Playing Hard to Get (The Players)

Playing Hard to Get: Chapter 33

I’M MINDING my own business as one does on a Monday afternoon while at work when the store phone rings, which is a rare occurrence.

“Jo Jo.” I recognize the sound of Knox’s voice and everything inside me goes warm. “What are you doing right now?”

“Working,” I whisper into the phone, glancing up just in time to see—oh God—Daphne, the blonde goddess, entering the store. “Why aren’t you at practice?”

“I am. I stole away to call you.”

“Why didn’t you just text me?”

“I’m trying to surprise you. Keep you guessing. Did it work?”

“Definitely.” My gaze trails Daphne as she heads straight for the university gear section. She’s with two other girls, who are just as attractive as she is, and every once in a while, one of them glances over her shoulder to look at me.


“I can’t talk long, but I wanted to make sure you’re coming over tonight,” he says. “I have another surprise for you.”

I’m intrigued. “Okay. What time should I come over?”

“Make it around seven-thirty,” he suggests, his voice lowering. “Hey, I gotta go. See you later.”

He ends the call before I can say goodbye.

I settle the phone back into the receiver, unsettled by the way Daphne keeps looking in my direction, when Leon speaks up from behind me.

“Who called?”

I shriek, gaining the attention of Daphne and her friends, all three of them now blatantly staring at me, while I turn on Leon, giving him a death glare.

“You scared the crap out of me!” I whisper-yell at him.

“Sorry, that phone call scared the crap out of me. No one ever calls here.” He’s not wrong.

“It was Knox,” I admit, turning my back on the three women and hoping they don’t sneak up on us. “I don’t know why he called the store. Said he wanted to surprise me.”

Leon slowly shakes his head. “You two are adorable.”

“No, we’re not.” I wave a hand, dismissing his words, but deep down…

I think we are kind of adorable. Well, he’s adorable. He’s just so freaking into me and it’s shocking. I’ve never had someone who liked me this much before, meaning Bryan. Even when we were first together, Bryan was never this attentive.

Knox acts like he can’t get enough of me. Like he always wants to spend time with me. He’s so attuned to my needs, and I don’t just mean sexually.

“You two are disgustingly adorable and I love it. Keep it up.” Leon pats me on the shoulder, tipping his head to the side to watch Daphne and her friends. “They don’t look like the sort to read.”

“Don’t be mean,” I chastise him, resisting the urge to turn and look at them yet again. “Knox used to hook up with the blonde.”

Leon blows out a harsh breath. “Of course he did.”

“I’m sure she’s nice.”

“Oh, I’m sure.” The doubt in his voice is obvious.

I need to change the subject.

“How are you doing?” Leon finally broke things off with Lani about a week ago, and while it was difficult, she agreed with him that it was for the best.

“I’m doing all right. It’s weird, not talking to Lani anymore.”

“You miss her?’’

“I do, but Brady has been a great distraction.” Leon wags his brows at me.

“Are you two…getting involved?”

“I wish.” Leon sighs. “We do hang out more though. He’s single. I’m single. Something is bound to happen, you know?”

“Aw, that first blush of new love,” I tease.

“It’s not love, sweetie. More like lust. Though I do like him. He’s so smart, so…interesting.” Leon smirks. “And you can’t give me any grief. You’re giddy in love with Knox Maguire.”

“I’m not in love with him,” I protest.

Am I?

The look Leon sends me is full of disbelief. “Open your eyes, doll face. You are so in love with him, it’s pathetic.”

And with that little truth bomb, Leon shuffles away, heading for the back of the store while I stand there dumbfounded with the realization.

I think my friend is right. I’m in love.

I’m in love with Knox Maguire.

Meaning I am seriously leaving myself wide open to heartbreak.

“Oh hey, aren’t you Joanna?”

I turn to find Daphne standing behind the counter, a curious look on her face.

“Yeah. I am.” I don’t bother telling her we met before, at Logan’s. She only had eyes for Knox that night. I didn’t even exist.

“I’m Daphne.” She thrusts her hand out toward me and I admire her manicure. Long, pale blue nails shaped almost like talons. I’d look like a little kid pretending to be a villain with nails like that while Daphne’s are incredibly stylish. “I know Knox. And you’re—dating Knox.”

“I know.”

She frowns. “You do?”

“He told me you two used to hook up.”

Her pale glossed lips drop open, her eyes going wide with shock. “Really?”

