Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King by Beauticent

Once Rejected Now Desired By The Lycan King Chapter 9



“Do you notice ariy changes among the children? Will they survive the plague?” I asked one of the doctors attending to them, and he shook his head. 

“I’m afraid not, Alpha. I won’t lie to you, we are only giving them those sedatives to make them sleep and have their families believe that we have things under control. In my years of experience, I have never come across something like this, nor is there any book that pointed out that it has happened before or what we can use,” the doctor confessed. 

“So what do we do now?” 


“We are still thinking about it. Since this is a plague that no one has an idea of how to cure we will have to keep using a different approach until one works, but Alpha, I can’t guarantee those kids‘ survival because seventy percent will either die because of the plague or die while we are trying to test the drugs on them.” 

I inhaled sharply, not knowing what to say. I can’t ask the doctors to use innocent kids as a test, and I can’t just watch them die without making any effort. I felt helpless and I hated how things were going. 

The whole pack is in chaos arid I know that I can’t keep quiet for long. 

“Try all you can to keep everything under control, while I think of a lasting solution to this problem,” I said to the doctor before leaving the hospital. 

I drove back home angrily, gripping the steering wheel as I punched it repeatedly.  ! It is only a matter of time before the plague starts affecting the elders too. If it could knock the children out like that, I wondered what it would do to the elders. 

I stopped the car at the garage and stormed off into my library, reading every book about health, medicine and disease, hoping that I would come across something familiar that could help our present situation. 

“Alpha,” Mark called out, gaining my attention. I didn’t even realize when he got here. 

“What is it this time?” I sighed. 

“The elders are here to have a word,” he answered, and I nodded. There was no point asking any more questions, I already knew why they were here to taunt me about everything. 

Mark and I went to the room where everyone was waiting. I looked between their faces to take in their expression and they looked like they had a lot to say. 

Chapter 9 

“Alpha, if we make a request, will you grant our wishes?” One of the elders asked. I don’t know what they were thinking, but I know that I won’t like it. I have never liked any of their ideas. 

“And what could this request be?” 

“In my opinion, I think we should call Beth and apologize for the way things ended. As you can see, everything started the moment she left. Who knows maybe it was as a result of her anger or worse, maybe she even cursed us.” One of the elders pointed, and everyone nodded. 

“They are right, Alpha. Pleading with Beth and asking for her forgiveness might help us solve all the mysteries. You used to be very close. I’m sure she won’t turn you down.” Mark assured 

  1. me. 

“Y’all are talking shit,” Laura chimed in. “Beg Beth? Are you kidding me? How can someone as weak and useless as her be the cause of our dilemma? You all are just being anxious and it’s not really impressive,” she hissed. 

“Do you have a better idea then?” Mark snapped at her. 

“Not at the moment, but not having an idea at all is better than that useless idea of yours,” she scoffed. “I can’t believe you actually think begging that weakling would change anything. You will only make her feel important and powerful and that is the least of things she deserves. There has to be another way.” 

Then why don’t you point it out?” Mark glared at her, but I wasn’t in the mood for this drama. 

“Laura, unless you have a reasonable contribution to this topic, I’d like you to keep your mouth shut,” I warned and this time, it was the mother that shook her head in disagreement. 

“No, Lauren is right. There is no way on earth that Beth would have been the reason for all of these. What we need to work on is to do’all the research we can and find a cure to help those children get better. Arguing over unnecessary things won’t help us, and Beth certainly won’t help either.” Mother said. 

“Considering the situation we are in, there is no hurt in trying,” Mark muttered but was soon cut off by a glare. 

“I refused to believe a girl who is not capable of protecting herself would be the one to save us all. Not only is it impossible, it is also a vain hope and I am a realist.” Mother said shutting everyone else’s opinion.. 

There was no point going back and forth with Mother and Laura. They have always hated. Beth and the possibility of her being the only chance to help us would obviously rile them up, but I am the Alpha. I will make a decision that will favour my people, even if it means begging Beth on my knees, I would gladly do so, 


Chapter 9 

“Looking at the situation on the ground, begging Beth seems to be the only plausible solution, and that is exactly what I will do,” I announced and Laura stood up angrily. 

“No, never! You won’t make that useless bitch feel more important than she must be feeling right now. Have you forgotten how she brought the Lycan King to our damn house to terrorize us? Have you forgotten how that asshole disrespected you? Begging Beth is not going to be an option to consider.” She said sternly. 

“One would think you are the Alpha right now,” Mark hissed. “If any of your kids or family are part of the children suffering from the plague, would you still refuse to go to Beth for help? Would you rather have all your children die than toss your pride aside? This is not about you, Lauren. It is about the pack and you don’t make the decision here.” 

“Are you mocking me?” Laura scoffed. 

“No, because this was never about you.” Mark glared at her and the elders began to speak in Mark’s favour. 

“Clearly, none of you are concerned about the children, you just want to brag about having a solution to the problem. If this is how you plan on arguing for the rest of the day, then you will have to excuse me now. I have better things to do.” 

I left the room angrily, and Mark came after me. “Alpha, you know that we don’t have much. time to waste right?” 

“I’d do what I must to stop this nonsense.” 

I spent the next two hours in the library, reading all the medical books I came across and at this point, I think it is safe to call me a guru in the medical field but nothing points to the plague. Not even a single symptom the children are having was familiar with the ones in the book. 

I sighed for the umpteenth time, getting frustrated at how helpless I felt over the situation. My thoughts were cut short by the sound of people yelling and drumming to catch my 


I opened the window and saw a crowd storming towards the house. I knew I couldn’t hide from them for long. They needed assurance. Something to calm them and make them feel protected in their homes. 

I went outside to address the situation even though I had no idea on what to say to the grieving ones among them. 

As soon as they saw me, their screams got louder, as they began to shout from every corner. I 

Chapter 9 

couldn’t make out what they were trying to say, but one thing was certain in their voices. They were scared. 

“Listen to me everyone,” I yelled, and everywhere was silent. 

“I am very much aware of the situation we are in and I am doing everything in my power to stop it. I hear your cries and I won’t let you down.” 

“We don’t need word of mouth. We need to see you in action!” One of them yelled. 

“I will be honest with you. The plague killing the children is a rare one, and no generation before ours has encountered it before.” Fear was evident on their faces as I spoke, but I needed them to trust me on this one. 

“The doctors are doing endless research to help your children and minimize their pain, and I have been working on how to get a cure too. You need to relax because everything will be fine. 


“We are cursed! Appeal to the moon’s goodness or bring back Beth to bless us!” They yelled in 


“I promise you that I will do whatever it takes to bring peace back to the pack, even if it means appealing to Beth and bringing her back,” I vowed to my people, 

It was clear that this was a curse and I would do right by my people and bring an end to their suffering. I will apologize to Beth and do whatever I canf

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