Paranormal Twins: The New Beginning

Chapter 25: Jay

I drifted into my apartment, locking the door behind me. I slowly made my way through the house, and without thinking I found myself stopping in front of Jakki’s room. It’s strange how just earlier today we were arguing about how I didn’t want to stay here, and now all I want is for her to come back. Before I really thought about what I was doing, I went into her bedroom.

It seemed hardly lived in, which I guess made sense. We’ve only been here for a day. Her bed was messy and dirty clothes were strewn on top of it, but other than that the room looked untouched. Even her suitcase was still mostly full. I didn’t stay in there long; I felt like I was violating her privacy. I left the room and closed the door, leaving everything how I found it.

Even though it was late, I didn’t feel like sleeping. I changed into pajamas, made myself some hot tea, and sat on the couch. I put a blanket around my shoulders and flipped through the channels before settling on some action movie.

Halfway through the movie, I heard a knock at the door. I put my empty mug on the coffee table and pulled the blanket tighter around me before opening the door.

“Sage?” I asked. “What are you doing here? It’s getting late.”

Sage smiled slightly. “I thought you’d still be awake.”

I looked down. “I didn’t feel like sleeping...” I mumbled quietly.

Sage nodded. “You can stay with Corey and I if you’d like. Just for tonight.”

I looked up at her and smiled. “Sure. I’d like that.” I hesitated. “I’m not going to… Hear anything, will I?”

Sage laughed and shook her head. “We have separate rooms. Usually, his friend Derrick is there, too, but he’s away on a hunting trip. I’m staying in Derrick’s room. Corey’s going to let you sleep in his room and he’ll sleep on the couch.”

I chuckled slightly. “He doesn’t have to do that. I’m fine with the couch.” I grabbed my phone and my keys before following her to her apartment.

“You’ll have to argue with Corey about that.”

I got dressed up in my pirate costume and started getting ready to go trick or treating. My mother and I started walking around to the different houses. I walked up to the last house we were going to go to before mom said we had to go back home. The woman smiled.

“Oh, you are so cute.” She put candy in my bag and then gave me a separate bag with a candy apple in it.

“Thank you, ma’am,” I said. I started walking down the steps and took my caramel apple out of the bag and took a bite. I dropped the apple and fell on the steps. I looked over to my mom to see if she would help, but as I was being carried away I saw her walk away with a different boy dressed like a pirate. I closed my eyes, not able to stay awake.

When I opened my eyes I looked around. There were a girl and two other boys with me. The girl was dressed as a Fallen Angel and the two boys were dressed as Thor and Harry Potter. The boy dressed as Harry looked like he had lion ears on the top of his head and a tail in the back of his robe. I didn’t understand how that was Harry Potter-like. The other boy had eyes that looked like dirt and brown lines down his arms that looked like a tattoo of branches and leaves. The girl had pastel pink hair and blue tinted skin, as well as webbed fingers.

I looked around and saw a mirror pointed at me. My eyes were pitch black with gold around the edges and my hair was bright white. My pirate costume was ripped so that my stomach was showing and the pants were mismatched lengths. I tried to move but realized my legs were tied to the ground and I was tied around the waist to the chair. I looked at the girl who was just watching me.

“What are you?” She asked, glancing at my eyes and then my hair.

“I… I don’t know. What are you talking about?” I asked. She pointed at my hair.

“You’re obviously an Ice Elemental, but I don’t understand the black and gold eyes. Justin is a Lycan and Michael is an Earth Elemental. I’m a Mermaid. What are you?” I looked around.

“I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about… I’m nothing. I’m normal...” The girl rolled her eyes. The guy dressed as Thor, Michael, sighed.

“Obviously you’re not normal. You have hair like an Ice Elemental, but your eyes… They’re like Demon eyes...” Just then the woman comes in smiling with a glass of red liquid.

“Not a Demon, dear, a Vampire. Demons aren’t real.” She handed me the glass. It looked like blood and, even though I should have been disgusted, I enjoyed the smell. I grabbed the glass greedily and drank all of it. She smiled and I coughed. I kept coughing and doubled over. She waved a hand over my head and I blacked out.

When I woke again there was another girl who joined us. She had curly red- orange hair and was dressed as Sleeping Beauty. I asked her what her name was and she said Jakki Waters. Her eyes were red with gold around them. I bit my lip.

“She’s from New Mexico.” The Fallen Angel said. Her name, I found out later, was Megan.

“Then what is she doing in Michigan?” I asked. Megan smiled sadly.

“She wasn’t. This house is enchanted. It goes from state to state picking up Supernatural kids to take. You’re from Michigan. Jakki is from New Mexico. I’m from California. Michael is from Indiana, and Justin is from Nevada.” I bit my lip, now realizing I may never see my parents again. Jakki looked over at Megan.

