Once Upon a Dragon Soul (Once Upon a Dragon Series Book 3)

Once Upon a Dragon Soul: Chapter 18

Over the weekend, Blake and I went home and the wyvern incident died out, or maybe my dads just made a point not to mention it in front of us.

Early Monday morning, we were all assembled in the auditorium.

I bumped into Blake right in front of the doors. “You know what this is about?”

He shook his head, and I followed him toward the gallery where we always sat.

Lucian didn’t have any information either, and I could see the unknown grated against Blake’s nerves again. It had been such a great weekend. We’d had time to unwind, and whatever this was, was working up my husband in ways I didn’t want him to be worked up.

“Good morning, everyone. Early this morning, they brought to our attention that two of our first years are missing—Cindy Le More a Fire-Tail and Francis Woodsworth a Moon-Bolt.”

Sammy gasped and the look on her face told me that she knew both of them. Tears lingered in her eyes as fear parted her lips into a gape. Becky rubbed her back as we all listened to the disappearance of the two girls. I did not know what they looked like.

I grabbed her hand as we carried on listening to Master Longwei and what was going to take place over the next few days.

“Authorities will be investigating the academy grounds, and we ask you to stay out of their way. ”

Paegeia was just as horrible as the real world with missing kids.

We all went to the cafeteria after the auditorium as Lucian and Blake went to Master Longwei’s office for more details.

“It could’ve been me, Elena,” Sammy said, with a cup of hot chocolate in front of her.

“I doubt anyone would want to go after the Rubicon’s sister. They fear your brother.”

“True. Where are they?”

“This never happened before?” I looked at her and then my gaze flickered to George and Becky.

“Not in our lifetime,” Sam answered as Becky shook her head.


“What do they want with a Fire-Tail dragon and a Moon-Bolt?” George asked.

I shook my head. “I don’t know. The kidnappings aren’t normal?”

“Normal. You deem this normal?” Sam asked.

“Behind the wall kids disappear every minute, Sammy.”

“What?” all three of them yelled, and the worry became worse. This wasn’t normal.

Authorities showed up that afternoon, and we heard via a lot of nosy students that lived on the fourth floor how they’d turned both girls’ rooms upside down, looking for clues.

“Susan heard they are still wondering if this wasn’t a runaway attempt,” Tabitha said.


She nodded.

Blake was on edge again. I hadn’t seen him for almost the entire day as he tried to find out more about the two girls.

I stayed away from him when he got like this, as he was snappy and short with his answers. Time would tell better where this was heading.

I woke up the next morning and relief washed over my face that I’d started. I told Blake and an entire weight of a building dispelled from my shoulders that he didn’t treat me like a disease the way he had a few months ago.

The first day I felt horrible, tired, and Blake was so sweet, bringing me chocolate and just wanted to cuddle. I loved him so much.

The second day, I felt even worse. In class, I grunted at a cramp and laid my head on the table.

“What is wrong with you?” Blake asked.

I gave Blake that look, and he shrugged.

I shook my head. He knew it was that time of the month and the first two days were horrible.

He grunted. “That time again?”

I looked at him. I’d told him yesterday morning. I frowned slightly as he shook his head.

When the bell rang, he packed up his things fast and stormed out of the door without me.

I stared after him with a gaped mouth, and my gaze flickered to Tabitha, who stared at Blake the same way.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Something was wrong with him, I swear.

I didn’t see him during lunch. I entered the room alone. Fear of this drastic change in Blake tugged at my core. He was fine last night, and then this morning he did not know. What had happened between then and now?

The door opened, and Tabitha came over. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. Something is wrong with him, Tabitha.”

“I told you it’s what he does.”

“No, I told him yesterday that I started. He was happy. It’s a huge relief the way we carry on. This morning it’s like he didn’t know.”

She got what I was saying.

“Something is wrong with him, and I don’t know what. This change in him is not normal.”

“You want me to speak to Lu?”


“It’s time that he speaks to this form, Elena. Or I’ll tell him during Aviant.”

“Blake will hear, and then we are going to fight again. I don’t know this Blake. I’m terrified of him.”

“You have reason to be. He used to hurt the crap out of me.”


“He won’t with you. I’ll ask Lu when I get a chance alone with him.”

“Thank you.”

She stayed with me the entire afternoon, and we even went for dinner together.

I ignored Blake the way he ignored me, and Lucian didn’t even seem to see the change.

I struggled to sleep that night and waited for Blake, but he didn’t come. I was so tired of this side of him. I wanted to puke.

The next morning, I got ready as Tabitha left early for her run. I should really start running with her to clear my head.

When I got into the cafeteria, Blake was speaking to Tabitha, rubbing her shoulder and, by the look on her face, it confused the crap out of her. She stepped back when he leaned closer, and it looked as if he wanted to kiss her.

“What the fuck?” Sammy asked.

“Sober up, Blake,” Tabitha yelled and walked with her tray to Susan’s table and plopped down on the chair. Lucian looked at both of them.

I stormed up to Blake with arms folded.

“What was that about? Are you drunk?”

