Once Upon a Dragon Heart (Once Upon a Dragon Series Book 2)

Once Upon a Dragon Heart: Chapter 31

The day went by fast. There was a joyous step in Blake’s strides, and he made jokes the entire day. He was excited about tonight and left to carry on preparing. What he prepared, I did not know, but it put me more on edge.

I went to the library and looked through a couple of books on reproduction. Not that I wanted to reproduce yet, I just want to read more on the act.

The books were useless, and I took a deep breath, putting it away. I’d never been this nervous about anything.

My Cammy rang, and Blake’s name flashed on the screen. The girl standing at the end of the row glared at me.

“Sorry,” I whispered as I ran out of the library to pick it up. His holograph appeared, sitting behind the steering wheel in a car.

“Whose car is that?”


“You told him?”

“No, I just asked for a favor.”

“And he just gave it to you?”

“Blood-brother, remember?”

“You want him there?”

“Elena, no. This is just you and me. Do you want someone there?”

“They won’t understand and would try to stop it.”

He sighed. “You still want to do this?”

“Yes, do you?”

He smiled and nodded. “I’ll be there soon. Pack a bag.”

“Okay.” I pressed the disconnecting button and his holograph disappeared.

I rushed up the steps to my room and pulled out my leather bag to pack for the evening. Becky entered halfway through and looked at me with knitted eyebrows.

“You are leaving for the weekend?”

“Yes, I told a small fib to my father, so please just cover for me if by any chance he calls one of you.”

“I will.”

“Tell Sammy too.”

“Don’t worry. We have your back.”


A knock sounded at the door and I took my bag and left. Blake waited by the stairs and he let out his hand for mine. I took it as we rushed down the stairs and slipped out the door that led to the school entrance toward a tower.

Blake went behind the tower to disrobe. My stomach was in knots, but my heart was peaceful. It didn’t beat erratically as it had last night.

I was grateful too, as Blake could easily hear it. His beast of a figure walked out and handed me his clothes. I took it in my hand.

“It’s just until we reach the mountain.”

I nodded, and he held his paw open for me. I took my bag and plopped it on my lap inside his paw. His claws closed, and it was like a seat on a rollercoaster ride.

“Are you comfortable?”

“Feel safe too.”

He gurgled, which I dubbed as his dragon chuckle, and he lifted off.

The ground grew farther away as he climbed the sky. White puffy clouds whisked past us. It was so beautiful up here. The flight was very comfortable, and I didn’t understand why he couldn’t fly with me like this to wherever we had to be.

Rocks passed us, and he descended. Tall trees zoomed past, and the ground came nearer until he landed. His paw was still in the air and he lowered me slowly toward the ground. He opened his claws, and I climbed out.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Nope, but I flew relatively slow.” His head came down toward mine and he snorted, which blew my hair away. Laughter slipped from my lips.

I handed him his clothes, and he walked through two trees deeper in the forest and shifted back. The trees rumbled and a couple of birds flew from the branches.

A few minutes later, Blake ran out of the forest. “I know we are a bit early, but I like to be punctual.”

“I picked up on that too.”

Silence lingered as Blake sat next to me on the boulder. “Are you nervous?”

“And excited. Both, equal amounts.”

Blake chuckled. “You blubber.”

“Okay, I’m nervous, but it’s not a bad nervous, and it’s not linked to whether I should do this. I’ve never been this certain about anything in my life.”

He grabbed my cheek and kissed me. His kisses were addictive, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

A zapping sound made us break the kiss. Papi stepped forward wearing brown pants, a cardigan with a shirt and a golf cap on. Micha was behind him wearing her traditional guard uniform and a guy with dark eyes and dark golden skin behind her. His hair was as black as Blake’s hair.

I got up and went to kiss Papi on his cheeks.

“You sure you want to do this, Elena?”

I nodded.

Papi looked at Blake. “Well, he is your dent, so I know he’ll mean every word tonight.”

“I don’t have to be a dragon to mean every word,” I said.

“I know. I’m human too, remember?”

I smiled. “Micha.” I ran to her and gave her a hug.

“Vastech? It’s big, Elena.”

“It’s what I want.”

“I would give anything to help rescue your dad on Sunday. But it’s not life threatening to Paegeia, and I have to sit this one out.”

“You don’t have to justify your reason. I understand it’s something sacred to be an ancient guard. Besides, he needs you.”

She smiled.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, who are you to this woman?” Blake asked and all three of them barked their laughter.

“You haven’t told him?” Papi asked.

“No, I promised.”

“Elena,” Micha said, and I looked at Papi. He smiled at Blake. “I know that look. Her father carried the same look with Katie. And he discovered it.”

“I’m not as clever as him, or have the resources to discover it either,” Blake said.

“Give me your oath,” Papi said.

“I give you my oath that I would never tell a soul about what you are going to tell me.”

“She is my blood from her mother’s side.”

Blake sucked in a quick, hard breath and looked at me.