“What do you mean, Supernatural?” She asked. Megan sighed.

“Vampires, Werewolves, Witches, Elementals, creatures like that. Didn’t your parents tell you?” Jakki shook her head. I bit my lip and shook my head as well. Megan sighed.

“Well, I would tell you what you were, but I’m not a Psychic.” I bit my lip and sighed.

There were a lot of children that came and went. When they left they never came back in. After a long time, I heard someone banging on the door. A group of men bursts into the room with knives and other weapons. I started freaking out when they raised the knives but all they did was cut the ropes holding us down. When I was free my eyes and hair turned back to normal. I was confused, but I let them take me. They seemed more like saviors than other people like the woman.

The man asked me questions and I answered them without meaning to. Finally, he gave me some blood and put me in his car. We drove for a long time. I fell asleep, and when I woke up it was two in the morning and I was laying in my bed. I bit my lip and looked over. Sage was standing by my open window. I jumped, startled, before calming down and motioning her over. She laid on the bed next to me and smiled slightly.

“You found out, didn’t you?” I knew automatically what she was talking about and nodded. She sighed. “I wish I could tell you… It would be so much easier now that you know...” She turned to me and kissed my forehead. “Get some sleep. When you wake up, you’ll forget everything.” I tried to say something, but I closed my eyes and couldn’t open them back up.

The next morning I told Sage about my dream. She sighed and looked down.

“It’s true, isn’t it? That happened to me? And you made me forget?” Sage nodded guiltily.

“I had to. Your parents didn’t want you to know. They were trying to protect you. It wasn’t your time yet.” I shook my head, appalled, and looked out the window.

“They aren’t my parents. They were people that kept me from the truth.” Sage put her hand on my shoulder gently.

“They were your parents. They took care of you, protected you, and most of all, they loved you. Just because they aren’t your birth parents doesn’t mean they don’t care about you.” I looked down and bit my lip. I looked up at her.

“You’re not a Witch. How did you make me forget what happened?” She bit her lip, her tail curling around her waist, indicating she was feeling guilty, even though it happened years ago.

“My foster mom, the woman I lived with during the school year with you, was a Witch. She made me a potion to drink so I was able to do one spell on you. She thought you would trust me more than trust her.” She ran her hand across my shoulders. “I’m sorry.”

I looked back out the window. “What did you mean, earlier, when you said you were assigned to me?” I looked back at her. “Was I just a job you had to do?” I asked her.

Sage shook her head and took my hand. “Of course not. I meant… I didn’t have any family, and the facility Leaders thought it would be better if I lived in the human world. They gave me to a foster mom and told me to take care of a young boy when I got to school. I was told I would know who it was.” She shrugged. “I met you in school and became your friend. It wasn’t until my mom- foster mom,” she corrected, “saw you and told me that you were the one I was supposed to be watching.” She squeezed my hand. “Our friendship was never faked. I love you, you know that.”

I nodded, sorry that I doubted her. I hugged her quickly before thinking back to my dream. “So I met Jakki before. I met her and I didn’t even know who she was. My own sister.”

Sage was startled and looked at me. “You... Believe she’s your sister now?”

I stammered. “I… I didn’t mean that! I meant… I… My… My friend… My...” I looked down and sighed.

Sage rubbed my back and sighed. “It’s okay. Siblings have… Strong connections to each other. Especially twins. And especially Supernaturals. It’s not… Easy… To keep them away. Sooner or later you accept it.”

I shook my head. “She’s not… I don’t... I just… I just want to be normal...”

Sage hugged me. “I know. But that isn’t possible.” She bit her lip and ran her fingers along my collarbone. I shivered and looked down. I realized she was touching my birthmark. The stars. “Does Jakki have the same marking?” She asked. I nodded.

“But what does that have to do with anything?” I asked her. She looked down.

“Supernatural twins have stronger connections than any other family relationship. You guys and Rain and Ryan are the only known Supernatural twins, at least in the Grant Organization. They have markings that connect you to each other. You can never physically harm each other with your abilities, and will always find a way to each other.” Sage moved her hand. “That’s what the old stories say, anyway.”

I looked down at Sage. “I… I want to find my sister.”

Sage nodded and there was a knock on the door. Sage’s ears moved towards the sound growled slightly. “It’s nine in the morning. He better have some good news.” Sage got up to open the door and I followed her. Tadashi was standing on the other side, still in pajamas, almost jumping out of his skin.

“Andrew and I found that mansion!” He exclaimed. “They’re in California. It worked! You were right!”

Sage and I looked at each other, smiling.

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