long blonde hair falling down her back in silky waves, the tight red T-shirt she’s wearing stretched across her tits, emphasizing their size. Not too big, not too small.

They’re just right. Because of course they are.

She’s paying zero attention to me so I blatantly take her in, my gaze lingering on the denim shorts she’s wearing, and how they show off her long, tanned legs. The tall guy and Gwen are both talking to Mattson, I’m guessing explaining what they want to do while Ruby remains mute. She’s gotta be the newest member on the team. Wonder if she requested to work with the football team.

Maybe she’s trying to find a way to stay connected to me.

I sit up a little straighter, puffing out my chest, willing her to look my way. My gaze is still stuck on her, lingering on that T-shirt that has no right to be so damn sexy but somehow, it is. Maybe because I’m imagining what she looks like without it on?

There’s tiny writing on the front of the shirt and I squint in the sun, trying to make it out. It’s only when my brain computes exactly what it says that I start to chuckle.

Three small white letters stitched into the dead center of her shirt.


I don’t care.

“What are you laughing at?” Derek asks me.

“Her shirt.” I wave a hand at Ruby. “The IDC.”

“I-D-C?” Derek frowns. “What’s that mean?”

“I don’t care.”

“You should care. What if it’s some sort of secret code…ahhhh.” Derek nods when he gets it. “I don’t care. IDC. Makes sense.”

“Who’s it directed at though? Us? She doesn’t care about us?” I’m probably reading too much into this.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go ask her.” Derek grins. “Weren’t you two flirting at the New Year’s party? Whatever came of that anyway?”

“Nothing,” I say way too quickly. From the knowing look on Derek’s face, he caught it too. “She’s not my type.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Derek sounds incredulous.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I have a type.”

“No, you really don’t. You go after pretty much anyone.”

Fuck, he’s not wrong so I may as well own it.

“I don’t need to ‘go after’ anyone,” I remind him. “They all come to me.”

“True. They all come to us,” he clarifies. “But when it comes to a type? You definitely don’t have one, Townsend. You’re down for any of them. As long as she’s cute and flirty, you’re into her.”

Mattson blows his whistle, silencing all of us.

“Townsend!” His gaze is right on me and he waves his hand. “Come here.”

Reluctantly, I walk over to where he’s standing with the social media team, my gaze never wavering from him, though I can feel Ruby watching me.

I send her a quick look, noting how she turns away quickly, her cheeks the faintest pink at getting caught staring. Being this close to her, I can smell her perfume. See the faint pink glittery gloss on her lips, the same color she wore on New Year’s Eve. I stare so long at her sexy mouth I see the quick flick of her tongue as she licks her lips and I finally tear my gaze away from her.

Hot. That’s the only word in my brain, flashing like a bright red neon sign. Hot. Hot.

Ruby Maguire is sexy as fuck and she’s not doing a damn thing. Just standing there, while my body reacts like I’ve just been completely overstimulated.

Damn it, I need to focus.

“What’s up, Coach?” I ask, flicking my chin at him.

“You remember Gwyneth and Eric from the social media team.” Mattson tilts his head in their direction.

I glance over at them, offering a quick smile. Eric’s reaction is instant, his friendly smile making mine grow while grouchy Gwen just scowls. “I definitely remember them. How’s it going, E-Dog?”

I offer my fist to Eric and he eagerly bumps his against it.

“Glad you’re the starting QB, Townsend. Can’t wait to watch you on the field this season,” Eric gushes.

Gwen just rolls her eyes.

“Thanks, bro.” I appreciate his support. There have been some—okay a lot of—grumblings about me and how difficult it’ll be to fill Camden Fields’ position. I can’t lie that seeing those articles, hearing them talk on podcasts or whatever, it shakes me a little. And leaves me feeling like I’ve got more to prove than ever.

“We have a new member of the social media team,” Gwen says, waving a hand in Ruby’s direction. “Ruby Maguire.”

Coach Mattson frowns. “Wait a minute. Knox’s little sister?”

“Yeah, that’s me.” Ruby nods, smiling at Mattson. “Hi.” She waves.

More eye-rolling from Gwen while Eric just nods enthusiastically.

“Happy to see you here. I miss your brother.” Mattson turns his attention to me. “Do you know Ruby, Ace?”

“We’ve met once.” I keep my voice purposely casual, my gaze finding hers. Sparks fly from her eyes and I realize that yep, she’s still not over how I dissed her on New Year’s Eve. Not that I meant to. Not like she’ll let me explain myself.

If she was open to hearing what I have to say, I’d tell her I didn’t kiss that girl. She kissed me first, and her lips barely touched mine when the door flew open and Ruby was standing there, disappointment written all over her pretty face.

I still feel like shit over it. Hell, I can’t even remember that other girl’s name.

“Look, Ace, we won’t take up too much of your time,” Eric says, getting right down to business. I’ve always liked that about him. “But we’re hoping we could get you to align yourself with us and convince the team to be a little more, uh, willing to allow us to film them for content.”

“Weren’t we mostly willing last year?” I always was. Sort of.

Okay I gave them endless shit and I remember the text one of our coaches recently sent the team, asking for our cooperation.

“Uh…” Eric and Gwen share a look before he replies, “Not really.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re all just a bunch of egotistical assholes?” Gwen blurts, her gaze jerking to Mattson. “Sorry, Coach.”

“Not a problem, little lady. You’re actually right on the money with that assessment.” Coach chuckles, scrubbing his hand along his jaw. “We have a new crew this season, meaning we have lots of new guys on the team who might not be so hung up on the old ways, if you get what I’m saying.”

“What sort of old ways are you referring to?” Ruby asks, sounding defensive.

“I think he means that we’re a little more open to allowing ourselves to be filmed,” I answer for Coach. Ruby’s attention swings to me, her fiery blue gaze seeming to burn me where I stand. “We try not to take ourselves too seriously around here.”

“Oh.” She crosses her arms, plumping up her tits. I know because my gaze lingers there. She’s got a nice set. “So last year’s team took themselves too seriously then.”

I paste a smile on, trying to ease her ruffled feathers. “I appreciate how supportive you are of your brother. I get it.”

“Do you?” She arches a brow.

I roll right over her comment. “But have you seen some of the team accounts out there on social media? They’re hilarious.”

“You’ve seen them too?” Gwen appears surprised. “And you think they’re hilarious?”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “They are. And I know where you guys are coming from. We need to lighten up and play along. I can talk to the guys and get them to agree. Don’t worry.”

“You have that much influence over your team already?” This comes from Ruby, who sounds downright hostile.

I take a step closer to her, regretting my decision the moment I do it. Her scent is even stronger now. And I can see the delicate spray of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Actual freckles.

She’s adorable.

“I do,” I tell her, my voice low, my gaze locked on hers for a beat too long. She doesn’t look away. Doesn’t so much as flinch and I finally flip my attention back to Eric and Gwen. “I’ll help you guys out. You can count on me.”

Ruby snorts, but I ignore her.

“Be sure y’all give them good footage,” Coach Mattson says, his voice firm.

I send Ruby a look. “Trust me. I give good footage.”

“I’m sure you can,” she murmurs. “Hopefully you’re up to the challenge.”

“What challenge?” My eyebrows shoot up at her tone of voice.

“You’ll need to be the stuff of every girl’s fantasy.”

Something unfamiliar inside me rises up and I swallow hard. Maybe it was hearing Ruby’s sweet yet vaguely sarcastic voice say fantasy? The hint of doubt I heard in her words, like I can’t manage it? “I can handle that.”


“Definitely.” I grin. “I’m sure I’ve starred in a few of your fantasies.”

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