“I do not want to know what you originally thought,” I said.

“Why you said that we would always have one that would listen to us?”

“Listen, not vote in your favor. I’m fair, Blake, but yes, I would always listen to you.”

“That’s all I want.”

“Besides, I don’t know how long they will need us for hearings after you free the king. He differed from the others before him. You need to get dressed. Jose?” Papi called.

“Follow me,” Jose said, and led Blake into the woods. I followed Micha deeper to the opposite side.

We stopped, and she turned around. “Are you sure about this?”

“I am. I’m just nervous.”

“I bet you are. Something tells me Jako doesn’t know.”

“Nobody knows except the three of you.”

“I’m honored, Elena.”

She opened a bag and lifted out a plain, long white dress. It wasn’t fancy.

“It’s traditional Vastech clothes. He is adamant to keep this one as traditional as possible. He still believes in the power behind the vows.”

“They sure sounded magical.”

“They are. That is why I’m asking you if you are serious.”

I nodded.

I got dressed behind the tree and then went back toward the clearing. Blake wore a robe too, and so did Papi. His cloak was pure black, with a black hat on top of his head. He had a long parchment with golden thread sewn into it. The threats hung loose on top of the garment.

“Where did you get that?” Blake asked.

“I had this in my belongings for a long time.”

“What is that?” I asked.

“Remember how Sir Edward explained that sometimes these rituals are bound with magic? You need a magical garment like that to turn this ceremony magical,” Blake answered. “It’s a very rare parchment.”

“I know. There are only three in this world,” Papi said. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Yes,” we both said and Papi smiled.

“Not an ounce of hesitation. Step forward.”

He started the ceremony and lifted his hand in the air. I held my parents’ wedding bands in my palm. My hands became sweaty as a buzzing feeling spread through my body while Papi recited the ancient words of this ceremony.

“Lift your right hands and hold each other’s hand.”

We turned to one another and Blake’s right hand held mine. Micha stepped forward. Gloves covered her hand, and she took the garment from Papi. She placed it over our hands, and the golden threats placed on the parchment twirled around our hands and arms.

“Repeat after me, Blake. Every thread is magically sown, from scale to soul and blood to bone. My love will never die, not even after our final goodbye. It’s not random, it’s chosen. It will last for eternity.”

Blake repeated each line as it left Papi’s lips, and then he said the same words for me to repeat.

“Together now,” Papi said. “With this thread, we are bound for infinity.”

We said it together and with the last word, all the threads lit up and glowed brightly around our hands. It wasn’t warm or anything, but the buzz spread through our bodies. An invisible force pushed me toward Blake. Our bodies didn’t slam into each other but through each other, like we merged into one. Emotions I never felt overpowered me. It took my breath away, and I struggled to fill my lungs with air. It pushed inside of me, threatening to tear through me. Just like that, it disappeared. I took a huge breath.

“You felt it, didn’t you?” Papi asked.

“Felt what?” Blake said.

“What was that?” Tears filled my eyes.

“The mere reason they teach you that dragons feel deeper and stronger.”

My mouth partially opened and flickered my gaze toward Blake. “His emotions?”

Papi nodded. “You may kiss your bride, Blake.”

“Yeah? She is mine for infinity?”

Papi, Micha, and Jose laughed as Blake cupped my cheeks with his giant hands and planted his lips on mine.

They waited, and then the golden threads twirled back and lost their glow. Micha took the parchment with the gloves still covering her hands and folded it up. “Congratulations to both of you.”


We went back to the forest to get dressed and met up with Papi again.

“No rings?” I asked.

“Not with the Vastech. The bond is enough. You don’t need a symbol of your love. Don’t mention my name when any of your fathers are going to find out, either.”

My lips curved as a nervous laugh bubbled out of Blake. Papi kissed me on my temple and shook Blake’s hand. “Not blood, but sure is family.”

“I’m honored, sir.”

“To your grave, Blake.” Papi pointed a crooked finger at him.

He nodded.

The golden sparkling circle appeared again, and all three of them stepped through and disappeared.

“Why can’t we do that?”

“We are not ancients. They know different magic, are open to many things.”

The circle vanished, and we were alone. “So, Mrs. Leaf.”

“Yeah, I think mine is going to be hyphenated.”

Blake laughed. “I don’t care. As long as you are mine.”

He bent down and kissed me on my lips.

Blake had gotten us a room at a very fancy hotel and I got why he had to prepare.

The room was posh, and I was standing in the bathroom, trying to hide my nervousness at what waited for me on the other side of that door. I took a few deep breaths and willed myself that this was it. It was time.

I opened the door just as Blake was ready to knock. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” I said as I stood in a shirt and tiny shorts in front of him.

“So sexy, Elena.”

“Yeah, I’m afraid I’m not very gifted in this department.”

“You don’t have to be. You have me.”

Heat flushed to my cheeks and Blake’s thumb brushed it softly.