I nod. “We don’t keep secrets from each other, so if you’re trying to cause trouble by saying you two used to fuck all over campus, I don’t really care. He’s with me now.”

Daphne snaps her lips shut, slowly shaking her head. “That’s not why I wanted to talk to you.”

Oh shit. “It’s not?”

“No. But go you for trying to put me in my place. I could never work up the courage to do that to someone.” She leans against the counter, her gaze full of…admiration? “I just wanted to congratulate you.”

“Congratulate me?” My voice is faint. I really don’t know what direction she’s trying to take this.

“Yeah. I’ve been chasing after Knox for years and he barely gives me the time of day. He doesn’t take me seriously. No one does.” She sighs, resting her elbow on the counter and propping her chin on her fist. “But you nabbed him in a matter of weeks. Props to you, girl.”

I stare at her, shocked at her words. Her praise. “Um, thank you?”

“No problem.” She stands up straight, her arms dropping to her sides. “And no bad feelings, okay? I’m not out to get your man. I don’t play like that.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Her words truly shock me. “Thanks for being so upfront with me.”

“I’m just following your lead.” She tilts her head toward the clothing section. “When are you guys getting some new stuff?”

“New designs won’t come out until after winter break.” We keep getting the same complaints. At least they restocked sizes though.

“I knew you were going to say that.” She mock pouts. “Will you be at the game Saturday?”

“I will.” Just mentioning it reminds me that I’m going to meet Knox’s parents this weekend. Blair has already reassured me that I shouldn’t be worried, but I am. I don’t think they’re going to hate me or anything like that but…

It’s nerve-wracking, meeting the parents. Especially when I’m the first girl Knox has brought around to meet his family.

“See you there.” Daphne wags her fingers at me and leaves the store, her friends, who were lingering by the entrance, falling in step beside her.

“Please tell me she didn’t come in here to drop some tasty tips about how to satisfy Knox or whatever.” Leon magically reappears next to me behind the counter.

“She congratulated me on getting together with Knox.”

Leon’s brows shoot up. “No shit?”

“No shit,” I echo. “She’s actually…nice.”

“How refreshing.”

No kidding.

I enter Knox’s apartment without knocking. I just walk into his place like I live there, and no one ever protests or complains. And by no one, I mean Knox and, of course, his roommate, Cam.

Who just so happens to be sitting in the living room, his gaze locked on the TV, his arm stretched out across the back of the couch. Blair is perched on the edge of the couch to his left, just out of Cam’s reach.

I stop short, studying the two of them and the way too innocent expressions on their faces.

“Hey, you two.” I wave at them, shutting the door behind me.

“Hey.” Cam glowers at the TV. He’s watching some sort of action movie. There are cars racing and buildings exploding and good God is it loud.

Blair appears on the verge of tears. “Hi, Joanna.”

“How are you?” I draw closer to her, concern filling me when I swear I spot her chin wobbling.

Uh oh.

“I’ll let you ladies chat. Knox is in the shower. He’ll be out soon.” With that, Cam turns off the TV, rises from the couch and leaves us alone, slamming his bedroom door seconds later.

A sigh leaves Blair and she shakes her head. “He’s such a prick.”

“He is?” I’m surprised she’d say this. I thought she liked Cam.

Blair nods. “The worst, but please don’t mention this to Knox, okay? He doesn’t even know I’m here.”

Wait, what? “He doesn’t?”

She stands, grabbing her tiny bag that’s on the coffee table in front of her and slinging the skinny strap over her shoulder. “I need to go.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” I follow her to the front door, shocked that she’s leaving.

I seriously have no idea what’s going on.

“There’s nothing to talk about. And please…” Blair turns to face me, her eyes wide and unblinking. “Please, don’t mention this to my brother. It’s really none of his business.”

With that, she exits the apartment, closing the door behind her with a quiet click.

Well, I feel like I walked in on some major drama, yet I have no clue what happened. And how am I going to keep this from Knox? If something is going on between his best friend—his roommate—and his little sister, he would want to know.

But I hate to start unnecessary drama when it could be nothing. I don’t want to go against Blair’s wishes either. She’s my friend.

Moving through the apartment, I pass by Cam’s room—pretty sure I can feel his anger radiating through the closed door—and enter Knox’s bedroom, closing the door behind me, twisting the lock in place.

That’s what Cam and Blair should’ve done. Locked the front door, so no one could barge in on them like I just did.