“No, I’m not drunk. Seriously, get off my tits, Elena. You are not my mother,” he slurred as he walked out. Tears filled my eyes, and I walked the other direction.

Lucian followed me and pulled me back, just as I wanted to enter the Parthenon Dome.

“Elena, is he drunk?”

“I don’t know. Something is wrong with him. It’s like after the creepers…” My lower-lip wobbled as I wiped tears off my face.

“You asked your dad?” We sat on a boulder near a tree close to the dome.

“He just says it’s nothing. But I know there is something, since both of them shoot it down whenever I ask. I don’t know who he is. Blake was a jerk yesterday and this morning. What he did with Tabitha?”

“Don’t. I’m sure she only put on a play.”

“Stop! You are so daft. She didn’t like it one bit.”

“Yeah, well, you see what you see. I see what I see.”

“Oh, for crying out loud. She Dented when that pillar fell on her, and she is giving you time. She doesn’t even give a shit about Blake. Stop treating her like crap and just speak to her.”

He looked at me. “What?”

“She doesn’t care about Blake. When she woke up that night, she asked, and we thought she asked about Blake, but she wasn’t speaking about him. She was talking about you. She is hard up on you, and you will never stop thinking that she wants Blake. Why do you think I was so upset with you the night you kissed Annie? She was in tears, Lucian.”

“She never told me that.”

“Remember what my mom said? The longer they rebelled, the more they would love you. Well, she kissed someone for a long time in front of you and regrets every second, as she knows he never felt a thing about her. To be honest, sometimes I envy her, as I’m stuck with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I don’t know what is going on with him. He refuses to talk to me. It’s putting a huge wedge between us.”

“Maybe you should go home this weekend. I’ll stay, and you speak to your father, Elena.”

I closed my eyes. “He won’t tell me.”

“Then speak to Herbert. I’m sure he knows too.”

I nodded. “Thanks.” I gave him a hug, and it felt good to be in someone’s arms while my hormones were all over the place.

I got yanked out of Lu’s arms, and Blake pushed Lu against the tree.

“I knew it. You are a scaly fucking friend.”

“Blake, stop!” I grabbed his arm. “Please.”

“You are not yourself. Snap out of it,” Lucian tried.

“Snap out of it! I can’t snap out of it, as you are my fucking problem. How long has this been going on?”

“Stop it!” I yelled again and pushed at Blake. He pulled his arm out of my grip, and I fell backwards, hitting my head on the ground.

Blake stopped and reached out for me.

“Don’t, just leave me alone!” I made sure that I meant it, and his eyebrows knitted as he stared at me. He stepped backwards and left.

“Elena?” Lucian asked as tears rolled down my face.

“What is wrong with him, Lu?”

He sighed.

“What are you not telling me?”

“You need to ask your father what happened. Be stern. Blake zones out, and it’s like the old Blake comes back. A few months ago, he couldn’t remember that he was a jerk to you. He didn’t even remember that George and Becky had kissed and asked me when that happened. I realized then something was wrong and said I would help if it happens again. It didn’t. This is the first time. Let’s go check you out.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because he begged me not to say anything.”

My lower-lip wobbled as he helped me up. My head throbbed slightly.

I wanted to go home now! My father had to tell me what the hell was going on.

Bright light shone in my eyes. I hated the blind spots afterward.

“You look okay. Besides the bump on your head, nothing major is wrong with you.” She looked at Lu. “What happened?”

“Don’t ask me. Elena will tell you when she is ready.”

“Well, I feel sorry for the person if Blake finds out about this. Where is he, anyway?”

“Don’t, Constance,” I said, and her face fell.

“He is your Dent, Elena. You need to tell him.”

“No, he doesn’t have to know. Don’t tell him, please,” I lied. To tell her it was him would only sound crazy.

She nodded and smiled. “Whoever did this can be glad it’s just a bump. Thank heavens Lucian was close by. You are free to go.”

“Thanks.” I jumped off the bed and smiled at Constance. The tears were close by, but I pushed them back.

Lucian walked with me to the room.

“He won’t be in your room, Elena. It was a true order. I’ve seen it a couple of times how effective that is.” Lu looked down.

“You used it on Tabitha?”

“It slipped out in the cafeteria when she wanted to follow you. I didn’t mean it like that at all.”

“You are the only one that can break it, and make sure he apologizes to her for what happened this morning. Stand up for her. She is not his anymore to do what he wants.”

He nodded, and he waited for me as I packed my bags.

The school bell had already rung, but I didn’t care, and Lu didn’t either. He walked with me to Master Longwei’s office. I knocked on the door, and Master Longwei’s mouth slacked as his eyebrows knitted.


“My dad phoned. He wants me to go home for a few days.” The lies just seeped through.

He searched behind me, and then his gaze met mine again. “Where is Blake?”

“In class. It will only be for a few days, Master.”

He nodded.

“Speak to you later, Elena,” Lucian said.

“Be stern, Lu.”

“You too.”

Lucian rushed down the steps as I walked into Master Longwei’s office. He helped me into the chair, and I buckled myself up. My father was going to lose it if he discovered Blake had hurt me, but something was wrong with my dragon. Today, I was going to discover what.

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