Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Possessive Mafia Kings Book 2)

Owned by the Italian Mafia Don: Chapter 32

Another month has gone by, and Rosie is keeping something from me. I don’t know what it is, and she says she isn’t, but I know when she is lying. She’s been emotional too. I was just able to get her back to sleep after she cried about her favorite Harvard T-shirt ripping at the armpit. Her emotions have been all over the place and I’m starting to think I’m the cause.

“Ari?” Gianni is standing in the doorway of my office.

“Yes?” I flicker through the pages of my next contract agreement with a local business wanting our services. I’ll be paying them a visit tomorrow so we can sign this is person.

“Zander is here.”

I lift my head and drop the page in my hand to stand. “He could have called to warn us.”

“That isn’t his style.”

“Is his merchandise prepared and ready? He won’t give me what I need without it.”

He nods. “The men are in place and loading his van now as we speak.”

“Excellent.” I stand, buttoning my blazer and walk out of the office.

Gianni opens the door for me, and I’m greeted by the harsh rays of the sun. My eyes take a moment to adjust and when they do, I see a few men, including Matias, pointing their weapons at Zander.

Like always, he is casually leaning against his car and smoking a cigarette.

“My friend,” he announces, a big smile on his face. “Long time, no see. Isn’t that another thing you Americans say? Come. Give me a hug.”

Before I can protest, the bastard has his arms wrapped around me while mine are at my sides. He gives me a few hard pats on the back and leans away.

“You look good. Better than before. You must be happy your lady is back.”

“Very. Do you have the ring?” I say in a whisper so she can’t hear me if she decided to eavesdrop.

“Da. I do.” He places the cigarette in his mouth and pats his pockets. “One minute. I have it.”

“Lower your weapons,” I order my men. “Zander is a guest here. We treat our guests with respect.”

Everyone obeys and I’m left waiting impatiently as Zander pats his entire body for the damn ring.

“Zander?” I snarl with impatience.

“Da. Da. I have it. Just wait a second.” He hurries to his car and rummages through the glove compartment. “Ah. See? I told you.” He holds up a small black box. “I have it.”

I climb down the steps and meet him halfway.

“I believe your wife will love this ring.” He opens it and I’m blown away by what I see.

It’s perfect and so unique. The diamond is huge and the color of the night sky. The diamond glitters in the sunlight and surrounding the main stone are smaller ones, set in a vintage rose gold band.

It is beautiful.

“Do you also have my product?” I tuck the ring in my pocket, reminding him of the large order of diamonds I put in with him.

“Da. Your men have them. You’ll be very happy.”

“As you will be with yours as well.” Zander only wanted weapons which was very easy for me to accommodate for him. I gave him anything his heart desired and he seemed like a very happy man because of it.

Zander leaves and I watch the taillights disappear down the road.

It hits me that I have no threats, no wars, no immediate issues that need to be resolved. Now I can focus on giving my wife the wedding she’s always wanted.

I reach into my pocket to open the box, staring at the ring that has holds so much significance in my relationship with Rosie.

“It is a beautiful ring, brother. She’ll be very happy,” Matias says, clapping me on the shoulder. “I’m proud of you. I know taking over for Carmine hasn’t been easy. It’s a big learning curve when you’re the one in the driver’s seat, but I know you are meant to be in it.”

Emotion clogs my throat as I force myself to nod. “Thank you. I had my doubts and still do especially with what happened to Rosie.”

“Don’t forget what happened to Carmine’s wife too, Ari. We aren’t perfect. Sometimes we don’t think of everything. She’s safe. That’s all that matters.”

“Is it?” I question softly. “She’s been different the last month. Not different in a bad way, but not her usual self. Something is going on and she won’t talk to me. I’m afraid whatever happened with Bianchi is still haunting her.”

“Go talk to her. Go snoop. Figure it out. She loves you, that’s much I’m sure,” Matias says.

Loves me.

It hits me that I haven’t said that to her yet. I’ve said it in different ways, but I have said those words.

“I need to go,” I tell my brother, hurrying back in the house. “And you’re in charge for the day.”

He gives me a mock salute and I speed-walk down the hallway, loosening my tie. The bedroom door is already opened, and Rosie is still asleep. I shrug out of my blazer and shut the door. I toss my jacket on the bench at the foot of the bed and kick off my shoes, then pull out the black box before climbing into bed with her.

She has an arm around her stomach and the other tucked under her head. She must feel the bed jostle because her sleepy eyes open and she smiles when she sees me.

Damn, I love it when her smile is aimed at me.

“Ari,” she lazily rasps, stretching her arms above her head. “I don’t know why I’m so tired.” A big yawn overtakes her next.

“You deserve the rest.”

Something mirroring guilt flashes across her eyes but in the next second it’s gone.

“I have something for you,” I say, holding the box out in front of her. “I think this is long overdue.”

