One Fateful Night

Chapter 31

Opening the door out of Mom’s room, I was met with Jack looking at me skeptically. He has taken it upon himself to become my bodyguard since the message on the wall at my parents’ house.

“I’m just going to go nap; shouldn’t you be returning to Julie?” I asked.

“Luna, if I wasn’t at your door, I honestly think she’d hurt me worse than Tull ever could.” You saved her life on that battlefield when you could have let Roberto kill her, we both owe you our lives, and we will make sure nothing happens to you.”

I hugged him; I could never understand why any pack would kick these guys out and leave them to fend for themselves. The Rogues we picked up have become a large part of our Blood Moon family, and I will do everything I can to protect them. After shutting the door, I walked up the hallway to my room; I curled up on the king-sized bed and closed my eyes.

Waking up in my room, I open the door to see Jack lying on the ground, covered in blood, gasping. I bend down and feel no pulse. Jumping to my feet, I run to my mother’s guest room, where I see her body on the bed and her head on the floor. Screaming as loud as I can, I run back out and downstairs to our offices as the tears blur my vision. Slamming into Matt’s office, I see Josh and Maddy on the ground, soaked in their blood, and look over to Matt, who is currently pinned up against the wall with a knife at his throat.

“I told you, Luna, you wouldn’t win this and that I’d be back for you. It’s a shame your many members will not be able to be initiated into the pack, but it is ok; I’ll be back to kill them later on too.”

He looks at me and slashes Matt’s throat. I scream and run towards him as suddenly, I’m shaken, and I hear my name. “Luna Emily! You need to wake up now!” I open my eyes and am face to face with Jack’s brown eyes. I look at him and wrap him in a hug.

“Thank you for waking me up.”

Suddenly Matt runs into the room with black eyes “MINE!!” Onyx yells as Jack steps away from me.

“Matt I need you to calm down; you saw what I saw too, it was a vision. Jack just woke me up!” I slowly walked up to him as he was growling at Jack and put my arms around him, forcing his head to the crook of my neck, where he sniffed in my scent. As Jack left the room, I mouthed, “Thank you.” Then, holding him in my arms, I cry as he holds me tighter.

“What are we going to do, I finally ask?”

“Let’s go to my office. We will get everyone else together and come up with a plan.” He picks me up, carries me down to his office, takes a seat, and places me on his lap. Others start coming into the room, including Jack, Roberto, Hedrick, and my Mom. With his head around my neck, trying to keep his composure calm, he takes a few deep breaths.

Looking at my face, Josh immediately knows something is wrong and is the first to speak out. “Was it another vision? What’s wrong?”

“It was another vision, and Tull got in the house, killing you all,” I stated. “We know it was before the ceremonies, but we don’t know at what point.”

“So what exactly do we do? Postpone the ceremonies?” Maddy asked.

“No, this may be a good chance to actually capture him. Until after the Ceremonies, I want you all with someone at all times, and no leaving the Pack House.” Matt said, looking at Maddy, Mom, and me.

“What would you like us to do, Alpha?” Roberto asked.

“Jack will continue to watch over the Luna; I’d like one more guard on the Beta Female and one with the Luna of Midnight Rain. I want double border patrol, switching off every three hours. I would also like patrols around the pack house inside and out. Finally, I want trackers through the woods throughout the night to see if we can locate anyone who shouldn’t be here.”

“I’ll get to it, Alpha,” Roberto said as he left the room.

“Hedrick, you know Tull better than anyone else in this room. With your stepdaughter and future grandchildren on the line, please let me know anything you can. Could he still have contact with people from your pack who would help him or help us find him?” Matt asked.

“Tull had had a rough go at life when he was Beta. His mate was killed in a Rogue attack. He loved Alicia and was extremely protective of her and the three pups she was carrying. Since that day he has slowly been taking a downward spiral, but I never expected him to take it this far! Regarding pack members, Alicia’s mother is still in the pack, and she may have some contact with him. I’ll make a phone call.” Hedrick and Mom stood to leave the room.

Giving him a grateful smile as they left, Matt looked at Josh. “Is everything finalized for tomorrow?”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Maddy is everything ready on your end?”

“Everything is, but I need to readjust a few things to get Emily and me ready.”

“You two are dismissed. Make your few adjustments and enjoy your evening.”

Giving me an exhausted look, I push his head into his neck and start running my fingers down his neck.

“Thank you” is the only words I could say that express my gratitude for everything he has done for me.

“Are you hungry?” He asked.

“Not really, but I should attempt to eat for the babies.” I stood up, took his hand, and walked down to the dining room. We sat down, and he asked an Omega to bring us something to eat. An Omega placed a turkey sandwich, chips, and a salad in front of us with some water and lemonade. “Thank you,” I told her as she smiled at me and left.

As we both sat there and picked at our food, someone behind Matt cleared his throat.

“May we sit, Alpha?” Alpha Alexander and my uncle were standing there.


“We understand Tull is still a problem, and after your Luna, so in visiting this weekend, I brought 75-pack warriors for you to use in your rotation. We want to do our part in helping protect Emily as you would.”

“We brought an additional 50 warriors as well.” A voice stated as he walked up behind me. I turn my head to see Alpha, Darius, and Ty behind me. Standing up, I give Luna, Ty, and Darius a hug.

“Thank You so much,” Matt states. “This means a lot to us both.”

“Alpha Matthew, may I have a second.” Hedrick comes down as well. I have just recently gotten off the phone with Alicia’s mother. Although she’s had minimal contact with Tull, a few of the former Rogues who have recently joined us have heard rumors of a powerful Rogue recruiting an army.”

“Looks like he’s going to try again. He succeeded the first time; he won’t succeed a second.” Matt said.

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