One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 - He Was Ambushed

That evening when Jiang Hao got home, he decided not to inform his parents about the house just yet.

“I'll unveil the surprise on dad's birthday in three days!”

The following morning saw Jiang Hao heading to school, backpack in tow.

“With my current abilities, school seems unnecessary. Maybe I should skip it and just show up for the college entrance exam?”

As this thought crossed his mind, he turned a corner and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, causing his body to stiffen.

He sensed imminent danger.

Looking up, he saw a wooden stick rapidly approaching him.

In a split second, as the stick was about to strike him.

Jiang Hao's reflexes kicked in. He instinctively reached out, catching the descending stick. With his other hand, he balled it into a fist and thrust it forward with full force.



With a distressing scream, a figure was hurled by Jiang Hao, landing some six to seven meters away, before slamming into a wall and halting.

In that instant, the scene before Jiang Hao became clear.

Eight youths faced him, each with vibrantly dyed hair.

All of them poised with wooden sticks raised overhead, prepared to strike at Hao.

Yet, they were all fixated on their mate who had just been thrown, turning to Jiang Hao in sheer disbelief.

The apparent leader of the group, seeing this, urgently, yet hesitatingly, urged with a face filled with false bravado.

“Come on, guys! We're eight strong! Why should we fear just one of him?”

Quickly, the leader shoved two of his underlings forward, while aggressively nudging others at his side.

Though these ruffians were previously intimidated by Jiang Hao's action, their leader's push left them with little option.

With determination, they each gripped their wooden sticks, faces twisted in aggression, and charged at Jiang Hao with loud battle cries.


“Beat him up for me!”


When Jiang Hao saw this, he immediately smiled contemptuously.

Then, with his bare hands and nimble body, he quickly rushed forward and collided with the eight people.



After some time, a heart-wrenching cry echoed. In its aftermath, only Jiang Hao remained standing with eight figures sprawled around him.

Jiang Hao cast a glance at the eight individuals he had swiftly overpowered and let out a smile.

“Having a sense of impending danger is truly invaluable!”

Jiang Hao took pride in his Level-2 danger awareness. However, seeing the eight ruffians writhing in pain, his expression darkened slightly.

He then approached their leader, knelt beside him, and inquired,

“Young man, we have no prior enmity. Why target me?”

The young man clutched his belly, tears streaming, yet he remained silent.

But Jiang Hao wasn't one for sympathy. Grinning, he remarked,

“Choosing not to speak? I'll ensure you do.” contemporary romance

With that, he landed another blow to the young ruffian's midsection.


That strike nearly made the ruffian regurgitate stomach acids!

“Speak now, or I'll make sure you never walk again!”

Jiang Hao then grabbed a wooden rod from the vicinity, positioning it menacingly against the ruffian's groin. The sight sent shivers down the young man's spine.

This content is taken from .𝓬𝓸𝓶

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