Since Knox has the bigger bedroom, he also has the connecting bathroom, to which he left the door cracked open. Steam from his hot shower billows out, making the room feel damp and humid and I shrug out of my cardigan, dropping it on the back of his desk chair. I hear a creak, the bathroom door swinging wide open, and I turn to find Knox standing in the doorway, clad in a white towel and nothing else.

“Oh. Hey.” He’s got another towel in his hands, scrubbing the back of his head, drying his hair. The towel hangs low on his hips and I’m pretty sure I can see the outline of his dick beneath the terrycloth.

A little sigh leaves me as I try not to stare. I am a lucky, lucky woman. I know this and remind myself of this little fact on an almost daily basis. And fortunately, there is nothing little about Knox Maguire.

Not a single thing.

“Hi.” I drink in all of that naked skin on display. He’s covered in water droplets because, for some reason, men can never completely dry themselves off after a shower, and I watch as one drop in particular slides down the ridged muscles of his abs, eventually disappearing into the towel.

He rubs his hand across his belly, as if he knows exactly what he’s doing. “You just get here?”

I nod, unable to speak.

“Nice.” He goes to his dresser and pulls open the top drawer, peering inside. “I probably don’t need to bother with putting on clothes, huh?”

My mouth is dry when he glances over his shoulder, that arrogant smirk on his face. The one I remember seeing back when we first met and I thought he was insufferable.

Sexy, but insufferable nonetheless.

“I thought you had a surprise for me,” I murmur, jumping when he slams the drawer shut and turns to face me again. The towel dips lower, revealing just a shadow of pubic hair. He doesn’t completely shave down there, thank God, because I think that’s kind of weird looking.

“Oh right.” He grips the top of the towel like he’s going to whip it off at any second. “I almost forgot.”

“What is it?” My voice is weak. So are my legs. I collapse on the edge of the bed, grateful to be sitting down.

“It’s no big deal.” He shrugs, walking over to the bed and sitting right next to me. I don’t even know how that towel manages to stay wrapped around his hips, but it does. And all I can think about is sneaking my hand under it and touching him. “I just wanted to make sure you’re satisfied.”

I glance up at him, frowning. “Satisfied? Do you mean sexually?”

He nods, his lips curled up in a closed-mouth smile. “Yeah.”

“Um…yes.” One hundred percent yes. Best sex of my life yes. Please keep doing what you’re doing because you guarantee me at least two orgasms per encounter, yes, yes, yes. “I thought it was obvious.”

“With the way I make you come all the time?” His smile grows.

My face is warm, but I refuse to look away from him. “That’s one obvious reason.”

“Maybe you just come easily.” He dips his head, his mouth brushing mine when he murmurs, “And you look so pretty when you do.”

“You’re the reason I come so easily.” He kisses me before I can say anything else, and I break away from him, frowning once again. “Why do you ask?”

“No reason.” Knox shrugs those impossibly broad shoulders, leaning in for another kiss, but I stop him, bracing my hand against his chest.

“Uh huh. Why, Knox?” I’m skeptical. Something is up. Knox usually has a reason for everything he does.

“It’s embarrassing.” He huffs out a laugh.

The great and mighty Knox Maguire is embarrassed? “Oh, now you have to tell me.”

“On the bus ride home from Saturday’s game, I was going to listen to the new book that was just assigned in my class, but I listened to something else on your app.” He pauses. “Make a Play.”

“Wh—” Oh.


I went through a romance reading/listening stage that started just before Bryan and I split, and ramped up after we ended things. I was consuming a lot of extra sexy romance books for months, but then school and work distracted me. Then Knox came along and now here I am, living out a real-life romance fantasy with my very own sexy football player.

“That shit was hot, Jo Jo,” he admits, his voice low, his gaze molten.

An embarrassed laugh leaves me. “How much did you listen to?”

“A lot. I opened it up and you must’ve only listened to part of the book because it kicked off with a blowjob scene and went from there.” He shakes his head, whistling low. “It was wild.”

I cover my face with my hands. “I can’t believe you listened to a romance book.”

He peels my hands away, his expression amused, yet kind. He’s not making fun of me. I think he finds this…intriguing. “It was—educational.”

“Ha! I’ll say.”

“Is that what you want from me? Something like what’s in that book?”

This man. Can he not see he gives me everything I want every time we’re together? The butterflies. The anticipation. The heat and the throbbing and the Oh my God, I can’t believe this is happening to me vibes.

“You already give me that.” I decide to be one hundred percent truthful. “You are like my own personal book boyfriend.”

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