“I’ll understand if you are not ready for this part. I won’t force myself on you just because we are married.”

I shook my head. “I want to. It’s tradition. You are my husband and I love you.” I kissed him and he kissed me back.

His hands brushed the side of my cheek and his kisses were so damn addictive.

The kiss became greedier. Blake’s hand slid down my back and squeezed my butt cheek slightly, pushing me tighter against him. He scooped me up and carried me toward the fireplace. He put me on the soft carpet and the back of my head disappeared into a fluffy pillow.

I didn’t want to look at him or break the kiss, afraid that I wouldn’t have the courage to carry through with the deed. The kissing didn’t stop, and not long after, I started breathing like a bull through my nose.

He broke the kiss and gave me time to catch my breath as he kissed my neck, causing a million goosebumps on my skin. His hands trailed down the sides of my stomach and my heart thumbed. I tried to calm it down as his fingers hooked my panties and pulled them down.

Heat filled my entire body, not just my cheeks, and his lips caressed my stomach and planted seductive kisses everywhere. A giggle escaped my lips as he kissed the soft flesh on the side of my torso. A seductive chuckle escaped his lips as he took off his shirt.

He was so beautiful. His body was powerful, and each muscle was ripped to perfection. My palm rested softly on his abdomen, with my finger trailing the line of his six-pack. My gaze found him staring at me.

“Why are you looking at me like this?”

“Because you are mine to look at.”

My lips curved, and he laughed through closed lips, kissing me again.

My legs twirled around his waist as the kissing became faster and more demanding.

Relax, Elena, just relax.

My hands curled around the sides of his torso as he rubbed up against me. I could feel the bulge in his pants growing bigger as the kiss broke, and he moved to my neck and earlobe.

He was seriously taking his time, but then again, I had no cooking clue how to do this, other than what the books said and what I saw in movies, watching it behind Dad’s back.

I kissed his shoulder as he fiddled with his pants and pulled them down. This was it.

My muscles still shivered as I laid naked in Blake’s arms. “What the hell was that?”

His lips kissed my head. “Now you know people are so crazy about sex.”

“Does it always feel like that?”

“The first time wasn’t that nice, was it?”

“It was painful. I don’t understand why it changed?”

“Cause I know what I’m doing.” He kissed me on the tip of my nose. “You should’ve told me.”

“Yeah, I’m not that talkative. Still shy.”

“Hopefully that will change.” He sucked on my lips. “You want to take a shower with me?”

“Are the lights going to be off?”

“Whatever you want.”


He got up from the carpet, but naked, held out his hand for mine, and pulled me up. I’ve never been naked in front of anyone, but he was my husband and even if that sounded so stupid at my age, I didn’t care.

He opened the shower door and water as I waited until it was warm enough.

He pulled me inside and carried on kissing me

The cold of the wall pressed against my body. Something told me he wasn’t finished yet.

The next morning, Blake ordered us breakfast, and we enjoyed it in our bathrobes. We spoke about tomorrow and I didn’t want to think about saying goodbye to him. I was so scared I wouldn’t see him again.

After breakfast, his beast came out again as he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him.

“Sorry, I’m a horn dog.”

“I figured that much during the times we made out.”

He chuckled. “You kept your promise.”

“I did. But it wasn’t the reason I wanted to marry you.”

“I know.” He kissed me and his hand disappeared inside my robe and brushed against my skin. Goosebumps formed on my skin. It felt so good.

He rolled me on my back again and I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before he pushed him inside of me again.

He grunted, climbed off me, and crawled to the nightstand. He opened the drawer and took out what I assumed was another condom.

When he got back, we did it on the carpet.

Afterward we took another shower, and I blushed, trying to keep reminding myself that he was my husband. Was this ever going to go away?

When we got out, we both got dressed as we had to be at the castle around twelve. We have to go inside to plant bombs in the core and to get out as many flowers as possible.

I didn’t like the feeling that was making a home inside my gut. It pulled and twirled, fixating itself on the thought of what life would be like if anything were going to happen to him.

His arm twirled around my stomach as I brushed out my hair.

“What is going on in your mind?”

I shook my head, and his smile disappeared. “It’s not the right time. You have my word.” He kissed me on the side of my head, on the nape of my neck as he fisted my shirt.

A giggle escaped my lips. “Blake, we have to get going.”

A grunt escaped him as his lips disappeared. “This was so not how I imagined my first night with you. I thought we would have at least a few days.”

“Don’t start. We don’t and there is nothing we can do about it. Your dad will kill us both if we are going to be late.”

“Fine, but tonight you are mine.”

“How?” I laughed, and the nervousness seeped through.

“Stealth is my middle name.”

“It’s Samuel, not Stealth.”

“Same thing.”

He walked out of the bathroom as I tied my hair in a pony and already felt anxious about tonight. Not that I didn’t want to be with him, but that my dad or his could easily catch us. I wasn’t ready yet to share with everyone that Blake was my husband.

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