She sits up, her hair a complete mess, and the pillowcase wrinkles are indented on her cheeks. Her eyes become big and glassy, and her hand covers her mouth in pure shock.

“Oh my god, Ari. Is this…”

“Open it and find out,” I say, brushing my knuckles down her cheek.

She clicks open the box, gasping when she finally sees the diamond. “Ari,” she shakes her head in disbelief, tears falling down her face. “I can’t take this. This is too much. How did you get it? How?”

I take it out of the box and take her hand, slipping the ring onto her finger.

Perfect fit.

“I bought it, and I asked Zander to make it into a one-of-a-kind ring. I wanted you to have it. It holds significance. For you and your brother, for me and you, and if felt like it needed to stay in the family.” I kiss her knuckles, staring at the giant black diamond that overtakes her entire finger. “Now we can plan your dream wedding. Anything you want, Tesoro. If you want a horse and carriage, it’s yours. If you want a thousand doves flying in the sky, if you want a ten-tier cake, it’s yours. I’ll give you whatever you want.”

“I only want you,” she says, straddling my lap. “But I would love to plan a wedding with you.”

My hands fall to her thighs, and I lean against the headboard, smiling up at her. “Oh yeah?”

She nods. “I’m in a gorgeous white gown that forms my body perfectly and you’re in a classic black tux. Your brother is your best man. And I want us to have the wedding at Bianchi’s old estate.”

My smile fades. “No. Absolutely not. Why would you want that? You were held hostage there.”

“And what better way to say, ‘fuck you’ than to get married to the man I love at the house where Bianchi tried to break me?”

I flip her over until she’s on her back, my grin so big my cheeks hurt. “You love me?”


“—You love me?” I interrupt her, needing to hear her say it.

“I love you,” she says, placing her hand on my cheek. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” I bring our bodies together and kiss her, wanting to get lost in her but she shoves me away and rolls out of the bed, dashing to the bathroom.

She doesn’t have time to close the door and she throws up, missing the toilet.

“Rosie!” I sprint after her, pressing my palm against her forehead. “You’re warm. Do I need to call a doctor, Tesoro?”

She shakes her head. “I’m fine. I’m sorry,” she begins to sob. “I didn’t mean to throw up on the floor.”

“I don’t care about that. I only want you to be okay.” I get a rag, wet it with cold water and then press it against the back of her neck. “I’ll clean up everything. Let’s get you back to bed.”

“No, no. I need…I need to tell you something and you’re going to be so angry at me.”

“What is it? I won’t be mad. I promise.” I rub her back, trying to soothe her.

She peers up at me with watery eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

I stop breathing, excitement overloading my system and I don’t remember to speak.

“I’ve known for a month,” she admits, sobbing again.

“An entire month? You’ve known? Have you gone to the doctor?”

She shakes her head. “I didn’t know how to tell you when I first found out. You were so distant and then everything got back on track. I wanted to surprise you. You have every right to be mad at me.”

I squat down to her level, keeping the rag on her neck. “Tesoro, I’m not mad. I’m a little sad, bummed? Maybe that’s a better word. Because you felt like you couldn’t tell me when you did know. That’s my fault. I’ve been so rough with you sexually lately. I wouldn’t have been if I—”

“—Don’t you dare stop doing that. My sex drive is crazy right now.”

“Your pregnancy explains a lot. I’ve been wondering what was going on with you.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. At first, it was because I was home and trying to settle things with you. Then, I just—I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. We have the rest of your pregnancy together and that’s all I care about. I’m calling the doctor. I’m getting a room set up here as soon as possible for you to be examined. We need to make sure the baby is okay.”

“Oh god—” she throws up again, heaving contents into the toilet.

“God, Tesoro. You’re worrying me. This can’t be normal.”

“—What if something is wrong with him or her? What if I didn’t go soon enough?” She begins to cry so hard; she can’t breathe.

I undress, flip on the shower, then undress her. I make a note to not forget about the mess on the floor, gather her in my arms, and step into the cool spray. The water pulls her out of her panic, and she takes in deep breaths.

“You’re okay. The baby is okay. We’re okay,” I reassure her. “I love you and nothing will change that.” I’m not sure how long I stand there with her in my arms, but I place my cheek against her head and sway her back and forth.

When she’s calm, she’s nearly asleep again and I dry her off, then place her in bed again, pulling the blankets to her chin. With a kiss to her forehead, I turn and clean up the bathroom. When I’m done, I dispose of all the trash, then wash my hands, and climb into bed with her.

She’s lying flat on her back, and I scoot down, placing my head near her stomach and my hand on top of the tiniest bump I haven’t noticed.

“Hi, sweet baby. I’m your daddy. I can’t wait for you to get here. I already love you so much I’ll protect you and your mom with my life. I swear.” I kiss her stomach and close my eyes, feeling more at peace than I have in years.

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