Our Right To Exist - Dragon King 3

Chapter 3 ~ He Drove Away

Evander had the pilot brought to his office, after Doc had patched him up. He offered him a drink.. and then he had him sit.. and propped his leg on a separate chair. His knee had been injured.

The Lieutenant chuckled and said “I must admit, this isn’t how I’d heard prisoners of war are treated “

Evander didn’t speak.. until his Mom and Dad walked in, with Adrianna.. Then he said “You’re not a prisoner of war, Lieutenant. You’re not even our enemy. The supernaturals are not at war with humans. Your president and his administration is at war with the supernaturals. Unfortunately, he is your commander in chief.. and you are following orders. Something we understand very well.”

Draco said “As supernaturals, our leaders possess a powerful command. Once an Alpha orders his pack to do.. or not do something, the beast inside instinctually obeys. It is nearly impossible to disobey a command”

Adrianna told him “In short, even should you capture one of us, extracting information would be impossible. We wish humans no harm. More importantly, we will not stand for any more of our supernaturals to BE harmed by humans.”

The lieutenant said “My name is Dave Anderson. Please call me Dave. I’m sorry. Our military is being fed a lot of negative information. Allow me to show you?”

Aurora handed him a tablet.. and he pulled up his personal email. He said “Read the top three emails? It will show you why we are attacking.” Blake plugged the tablet into the television and streamed the tablet..

Aurora read them all out loud.. and looked at Dave “Absolutely every word is a false narrative, Dave. What if we proved to you that it is?” He nodded and told us “I was afraid of that. My best friend.. Colin.. is a werebear. He saved my life, more than once, when we served in Afghanistan. I was finding it hard to believe what we are being told.”

Evander responded “We have pulled all our people out of your military. They will all be back here within days. No longer will your government benefit from our aid.. our strengths. Unfortunately, your president did not think this through when he began funding the research into our species”

Dave said “So what now? Do I sit out the conflict in your cells?” Draco chuckled “Absolutely not, Lieutenant. After your knee is better, I will fly you back to your base on Donnaugh.”

Dave looked puzzled “Donnaugh? You have your own airline?” Everyone laughed.. while Draco said “In a way.. Donnaugh is my dragon.” He gasped “Your beasts have names? Can they talk? How do you communicate?”

Evander said “They can communicate with other supernatural beings.. but not with humans. They exist in our mind space. And communicate with us allthe time. My beasts.. I am hybrid.. are Argon.. my dragon.. and Braxton.. my wolf.”

Dave’s eyes were huge “I was completely unaware they were sentient beings. We have been told your beasts are maniacal beings, that are violent killers.. with no conscious thought, except to cause harm.”

Aurora asked “Did Colin strike you as such a person? Did you ever meet his bear?” Shaking his head, Dave told them “He said he had been ordered not to shift, in front of humans.. Ohhh! That Alpha command thing?”

Draco nodded.. he asked him “Would you like to meet some of our beasts? You can see for yourself what kind of mindless killers we are for yourself.”

He nodded and we all stood. Evander told him “I’m going to piggyback you outside, if that’s okay. We don’t want you to damage your knee.”

Erik ran in, he flipped the television to a news outlet.. There, everyone watched the press secretary talking about Dave.. and how he was shot out of the sky and presumed dead. That the supers had fired missiles on the jets. Dave scoffed “That is bullshit! My own fucking missile took me out.. it misfired!”

Adrianna said “No.. it didn’t. I made it explode, as soon as ot left the chute. We wanted to speak directly to one of you.”

He nodded and said “Damn! That’s pretty cool though! What if I would have died, though?” She smiled “I wouldn’t have let that happen.. It’s why I targeted the wing.”

They took him outside to the landing center. Draco shifted into Donnaugh.. Evander allowed Braxton forth. Adrianna pulled her fairy to the front. They all interacted with Dave.. Adrianna shifted from her fairy.. directly to Sadie in front of him.. shocking him, then making him laugh.

Once they were back inside.. Dave said “I have to let my C.O. know! We can’t continue this way. I will sit out this conflagration in prison before I fly another mission against you! This is bullshit. I have to get back to the base!”

Draco said “I will take you.” But Dave was already shaking his head “ No! I can’t allow that! They will try to capture you.. or kill you, in their ignorance. I won’t risk that. If I can’t get them to see reason.. will I be allowed back here? I would rather be labeled a deserter than a murderer.”

Aurora said “You will always be welcomed here, Dave. Now, let’s get you fed and off that knee for the night. Tomorrow, we will give you a car to drive back to your base.” She took his arm and led him to the kitchen.

As he sat at the counter, Colleen walked in.. they just stared at each other for long minutes. Adrianna giggled “Apparently, humans feel a mate bond, of sorts, too. Shame they can’t recognize it.”

Colleen shook her head “Lieutenant, would you be willing to go on television.. tell what happened to you?” He smiled and told her “Call me Dave. And I absolutely want to.. I want people to know how badly we are being lied to!”

Everything was set up.. and he sat down in front of the cameras. Once they were rolling, Colleen said “Colleen Phillips, coming to you Live from the Draconium Kingdom. I have Lieutenant David Anderson with me.. and he would like to say a few words. Tell us, Lieutenant, what has been your experience here, as a guest of the King?”

Dave smiled into the camera “Yes, Colleen, Thank you. First, I want to preface this with saying I was NOT shot down. A missile I had launched hung in the chute. It detonated and severed a wing of my F16. I was going down. I had no choice but to eject.

The supernatural beings we are told are dangerous.. we need to eradicate.. rescued me. Gave me medical attention. Fed me.. and have given me a beautiful room to sleep in, for the night. In the morning, they are providing transportation to return to Eieslin Base. These people are supportive, helpful, and kind. We have been misinformed.”

Colleen grinned “Thank you for your time, Lieutenant. I hope your knee feels better soon.”

The morning came, after exchanging contact information, Dave was given a car and he drove away.

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